Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 539 The Lady's Route

Chapter 539 The Lady's Route

The current Nyasaland can be regarded as a vast land and sparsely populated, but with the increase in the population of Nyasaland, sooner or later, the territory of Nyasaland will also be overcrowded, so prepare for Nyasaland now. More living space is necessary.

Bechuanaland is a good choice. From a geographical point of view, Bechuanaland and Nyasaland do not border each other, and there is Rhodesia in the middle, so Bechuanal has never entered Rock Sight.

Now that Beamelia is taking the initiative to send it to your door, Rock definitely wants to see him. If there is any date, let’s make a shot. Besides, the Beina Protectorate is next to the Transvaal, and beyond that is German Southwest Africa. After the war, German Southwest Africa will also be managed by the League of Nations and become part of Southern Africa, so the current Southern Africa is far from reaching its limit.

The future southern Africa, including the four colonies in southern Africa, also includes the three British protectorates in southern Africa, namely Basutoland, Bechuanaland, and Swaziland.

After the end of World War I, the territory of southern Africa will also include German Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, with a total area of ​​nearly 500 million square kilometers.

That is to say, the Boers died endlessly, and the Southern African Federation would fall apart.

Now that the Southern African Federation has Rock, Rock will certainly not sit back and watch the Southern African Federation repeat the same mistakes.

What is the concept of 500 million square kilometers? As far as the current situation is concerned, even if the population of southern Africa increases by a hundred times, all of them are farmers.

Amelia didn't realize how much potential the Bechuana Reserve had. Now Amelia was determined to join the Southern African Federation, and other Amelia didn't care about a good position in the future federal government.

Seeing that Roque was also present, Amelia's face was full of surprises. He knelt down on one knee and hugged Roque's hand and kissed repeatedly, saying "I wish you good health" incessantly.

Rock was too surprised. Amelia looked to be 60 or [-] years old this year. This kind of etiquette was really unbearable, so Rock immediately took the initiative to invite Amelia to sit down.

"The day I came to Johannesburg, I went to visit the lord in Bigwig, but it was a pity that the lord went to Nyasaland at that time. I stayed in Johannesburg during this time, hoping that the Bechuanaland Protectorate could be protected by the lord—" Ah Rock was surprised by the information Milia provided. The Bechuanaland Protectorate is a British protectorate, so there should be no security issues.

"It's the damn Germans. A serious rebellion broke out in Southwest Africa. Some Bantus crossed the border into the Bechuanaland to escape the war. In order to capture those poor Bantus, the Germans sent to the Bechuanaland The damn slave hunting team was sent out, those slave hunting teams not only captured the Bantu people back to Southwest Africa, but also plundered the Africans in our Bechuana protected area, and at least 20 tribes have been completely burned up to now , The slave hunting team killed all the old people and babies, and only took away the adults who could work for them. There were only less than 3000 troops in the Bechuanaland, and it was impossible to protect the safety of the Bechuanaland—” Amelia couldn't bear the behavior of the Germans.

In terms of attracting immigrants, there is a big gap between German colonies and British colonies. Many Germans would rather immigrate to Britain’s overseas colonies than to go to Germany’s own colonies. The Transvaal is home to many German immigrants.

As a result, Germany's overseas colonies had to use other methods to obtain labor.

External plundering is obviously a very profitable idea. Although all countries in the world are opposed to slavery on the surface, in fact slave trading is still widespread in Africa. The Natal prisoners of war in Nyasaland are actually similar to the Slaves are about the same.

"3000 people are indeed a little less—" Rock had already begun to think about what name he should use to send troops into the Bechuanaland Protectorate.

The British Empire in this era is so perverted. The Bechuanaland Protected Area, with a total area of ​​58 square kilometers, may be regarded as an unbearable heavy burden in the eyes of London, and it is eager to abandon it soon.

If it were Rock, no matter how difficult it was, he would still try to keep Bechuana's protection firmly in his hands.

London is indifferent to the Bechuanaland. Unlike the Transvaal, whose gold is still important to the British Empire, the Bechuanaland only has wild animals everywhere and undiscovered animals. diamond.

Even if it is discovered, the British government probably won't pay much attention to it. Diamonds are a scam of the century and have little value in themselves. It is precisely because of the hype of unscrupulous merchants that diamonds have become sought after objects.

Now Rock and Stoudemire are unscrupulous merchants. Europeans still like all kinds of colored gemstones, but they are not very interested in diamonds.

