Chapter 534 Uncrowned King

With Ade's mediation, Rock and Bilov both took a step back, and the problem was quickly resolved.

Just like Ade said, Tanganyika finally agreed to hand over Louis Brod to Nyasaland for trial, and Rock also agreed with Tanganyika's explanation for the fisherman's abnormal death. Of course, compensation is essential The Usumbra Police Department gave a thousand pounds in compensation, and the Rhodesia Aquatic Products Company paid another thousand pounds. The family members of the fishermen who died accidentally were also very satisfied.

It is really an era when human lives are worthless. Nyasaland’s regulations are that if someone dies accidentally at work, the employer must pay compensation equivalent to about ten years’ salary. That is, about one hundred pounds per year, one thousand pounds of compensation, although it cannot completely relieve the grief of the family members of the deceased, it can also ensure that the family members of the deceased will not have difficulties in life for a long time.

If it doesn't work, Nyasaland also has a social security bureau, which will give certain living allowances to poor families. Nyasaland rarely gets false claims, and I really can't afford to lose this person.

February NO.15, on the day Bilov left Nyasaland, the Tanganyika water police handed over Louis Broad to the Nyasaland water police in Usumbura, Louis Broad He was promptly transported to Little Rock and received a hero's welcome.

Rock personally went to the pier to meet Louis Broad, and Little Rock's military and police were dispatched in full force. From the pier to the city hall, there were three steps, one guard and five steps, one sentry, absolutely guaranteeing the safety of Louis Broad.

The town hall, which can accommodate 300 people, is full of Nyasaland officials and senior leaders of enterprises in various departments. Rock will definitely not miss this opportunity to conduct an in-depth interview with these officials and senior leaders through Louis Broad The education of the soul, after a period of time, Louis Brod will go to other cities in Nyasaland to give the same report, all localities and departments must also fully raise the awareness of safety, and patriotism for everyone——Ionia Saran educated and resolutely put an end to the appearance of a second Luke Obadiah.

Roque stopped listening to the report, and when Louis Broad began his speech, Roque and Ade were resting in the lounge of the city hall.

Adelaide finally decided to return to Southern Africa to compete for the Prime Minister of the Southern African Federation.

This position is not difficult for Adelaide. It is tailor-made for Adelaide. There are very few people who are qualified to compete with Adelaide. The current governor of the Transvaal and Orange, the Earl of Selborne Returning to the British Admiralty, the Governor of Cape, Walter Henry Hutchinson, has a clear gap with Adelaide in terms of ability and qualifications. Except for these two people, other people basically have no qualifications to compete with Adelaide. .

As for the current Prime Minister of Cape, Dr. Starr Jameson, and the Prime Minister of Transvaal, Philip, their influence is limited to one place, and they have no qualifications to compete with Adelaide.

So after careful calculation, it is Louis Botha and Yang Smozi who are really likely to jump out to compete with Adelaide.

But these two people have no chance now. In another time and space, after Ade left Southern Africa, Louis Botha became the Prime Minister of Transvaal and Orange. With the gold from Johannesburg, Louis Botha successfully became the Federation of Southern Africa prime minister.

In this time and space, the gold in Johannesburg was firmly controlled by Rock and Stoudemire. The Chinese completely replaced the Boers in the Transvaal. The Boers had almost no living space and could only go away from the Transvaal to Orange or It's Natal, or even Cape.

In this way, the influence of Louis Botha and Jan Smolts is much smaller, and it is limited to Orange. After the establishment of the Southern African Federation, I am afraid that few Boers will be able to enter the new government. In southern Africa, the Boers don't have much say, and they will be gradually assimilated by the British and Chinese in southern Africa.

This is exactly what Rock wants to explain to Ade: "Many Boers are still stubborn. They refuse to accept everything in Britain except money. Schools in Orange even use Boer as a teaching language. This is very uncomfortable. It is beneficial for the Boers to integrate into the future Southern Africa, and I personally suggest that the Boer language be abolished as an official language in Southern Africa in the future.”

"What about Chinese?" Ade's question was very sharp.

"Chinese is also not the official language of Southern Africa. At this stage, Southern Africa can only have one voice, one official language. The Chinese are also working hard to learn English. Even those Chinese who are six or seventy years old now know What does it mean to be blocked? The key lies in whether you are willing to learn.” Rock does not care about the present, but looks to the future. When the second generation of Chinese in southern Africa grows up, the number of people who use Chinese will naturally increase. many.

By that time, even though Chinese cannot replace English as the only official language in southern Africa, it can still become the second official language.

