Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 497 The Great Demon King

Chapter 497 The Great Demon King

How harsh the royal way of the big shots is, you can see it from the people around them.

All the men in the harem must be eunuched in order to keep their heads from being colored, so it is normal to cut off their tongues to keep secrets.

Zach will definitely not explain to Visacam how his tongue is missing. It is good to let Visacam misunderstand like this. Sometimes Rock needs a ruthless image, which is more beneficial to him. With the cooperation between Rock and Visacam, when Visacam considers issues in the future, he will consider more about whether he can afford Rock's revenge.

So the next day, Visacam sent Rock another golden Buddha, which was the same size as the iron cast one last time, but this time it was made of pure gold, and he didn't dare to fool people with the gold-plated one.

This is the benefit of the image. I believe that Visakam will never dare to play tricks in the process of dealing with Rock in the future.

Xia Jiu arrived in India a week later. With a broken hand and a horrible scar on his face, Xia Jiu seems to have enriched Rock's ruthless personal image, so more about Baron Nyasaland Rumors of cruelty spread like wildfire. There are rumors that Rock cuts off people's hands and tongues at every turn in Africa, and the rumors of killing people are everywhere. There are also rumors that Rock eats human flesh every day in Africa and has hundreds of wives. , simply described Roque as the great devil in the world.

Rock didn't bother to clarify these rumors. Like the umbrella company, Rand Bank finally expanded its business to Calcutta, so the banker finally had a legitimate reason to come to India to inspect the work, and Ada didn't care about the specific situation in India. Arthur came together, which made Rock happy and worried.

The reunion of a small farewell is really like not seeing each other every day.

After coming to India, Rock was ascetic, and he didn't even see Uslam's legendary beautiful wife. Of course, Ada would severely reward such hardworking people.

"The sanitation situation in India is really bad. You shouldn't have brought Arthur here." The contented Roque finally started to settle the old score. The implication was that Ada was right, and this period of time was indeed a bit ruthless.

Round and smooth——no, a shrewd and capable banker is more satisfied. Leaning on the unique spacious chair in India, he can't lift his spirits, and responds lazily: "It depends on who you are treating for if you are not good at hygiene. For ordinary Indians, the hygienic environment may indeed be bad, but for Arthur, no matter what the situation is, it doesn’t matter, if something happens to Arthur, his maids will be buried with Arthur—”

Look, this is cruelty, Rock's ruthlessness is really just a rumor.

But what the banker said is correct. The problems in India really only exist in the lower classes. Pure whites and Indian princes and nobles are not greatly affected by the environment.

Ada also does everything for Arthur. On weekdays, there are three or four maids around Arthur all day long, taking care of Arthur in every possible way. There is also a full-time doctor, otherwise Ida would not have brought Arthur to India. In terms of the importance of Arthur, Ida is more concerned than Rock.

Rock still has Gavin anyway, it is impossible to devote all his love to Arthur, but Arthur is everything to Ada, and even in Ada's heart, Rock will take the second place, so this question is true. Nothing to worry about.

Thinking of Arthur's specific situation, Rock also laughed dumbfounded, realizing that he had indeed overcorrected.

It can only be said that the impression that India left on Roque in the past is really bad, so India has become a scourge in Roque's eyes.

In fact, this is not the case at all. The Chinese are also scourges in the eyes of some Europeans. War, ignorance, religious desert, etc., as long as people are willing, they will always find countless excuses for their dislike. Rock is very clear about the situation. Although not all Chinese are saints, they are definitely not as bad as the "Yellow Peril Theory" describes.

In the evening, Rock will attend Earl Minto's dinner with Ada.

The dinner was specially held by Earl Minto for Ida. It was only at this time that Rock found out that Ada actually had the title of Countess. Although this earl came from the collapsed Bourbon dynasty, he was paying attention to the aristocratic system. In modern European society, Ada's status is still very high.

No wonder Ada used to be in Cape Town, and a female streamer was able to get along like a fish in water.

From another perspective, Ada was right in not disclosing her relationship with Roque, otherwise Roque would have really become the target of public criticism, and it would be impossible for her to become a British nobleman.

Arthur hadn't seen Rock for a long time, and he was very happy to see Rock, holding Rock's hand, not willing to let go for a minute.

So Roque, Ida, and Arthur who appeared in front of Earl Minto are a perfect family of three.

