Chapter 471 The Mouthpiece

After Roque's speech was over, Phyllis immediately hugged and kissed Roque, and rhythmic applause sounded in the entire auditorium, which was appreciation and praise for Roque.

Rock stepped down from the podium to be congratulated by Winston and Victor Foster.

"The speech was very exciting, Locke, why don't you also talk about your performance in Natal counter-insurgency, it will be even more exciting." There is no way to do anything to William. Now that William is unlucky, Winston is happy to hear it.

"The Sandhurst Royal Military Academy hasn't included Natal's battle example in its textbooks yet, wait until they write it in." Rock was also in a good mood, and the applause continued at this moment, and the sporadic boos were negligible Smell, this proves that the effect of the speech is not bad.

"Lock, give me a report back and write down your experience in the Boer War in detail, especially the details of attacking the Boer coalition positions. The expeditionary force is too much, and we don't know many things." Victor Foster wanted to know more details of the war, which the expeditionary force would certainly not report.

"Okay, I want to go back and sort it out. After all, it has been several years, and I can't remember some details." Rock promised that the report would definitely be written, but Rock would not highlight the impact of the commandos in the expeditionary force. Injustice.

In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you write about this matter or not. Even if Roque vents in the report, Victor Foster probably won’t be able to find justice for Roque. If the cover is really lifted, the image of the entire Army will It will be damaged, and it will not bring much benefit to Rock, but will add more enemies to Rock.

Rock is now in demand for the Sandhurst Royal Military Academy and the Woolwich Royal Military Academy, which trains Army junior officers and staff officers; the Woolwich Royal Army Academy trains the artillery, engineer and signal corps officers.

Rock very much hopes to send some officers from Rhodesian Northern Division and the new [-]st Cavalry Division to study at Sandhurst Royal Military Academy and Woolwich Royal Military Academy in batches, which will effectively improve Rhodes The quality of officers in the North West Asia Division and the new [-]st Cavalry Division.

Although Roque despises the "thin red line" tactics that are now popular in the British army, the British army also has advantages that Roque does not have, such as staff officers, artillery, and engineers. If you rely solely on Rock's own training, then there will be There are many detours to go, and many technical things need to be made up slowly. The military academy is still qualified in the training of officers' basic qualities. As for tactics, Rock has his own understanding in this regard.

Most of the students of the Sandhurst Royal Military Academy are boarding students, and students in short-term training courses like Roque can go to school, so after the speech, Roque returned to his home with Phyllis and Winston. manor.

It was already lunch time, Phyllis arranged lunch as soon as she got home, and she had to take care of Gavin, Rock and Winston were chatting in the living room.

"Your counterattack is simply amazing. William is now sent to India. Lord Beiyan is going to use the "Daily Mail" as a price to apologize. Are you satisfied with the result?" Winston came to listen to Rock's speech There are other purposes, because of his special relationship with Rock, he is the best candidate for peace.

"If someone else spoke, at least the Mirror and the Observer should be added. Since you spoke, forget it." Rock gave Winston face, and Winston immediately smiled.

Lord North Rock was still very capable, and at the age of 17 became an assistant editor of the "Youth" magazine, and became a contributor to the "Morning Post" and "St. James' Gazette".

After becoming an adult, Beiyan founded the magazine "Answer to Readers' Sent Books" in 1888, which was a great success. Then in August 1894, Beiyan purchased the "Evening News" which was on the verge of bankruptcy, and then successively founded the "Daily Mail". , the Daily Mirror, and the Observer.

Beiyan is committed to news reform, advocates concise and easy-to-understand news writing, and uses maps and photos to annotate reports. The newspapers he founded are very influential. In 1908, after Beiyan gained control of The Times, he established Founded the earliest newspaper group in the UK - Beiyan Newspaper Group.

Now Beiyan has not obtained "The Times", "Daily Mail" is the most influential newspaper under Beiyan's name, Beiyan is willing to give "Daily Mail" as compensation to Roque, it is indeed very sincere.

"What are you going to do with the Daily Mail? Do you run it yourself or sell it?" Winston is very interested in the Daily Mail. As a politician, Winston is well aware of the newspaper's influence on public opinion.

Don't forget, the reason why Winston went to South Africa was as a reporter. A long time ago, Winston was a well-known professional writer, otherwise Winston would not be handy in making news.

