Chapter 452 Inventory

There were more people who made meritorious service in the Boer War. They annexed the Transvaal and Orange in one go, and connected the southern African colonies together. It is normal for a war of this level to spawn ten or eight barons, viscounts, and even earls Well, there is definitely a reason why the British government was able to choose Roque out of the crowd.

There was a very complicated game of interests behind the Russo-Japanese War. After entering the 20th century, the direction of the world was still a game between Britain and the Russian Empire. breakthrough.

Once the Russian Empire achieved this goal, it would threaten the chain of colonies formed by Britain along the southern edge of the Eurasian continent.

At this time, the main battlefields of the game between Britain and the Russian Empire are concentrated in the Balkans and the Middle East. Britain has lost successively on the Crimean, Balkans and Turkey issues. The Russian Empire hopes to break through from Iran and directly enter the Indian Ocean. This will affect India's strategy. Security poses a direct threat.

That's why the British government supported Japan in provoking the Russo-Japanese War, and promised the Japanese government that once the Japanese government declared war on the Russian Empire, the British government would provide loans to the Japanese government.

The joint international tribunal put pressure on countries all over the world to ban support to the Russian fleet, which is also the help given by the British government to the Japanese government.

This ban actually has little effect. The Second Squadron of the Russian Pacific Fleet had already received supplies from Germany when it passed through German Southwest Africa. Otherwise, the Second Squadron would not have been able to reach Madagascar.

If this situation continues, even if the Russian Empire loses the Russo-Japanese War, an alliance may be formed between Germany and the Russian Empire, which is also detrimental to the British government.

The reason why the British Empire is called the "shit stir stick" is so powerful.

After the Russo-Japanese War broke out, the British government fulfilled its promise to provide loans to the Japanese government, which made the Japanese government bear a heavy foreign debt.

After the war, Japan, as the victorious country, did not receive the imagined compensation, and had to tighten its belt to repay the British loan.

It's a pity that the British loan was not so easy to repay. The Japanese government did not pay off the foreign debt owed due to the Russo-Japanese War until World War I.

The Russian Empire suffered a crushing defeat in the Russo-Japanese War. It is said that the British government should be hated to the bone, but the Tsar had to rely on British funds in order to maintain his rule. For this reason, the Russian Empire had to turn against the German government and turn to Britain. Signed the Treaty of Alliance and entered World War I under British duress.

So money is really omnipotent in many cases.

Many of Rock's actions coincided with the British government's, so the British government tolerated Rock's reckless behavior and watched the Japanese government and the Russian Empire suffer.

Chris stayed in Johannesburg for a week, finally got all the materials he wanted, and returned to Nyasaland happily.

Rock also got an informal promise from Chris. In Chris's words, the War Office has never targeted Nyasaland before, and it will never be.

This promise is not very effective, but Rock still chooses to trust Chris. If an incident similar to Port Edward happens in the future, Rock will drive the base of the War Office out of Nyasaland.

As for Brad or whether there are any agents of the War Office inside the umbrella, Rock has asked Sam and Shi Zai to investigate carefully, and Rock will not go to war until the final result is obtained.

Of course, if it is confirmed that someone has been bought by the War Office or intelligence organizations of other countries, Roque will definitely not be polite. The two traitors in Port Edward have been publicly executed on the grounds that they broke into the Port Edward warehouse area with the intention of sabotaging .

Going into March, things were normal in Johannesburg.

Although Arnold did not leave Johannesburg, he did not dare to live without incident. For several months, Arnold has not been to Philip's official residence, nor has he seen Gavin Locke who was just born. If Arnold has been so old To be honest, it's not that Rock can't accept Arnold staying in Johannesburg.

The work of the parliament has been steadily advancing. For several months, the parliament has been busy formulating various laws applicable to Johannesburg. The interests of the Chinese are guaranteed in various laws. The Johannesburg parliament recognizes the property ownership of the Chinese in Johannesburg. If the conditions in Johannesburg meet the requirements, then the Chinese can also have the right to vote. These two points have confirmed that the Chinese will always be invincible in Johannesburg.

The new First Cavalry Division continues to expand. According to Adelaide's request, Rock sent some troops to Pretoria to station. The garrison in Johannesburg is still maintained at a level of about 1000, which is enough to maintain Johannesburg. law and order.

