Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 475 I Have a Good Heart

Chapter 475 I Have a Good Heart

Women's friendship is so incredible. Before boarding the ship, Phyllis and Ada were still inseparable. Less than ten days after boarding the ship, they were already inseparable.

Of course, this has a lot to do with Ada's deliberate ingratiation. Don't underestimate the banker's communication skills, it's not even a little bit better than Phyllis.

The two brothers Arthur and Gavin also played a big role. I have to say that the blood relationship is a very wonderful thing. Since the relationship between Phyllis and Ada improved, Arthur will come to Gavin every day, brother Sometimes the two sit together and babble in words that no one can understand, and chat for an entire afternoon. Phyllis and Ada are happy and quiet, and they have more and more common languages.

In fact, both of them have received elite education since they were young, and they have many common hobbies. Although Ada is a widow, she is also a lady from a famous family. In the environment like Cape Town, Ada has many advantages that make her survive. Phyllis was in admiration.

Not to mention Phyllis, if it weren't for Ada's worries and refusal to disclose her relationship with Roque, Phyllis probably would have never had a chance. Liz's decisiveness and persistence in love.

September NO.20, Roque returned to Johannesburg, the Transvaal general election has been completed, the Liberal Party successfully won, Philip, as the candidate launched by the Liberal Party, became the prime minister of the Transvaal, and the mayor of Johannesburg changed his relationship with Roque Nice former tax commissioner Marcus Beaufort.

Rock did not stop in Johannesburg, but took Phyllis and Gavin directly to Pretoria to meet Philip.

"Lock, you really have it, have you heard? Harry Alsop has been deprived of his title now, and he has gone crazy in prison—" Henry was very happy when he saw Rock, if it wasn't for Harry Elsop Thorpe hurried back to London, Philip would not have won so easily.

In Pretoria, the deputy governor, Harry Alsop, still has some weight. Before Ade left office, the National Party’s support rate in the polls was evenly matched with that of the Liberal Party. As a result, because Henry fell into the water, Harry Alsop Alsop hurried back to London, and the great situation collapsed in an instant, and the National Party fell apart and now ceased to exist.

Roque didn't expect the result to be like this. Henry Alsop deserved what he deserved, and Harry Alsop and the National Party were affected by the disaster, but Roque didn't take credit for it, and kept a low profile on this issue.

"It has nothing to do with me. Harry Alsop is going to kill me. I can't just stand there and let him kill me." Rock would never admit that this had something to do with him.

As the chief of police, Henry has the right to park the carriage directly on the platform of the train station. Rock and his party got on the carriage and went directly to Philip's mansion.

Coincidentally, Philip's official residence was the castle that Christian had found for Rock.

Now that the Pretoria Finance Bureau has a new office, the castle was vacated as Philip's official residence and the headquarters of the Liberal Party in Pretoria.

In the carriage, Henry talked about the Transvaal after Ade left office, and his disappointment was palpable: "You may not know that the term of Earl Selborne has been in office for more than a month, but he has been in Cape Town all the time. I didn’t come to Pretoria. It’s said that I’m recuperating in Cape Town. Now Pretoria is very chaotic. After Governor Milner left, the work of the Governor’s Office has come to a standstill. Fortunately, now that there is the Prime Minister’s Office, the work is finally done. It is slowly recovering, but it is obvious that people's attitudes are a bit negative, and they no longer have the enthusiasm for work that Governor Milner was in office."

Adelaide's prestige in the Transvaal is indeed unparalleled. If a democratic representative system is implemented in the Transvaal, then Adelaide is the most suitable candidate for prime minister. It is a pity that Adelaide does not want to stay in the Transvaal, so Philip was pushed to the front of the stage.

The image brought by Adelaide's resignation is immeasurable. As the founder of the Transvaal, many officials in the Transvaal are now single-handedly promoted by Adelaide, including Rock and Henry. I am very grateful. Now that the Prime Minister is replaced by Philip, it will certainly not affect Roque and Henry, but it may not be true for others. Philip has to adapt to the new environment, and other officials have to adapt to Philip's way of working.

What is certain is that Philip is not a workaholic like Ade.

When Ade was in office, no matter how big or small he was, he had to do everything by himself; Philip was more like governing by doing nothing, and rarely interfered with the specific work of his officials, which would inevitably cause some officials to slack off.

"This is the work of the old man. It has nothing to do with us. Let's just do our own work well." Rock is not in a hurry. There is a chance to come back.

