Chapter 462

The young man who spoke was also surnamed Churchill, and he was the second son of the Duke of Marlborough in this generation. Winston’s father, Randolph Churchill, was the third son of the Duke of Marlborough in the seventh generation, so Winston and William Churchill was a cousin.

Although they are both members of the Marlborough family, their relationship is different, and their status in the family is also different. The Winston family is a side branch, and there is no chance of inheriting the title of Duke of Marlborough in this life. William still has hope. His older brother died, so he was the Duke of Marlborough's first in line of succession.

That's why I have the right to be arrogant.

Faced with Winston's reminder, William not only did not hold back, but instead retorted: "My dear brother, I am not like you. I left Southern Africa empty-handed with nothing, and I also left a disgraceful stroke in my resume, which is a shame for the family. Shame, the Marlborough family is destined to flourish in my hands, you should be your member of parliament honestly, although I don't know how long you can be."

The dead child was very arrogant, and he would reveal his old story as soon as he opened his mouth. No wonder Winston didn't like anyone in the Marlborough family. The closest person since childhood was actually his nanny.

After Churchill was born, because his father, Randolph Churchill, was busy with politics, and his mother, known as "the most beautiful woman in the world", was indulging in communication, Churchill rarely felt the care of his parents in his youth.

This is why Winston attaches so much importance to the friendship with Rock. Although the relationship between Winston and Rock has certain political factors, it is undeniable that Winston feels a rare friendship from Rock.

"Don't go too far, William!" Winston blushed from the humiliation.

Rock looked at Winston's hairstyle that had begun to develop towards the Mediterranean, and suddenly felt that the life of the "greatest Briton" in history was really not easy.

"How about Lord Nyasaland, make an offer, no matter how much you want, I will satisfy you." William dismissed Winston's warning, and turned around and entangled with Roque.

Winston still wanted to talk, but Rock couldn't keep Winston out, so he patted Winston's shoulder lightly.

Winston turned his head and saw Rock's calm face. After thinking for a while, he smiled and stepped aside.

"Mr. William, I'm sorry, I don't sell." Rock didn't ask for a price. It's easiest to refuse directly. It's not appropriate to be too low or too high.

In fact, no matter how much Roque asks, it will not be too high compared to the actual value of the Far West Rand gold mine, but others will think so, after all, it is just a mere gold mine, no matter how high the price is, how high can it be? go.

"Lord Nyasaland, I think you should consider my proposal." William's face was gloomy, and he probably didn't expect Roque to refuse so directly.

This is not a question of money or not, it is a lack of face, which is really unacceptable to the proud young people.

"Winston, let's go out for a walk, the air here is not very good, the smog in London is really serious—" Rock ignored William at all, the more face this kind of person gave him, the more enthusiastic he was , it is best to turn a blind eye directly.

"Well, the air here is indeed not as good as the Cape." Winston didn't want to talk to the bear kid either. He was already an adult at the age of eighteen or nineteen, but he still spoke and acted so thoughtlessly. I'm afraid I'm not dreaming.

"Lord Nyasaland, if you leave now, you will definitely regret it." The bear boy is still working hard, but in fact there is no threat at all, and Rock is not a soft persimmon to be manipulated by others.

"I'm sorry Locke, I didn't invite him. You know, there are always things that don't go your way." Winston apologized to Rock as soon as he went out. In fact, it should be more appropriate to say that the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

"It's okay, don't worry, I know you won't always be an ordinary congressman." Rock said lightly, in fact, even the most ordinary congressman is not so ordinary.

It's just that for wealthy children like Winston, a member of parliament is just the beginning of their political career.

If there is no accident, the Liberal Party will win the British general election next year, and then Winston will become the Deputy Minister of Colonial Affairs, which is roughly equivalent to the Deputy Minister of Colonial Affairs. Winston's greatest achievement during his tenure is to promote the autonomy of southern Africa.

After Rock's self-government in southern Africa, the status of the Chinese is so confident, part of it comes from Winston. As long as Rock maintains a relationship with Winston, the interests of the Chinese can be guaranteed.

Therefore, Rock did not hesitate to invest in Winston. What is a house? After Rock left the British mainland, he would also give the Sandhurst estate to Churchill.

Money can't solve all problems, but money can effectively improve Winston's strength. Now Winston doesn't lack status, what he lacks is real money. Rock now knows Winston's status in the Marlborough family. Situation, becoming a member of Congress is probably the biggest help Winston has received from the Marlborough family, so Rock doesn't mind directly using money to help Winston make up for the last shortcoming.

