Chapter 558 Liars

After the Boer War, except for Louis Botha and Jan Smolts, all other Boer generals stayed at home and were excluded from the colonial government.

Now that the federal government is established, British influence in southern Africa is gradually fading, and Bloemfontein has become the legislative capital of the federal government. Those Boers who are unemployed at home and unwilling to be resigned to power are as restless as sharks smelling blood .

Schalke Beagle and Byers have a simple request. Even if they cannot return to the army, they still want to enter the Ministry of Defense and contribute to the security of the federal government.

Of course, the last sentence was said by them themselves, and Rock definitely didn't believe it. Safety and the like were all excuses, and it was true to want to regain power.

It's no wonder that Hopkins handed over all the power to Rock. This is actually a very offensive job. If the Boers are not allowed to get involved in power, they will become the public enemy of the Boers.

And if the Boers are given access to rights, their demands will increase, and the Ministry of National Defense will fall into endless wrangling just like the government.

Luo Erke definitely didn't want to see this happen, so Rock was determined not to see any of them. For the newly formed third and fourth divisions, Rock already had an idea.

The first is the selection of division commanders. Considering the acceptance of whites, the candidates for the division commanders of the third and fourth divisions can only be whites, which Ade hinted to Rock.

Rock will definitely not go his own way. The positioning of the third and fourth divisions is different from that of the first and second divisions. The first and second divisions are reorganized divisions with the ability to take the initiative to attack and can be used for overseas operations.

The [-]rd and [-]th divisions are just defense forces, responsible for the security of Cape and Natal respectively, and will not be used for overseas operations. Therefore, there will be a big gap compared with the [-]st and [-]nd divisions in terms of organization and equipment.

According to Rock's plan, the first and second divisions will continue to expand, and each division will expand to about 5000 people.

The third and fourth divisions will only retain about 5000 people, and the formation is mainly infantry and cavalry. They will not be equipped with too many cars and heavy weapons, so the selection of the commanders of these two divisions is not important, they can be used Balanced racial ratios within the Wehrmacht.

Although Roque is unwilling to mention the issue of race, in southern Africa, this problem cannot be avoided at all. The former Rhodesian Northern Division and the new First Cavalry Division are mainly Chinese. Later, Roque began to recruit Gurkhas. The proportion of mercenaries and Chinese soldiers is gradually shrinking.

In the future, the expansion of the first and second divisions will still be dominated by Gorkha mercenaries, and the proportion of Chinese will gradually decrease. In Rock's ideal model, the officers and technical arms of the final army may all be Chinese. The soldiers are all Gurkha mercenaries.

The two newly established divisions don't matter. Once a war breaks out in southern Africa, Roque doesn't expect these two troops to be able to turn the tide. As long as these two troops can maintain the stability of Cape and Orange, if a war breaks out, Roque Those who trust are still the veterans of the first division and the second division.

Although Roque refused to meet, Nicola Van Rensburg was not discouraged. Early the next morning, Nicola Van Rensburg came to Cecil Rhodes Square in Little Rock, where she held a public meeting. Performance.

"Prophet", the performance must be something related to occultism, otherwise it would not be able to show the greatness of "Prophet".

So Nikola Van Rensburg performed Indian levitation.

The stalk of levitation has been played badly on the Internet in the 21st century, but in southern Africa at the beginning of the [-]th century, almost no one knew the mystery inside, so Nicola van Rensburg's performance aroused great interest. It was a sensation, even Phyllis knew that there was a "virtuous monk" in Little Rock, and Stoudemire, who witnessed the levitation performance with his own eyes, was even more swearing, and even wanted to invite Nicola Van Rensburg to spend his days in Rhodesia. year.

"Did you see with your own eyes that he can stand in the air?" Rock didn't believe it at all. Give Rock a little time to prepare a few steel pipes and a thick suit, and Rock can also perform the so-called levitation technique.

"Of course, at least thousands of people witnessed this miracle, and almost everyone is discussing it these days. Do you know that Nikola van Rensburg is a famous prophet among the Boers, who can predict the future, And he knows everything that happened around him. During the Boer War, Nikola Van Rensburg used his magical ability to help the Boer coalition win the victory—" Stoudemire talked endlessly, and it was difficult for Rock to understand why Even simple tricks can be fooled. Looking at Stoudemire now, Rock finally understands why.

There are too many fools in this world and not enough liars.

It is said that Roque asked Luo Yi to go to Cape Town Wharf to set up a trick before, but it was actually a trick.

Thinking about it now, the people who were fooled at that time were like crucian carp crossing the river——

It can only be said that people nowadays are really simple.