In this situation, Roque will not tell Henry yet. Although Henry is also very grateful for Adelaide's promotion, Henry's attitude on this issue is still unclear. If Adelaide comes back, Philip will be the most affected. Henry arrives What will happen when the time comes, Rock is still not sure.

"The old man is very strict. He has been to the police station twice in less than a month since he arrived in Pretoria. One time I was not there, but he was waiting for me in my office. Fortunately, Mars was smart and timely. Call me." Henry is still afraid when he thinks about it now, probably he didn't do anything good at that time.

Mars is Henry's captain of the guard, just like Tang En next to Rock.

What's interesting is that Mars is not a serious policeman, but Henry's friend when he was young. Unlike Henry, Mars did not come from an aristocratic family, and he didn't make a name for himself when he grew up. Later, he learned that Henry was named Favar Baron Te, he traveled all the way to find Henry for a living.

Henry was very interesting, arranged Mars by his side, and made Mars a home in Pretoria, so Mars was very loyal to Henry.

Rock's mouth opened, and he didn't know how to complain about Henry's behavior. To say that Henry is now the chief of police and the Baron of the Empire, but he is doing things more and more out of tune, is even more exaggerated than before.

Thinking about it this way, when Philip came to work in Pretoria, he could just keep an eye on Henry.

Sure enough, when he saw Phyllis and Gavin, Philip felt very relieved, and when he saw Henry and Rock, Philip changed his face instantly.

Rock was very depressed, not knowing where he offended the new prime minister.

"Harry—" Henry mouthed exaggeratedly behind Philip.

Rock knew it right away, and Philip probably thought that Rock was deliberately getting Harry Alsop away so that Philip could win.

In fact, it's really not, this little old man is a bit arrogant now.

Sitting down on the sofa in the living room, Philip held Gavin in his arms for all kinds of family happiness.

Phyllis was busy directing Bella to distribute the presents brought back from London to everyone.

Rock did not regard himself as an outsider, and found a box of tea leaves printed with Chinese characters in the tea cabinet in the living room, and prepared to make tea for everyone.

Only Henry sat on the sofa scratching his head and scratching his head, feeling like he was sitting on pins and needles.

"Is the job at the police station very leisurely?" Philip saw that Henry was displeased in all kinds of ways, and he picked bones from the eggs when he was fine.

"It's okay—" Henry didn't know how to answer, as if he was busy, let alone free.

"Father, this is the pipe I brought you. It is said that it was used by Napoleon." Fortunately, Phyllis took out a wooden pipe and showed it to Philip happily.

Philip took the pipe, glanced at it casually, and threw it on the table in front of him.

"It's simply ignorant. How can something from the Stuart Dynasty belong to the French!" .

Heraldry is also a subject of knowledge, and European countries have also been passed down for thousands of years. There are so many nobles in each kingdom, each noble has a unique badge, and some nobles have more titles, that is, there are badges inside the badge. It took a lot of hard work.

Philip has obviously put in a lot of effort, so forget about Phyllis, it's useless to learn this stuff, it's better to learn how to cook.

"Even if it's not, you can't throw it away for me. I gave it to you!" The little padded jacket was very angry. This attitude is very wrong, and he must be resolutely criticized.

Philip couldn't laugh or cry, he picked up the pipe immediately, and admitted his mistake in a hurry: "Yes, I was wrong, but you should learn something about this. As Mrs. Nyasaland, Locke is busy with work. It's all your responsibility to—"

Rock watched with gusto, Henry wanted to cry, and this double standard was too obvious——

No, if I want to vent my anger on Rock's son later, Gavin will forget it, Phyllis will definitely not agree, Rock still has a son——

Henry is a bit psychopathic.

"It's all Christian's fault. I originally wanted to buy you a new pocket watch, but Christian said that this pipe was used by Napoleon, so I guess he was deceived. Locke, I think you need to discuss this issue. That idiot Christian doesn’t know how many times he’s been cheated.” Phyllis spoke plausibly, but she was indeed prepared, and immediately brought out another pocket watch for Philip.

Now Philip is really relieved, the daughter is a little stupid, but stupid people have stupid blessings.

Rock really didn't expect that there were all kinds of scams in the western antique market, but fortunately, the pipes from the Stuart dynasty were also good, and they could barely be regarded as cultural relics, so Christian couldn't be blamed entirely.

Christian has never studied heraldry. He is a Boer from South Africa. He has never even been to Cape Town before he met Rock, so he knows nothing about heraldry.

But seeing that Philip likes pocket watches so much, Roque has a way to make money again. Of course, wristwatches are more advanced than pocket watches. This is what men like.

(End of this chapter)

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