Chapter 480 South Africans

Someone once criticized the Chinese as the least rebellious nation in the world. In fact, it was all nonsense. Those who said this must have received money, otherwise they would not open their eyes and speak nonsense against their conscience.

If the Chinese do not have the spirit of resistance, then the white people are simply ignorant and numb. European countries are still in the chaotic Warring States Period, which is a good example of the problem.

The transfer order came faster than Rock had imagined. In mid-November, the Ministry of War issued an order through the Governor's Mansion to recruit the new First Cavalry Division to India, requiring that it must arrive before Christmas.

The only good news is that the new First Cavalry Division does not need to send out the entire army. After all, there is still law and order in the Transvaal to maintain. Rock only needs to take two companies to India.

According to the establishment of the new 300st Cavalry Division, the combined number of the two companies is less than [-] people. With such a small number of people, Rock does not know how effective it will be.

Considering the specific situation in the Transvaal, Roque drew a company from the teaching battalion and the first battalion stationed in Pretoria. The commander is Guan Jing, and the company commander of Company A is Geng Biao.

There is no need to go to Cape Town to take a boat from the Transvaal to India. You can take the train directly from Johannesburg to Durban, or to Port Edward in Nyasaland.

Taking a boat is actually more comfortable than taking a train, because there is more space for activities on the boat, so Rock went directly to Durban and took a cruise to India directly.

It's really that Rock and the others carry a lot of equipment. The two companies combined have more than 30 vehicles, less than 300 troops, plus chefs, logistics personnel, and a medical team specially established for this operation. Adding up to nearly 500 people, Phyllis prepared more than a dozen boxes of luggage for Rock, which filled a whole truck. This habit is very British.

Aristocrats are not nobles if they are not extravagant and wasteful. When Winston participated in the First World War, there were more than 30 boxes of luggage, and Rock’s more than ten boxes were already the result of repeated streamlining.

While on board, Rock was still racing against time to emphasize safety awareness.

"After arriving in India, no matter under any circumstances, you must never drink raw water. Everyone must bring their own kettle. The water must be boiled before drinking. We bring our own cooks, so we are not allowed to eat food outside the military camp. , After leaving the barracks, you can only eat canned food, even if it is Indian fruit, you have to wash it before eating, if someone has a problem in this regard, I will hold you two accountable." Rock is responsible, and in this Never give up on issues.

Guan Jing didn't speak, but lowered his head and took notes seriously.

Geng Biao was also able to hold his breath. In fact, his personality was quite impatient, and confinement was commonplace, but his ability was indeed strong, and the company he led was one of the best in the entire new First Cavalry Division.

"After arriving in India, I will ask for a separate camp and not be stationed with other troops. If there are combat missions, we will try our best to complete them independently. Don't trust any other troops, including all white troops." Under the circumstances, Rock is not very worried about this issue. The Indians have a personality that makes it difficult to organize large-scale operations similar to the Boers. Even if it is a rebellion, the scale must be very limited.

"I know Indians. One of our brothers can beat ten of them." Geng Biao finally couldn't help complaining. There are also Indians in Johannesburg, but not many. It seems that Indians have left a deep impression on Geng Biao.

"That was in Johannesburg, and the number of Indians is limited. We are going to India, so don't be careless." Rock reminded Geng Biao that away games and home games are definitely different things.

In this uneasy mood, on December 20, Rock finally arrived in Calcutta, the capital of India.

Calcutta is located in the Ganges Delta in eastern India. After the British came to India, it has been the center of British rule in India.

Beginning in 1772, more than 100 years of colonial rule have created a completely different Calcutta. The entire city of Calcutta is divided into two parts, one is the rich area where the British live, and the other is the poor area where the Indians live.

The white area is built on raised ground and has a perfect drainage system. There are many luxurious mansions here, and it is called "the city of palaces".

Indian districts are called "black towns", which are composed of poor shantytowns and live in different areas according to different occupations.

The turmoil in India originated from the partition of Bangladesh by the former governor George Curzon at the beginning of the year. At that time, George Curzon decided to divide Bangladesh in order to better rule India, and designated Dhaka as the capital of East Bengal and Assam.

This decision sparked widespread public unrest, a boycott of British goods, and administrative inconveniences due to Calcutta's location on the eastern edge of India, which eventually led to the relocation of the center of British rule in India to New Delhi in 1911.

