Chapter 455 Back to Mother's Home

It is a very sad thing to say, under the premise of the democratic representative system, the members of the city council, who were already big figures in Johannesburg, died so unclearly and quietly, the newspapers An obituary the size of a matchbox was given, which did not attract any attention.

Even Adam Stephen’s family members didn’t make any noise, after Adam Stephen’s death, his family members didn’t show up at all, only an old housekeeper came forward, hoping to take Adam Stephen’s body from Bigwei Hospital, saying yes To be transported back home for burial.

It is definitely impossible to take away the corpse. Although Colin Bellamy is dead, the corpse can still explain a lot of things, so some people asked Bigwig Hospital to cremate the corpse and then hand over the ashes to Adam Smith. family.

Colin Bellamy didn't dare to make his own decisions, so he came to Rock.

Roque would not pity Adam Stephen's family, it's just a dog biting the dog's mouth. In this matter, Roque has no need to offend the royal family, cremation is cremation, what belongs to Caesar belongs to Caesar, and what belongs to God belongs to God.

But when Owen came to Rock, he said something disrespectful.

"Don't think too much. Many things cannot be changed by the democratic representative system. The status of a member of parliament will often become a talisman. It depends on who you are facing. Sometimes the status of a member of parliament is also a reminder. Unfortunately, many people cannot understand this." Rock can think about it, the "British Constitution" and "Bible" both emphasize that everyone is equal, can they really be equal?

Just listen to this kind of words, don't take it seriously.

If Adam Stephen were to be his general manager honestly, don’t be in the Mining Alliance to make a sense of presence when he has nothing to do, and don’t get involved in those crap things in the parliament, maybe he won’t be overturned now, because he has to look forward to Shu, and the virtues are not compatible, so he falls behind. To this end today.

Perhaps in the eyes of some people who don't know the inside story, the reason for Adam Stephen's death is Roque. After all, it is not once or twice that Adam Stephen and Roque have opposed each other.

Rock doesn't care, and he certainly won't explain it. If someone really thinks so, that's okay.

"How could you not want to? Becoming a member of parliament is the dream of countless ordinary people. For many members of parliament, what they have worked hard for all their lives is still not worth mentioning in the eyes of some people. Is the speaker not worth mentioning, and may die silently for some reason at any time?" Owen thought a little too much, but this worry is also very reasonable.

"How is it possible, you are Owen Matilda, in Johannesburg, no one can easily take you away." Rock still has this confidence.

As a member of the Matilda family, anyone who wants to deal with Owen must consider the strength of the three barons Philip, Roque, and Henry. Philip is the mayor of Johannesburg, Roque is the chief of the Johannesburg garrison, and Henry is The ultimate boss of the entire Transvaal police system, even if the royal family wants to deal with Owen, they have to weigh the consequences.

To put it bluntly, the reason why Adam Stephen was killed was because Adam Stephen had no strength himself. Obviously all the power came from the royal family, but he had to join the National Party for an illusory MP. The leader of the National Party, Arnold, was also Marty Members of the Erda family, even if Adam Stephen didn't eat inside and out, Adam Stephen's boss would not allow this to happen.

"You know that's not what I meant—" Owen's expression was not much relaxed.

"I know what you're thinking, but I want to remind you that Johannesburg, and the Transvaal, and the whole of southern Africa, even if a democratic representative system is implemented, will still be part of the Commonwealth, unless one day, southern Africa is completely independent, perhaps It can reduce a part of the royal family’s influence on southern Africa. Note that it’s only part of it. This is the rule of the game. If you don’t accept it, then you don’t have to participate. As long as you participate, it means you have accepted the rules, unless you can change the rules "Rock knew what Owen wanted to say, but it was unrealistic. Too many people had to live as a last resort. Where there were people, there were rivers and lakes. Even the rights of the royal family were now restricted by the parliament, the government, and the entire aristocratic group.

It is also for this reason that Roque values ​​noble status so much.

If Adam Stephen is also a nobleman, then even the royal family cannot kill Adam Stephen so easily.

To kill a noble, one must consider the counterattack of the entire noble group.

The reason why Owen complained to Rock was because he was stimulated by the death of Adam Stephen and complained that the parliamentary group was not respected.

If the royal family can easily kill a nobleman, then the entire noble group will be in danger, worrying whether this kind of thing will happen to them in the next moment. Charles I was killed because he offended too many people. His own people were sent to the guillotine.