"Of course I run it myself, but the "Daily Mail" is not enough. What is the current situation of "The Times?" Rock wants to play a big game. If Rock sets up a newspaper group before Beiyan, then More than half of London's future public opinion will be under Rock's control.

"It's very bad. The current situation of the Walter family is not good. Their position is too neutral. They neither favor the Conservative Party nor the Liberal Party. This position is fine, but neither the Conservative Party nor the Liberal Party like it, so The Walter family is looking for a buyer, do you want to take over?" Winston's preparations are well prepared, and it seems that the purpose is similar to Rock's.

"The Times" is the newspaper with the largest circulation in the UK, and its circulation once exceeded the sum of the circulation of all newspapers and periodicals in London except "The Times".

In 1785, John Walter founded "The Times", and now "The Times" is still controlled by the Walter family, but because the Walter family is becoming more and more conservative in politics, the operating conditions of "The Times" are not good now, and sales are affected. The strong impact of the Penny Papers.

"Penny paper" refers to cheap newspapers such as the Daily Mail and the Daily Telegraph, which was founded by Colonel Sley in 1855 and sold for twopence.

Even though the price of the "Daily Telegraph" was so low, Colonel Slay still couldn't afford the cost of printing, and soon transferred the "Daily Telegraph".

In 1888, the circulation of "Daily Telegraph" reached 30 copies, surpassing "The Times" to become the newspaper with the largest circulation in the world.

"Why not? Contact the Walter family for me, and say that I want to buy The Times, and ask them to give me a suitable price." Rock is rich and powerful, and two pence is too expensive for Rock, and one penny is the most expensive. it is good.

The "Daily Mail" and "Daily Telegraph" sold more than "The Times", relying on low prices.

Money is no problem for Roque. The selling price is not the key factor in determining whether a newspaper is profitable. Roque does not make a profit by selling newspapers at all. The income from buying advertisements is much higher than buying newspapers, not to mention that Roque values ​​the influence of newspapers more. Even if he loses money, Roque must have a channel to make his voice heard.

"No problem. I'll call Little John when I get back. I heard that Little John priced The Times at no more than [-] pounds. This price is actually very suitable." Winston knew that Rock was not short of money, the key was And willing to spend, so money is not a problem.

Winston was still very efficient. That night, Rock received a call from Winston. The price offered by the Walter family was 1 pounds, which was higher than what Winston estimated.

According to Winston, the price is obviously negotiable, but Rock didn't care about the money, and agreed to the price directly on the phone, and hired a lawyer to find Little John the next day. Buy The Times.

For Winston, the price of 1 pounds is a bit high, but for Rock, this price is too cheap. Although the "Times" is not doing well, its influence is unparalleled. Compared with the Times, the Post and the Daily Telegraph have higher sales, but their influence is far worse.

It was only after he came into contact with the media industry in London that Rock discovered that the "Sun" hadn't appeared yet.

Then Roque is not welcome. Since Roque already has the "Times" and "Daily Mail", it is logical to have another "Sun". After the establishment of the "Sun", the Roque Newspaper Group has Ready to come out.

Because Roque will not stay in London for a long time, Roque still went to Ada for this established newspaper group, hoping that Ada could be the general manager of the newspaper group.

"We have established a film company, and it is normal to add another newspaper group. These two industries actually complement each other. You can promote movies in newspapers, and you can promote newspapers in movies. Believe me, these newspapers will make a lot of money. Yes." Rock didn't mind giving the money to Ada, anyway, it was Arthur's in the end, even if Arthur didn't have a title, it would be good to be a media tycoon with the newspaper group.

The combination of these three newspapers in Roque's hands is very reasonable. The politically oriented "The Times" has enough influence. As long as Roque keeps injecting funds, the influence of "The Times" will become greater and greater.

The entertainment-oriented "The Sun" has only just started publication, and Rock needs to cultivate more paparazzi before the "Sun" can really play a role.

As for the "Daily Mail", it now has a certain foundation in the UK. If Rock can hit the market with a lower price, then sooner or later the sales of "Daily Mail" will surpass that of "Daily Telegraph". Rock has enough power to influence public opinion in London.

It's important for Roque and Winston, Neville Chamberlain.

(End of this chapter)

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