"It's fake, it's just a simple deception—" Rock can only ruthlessly expose that people like Nicola Van Rensburg are actually very dangerous. If Nikola Van Rensburg has enough influence, then If you don't pay attention, it will develop into something like that.

"Locke, you questioned it because you didn't see it with your own eyes. I can understand it. If I didn't believe it before, but I saw it with my own eyes. If I have the chance, I really want to invite Nicola Valence I am looking forward to your surprised expression." Stoudemire is also very stubborn, it seems that Stoudemire will not believe that Rock does not show evidence.

"Wait—" Rock didn't talk nonsense, and raised his hand to call Zach over.

"No, it's impossible—" Although Stoudemire was still unwilling to believe it, his confidence had already begun to waver.

It is true that Rock's performance all the time is too bad, and his position in Stoudemire's heart can be said to be deeply rooted. Rock seldom makes mistakes, which has been proved by countless facts.

Zach's efficiency is also high, but within a meal, Zach reproduced the "miracle" of Nikola Van Rensburg in Eagle Fort.

"That's not the case, Locke. Nicola Van Rensburg definitely did it with his own ability, not with the aid of tools." Stoudemire was no longer defending Nikola Van Rensburg at this time, but It's defending your intelligence.

If he is deceived by such a simple method, it is really an insult to his IQ, so even if the facts are right in front of him, Stoudemire must maintain his confidence in Nicola van Rensburg.

"Okay, you wait—" Rock wanted to completely expose Nicola Van Rensburg's deception, so he asked Zach to find Nikola Van Rensburg.

When Zach found Nicola Van Rensburg, Nikola Van Rensburg was a guest of a wealthy businessman. It is said that the rich businessman paid Nick La Van Rensburg a thousand pounds.

This money is really easy to make, and if Rock wants to, he can also let Zach go out to make money.

By the way, the image of Zach is also very story-telling.

When Nicola Van Rensburg came to Eagle Castle, the props that Zach used to perform for Stoudemire remained in place.

Obviously, the moment he saw those props, Nicola Van Rensburg's expression was a little flustered.

Little Stowe, a gentle and gentle man, now looked at Nicola Van Rensburg with fierce and fierce eyes.

This kind of trick, it is better not to make too much noise, it’s fine to make a fortune quietly, to make a big noise is courting death, once the scam is exposed, how ruthless those who boasted at the beginning, and how ruthless the means of revenge after the scam is exposed.

Take Stoudemire as an example, Stoudemire wants to put Nikola Van Rensburg in a sack and throw it into Lake Niassa, but I don’t know if Nikola Van Rensburg, the "prophet", has foreseen Until he will face such an ending.

Probably didn't expect it, otherwise Nikola Van Rensburg would probably have escaped by now.

"Come on, Mr. Nicola Van Rensburg, I heard that your levitation technique is amazing, and Mr. Rhodes would like to see it." Rock's attitude is very casual. If Nicola Van Rensburg does not rely on props, If he can perform levitation in public, then Roque admits that Nicola Van Rensburg is really a prophet.

"I'm sorry, my lord. The levitation technique consumes a lot of energy. I can only perform it once a week. If Mr. Rhodes wants to watch it, I'm afraid it will be a week later." Nicola van Rensburg must have her own words .

After all, Eagle Fort is different from the home of a wealthy businessman. Nikola Van Rensburg did not come alone, but also brought his team.

Because of Roque's invitation, Nicola Van Rensburg could enter Eagle Castle, and his team members could only wait outside Eagle Castle, and without the help of team members, Nicola Van Rensburg could not complete the so-called "Levitate", so the time limit is a good reason.

"It doesn't matter, then please live in Eagle Castle for a week, and then perform for Mr. Rhodes after a week." Rock is not in a hurry, there is plenty of time, but I don't know if Stoudemire has the patience.

"I'm afraid not, my lord. I've felt the call of the Lord, and I'm going back to Orange tomorrow—" Nikola Van Rensburg would certainly not wait to reveal his truth, and "Lord" was also a good excuse.

"Feeling the call of the Lord, shouldn't you go to heaven?" Xiaosi's expression was cold, and Rock could almost hear the sound of Xiaosi grinding his teeth.

"Sorry, Mr. Rhodes, what I believe in is not Protestantism, but the traditional religion of our Boers. In the tradition of our Boers, as long as we feel the call of the Lord, we will return to our homeland——" Nikola Fan Rensburg tried to calm down, the psychological quality of this liar is so strong, he probably believed it himself.

"So you want to return to the Netherlands?" Rock asked casually. Tradition probably cannot be passed on without going through hundreds of years.

It has only been a few years since the Boers came to Africa. If we really want to talk about traditions, we can only go back to the Netherlands to find them, or go to the Cape.

It couldn't be Orange anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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