Chapter 442

The special medicine developed by Abu costs about two shillings per serving, and the price of selling it to the Japanese is two pounds, and the profit is about twenty times.

The price of two pounds is also comparable to gold, one pound is equal to 7.32 grams of pure gold, two pounds is 14.64 grams, and the weight of a special medicine is only about ten grams.

If the price is set so high, ordinary soldiers will definitely not be able to use it, which will have a great impact on sales.

Rock doesn't care about this issue. It was originally limited to materials, and the current output is not high. Japan wants to buy in large quantities, but Rock can't provide it. Now it's the best way, which not only guarantees profits, but also achieves the goal.

Yamaguchi Kisho did not expect that the price of special effects drugs would be so expensive, but he did not hesitate too much. The Rand Bank agreed to provide a loan to the Japanese government. One of the conditions of the loan was that the Japanese government could only use the money to purchase materials locally in Johannesburg. , so it is impossible for Yamaguchi Muxiang to take the money away. In this case, Yamaguchi Muxiang can only open up to buy, buy, buy.

After gaining an in-depth understanding of the Johannesburg market, Kisho Yamaguchi finally realized that Johannesburg is a treasure for the Japanese government.

Japan is a country with a lot of people and little land and lack of resources, so Japan can only take the road of external expansion. When Yamaguchi Kisho did not come to Johannesburg, he once thought that Johannesburg was a backcountry with nothing but gold.

After arriving in Johannesburg, Yamaguchi Kisho discovered that Johannesburg had medicines and weapons that the Japanese Empire desperately needed, delicious potato vodka, high-quality wool textiles, and steel and machinery that the Empire desperately needed. With electricity, where is the poverty?

The only regret is that the prices of goods in Johannesburg are very expensive, even compared to Europe, the prices of goods in Johannesburg are a bit outrageous.

However, in this era of "skyrocketing prices", the prices of commodities all over the world are rising. Although the prices of commodities in Johannesburg are expensive, they are not to the level that Kisho Yamaguchi cannot accept.

There are reasons why it is expensive. For example, the special medicine produced by the Johannesburg Medical College is expensive, but the effect is indeed very good. From this point of view, it seems that the higher price is not unacceptable.

Another example is the mortar produced by the Nyasaland Arsenal. Although the price is also very expensive, it is really convenient to use and has good power. Compared with the artillery used by the Japanese army, the mortar is more suitable for the short stature of the Japanese soldiers. And relatively backward equipment level.

In 1904, the Japanese army did not even achieve mules and horses, and the transportation of military supplies basically relied on manpower. Compared with the bulky field artillery that was difficult to move, the advantage of mortars was not too great.

Even the potatoes that were only used in Johannesburg for wine and livestock were badly needed by the Japanese Empire.

Of course, the Japanese Empire was not as luxurious as Johannesburg. Potatoes were used to feed livestock. Japan also tightened its belt because of the Russo-Japanese War. Even the emperor took the lead in thrift. Many civilians in the country could not even eat potatoes.

So Yamaguchi Kisho's first order was given to the Johannesburg Agricultural Association to purchase agricultural products.

"Mr. Bronte, thank you for your cooperation. Let's have a drink together to celebrate the successful completion of the first purchase." After signing the agreement, Yamaguchi Kisho sent an invitation to Bronte, a senior employee of the Rand Bank.

The Rand Bank’s loan to the Japanese government can only be used to purchase materials locally in Johannesburg, so the Rand Bank has to send someone to monitor the use of the money by Yamaguchi Kisho. To be precise, the Rand Bank’s loan to the Japanese government All are in the hands of Bronte, and every purchase by Kisho Yamaguchi must be approved by Bronte.

For such a private invitation, Bronte was of course willing to accompany him, so the group came to the largest Oak Bar in Bigwig Town.

The Oak Tree Bar is still bustling. The drunks seem to be restless. They carnival day and night in the Oak Tree Bar. Although the Chinese in Bigwig Town account for an absolute majority, most of the people who hang around the bar all day long are white people. The Chinese sometimes come to have a drink, but not Every day.

All kinds of cocktails are the characteristics of Oak Bar. The wine cabinets in the bar are full of various alcohol bases. The bright crystal bottles are colorful under the sunlight. The carefully prepared cocktails are colorful and the band is playing melodious music. The waitresses in the bar are all gorgeous, and the air is filled with the glitz of purple, drunken and golden fans.

"Unexpectedly, this place is simply too prosperous, and it is not inferior to London." Kisho Yamaguchi had a good impression of Bigwig Town. Because of the war, all industries in Japan were withered, and entertainment venues such as bars were basically neglected.

As for the comparison with London, if the scale is not considered, the prosperity of Bigwei Town can be compared with that of central London.

