Chapter 550 Blood Oath

Do not erupt in silence, but perish in silence.

This sentence is the same among Taitaila people. Although these Taitaila people are obedient, they do not have no complaints about their current life. It is just because no one took the initiative to stand up against the tyranny of the Germans, so Taitai Pull people will be gentle and obedient.

Once someone jumps out to resist the tyranny of the Germans, the rebellious psychology of the Tatera people can be said to be a prairie fire. They originally fled from the Congo Free State to Tanganyika because they resisted the Belgian colonization. The people were even more excessive, so after Mumu stood up and slashed at the Germans with a knife, almost all the Taitera people followed Mumu and rushed to the German camp.

In the current situation, if you don't resist, you will definitely die, and there may be a chance for resistance, so these Tatera people really have nothing to hesitate.

The Honor Hold Rebellion is a turning point in the history of German colonization in Tanganyika.

145 German officers and soldiers died, and nearly a thousand Tatera rebelled, enough to have subversive consequences for Germany's colonial rule in Tanganyika.

Regrettably, after the Honor Fort rebellion, the Tanganyika government and the military resorted to repeated tricks. They did not appease Huairou, nor did they send troops to encircle and suppress them. Everyone was executed to prevent the Tatera in Honor Hold from getting help.

According to incomplete statistics, at least [-] Tatera people were massacred by the Germans on the two construction sites near the Fort of Honor. The exact number has not been found. The Germans will definitely not keep relevant information, but the news spread to Glory Fort, Mumu swore a blood oath at Fort Honor, vowing to make the Germans pay for their blood.

The blood oath, in the traditional habits of the Tatera people, means immortality.

At the beginning of September, Mumu and more than 3000 Taitera people stood upright on the construction site of Honor Fort.

Even though the Germans tried everything they could to prevent the Tatera people in Honor Hold from growing stronger, the number of rebels in Honor Hold continued to increase.

Don't forget that Yaya still has Tatera people under his command. Whether it is for Nyasaland or Tanganyika, Tatera people are actually double-edged swords, and they can be used well. Unexpected effects, if you don't use it well, you will hurt yourself.

Not only is the number of people increasing, but the rebel equipment in Honor Hold is also increasing.

Originally, the rebels in Honor Hold only had more than 100 rifles, but almost overnight, almost every rebel in Honor Hold had a gun.

Feng Trotta still doesn't know the equipment of the Honor Hold rebels, otherwise Feng Trota probably won't be able to sleep at night.

The wooden altar that was originally used for executions has now become an altar for Mumu's blood oath. He took off his shirt, and Mumu, shirtless, knelt in the center of the altar and let the wizards of the Tatera tribe paint on Mumu's face. Intricate and mysterious patterns.

This pattern is the oath of the Tatera people. After drawing the pattern on the face, as long as there are Germans in Tanganyika, the pattern on Mumu's face cannot be erased.

"What a strange ceremony—" William Clare, who had become a member of the Honor Hold rebels in the original German camp, couldn't help but sigh.

William Clare is also Yaya's subordinate. As a white man, William Clare also wanted to replicate Louis Broad's miracle, so he voluntarily came to Tanganyika and joined the Honor Hold rebels.

"Anyway, it's very helpful to improve morale—" Eddie Bunian, a member of the staff, was also watching the ceremony. Eddie Bunian is not Yaya's subordinate, but is from Mozambique under the leadership of Zha Zha kingdom.

According to Roque's order, Zha Zha named the country Mozambique.

What Rock didn't expect was that Zha Zha would become king on his own and established the Kingdom of Mozambique.

Fortunately, although Zha Zha became the king now, he was obedient to Roque and never dared to disobey Roque's orders. Whether Anton asked Zha Zha for people or resources, Zha Zha would satisfy him unconditionally.

Of course, Anton will not let Zazabai be busy. There is almost no industry in the Kingdom of Mozambique, and it is very dependent on Nyasaland's support. Zhaza and the upstarts of the Kingdom of Mozambique have a great demand for luxury goods in Nyasaland. Anton will unconditionally satisfy this request.

Eddie Bunian is Zha Zha's subordinate in name, and he is also a senior staff member of the General Staff of the Kingdom of Mozambique. As for why he appeared in Tanganyika, this is of course also the operation of the Nyasaland General Staff.

Mumu is a qualified warrior, but by no means a qualified leader, so Mumu also needs a group of staff around him to advise the Honor Hold rebels. Otherwise, when Feng Trota mobilizes the army, the Honor Hold rebels will soon A crushing defeat, even with Nyasaland's assistance.

"If you have time to paint your face, why not find a way to get some new equipment, look at the junk that Nyasaland's father gave, Schneider, Peabody, Martini Henry, and even a Sharps rifle , Has the Rhodesian Northern Division been equipped with Sharps rifles?" William Claire couldn't help complaining, the title "Nyasaland's father" is also very vivid.