If you want to be like a fish in water in the political arena, you can't do without money.

"It's a pity that not everyone thinks of you that way. Those people will definitely regret it." Winston was confident, although this kind of confidence seemed ignorant to many people.

To become a big shot, everyone has an unyielding heart. With the honor he got from South Africa, Winston quickly became a member of Congress. Under normal circumstances, Winston would slowly sink in the parliament and lose sight of everyone.

That's why Winston will become an "independent Conservative", constantly creating topics and maintaining exposure, so that Winston will receive continuous attention.

Rock and Winston stayed in the garden outside the banquet hall for 10 minutes. After the noise in the banquet hall subsided, Rock and Winston returned to the banquet hall.

William has disappeared, but the expressions of the guests are a little strange.

After Winston inquired, he found out that William actually went to the Flower Hall.

The flower hall was also a part of the banquet. Because the protagonists of the banquet were the Rock and his wife, the guests had to bring their female relatives. Even Winston, who was not yet married, found a female companion to accompany Phyllis.

Winston's female companion is Clementina Hozier, who comes from a declining noble family.

Rock suddenly thought of Ada, and immediately felt bad.

A bear is just a bear, and he is not safe wherever he goes. When Rock came to the flower hall, the atmosphere in the flower hall was even more awkward. Only William's voice echoed.

"—The government is becoming more and more outrageous now. Anyone can be granted the title of noble. If this continues, the group of nobles will be tarnished. The inferior people are not qualified to appear in the banquets of the upper class. I really don't know Why do those nouveau riche have the confidence to swagger through the market, relying on the hard-earned money they earned from squeezing those Africans in the colonies? This is a shame—” William made a generous statement, and the language was clearly directional.

"Come on, the way your ancestors accumulated wealth was not aboveboard. How long has the Royal Navy been ashore? There are so many wronged souls in the world's oceans. The clothes you wear, the wine you drink, and even the place you stand are all yours. My ancestors snatched it in the most barbaric way." Only Ada can retort so directly, don't forget that Ada is French, and she is actually a blood feud with the British.

"Mrs. Capet, I didn't mean to accuse the French nobles—" William unexpectedly succumbed, which made Rock feel even worse.

Money and beauty, or career and love, are two issues that young people can never avoid.

A woman of Ada's level is destructive to young people aged [-] or [-]. It is estimated that William does not know the relationship between Roque and Ida, otherwise he may resent Roque even more.

All the good things in the world cannot be occupied by one person.

"Thank you Ada, Phyllis, we should go." Roque thanked Ada for his righteous words, and then wanted to leave with Phyllis.

A good banquet was completely ruined by a brat.

"Hehe, Lord Nyasaland, why are you leaving in such a hurry, we can chat for a while." William was trying to show his demeanor right now.

After all, women who are eligible to participate in the banquet are the best in terms of body and appearance. In the situation of the corrupt country, the relationship between men and women, women and women, and even men and men are very chaotic. Rock actually doesn't want Phyllis Had too much contact with these people.

Rock ignored William at all, and turned a deaf ear to William's words. This kind of brat with the second disease is the most annoying, and he can't just beat him up, so it's better to let it hang.

Before leaving the manor, Rock and Phyllis did not forget to thank Winston and Clementina Hozier for their hospitality, and then left directly.

As for Ada, Rock doesn't need to worry about it. For a young man like William, Ada can easily deal with it. Rock doesn't worry that Ada will suffer at all.

Sitting in the closed car, Phyllis began to complain: "The broken child is too much, what if Gavin grows up like this in the future?"

Phyllis was really worried. If Gavin grew up like William in the future, Phyllis would probably go crazy.

"Practice a trumpet again when you grow up like this." Rock is not worried. The reason why there are bear children is mostly due to the bear parents. As long as the parents strictly demand it, the chance of bear children appearing is not high.

"Although I don't like Ida, I really want to thank her just now. If it wasn't for Ida, I couldn't have stayed for a minute." Phyllis lacks experience in dealing with bear children. It was embarrassing for Seth.

This is a good sign, and Rock suddenly discovered that brats have such benefits. If so, Rock doesn't mind having more brats like William in his life.

In this life, it is impossible for Rock to think about the blessings of others, as long as Phyllis doesn't get angry whenever Ada is mentioned.

(End of this chapter)

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