In addition to the army and the police, the local militia members in Johannesburg have reached more than 5000 people. Together with the more than 2000 employees of the umbrella company, the Johannesburg area can pull up a force of about [-] people at any time. This mobilization ability is in the entire southern Africa Nothing beats it.

At the beginning of the year, the city government organized a survey of the farms around Johannesburg. The final statistics showed that the farms around Johannesburg had an average of 150 acres of land, except for a few of the same size as Rock, Buck, Xia Jiu, and Scarlett. Except for large farms with more than [-] acres, the vast majority of farms are less than [-] acres in size.

Although the scale is small, the property has increased significantly compared to the farms in the Republic of Transvaal. The farms around Johannesburg have an average of 23.5 dairy cows or beef cattle, 115 five Merino sheep, 15 pigs, and nearly eight horses. Horses, poultry totaling over 200, and an average of 165 fruit trees.

Among all the data, the number of fruit trees is surprising. In fact, even the citizens of Johannesburg have not noticed that in the past two years, there have been more and more fruits on the Johannesburg market, with cheaper prices and better quality. All the bad fruits were purchased by Stoudemire's cannery to make canned fruit. If it weren't for this reason, the fruit in Johannesburg would be as rotten as potatoes.

The diligence of the Chinese is also reflected in the vegetable market in Johannesburg.

In Johannesburg in the past, apart from a small amount of onions, potatoes, radishes, and cabbage, there were few other vegetables on the market.

The arrival of the Chinese has greatly enriched the vegetable varieties in Johannesburg. Thanks to the climate characteristics of Johannesburg, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, carrots, eggplants, and peppers have become common vegetables in Johannesburg, and various fungi and bean products have also greatly improved. The food market in Johannesburg has been enriched, and the recipes of the citizens have also undergone tremendous changes. In the past, mashed potatoes were the most common food for the citizens of Johannesburg, but now they are fried and cooked in every restaurant. There are not many signature dishes, so there are really few customers.

Last year, excluding the gold mines in Johannesburg, the annual tax revenue of the Johannesburg city government was 15 pounds. In the first three months of this year, the tax revenue of the Johannesburg city government exceeded 20 pounds. The annual tax revenue is estimated to exceed [-] pounds .

This is almost the same as the tax on gold mines in the Johannesburg area.

Roque had promised Philip two years ago that Johannesburg's future income from agricultural products would become another economic pillar of Johannesburg, and now this goal has been basically achieved.

In the next step, Rock is ready to develop the industry in Johannesburg, which will become a new economic growth point in time.

In fact, the industry in Johannesburg is already very large-scale now. The motorcycles, vodka, and various textiles produced in Johannesburg have begun to be exported to Cape, Natal, Europe, Australia, and the United States. Although the production scale is limited, the current output is still It's not too big, and it doesn't generate much income, but after Johannesburg implemented the democratic representative system, the city government has decided to open an economic development zone in the west of Johannesburg, dedicated to industrial development.

This suggestion was of course proposed by Rock. In order to provide better services, the city government will subsidize the water and electricity used by enterprises in the development zone, and decided to build a thermal power plant in the eastern suburbs of Johannesburg to further solve the power supply problem in Johannesburg.

In terms of taxation, the municipal government will also reduce or exempt enterprises in the development zone as appropriate. For example, textile factories, which are large-scale and low-profit labor-intensive industries, do not need to pay taxes at all.

When Phyllis heard the news, she was still a little uneasy, worried that she would be criticized for it.

Rock was not worried. This was a collective decision of the Johannesburg City Council, and it was not enforced by Philip or Owen. Even if other people wanted to make trouble, they couldn't find Phyllis.

"You have to know the meaning of the textile factory. Our textile factory basically doesn't make money. The farmers in Johannesburg make money, the workers in the factory make money, and the businessmen who sell their products to Europe make money. We here It’s not normal for the two investors to make no money. It’s not bad that I didn’t ask the city council to subsidize the textile factory——” Rock was also very proud when he spoke. The current situation of the textile factory is tantamount to doing charity. It was for Arthur and Gavin Jade.

Of course, it is only at this stage.

Now Rock has increased investment in the textile factory, trying to add new product lines to the textile factory. When new products appear, the textile factory will be able to turn losses into profits, and then it will be the time to really make money.

"Thank you Locke—" Phyllis was tender and affectionate, completely ignoring Rock's purpose, thinking that Rock did all this for her.

"No need—" Rock had a rare guilty conscience, such moments are rare.

(End of this chapter)

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