"It is true that the Rhodesian Northern Division has not equipped Sharps, but the Portuguese have used Sharps—" Eddie Bunian understood the situation very well.

To be precise, the weapons used by the Honor Hold rebels were sent by Eddie Bunyan.

Nyasaland equipped the Fort Honor rebels, and would definitely not provide the standard equipment of the Northern Division of Rhodesia.

In order to find these rags, Anton also spent a lot of time. The Nyasaland Arsenal even restarted a bullet production line, just to produce bullets for these weapons of the last century.

"What we need now is not rifles, but general-purpose machine guns and rapid-fire guns—" William Clare thought a little too much.

"Don't even think about general-purpose machine guns and rapid-fire guns. Maxim or bang-bang cannons are still possible." Eddie Bunian is more realistic. Both general-purpose machine guns and rapid-fire guns are standard equipment of the Northern Division of Rhodesia, and Niassa The Orchid Arsenal also wanted to make money, and they definitely wouldn't provide it to the Honor Hold rebels for free.

In fact, it is not free. Although the rebels do not need to pay now, if the rebels drive the Germans out of Tanganyika in the future, then the new Tanganyika government will have to pay for Nyasaland's support.

At that time, Nyasaland's harvest will far exceed the cost paid now, just like Roque supported the slag to resist the Portuguese. Without Roque's contribution at that time, there would be no Port Edward now.

This is also very normal. After all, this business is still very risky. If you are not careful, you will lose everything, so the greater the risk, the greater the reward.

The point is that this kind of risk is still within the range that Rock can bear. It is good that the Honor Hold rebels can successfully drive the Germans out of Tanganyika. Nika has caused heavy losses, at least it will slow down the development of Tanganyika.

That's enough. Before World War I broke out, it was impossible for Rock to send troops to attack Tanganyika. During this period, Rock's main purpose was to maintain the advantage of the Nyasaland Marine Police in the North Sea. Calculate slowly.

While Eddie Bunyan was chatting with William Claire, Mumu had already completed the ceremony.

Mumu, whose hair and eyebrows have been shaved off, has complex patterns painted on his entire upper body, including his head. Three wizards of the Tatera tribe are dancing mysteriously around Mumu, chanting words.

When the dance was over, the three Taitera wizards knelt down to Mumu, and all the Taitera people around them also knelt down with the wizards.

Mumu stood up slowly, and with a sharp machete, he slashed hard on his forehead, blood gushed out instantly, and the pattern on Mumu's face was immediately stained red with blood.

Perhaps it was because the sun had just risen, and the sun shone on Mu Mu's face, which was very sacred.

"I swear, the Germans must be driven out of Zanzibar." Mu Mu solemnly swore, and the surrounding Tatera people immediately became excited.

In 1856, the coastal area of ​​Tanganyika was once part of the Sultanate of Zanzibar. In 1870, the Nyamwezi people established a country in Tanganyika. From 1884, Tanganyika was gradually controlled by Germany. In 1890 , Tanganyika became a German colony.

Strictly speaking, the Tatera people are not natives of Tanganyika, but natives of the Congo Free State, so Mumu needs to find a suitable identity in order to justifiably oppose the German colonization of Tanganyika.

This "Zanzibar" is the excuse that Eddie Bunyan and William Clare gave Mumu, just like Zhazha first used the Mweni Matapa Kingdom as an excuse to oppose Portuguese colonial rule, etc. Mumu successfully expelled the Germans from Tanganyika. What kind of country Mumu wants to build depends on Rock's mood.

It is estimated that most of it will still be Tanzania. As for whether it will become the Kingdom of Tanzania, it depends on Rock's mood.

The current Honor Hold rebels still need more training. These people are also prone to excessive adrenal gland secretion. After completing the blood oath, some Tatera people couldn't control their emotions and even took the initiative to fire their guns into the sky.

Eddie Bunyan and William Clare shook their heads. Compared with the disciplined northern Rhodesian division, this is a mob, not even the Tanganyika servant army. Come on, Eddie Bunyan and William Clare have a lot of work to do.

However, there was not much time left for Eddie Bunian and William Claire. After the outbreak of the Honor Hold rebellion, Fonte Rota began to mobilize troops to encircle and suppress the Honor Hold rebels.

However, Germany's strength in Tanganyika is not strong, and Feng Trota doesn't even have enough troops, so he can only ask Germany for support.

The German government is now fully committed to the arms race, and there is no spare capacity to support Tanganyika, so the German government has transferred troops from Southwest Africa to support Tanganyika.

It is not easy to transfer troops from Southwest Africa. After all, there are still Rhodesia and Nyasaland between Southwest Africa and Tanganyika. Therefore, if the troops in Southwest Africa want to support Tanganyika, they have to bypass more than half of the country. Africa.

At this time, we can see the benefits of having more colonies.

(End of this chapter)

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