Chapter 537

Hopkins must be a person who is keen on fame and fortune, otherwise he would not have been so angry that Rock was hospitalized because of this.

Although Hopkins' mouth was still stubborn, his body was very honest. When Rock took the initiative to visit Hopkins the next day, Hopkins was very enthusiastic about Rock.

If you are not enthusiastic, Ade happens to be in Johannesburg. He knows that Roque is going to visit Hopkins. Ade and Roque come together. Unless Hopkins really wants to retire completely, Hopkins really wants to retire. He didn't dare to show his face to Rock in front of Ade.

Hopkins' health is indeed fine, and it is not convenient to entertain guests in the ward, so Hopkins and Adroc went to the living room together. His suite is indeed a luxury, compared with the hotel's presidential suite Not too much.

Ade obviously didn't pay attention to these details, or he didn't notice at all. For Ade, the treatment enjoyed by Hopkins was commonplace, and some hospitals in the UK were even more extreme in this respect than Bigwei Hospital.

Ade's style is still as usual, and he talked to Hopkins about work when he came up, and there was no extra time wasted.

Hopkins was not prepared, so what he said was a bit messy, which made Ade very dissatisfied: "To become an independent country, you must have a strong armed force. The Southern African Federation still has a lot of troubles. A large and well-trained army is very necessary. Our military expenditure must be planned and used in a unified manner, so that we can effectively avoid waste and spend the money where it is really needed—”

Independent country!

Hopkins is probably thinking too much. Even if Southern Africa is self-governing, there is still a long way to go to the degree of "independence". At least in a short period of time, the Southern African Federation cannot become independent from the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth also does more harm than good.

The Commonwealth of Nations is largely the continuation of the British Empire. There is no such thing as a "Commonwealth of Nations". federal.

Once the Commonwealth of Nations occupied a quarter of the world's territory, countries such as Canada and Australia continued to remain in the Commonwealth after independence and enjoyed the convenience brought by the Commonwealth.

Most of the countries that voluntarily left the Commonwealth are riddled with holes. For example, in 1953, the Central African Federation was formed by the merger of Southern Rhodesia, Rhodesia, and Nyasaland. It disintegrated completely in just ten years, and eventually became the game field of the two major groups and became the least developed region in the world.

South Africa also once withdrew from the Commonwealth of Nations, and then its national strength continued to decline. In 1994, South Africa voluntarily returned to the Commonwealth of Nations. Although the situation in South Africa has not improved since then, there have been no voices criticizing South Africa in the international community.

So even if Southern Africa becomes independent in the future, it will most likely remain within the Commonwealth like Canada and Australia, so that Southern Africa can continue to share the resources and huge market within the Commonwealth, which is more beneficial to Southern Africa.

Hopkins is a pure old soldier and has no clear understanding of politics, so the starting point is wrong, which makes Ade inevitably disappointed.

Of course, while being disappointed, it also made Ade more clearly aware of Rock's foresight.

Comparing people to people is sometimes annoying.

"After the self-government of Southern Africa, the main focus should be on developing the economy and improving people's livelihood. General Hopkins is right. After the self-government of Southern Africa, the military expenditure should be used uniformly. This will more effectively avoid waste. However, there is no It is necessary to maintain a large and well-trained army, which will bring a great financial burden. Now the four regions in southern Africa, plus Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Bechuanaland, etc. The scale of military expenditure is already sufficient, we don’t need to expand the size of the army, on the contrary, we should downsize, as General Hopkins said, use the money where it is more needed, and just need to maintain it at a basic level.” Luo Ke's speech was more organized. Although he overturned all Hopkins' words, it sounded like he was pandering.

Hopkins didn't hear it, so he was very happy.

Of course Ade could hear those subtexts, so he watched Rock laugh and shook his head.

This kind of intimate and casual movement can actually reflect a lot of things. Ad and Rock are used to it, but in the eyes of Henry and Hopkins, it is very unusual.

"In fact, the previous military system had serious problems. With the development of southern Africa, the previous military model is definitely not suitable for the future southern Africa. Reform is very necessary." Henry is qualified to say this, he was also a soldier before, It's a pity that because some people were kicked out of the army by some people, they went to the Cape Town Police Station.

Someone is now Henry's father-in-law.

"That's it, Locke, organize your thoughts and write a report to me. General Hopkins, take good care of your body and return to work as soon as possible. The future work will be very heavy. You must pay attention to ensuring your health." .” Adelaide is not yet the Prime Minister of the Southern African Federation, so he will definitely not make any promises, but Adelaide’s words are also very skillful, it depends on how you understand them.

