Chapter 439

It is impossible to say that Owen has no complaints in his heart.

Of Philip's three sons, Henry already has a title, and Arnold will definitely have a title in the future. Only Owen is not high enough to be low.

After finally finding a route that suits him, Arnold didn’t help or say anything, but instead took the initiative to show his presence everywhere, which was really tiresome for Owen.


Patience you ghost!

Arnold probably did not expect that Owen would be so disrespectful. He is the kind of person who would rather me to blame the world than to let the world blame me. He can only be the first grader of junior high school, and no one can be the fifteenth grader. Now Owen gave it to him It also feels very strange.

"Member Arnold Matilda, please return to your seat." Owen didn't care about Arnold's mood, and didn't give Arnold a chance to continue speaking.

Arnold didn't bother with his face, and returned to his seat angrily, and then gave several other members of the National Party desperate winks.

Both Bruce Hughes and Adam Stephen pretended not to see it.

At this time, no one dared to jump out to touch Owen and Roque's bad luck. Owen's attitude was obvious. Everyone knew why Roque appeared in the parliament. If he jumped out at this time, he was courting death, that is, Arnold's head iron, so he dared Jump out and have a touch, other people have no relationship with Arnold, so forget it.

Nobody is stupid.

"If no one wants to speak, then we will start voting now." Owen didn't procrastinate, and quickly got to the point.

The results of the vote are reassuring. All 35 MPs voted 31 in favor and [-] against. The result of the vote is valid, and Chinese has officially become the official language in the Johannesburg area.

The biggest significance of becoming an official language is that the status of Chinese in Johannesburg has been officially recognized. From now on, all documents issued by the Johannesburg City Council and the city government must add a Chinese version on the basis of the original English version. The place names must also be marked in Chinese, and the Chinese no longer need to hire translators themselves when they go to the city council and municipal government agencies, and the government will bear all the expenses.

Rock was of course very satisfied with the result. After the voting, all the meeting agendas for the day were over. In order to express his gratitude, Rock decided to hold a dinner on the weekend, and all members of parliament were welcome to attend.

This invitation is not forced, and if some people don't want to go, Rock doesn't force it either.

Soon it was the weekend, and Anna led Bella and the servants to work from the morning, while Rockey didn't care, and entertained guests from afar in the study.

The Russo-Japanese War has been going on for nearly nine months. Both the Japanese Empire and the Russian Empire are exhausted. The cruelty of the war is beyond imagination. The war materials stored by the Japanese Empire and the Russian Empire for the war have been exhausted. The Japanese embassy in England who came to visit Rock Counselor of the embassy Yamaguchi Kisho, this time he came not only to buy medicine, but also wanted to buy weapons and ammunition from Nyasaland.

"Lord Nyasaran, nice to meet you." Yamaguchi Muxiang was wearing a black suit, vest, bow tie, tuxedo and top hat. He also brought Rock a gift, a sword from the Qing Dynasty.

It was only when Rock met Muxiang Yamaguchi that he realized why the Japanese were called "Little Japan".

Roque once thought that the term "little Japan" was deliberately demeaning to the Japanese, and was created to insult the Japanese, because in Roque's impression, the Japanese were not short in height.

Kisho Yamaguchi "subverted" Rock's impression of the Japanese. According to Rock's visual inspection, Kisho Yamaguchi's height was only about 1.4 meters, and the big guy was definitely taller than Kisho Yamaguchi when he stood up.

It will indeed make Japan smaller!

On the surface, Rock was of course polite, and he smiled kindly while shaking hands: "Welcome Mr. Yamaguchi, I hope you can have a good time in Bigwig Town."

The two sat down separately, Yamaguchi Kisho was a little embarrassed, he sat on the chair with his heels on the ground.

Rock pretended not to see it, Zach came over to serve tea respectfully, and then stood behind Rock.

It is estimated that Rock was in Muxiang Yamaguchi's heart, and he immediately looked up at the mountain.

In this era, most of the time, Orientals naturally bow their heads in front of white people. It is normal for yellow people to serve white people, but it is rare for white people to serve yellow people.

Especially for the Japanese, Rock can enjoy the service of white people with peace of mind, which seems unbelievable to Kisho Yamaguchi.

Thinking of Roque's identity, Yamaguchi Musho immediately felt relieved. After all, Rock was a baron of the British Empire, and his status in the UK was still very high. Before Ke, Yamaguchi Kisho had never heard that Orientals could become nobles of the British Empire.

"Lord Nyasaran, I heard that the Johannesburg School of Medicine has developed a special medicine for treating trauma, so I came to Johannesburg, hoping to have a better understanding of this medicine." Yamaguchi Muxiang was very respectful to Rock , There was also a deliberate half-bow when he was talking, he probably didn't feel it himself, it's really funny for him to make this movement on a chair with his size.