The largest diamond mine in southern Africa is controlled by Stoudemire, so Rock and Stoudemire are now consciously advertising through "The Times" and "Daily Mail". Those dignitaries who appear in the newspapers will always Consciously or unintentionally, she shows off the huge diamond ring on her hand.

This kind of advertising method looks a bit clumsy, but the effect is very good. People in this era do not have a sufficient understanding of advertising, and they lack the ability to recognize various soft texts, so they will be affected by advertising without knowing it. Impact.

"It's already quite a lot. Bechuana has no industry, agriculture is extremely backward, and it doesn't rely on the sea or mountains, and has no mineral resources. I tried to organize a government in Bechuana to manage it a few years ago, but I found it helpless. The tax revenue of the protected area is not even enough to maintain the basic operation of the government, so 3000 people is the limit, and this is because of the London allocation, otherwise the Bechuanaland protected area can't even support these 3000 people—” Amelia described The situation is simply shocking.

She has fallen behind to such an extent, and there are vicious neighbors staring at her. No wonder Amelia seeks Rock's protection.

This is also the biggest problem facing the Bechuanaland. After the establishment of the Southern African Federation, the British government will definitely abandon the Bechuanaland. If the federal government does not accept the Bechuanaland, then the Bechuanaland will be destroyed Become a rootless duckweed.

As far as the current situation of the Beina Protectorate is concerned, if Britain no longer grants the Beina Protectorate the status of a "protectorate", then it is foreseeable that the Beina Protectorate will be annexed by German Southwest Africa in the near future.

Rock definitely can't just sit back and watch this happen. With 58 square kilometers, it's easy to feed a population of 500 to [-] million. You don't even have to do anything. You can live comfortably by picking fruits and hunting every day.

However, no matter how coveted Roque is, he will definitely not be able to show it at this time, so Roque's expression is very difficult: "As the Baron of the Empire, I should indeed protect the interests of the Empire, but you know Mr. Amelia, The military expenditure is really overwhelming, so I am sorry, but I am not capable yet, and I have no reason to interfere with the Bechuanaland Protectorate."

Even the "protectorate" is an independent country in name. Although there is no king or government agency in the Bechuanaland protectorate, as long as the British government does not withdraw the army for a day, Rock can't cross the mine without authorization.

The Bechuanaland Protectorate is not Rock's fiefdom.

Even in Nyasaland, if Roque wants to build an army, he must use the banner of the South African Company, otherwise Roque himself has no right to form an army.

"My lord, please don't give up on Bechuanaland—" Amelia wanted to beg, but Owen's attitude was more simple and rude.

"Okay, Mr. Amelia, since Lord Nyasaland is unwilling, you shouldn't continue to pester him." Owen raised his hand to call someone over to see off the guests.

"Sir, please give me some more time—" Amelia begged bitterly.

Owen's secretary didn't talk nonsense, raised his hand and called two security personnel over, and directly carried Amelia away.

"Wow, are you going too far?" Rock never knew that Owen had such a temper.

"Come on, don't think that I don't know what you want to do. I'm here to cooperate with you. Otherwise, I'll ask someone to invite Mr. Amelia back?" Owen knew Rock well, and the cooperation between the two was perfect.

Rock just laughed out loud. People don't say dark words, but they just want to hang out with Amelia. People don't cherish things that are easy to get.

Amelia really had nowhere to go. When Rock came home that night, he saw Gavin playing with the big guy with a huge diamond.

Rock also knows a lot about diamonds now. The diamond that Gavin uses to tease the big guy is bigger than Gavin's fist. The little guy has the potential to be a playboy, and he hasn't realized the value of diamonds. The way to tease the big guy is Throw the diamond and have the big guy pick it up.

This diamond is not the kind of pure and flawless white, but with a touch of pink. At this time, the diamond still needs to be colored to be accepted by people. As for the so-called "pure and flawless" white, it was all hyped. The white diamonds that came out were just stones, not even gems.

Although the diamond itself is very hard, Rock still felt terrified when he saw Gavin throwing the diamond on the grass in the distance so recklessly.

"Where did you come from?" Rock casually asked Phyllis, who was cheerfully taking care of Gavin.

"A gentleman named Amelia sent it this afternoon, not only this one, but many more, this is just the biggest one, I would like to ask Mr Amelia to wait for you when you come back, but Mr Amelia looks very busy ” Phyllis doesn’t care about the value of diamonds, as the proprietress of Yitnor, Phyllis’s own jewelry has filled a room, enough to open a specialty store.

It seems that Mr. Amelia is really good at drilling, and he knows how to follow his wife's route.

(End of this chapter)

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