The destination of the new First Cavalry Division is Dhaka. Because of the partition of Bangladesh, the riots in Dhaka are very serious. The local garrison police cannot effectively maintain social order. He performed so well that he was directly named by the Ministry of War.

Rock is also very helpless. It doesn't matter if he doesn't perform well this year, or if he performs too well.

Although the number of the new First Cavalry Division is relatively small, Earl Minto still attaches great importance to the new First Cavalry Division. On the day the new First Cavalry Division arrived in Calcutta, Rock was summoned by Earl Minto.

The official residence of Earl Minto in Calcutta occupies a huge area, which is much larger than the Palace of Justice. After the ruling center of India was moved to Delhi, it was transformed into a museum, which can be seen in its splendor.

Rock is going to the governor's residence by car. The road conditions along the way are not bad, but don't think that all Indian roads are like this, that is, only the rich areas of Calcutta have perfect roads, poor areas, or out of the country. If there is a road in the city, it is good.

In Roque's concept, India's sanitation is very poor, but in fact the situation is not bad, at least not as bad as Harry Spencer described. Roque's car is on the road, and there are no Indians watching. In fact, the rich It is rare to see Indians on the streets of the crowded area. Even if there are, when they see Rock's car, they all bow their heads in humility, not daring to look at Rock.

Earl Minto has just turned 60 this year. His beard and sideburns are very characteristic. The end of the beard is slightly raised, and the sideburns are trimmed obliquely from the ears, which echoes the beard and looks very interesting.

At the level of the governor, he will not openly discriminate against Roque because of his skin color. Even if there is discrimination, it will be hidden, so Earl Minto has a very good attitude when he sees Roque: "Niasa Lord Lan, on behalf of India I welcome you—”

What they said is indeed qualified. In India, no one is more qualified than Earl Minto.

Rock didn't speak, and showed respect to Earl Minto with a military salute.

"Please sit down—" Earl Minto's voice just finished, and immediately a servant came over to open a chair for Luo Luo.

"Your performance in southern Africa is really outstanding. Whether it was the last Boer War or the counter-insurgency in Natal, you and your troops have performed well, so I hope you can come to India to suppress those who are about to move Indians, let me introduce you, this is Lord Belloc, and you all need to go to Dhaka together to stabilize the situation in Dhaka." The situation in India is indeed not optimistic, Earl Minto did not ramble, and entered immediately topic.

Lord Belloc was about 40 years old, a mature and steady middle-aged man, he had been standing beside Earl Minto just now, and when Rock entered the room, he greeted Lord Belloc with a smile.

"Lord Nyasaland, you are welcome. I hope we can cooperate happily." Lord Belloc was also good and shook hands with Roque.

Rock still saluted first, and then shook hands with Lord Belloc.

The British system of titles is too nonsense. The duke is always called a lord. I don’t know which one is an earl and which one is a baron. Therefore, Rock should be more cautious. He is a baron in the aristocratic system. All salute.

"Lord Belloc, please advise me more." Rock's words were very concise, the more he said, the more mistakes he made.

Rock thought that after Earl Minto arranged a job for Rock, Rock would go to Dhaka as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, these officials in India have a very relaxed and casual working attitude. The schedule that Rock got, there are three dinner parties in a week, almost once every other day. According to this rhythm, going to Dhaka must be after Christmas Well, Earl Selborne was right.

When he left the Governor's Mansion, Lord Belloc was very surprised to see the car Roque was riding in.

What Rock didn't know was that Calcutta also had cars, but the style of the cars was ugly compared to the "Tiger" military cars.

Rock immediately realized the needs of Lord Belloc, and offered to give Lord Belloc a "Tiger" military vehicle for use by Lord Belloc.

"Give it to me? Thank you so much!" Lord Belloc was very happy. A car is not worth much. These British officials in India are all local tyrants, and they don't care at all. This is the first time that the "Tiger" military vehicles have gone out of southern Africa.

After sending out a "Tiger", the relationship between Rock and Lord Belloc became warm immediately. During the dinner, Rock met his old friend, Major General Marcus Lloyd from Canada.

When Rock met Marcus Lloyd during the Boer War, Marcus Lloyd was still a colonel, and Marcus Lloyd was promoted after the war.

It is normal for Canadians to appear in India. The UK is better for this. The whole world is a colony. No matter which colony has an accident, all the colonies in the world can provide support. South Africans can appear in India. Canadians Of course you can.

(End of this chapter)

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