From 1642 to 1651, a series of armed conflicts and political struggles took place between the British Parliamentarians and the Royalists, which was known as the English Civil War.

On the surface, the English Civil War was a war between the emerging bourgeoisie and the old interest groups. In fact, many nobles at that time also supported the bourgeoisie, and everything was at work.

"No one can change the rules." Owen thought he could not change the rules, and came to a conclusion arbitrarily.

Rock just smiled and said nothing. Owen can't change the rules, but it doesn't mean that others can't.

When Rock came to Cape Town, the Chinese couldn't even serve as the police chief, and the ceiling of the Indians was the inspector, and it was basically impossible to go up.

When the Chinese did not come to Johannesburg on a large scale, everyone thought that people of color would never be able to get the right to vote.

When Rock started building Nyasaland, everyone believed that the construction of Africa could not be separated from the Zulu people.

Rock didn't argue with those people, and changed these existing facts bit by bit. Facts have proved that the rules are made by people, and of course they can be changed by people.

But there is no need to say these words to Owen, it is a bit too shocking.

"Take your time. Now Johannesburg has just started to implement the democratic representative system. Even if you want to clear up the rights of the royal family, it will always take a process, and it can't be done overnight." Rock still comforted Owen, always wanting to let Owen see some hope.

"Couldn't Steven Hewlett be held accountable? Even if the mastermind behind the scenes cannot be held accountable, it would be fine if Steven Hewlett could be held accountable, at least to give the public an explanation." Owen still Not reconciled.

"It's already been explained——Adam Stephen committed suicide!" Rock pretended to be stupid.

"You know what's going on, so don't say such self-deceiving words." Owen was angry, thinking that Rock was perfunctory.

"It's useless. Holding Steven Hewlett accountable will not change the facts. Instead, it will cause accidents in the democratic representative system in southern Africa. Don't forget that the democratic representative system in Johannesburg is just a trial." Rock reminded Owen not to So optimistic.

Don't think that the democratic representative system is now a certainty. Adam Stephen's death may be just the royal family testing whether the interests of the royal family will be affected after the democratic representative system is implemented in Johannesburg, so in any case, Adam Stephen can only commit suicide.

Owen finally fell silent. In front of the democratic representative system, Adam Stephen was really insignificant.

Although Rock firmly opposed to holding Steven Hewlett accountable in front of Owen, but looking back, Rock still told Sam to monitor Steven Hewlett, if Steven Hewlett Forget about Hewlett being honest, if Steven Hewlett has other illegal acts, Rock will find a way to make Steven Hewlett pay the price.

Like the former Adam Stephen, Steven Hewlett is also the "house dog" of the royal family. It depends on the owner to beat the dog, but he does not need to teach the dog a lesson. He can even teach the dog a lesson through the owner.

If the owner fights by himself, there is no problem at all.

In April, a photo of Arthur suddenly appeared in a newspaper in Johannesburg. Although Arthur's hair color and pupil color could not be seen in the black and white photo, the black and white words on the newspaper clearly proved that Arthur himself Has obvious oriental ancestry.

All that's left to say is that Arthur is Rock and Ada's child.

Sadly, when Rock knew the news, Phyllis had already read the newspaper. Although Phyllis didn't say anything, Phyllis took Gavin back to the mayor's mansion that day.

"The Star, very good, get rid of this trouble." Rock didn't talk nonsense, and didn't care why the editor of the "Star" got Arthur's photo, so he threw the newspaper with Arthur's photo on it to Xia Nine, let Xia Jiu figure it out.

Xia Jiu's method was simple and rude. That night, a fire broke out at "The Star". Although no one was injured, the printing presses, ink, and paper used to print the newspaper were all burned.

This is not over yet. Early the next morning, "The Star" was shut down due to potential safety hazards. The newspaper office had to make rectifications and pass the inspection by the police station before it could continue publishing. The owner of the newspaper office also had to compensate for the losses caused by the fire to two nearby merchants. .

One of them suffered particularly serious losses. It was said to be a carpet dealer’s warehouse. Because of the fire, the carpets worth [-] pounds were burned.

The combined direct and indirect losses amounted to 15 pounds. This is definitely a huge sum of money. It is estimated that the owner of "The Star" will go bankrupt.

It was also at this time that Rock knew that Arnold was actually a shareholder of "The Star".

But at this time, Rock couldn't care about Arnold, so he had to find a way to bring Phyllis back. The baron's mansion couldn't be without a mistress.

(End of this chapter)

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