"Then you must not know what it was like a few years ago. After the Boer War, Bigwig Town was also in ruins. Back then, Bigwig Town didn't seem to have that name. Bigwig Town is enough to make people forget everything before." Bronte is a resident of Bigwig Town, and of course he likes Bigwig Town very much.

Although Rand Bank's headquarters has now moved to Nyasaland, the largest branch of Rand Bank outside of Nyasaland is in Bigwig Town, and the scale of the Johannesburg branch is not as large as Bigwig Town.

"Is it all because of Lord Nyasaran?" Kisho Yamaguchi was very curious about Roque, and after going around in circles for a long time, he finally brought the topic back to Roque.

"Who says it's not? Bigwig Town is the lord's private property. The Oak Bar, Bigwig Public School, Bigwig Hospital, and everything in Bigwig Town is the Lord's." Bronte finally had something to say. Reservation, did not say that Rock is still the major shareholder of Rand Bank.

"It's just incredible, let's talk more about the lord, he is simply a legend—" Yamaguchi Kisho made it obvious.

Bronte didn't care. There was nothing he couldn't say about Roque's experience. Most Johannesburgers were proud of Roque.

It was not until the fifth glass of wine that Bronte gave an overview of Rock's experience, of course only the part known to the public, and the part about Portuguese East Africa and the Belgian Congo was not known to the public.

"It's really—it's unbelievable." Muxiang Yamaguchi's expression was a bit complicated. All this happened to a Chinese, and Muxiang Yamaguchi felt very regretful.

It seems that if the Cape colonial government chose a Japanese to work as a policeman in Cape Town, then Rock’s experience might have happened to a Japanese, if that was the case——

Yamaguchi Kisho couldn't help thinking about it.

If Rock knew, he would probably laugh out loud.

When it came time to settle the bill, Bronte paid with a loan from the Rand Bank to the Japanese government.

This is also a local consumption in Johannesburg, and of course it is not against the rules.

"Should I bring you two bottles of vodka?" Bronte was very generous, since the Japanese government paid for it anyway.

Kisho Yamaguchi immediately heard the strings and knew the meaning: "Bring more bottles, thank you Mr. Bronte for your hard work these days, we will continue to cooperate in the future, I hope everything goes well."

The talent of the Japanese in bribery is simply innate.

After paying the bill, Yamaguchi Kisho suddenly discovered a very important problem.

Under normal circumstances, the wine sold in the bar should be on the high side.

But Oak Bar sells vodka to Bronte and Kisho Yamaguchi at a lower price than the Agricultural Association sells to Sho Yamaguchi.

This is very abnormal. It is said that the Japanese government purchases in bulk, and the price offered by the Agricultural Association should give a certain discount.

"Ha, Mr. Yamaguchi, you probably don't know that the Oak Bar and the Vodka Distillery are both owned by the lord, so the Oak Bar can get the vodka from the distillery at cost price, and the vodka sold to you will have to add a part of consumption tax , so it’s normal for the price to be a bit higher.” Bronte’s explanation seemed reasonable, but Kisho Yamaguchi always felt that something was wrong.

But it was clear that now was not the time to get to the bottom of this question. The next day Nyasaland Armory sent more weapons for testing by Sho Yamaguchi, who immediately forgot about the vodka.

Compared with food and medicine, weapons are the bulk of purchases. Food and medicine only play an auxiliary role in war, and weapons are the key to victory or defeat.

The test was carried out on the training ground of the new First Cavalry Division. When Yamaguchi Kisho arrived at the training ground, he discovered that there were still several Russians on the training ground.

The Russians, who had received the news a long time ago, finally arrived late, but fortunately, it was not too late.

Enemies met each other and were extremely jealous. Muxiang Yamaguchi looked at a few Russians who were as tall as big bears, and then looked at his short, thin, skinny and weak chicken figure, and his eyes immediately returned to normal.

When several Russians saw Musho Yamaguchi, their enemies were extremely jealous. Compared with Musho Yamaguchi, Russians who are generally taller than 1.8 meters have a huge advantage, so the Russians are gearing up to give Musho Yamaguchi a lesson.

"Gentlemen, please pay attention to observe the order. Do not do anything in the barracks, otherwise you will be punished by military law." A Chinese military officer stopped the impulsive Russian in English.

"Damn locusts—" blurted out a Russian.

Right, this is the attitude that white people should have towards Chinese in this era.

The face of the Chinese officer changed, and before he had time to speak, a Russian who seemed to be an official scolded the Russian who had misfired just now: "Shut your stinky mouth!"

Suo Chao, who was in charge of organizing the test, watched with cold eyes. The words that the Russian blurted out just now would at least increase the price of Russian weapons by five percent. Will this guy be shot directly?

They're gray animals anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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