Chapter 460

God knows why Ada is in London too.

At this time, it must be too late to evade. Phyllis has already seen Ada, and her evil little hands immediately grabbed the soft flesh around Roque's waist.

It really hurts!

The kind that goes deep into the soul.

Rock didn't dare to hide, barely maintaining a smile on his face.

Fortunately, Winston was there.

Winston also knew about Rock and Ida's past. After the initial shock, Winston immediately stepped forward to say hello to Ada.

"Welcome, Senator Churchill, is there anything I can do for you?" Ada acted as if she hadn't seen Rock.

"I want to make a transfer, [-] pounds, is that okay?" Winston was a little worried about Rand Bank's ability to pay, [-] pounds is not a small amount, even if this level of business is the largest and has the strongest financial strength Reichsbank also needs to make an appointment in advance.

"Of course you can. Businesses below [-] pounds can be carried out at any time." Ada didn't even gnaw.

The strength of the Rand Bank is definitely beyond Winston's imagination. Forty thousand pounds sounds like a lot, but it is no problem for the Rand Bank. It is less than 300 kilograms in gold. What's more, the transfer is not a withdrawal of cash. It's just a walk around the account in the Rand Bank, and there is no need to go out of the bank door.

For customers of Rock and Winston's level, business is carried out in the reception room on the second floor, and a dedicated business manager is responsible for the whole process of assistance, which is convenient and fast.

Rock really wanted to go to the reception room with Winston, but Phyllis refused to let him go, dragged Rock to the balcony on the second floor, and asked viciously, "Why is she here?"

It's really vicious, and it's very different from the day before yesterday when I got angry with the shop owner.

Rock really didn't know, he didn't forget to be silly when answering the question: "Isn't it normal for a banker to stay in the bank—"

Phyllis was so angry that she was going crazy, and then she struck harder: "I didn't mean that!"

"I really don't know, and you also know that we have been together all this time." Rock was cautious, never seeing Phyllis so angry.

Ada sent Winston into the reception room, and then came out to find Rock and Phyllis.

"Lord Nyasaland, Mrs. Nyasaland, good morning." Ada, who switched to the normal mode, has impeccable manners. She is wearing a bank staff uniform that women rarely wear today, which is the kind of black suit trousers Leather boots, this kind of wearing is very common in the financial city, looking at the past, it is basically a sea of ​​silk top hats.

But these days, few women wear it like this. After all, most of the women who go out to work work in textile factories, and working in a bank requires professional quality.

The same set of uniforms, worn on those bank staff, looked similar to the servants in Rock's family.

Wearing it on Ada has a special charm.

Ada's height is relatively tall among women. Many men these days are not taller than 1.7 meters. Ada's height is obviously over 1.7 meters. For women, it is rare to be taller than 1.7 meters. The visuals stand out from the crowd.

Ada's figure is indeed good, as tall as she should be, as tall as she should be, and the carefully sewn uniform shows the curve of Ada's figure to the greatest extent.

Ada's hair is the same golden color as Phyllis's. Phyllis usually pulls her hair back for a simple styling; Ada's hair is pulled back and then used a The whole body is held by a green emerald hairpin, and the head of the hairpin is engraved with the coat of arms of the Capet family. Needless to say, this is another masterpiece of Itno.

"Hello, Mrs. Capet." Phyllis finally let go of Roque and braced herself to deal with Ada.

Unlike Ada's uniform, Phyllis is wearing a lavender tulle dress today. The style of the dress is a bit conservative. The neckline and back are completely naked, and she wears long-sleeved gloves on her hands. Yes, it seems that she is very conservative in women's morals.

Different from ordinary long skirts, the waist of Phyllis long skirt is a bit high, just below the chest, which looks similar to the waist position of traditional Korean long skirts. This style is rare at this time Well, the vast majority of white people don't even know that there is a Korean nation in this world, so Phyllis's long dress feels particularly attractive.

Rock didn't know how many different styles of long skirts Felice had. Anyway, Felice often made clothes, and she made more than a dozen sets.

Aristocrats, if they are not extravagant and wasteful, they are not called nobles. Even the clothes that Felice likes can only be worn once on formal occasions. They can be worn casually at home. If the same long dress is worn twice on formal occasions Just very rude.

Or Ada's uniform is more convenient. After all, the style is similar, and no one will notice if it is repeated once in a while.

In fact, Ada's clothes are the same, they are also uniforms, there is not much to do about the style, only the decoration, a simple family crest, can play countless tricks in the hands of a tailor.