Funny enough, Roque didn't mean to underestimate the Japanese Empire. Although Roque was well aware of the wolfish ambitions of the Japanese, Roque had to admit that the Japanese Empire in this era was still very courageous.

Among other things, let’s talk about the ongoing Russo-Japanese War. Although the nature of this war is not just, it is the first time that an Eastern country has defeated a Western colonial country in a large-scale war. It is a subversion of the traditional colonial system. The Russo-Japanese War is also known as the "Zero World War", which shows the significance of the Russo-Japanese War in the history of world wars.

From another perspective, it can also be seen that Japan is actually very good at speculation. During the Sino-Japanese War of [-]-[-], Japan was actually exhausted in the end. Li Zhongtang was assassinated during the negotiations in Shimonoseki. When Li Zhongtang signed the contract, he had to reduce the original compensation amount by [-] million, otherwise the compensation amount of the Shimonoseki Treaty would not be [-] million taels of silver, but [-] million taels.

The same is true for the Russo-Japanese War. When the war broke out, Japan was also unprepared for war. However, with the support of Britain, Japan brazenly provoked the Russo-Japanese War. This was also a gamble on the fate of the country.

Rock doesn't care who wins or loses in Japan or Russia, it's not a good thing anyway, and Rock doesn't feel bad about how many people die.

What Rock cares about is whether he can make money. Japan invaded China through the Sino-Japanese War and the Eight-Power Allied Forces. It was simply sucking blood on the Qing Dynasty, which led to today's situation.

Now it's Rock's turn to suck blood on Japan, so Rock will not be polite.

"Mr. Yamaguchi's news is well-informed-" On the surface, one can find that Rock's expression is a bit complicated, and it seems that he doesn't want to reveal too much information.

In fact, it's all acting skills. This news was deliberately released by Rock to the Japanese, otherwise the Japanese would not know it at all.

Of course, when Roque released the news to the Japanese, he also released it to the Russians. As a result, the Japanese have already approached the door, but the Russians have not responded yet.

It deserves not to win!

"Lord Nyasaran, please be sure to sell the medicine to the Japanese Empire, and we will definitely offer you a price that satisfies you." Yamaguchi Kisho jumped off his chair this time and bowed at a true ninety degrees.

"Okay, tomorrow I will arrange for you to visit the ongoing experiments in the medical school." Rock was able to move freely, and if he wanted the Japanese to take the bait, he had to be willing to take the bait.

"Thank you very much. I also heard that Nyasaland can produce Maxim heavy machine guns and 75mm infantry rapid-fire guns. If possible, we can also buy them with a lot of money." Yamaguchi Kisho has high requirements. Japan is currently in short supply of weapons and ammunition. All the arms dealers are sharpening their knives.

"No!" Rock refused this time very simply. Maxim can still discuss it. Don't even think about the 75mm infantry rapid-fire gun. If Rock sells the gun to the Japanese, the French will probably fight Rock hard.

After the Franco-Prussian War, France regarded Germany as its biggest opponent. The 75mm infantry rapid-fire gun was regarded as a top secret in France. If it weren't for the special relationship between Britain and France, Rock would not have gotten the 75mm infantry rapid-fire gun, so this thing is lol It's not that you don't want to sell it, but that you can't sell it.

"Lord Nyasaran, please!" Kisho Yamaguchi bowed at ninety degrees again.

The etiquette is indeed thoughtful, but the request is too excessive, and it is impossible for Rock to agree.

"Mr. Yamaguchi, why should you focus on the 75mm infantry rapid-fire gun? The Nyasaland Arsenal has many more weapons that are more suitable for the Japanese Empire. Maybe you can consider it." Rock certainly does not sell Miss 75, but others are Negotiable.

In order to kill the Japanese, Rock was also prepared. The Rhodesian Northern Division and the newly formed First Cavalry Division have now been replaced with general-purpose machine guns, and the eliminated Maxim just happened to be sold to the Japanese.

Nyasaland Arsenal also prepared mortars at the same time, which is more suitable for the actual situation in Japan than Miss 75.

There is no need to keep the mortars secret now. Even if Roque did not sell them, the Russians would have invented mortars during the Russo-Japanese War.

The Russo-Japanese War was the first large-scale war that broke out in the world in the [-]th century. For some reason, the Boer War did not open the battlefield in Britain. A first-line opportunity, so I don't have the impression that I only care about the Boer War.

This is mainly because Britain can't afford to lose this man. The mighty British expeditionary force on the battlefield was beaten to shame by the Boer coalition forces. If this situation is seen by observation groups from various countries, it will really damage the majesty of the British Empire.

The Russo-Japanese War did not have so many scruples. When the war broke out, both Russia and Japan believed that they could win easily, so they did not impose restrictions on the military observer groups of various countries. Many technological innovations brought about by the industrial revolution were used on a large scale. The Russo-Japanese War, such as rapid-fire guns, machine guns, and carbines with better accuracy.

(End of this chapter)

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