"I feel that my body has fully recovered, and I can be discharged from the hospital now." Hopkins can't wait, and only when he has power can he understand the temptation of power.

A little different from Rock's expectations, the biggest problem facing the autonomy of the Southern African Federation now comes from the Boers.

At the beginning, it was precisely because of Louis Botha and Jan Smozi that southern Africa ushered in the opportunity for self-government. Originally, the attitude of the Boers was very positive, but after Adelaide returned to southern Africa, the attitude of the Boers quietly changed.

As previously analyzed by Rock, Adelaide is Rock's biggest reliance. As long as Adelaide is willing to return to southern Africa, neither Louis Botha nor Yang Smother has the ability to compete with Adelaide, so Louis Botha and Jan Smother took the initiative to visit Adelaide in Johannesburg for Orange's status after the self-government of Southern Africa, or to strive for a higher status after the establishment of the Southern African Federation.

The conditions offered by Ade are also good. Considering the capabilities of Louis Botha and Yang Smother, as well as the current population base of the Boers, it is impossible to completely exclude the Boers from the new government.

But there are some important positions that Adler cannot trust to Louis Botha and Yang Smozi.

The army and justice were scheduled by Roque. Compared with Louis Botha and Yang Smother, Ade obviously trusted Roque more, so Louis Botha and Yang Smother had no chance to intervene.

Then the next best thing is, Louis Botha and Jan Smoltz began to seek judicial status. At least in the case of separation of powers, Louis Botha and Jan Smoltz had to control one aspect, so that they could be in the future. Fight for a greater voice in the Southern African Federation.

Compared with administration and judiciary, legislation is also very important, perhaps more important. Now the four colonies in southern Africa have four different sets of laws. For example, in the Transvaal, the Chinese enjoy all rights including the right to vote, but in the Cape And Orange, except for whites, other races do not have the right to vote, and in Orange, non-whites do not even have the right to buy assets, so after the establishment of the Southern African Federation in the future, the legislative work is very important, if Louis Botha And Yang Smother controlled the legislative power, so if Louis Botha and Yang Smother wanted to fight against Roque, Roque really had no good options at that time.

In fact, it is not impossible. The United States has a "Constitution" at the national level, and at the same time, each state has its own "State Law". The biggest advantage of this is that the autonomy of each state is maintained to the greatest extent. , the "State Law" of some states is even contrary to certain provisions of the "Constitution".

"If we want to adopt the model of the United States, it is okay. The Southern African Federation has a federal Constitution. At the same time, Cape, Transvaal, and Orange can also have their own "State Laws", but the "State Laws must first ensure that The unity of the Federation cannot be contrary to the "Constitution." Rock took the essence and discarded the dross. The democratic beacon and the corrupt country are actually the same, and the system is not perfect. The key is to look at people.

"I'm going to put Louis Botha in charge of agriculture, and Yang Smolts in charge of education and medical care. What do you think?" Ade really relies on Rock as his right-hand man now, and he has to listen to Rock even for such matters. suggestion.

"Yes, as long as we keep them away from law enforcement agencies, the key to ensuring the unity of the Southern African Federation lies in the control of the military. As long as we control the military of the Southern African Federation, we will not be afraid of challenges from any force." Rock's words were hidden Murder, the "any force" here can refer to external forces, and of course it can also refer to internal forces.

"Then there's no problem—" Ade finally relaxed.

In Ade's eyes, Roque did voluntarily relinquish a lot of power for the establishment of the Southern African Federation.

For example, agriculture, education and medical care. In these fields, Transvaal and Nyasaland are far ahead of Orange. Nyasaland is too far away from Orange. Let alone Johannesburg and Orange. It borders on the Orange River, and the contrast between the farms on both sides of the river is very sharp.

Not to mention the Bigwig Hospital and Bigwig Public School, both of which were founded by Rock and have now become Johannesburg's business cards.

That is to say, if Rock wants to seize military power, it is really impossible to take care of so many departments. Otherwise, in the fields of agriculture, education, and medical care, Rock is more qualified than Louis Botha and Yang Smozi.

In fact, Louis Botha and Jan Smolts are quite sad. They were famous Boer generals during the Boer War, but now they are forced to stay away from the army. They probably are not reconciled, but there is no way to change it.

After all, he was defeated.

(End of this chapter)

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