There is actually Baron Nyasaland's badge on Phyllis's long dress, but it is also displayed on the chest of the long dress with a lavender colored thread. If you don't pay attention, you can't see it at all. The contrast between the nouveau riche who can't wait to tell the world is stark.

In fact, the cost of Phyllis’s long dress is not much cheaper than a big gold chain. The badges on the long dress are all embroidered by hand, and the skirt and neckline also have flower petals and cloud patterns embroidered with lavender thread. If you look carefully, you can't see it either. Rock doesn't even know what the meaning of such decoration is, probably this is the so-called "low-key luxury".

"Sorry, I may have disturbed your mood, but I really didn't mean it. I came to London to check the business of Rand Bank. Recently, the branch here in London has a lot of bad debts." Ada's reason is very suitable, banker? , appearing in the bank is indeed very appropriate.

"Then you have worked really hard." Phyllis's smile is also very mature. This is a basic ability, and she has been practicing in front of the mirror since she was a child.

"This is my job, so it's not hard work." Ada stood about one and a half meters away from Phyllis, which was a suitable distance.

"What's the matter with the bad debts?" Rock didn't want to watch the two women gossip, but he still cared about the business of Rand Bank. After all, Rock was the boss of Rand Bank. If Rand Bank lost money, then Rock would not have a good life.

Bad debts in banks are unavoidable. The information is seriously not smooth these days. In many cases, if the review is not strict, the probability of bad debts is simply unacceptable.

In the case of the UK, banks can open whatever they want, and there is not even a unified banking supervision department, so there are so many large and small banks in the Financial City.

Then there are countless banks that close every year. The London branch of Rand Bank was taken over from a bankrupt banker.

"Almost all bad debts are due to loans. Sometimes the business manager has a problem during the review, and the price given is seriously beyond the value, and then it becomes a bad debt. Housing prices in London are very expensive, and not many people can afford it." , so it is very difficult to sell the house." Ada has a headache, the higher the housing price, the fewer people who can afford it, and a guy like Rock who spends a lot of money rarely appears every year.

Many run-down nobles these days are unwilling to borrow money from others because of their status, so banks have become the best channel for working capital.

There are not too many run-down nobles who try to sell their ancestral property to survive. Sometimes the same house is even mortgaged to several different banks. This is only done if you sell your property and leave the UK. Many people go to the United States.

"Wait, Rand Bank has a lot of houses now?" Rock felt that it really didn't take much effort.

"Yeah, I'm going to set up an intermediary company to tidy up the houses and rent them out. Unfortunately, many houses are close to abandoned, and the maintenance value is very little. There are nearly [-] houses in Chelsea—" Ada also said. Before finishing speaking, Rock immediately went to the reception room.

Since the Rand Bank has so many houses, it is still worth buying for [-] pounds. Rock is really distressed.

Winston was discussing the difference between Panamanian cigars and Cuban cigars in the reception room with the key account manager. This guy absolutely loves cigars. It is said that he has smoked [-] cigars in his life. It is a blessing from God not to have lung cancer.

Seeing Roque, Phyllis, and Ada come in, Winston didn't even pay any attention to it, and just vomited on his own.

The key account manager reacted quickly and got up immediately to ventilate and let the lady smoke second-hand smoke.

"Winston, I don't want to buy a house." Rock was very happy. There were nearly a hundred houses, and Rock could choose slowly.

Winston was still a little dazed, but after listening to Roque's explanation, the look in his eyes changed again.

They are also human beings. Winston can't even afford a house in Chelsea, but Rand Bank has hundreds of houses. With so many houses, they can all be rented out for a year's rent of 10,000+ pounds.

"Now you can rest assured that the bank has foreclosed on the house. Do you want to deal with it cheaply?" Rock is very generous at the moment. The reason why bad debts are bad debts is because the capital cannot be liquidated, and Ada is still very capable. Yes, renting out the house is a good choice, and the rental rate of return is actually good.

There is no such thing as property rights in houses in this era. The land is private, and the house will always be private. Therefore, as long as it is maintained and repaired in time, it is not uncommon for a house to be passed down for hundreds of years. This kind of stone structure house in the UK , most of which are hundreds of years old.

"Of course! Idiots don't want it!" Winston wanted to eat the big family angrily, but unfortunately his appetite was not good enough, and he might not be able to eat Rock if he was full.

At this time, Ada had instructed the key account manager to bring over the information of those properties, and the house that Rock wanted to buy was actually included, but the house was only worth [-] pounds at the Rand Bank, which was cut in half.

Sure enough, the price is still a bit false.

(End of this chapter)

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