It's because Arthur's hair is so conspicuous. When standing with Rock, anyone would subconsciously think that they are father and son.

Of course, Earl Minto would not point out this point, and he didn't even pay too much attention to Arthur. After all, this kind of thing is also normal in England. It is said that there are quite a few illegitimate children of the king, and the British nobles have no right to blame France. Aristocratic chaos and that.

In fact, they are all raccoons of the same feather.

Of course, appearing in front of Earl Minto with Ada did once again improve Earl Minto's evaluation of Rock, and then Earl Minto seemed to inadvertently propose that the new First Cavalry Division be transferred back to Calcutta .

The implication is that with Ada's relationship, it would not be appropriate to throw Rock and the new First Cavalry Division into the center of the vortex in Dhaka.

Roque doesn't care, the situation in Dhaka is indeed a bit complicated, but Calcutta is not much better. On the contrary, Roque is more comfortable in Dhaka. There are too many British and Indian princes and nobles in Calcutta. Roque You have to do things with restraint, far less than Dhaka can do whatever you want.

It was a normal choice, but it turned out to be very rare for Earl Minto: "Lord Nyasaland, you are indeed a role model for the empire. I have never seen anyone who is willing to abandon the working environment in Calcutta and voluntarily go to Dakana. Let us drink to the prosperity of our empire, respect the empire, respect the king!"

The last two sentences were of course addressed to everyone present.

At this time, the British and Indian princes and nobles present were also very politically correct, and even Ada raised his glass with a smile on his face.

"Respect the Empire!"

"To the king!"

Afterwards, the atmosphere of the banquet became more harmonious and warm, and Ada was indeed good at dancing with long sleeves, and inadvertently contributed to several deals.

In fact, economically underdeveloped areas like India do have more opportunities. Don’t think that an underdeveloped economy means that you have no money. In fact, this is not the case at all. There is money, but it is concentrated in the hands of a few people, and most people have no money. , so there is no money to spend, and the consumption of the rich, even if it is extravagant, has an upper limit after all.

In Johannesburg, Rand Bank never refuses anyone who comes. No matter whether you have money or not, Rand Bank will treat you warmly when you open an account with Rand Bank.

It is different in India. Most Indians have no need to deal with banks at all, so Rand Bank mainly serves the rich.

The rich people in India really have a great need in this area. Because the gap between the rich and the poor is too serious, the rich are worried about being beaten up by local tyrants. More officials still have gray income to deal with. Put these income in Imperial Bank or other banks are not suitable. Imperial Bank is subject to the supervision of the British government. Putting money in Imperial Bank is tantamount to throwing money into the net. Other banks are not safe. They may go bankrupt one day. All the hard work has become a waste of water from a bamboo basket.

Rand Bank is the best choice. As a southern African bank, Rand Bank is backed by the Johannesburg Mining Union, so payment capacity is not a problem.

Now that the Transvaal has implemented a democratic representative system, the whole of southern Africa is seeking self-government, and the influence of the British government on southern Africa is getting smaller and smaller, so for these British officials, as well as these Indian officials and For Indian maharajas and nobles, Rand Bank is the best choice.

So the female banker was really popular, and Earl Minto felt a little left out.

No one cares about Roque, and the rumors against Roque during this period are indeed not very friendly. It is estimated that everyone present knows that the butler next to Roque has no tongue. What is the real reason? To pursue, nobles, who can not have some secrets, let's speak with facts.

Anyway, these princes and nobles in India would not use this method to keep secrets, let alone the British.

"Your Gurkha troops are ready to accept missions now? I heard that you wiped out a village a few days ago." Earl Minto didn't care about those rumors either. For Earl Minto, Rock was the sharpest spear , so the colder Rock is, the better.

"That village sheltered a group of criminals. When the troops were arresting them, the criminals were stubbornly resisting. Maybe the troops did have some accidental injuries during the mission, but they haven't reached the level of extermination." Rock was also speechless. The term "elimination" is used properly, and the newly formed First Cavalry Division is like a devil entering a village.

"That's not considered accidental injury. It's inevitable that such a thing will happen." Earl Minto didn't care whether it was accidental injury or not. Perhaps in Earl Minto's view, the death of 2.5 million Indians in three or five villages is not worth mentioning. : "What's your opinion on the Gurkha troops?"

Earl Minto was still concerned about the Gurkha mercenaries. After the Boer War, the British government's military policy also underwent a fundamental change.

(End of this chapter)

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