This is enough.

Ade nodded silently, very satisfied with Roque's attitude. On this point, Roque did his best to safeguard the interests of the British government.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t maintain it. Rock himself is a British baron, and Nyasaland is a British territory. Rock has been firmly tied to the British government and has extensive common interests. As long as the British government does not interfere with Nyasaland, Then Rock will never betray Britain.

Standing on the right team is still very important. Look at the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which is now one of the great powers, but it is a pity that it will be wiped out in a few years.

There are also the Russian Empire and the German Empire. These two countries will be unlucky in a few years. France lost the Franco-Prussian War. With its colonies all over the world, it can quickly recover. Neither the Austro-Hungarian Empire nor the Russian Empire has overseas colonies. As long as you lose the battle, you will be devastated.

The same is true for Germany. Regardless of the fact that Germany still has a lot of overseas colonies, all of them will be under trusteeship after the end of World War I. Once the German Southwest Africa and Tanganyika were both part of the Southern African Federation. It is a pity that Southern Africa in another time and space The federation committed suicide, these regions became independent one after another, and then Africa became what it was later.

Rock will definitely not allow this to happen again in this time and space. The problem of Africans is actually easy to solve. As long as he is not afraid of being scolded, Rock has countless ways to solve this problem.

Of course, this is a matter of the future. There is no need to tell Ade in too much detail now. If Rock wants to become a towering tree like Ade, it will be at least 20 years later. By then Ade should have retreated to the second line. Rock is still in his prime, just in time to step up.

"After the establishment of the Southern African Federation, we can decide our own destiny. At that time, this situation of silos will end, and there will be no need to maintain a large number of servants in various places. The current experience of Transvaal and Rhodesia It is very good, it is more effective to concentrate funds to build a powerful army than to disperse the army to maintain a large number of servants." What Rock really cares about is military power, as long as he has military power, Rock is not afraid of anything.

"You define yourself as a soldier?" Ade looked at Rock with a bit of disappointment. As a politician, Ade still doesn't understand the army well enough.

This situation is also normal in Europe. In fact, it is rare for soldiers to usurp the throne in Europe. It is politicians who determine the political direction. Most of the time, soldiers are actually cannon fodder and their social status is very low. That is, in Nyasaland, The status of soldiers is relatively high, and this is still a situation created by Rock.

In fact, income is the key factor that determines the status of a job. It is not necessary to increase the income of soldiers to the high-income class. Even if they are only middle class, the social status of soldiers will be greatly improved, and the army will become a group that everyone yearns for.

"There is nothing wrong with the military. To maintain regional stability, you must have a strong army. If Nyasaland had not had a strong marine police force, Usumbura would not have given in. The future is of course the same. Europe has already begun to In the arms race, every time the Germans produce a dreadnought, the Admiralty must produce two dreadnoughts to maintain their advantage over the German navy. In a short period of time, anyone can build three, five, or even a dozen dreadnoughts, but In the long run? The arms race will definitely lead to war in the end. Governments of all countries will not spend endless military expenditures on the arms race. How much advantage does the dreadnought have on the battlefield? We only found out once, so although Southern Africa has no opponents in Africa, we can't abolish our martial arts. On the contrary, we should strengthen the rectification of the army. This point has been discussed many times with Lord Fawalt." Rock did not forget to help Henry said good things. Although Henry is dawdling all day long and doesn't want to make progress, Henry is still Rock's favorite partner.

The key is that Henry is not greedy for power and dares to hand over power to Roque. This is what Roque values ​​most.

Rock's ideal model is that in the future in southern Africa, Rock and Henry will be partners in the military and police. At that time, Rock will try his best to push Henry to the position of Minister of Defense, and then Rock can be in Henry's position. Play hard behind the scenes.

There are still variables in this point. Ade does not understand the role of the army. Louis Botha and Yang Smother must know that in another time and space, after the establishment of the Southern African Federation, Yang Smother served as the Minister of Justice. He also serves as the Minister of Defense. This time and space estimates that Yang Smolts will be unlucky. Rock not only wants the Minister of Defense, but also the Minister of Justice.

The core of the separation of powers is that the three state powers of legislation, administration, and judiciary are held by different organs, exercised independently, and check and balance each other.

In the future Federation of Southern Africa, the administration will definitely be headed by Adelaide. Legislation is the task of the parliament, and the judiciary is equally important. If Roque holds military power while also controlling the judiciary, then Roque will be the uncrowned king of the Federation of Southern Africa in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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