Chapter 562

The battle had just begun, and August Dorn had an ominous sign in his heart.

As a senior officer in Tanganyika, August Dorn is still of a high level. The Second Tanganyika Division also fought against the Honor Hold rebels before, although compared with ordinary Africans, Honor Hold The quality of the rebel army is better, but it is not much better. The most intuitive manifestation is that it is easy to get bloody, and it is common to shoot at a distance of 600 meters.

This time is different. Fort Helmut obviously has traces of fortifications. The starting position of the second division of Tanganyika is only about 500 meters away from Fort Helmut, but the attacking force has been advancing for 300 meters. Being counterattacked by the Honor Hold rebels, this made August Dorn wonder if the position of Fort Helmut was a bluff.

Obviously not, because August Dorn, who was using a telescope to observe the position of Fort Helmut, accidentally discovered that someone on the position of Fort Helmut was also using a telescope to observe the attacking German troops.

What August Dorn regretted most at this time was that the Second Tanganyika Division was not equipped with artillery. At this time, the artillery should actually be used to strike the Helmut Fort position for more than half an hour before investing The ground forces will have the best effect.

Dealing with Africans actually requires the use of artillery!

This idea just appeared in August Dorn's mind, and then it was thrown away by August Dorn, and he felt a little ridiculous.

But what happened next fully proved that August Dorn's worries were not unnecessary.

The general-purpose machine gun equipped by Nyasaland has a theoretical rate of fire of [-] rounds.

Of course, no one holds the trigger all the time in the battle. Such a [-]-round ammunition box can be fully fired in ten seconds, so skilled shooters are still accustomed to using two or three bursts, so that they can maximize the use of general-purpose machine guns. power.

The machine gunner's burst fire can best reflect the level of the shooter. A top shooter like Chen Pang can use tracer bullets to shoot perfect two or three bursts.

The defensive position of the assault regiment is to build an airtight firepower network based on each machine gun position, so the rifle shooters will not point it out until the machine gun is fired.

Chen Pound's position was at the forefront of the entire position, so the battle started from Chen Pound.

Although the number of German troops attacking was small and it was not a dense formation, Chen Pang still found the best time to fire with his rich experience.


The sound of the general-purpose machine gun was like a typewriter, crisp and melodious, full of rhythm, and to August Dorn's ears, it was like the drum of death.

At the moment of firing, a small group of German troops was completely within Chen Pound's shooting range, and at that short moment, they lined up in Chen Pang's shooting range.

Chen Pang fired without hesitation, and swept away all six German soldiers with less than twenty rounds of bullets.

This efficiency is no less than that of a top marksman who uses a rifle to accurately roll his name.

The moment he heard the gunshot, August Dorn realized that something was wrong.

The sound of the general-purpose machine gun and the Maxim are different. The general-purpose machine gun has a crisp "tat-tat-tat", while the Maxim has a heavy "thump-thump-thump". The difference is still obvious.

The Honor Hold rebels have been equipped with some Maxims before, but they have never been equipped with general-purpose machine guns.

However, August Dorn hadn't doubted the identity of the enemy on the other side at this time. No one would have imagined that Nyasaland would brazenly send troops into Tanganyika to help the Tanganyika rebels. If this matter came to light, it might lead to a full-scale war between Britain and Germany.

Compared with August Dorn, the German troops participating in the offensive felt more deeply.

The competition of linear tactics is all about courage and blood. Even in the face of a hail of bullets, one must advance bravely and not retreat.

But this "bravery" also has a limit. If the casualties are heavy and they are unable to continue to attack, then the soldiers will not go forward to die.

A battalion of German troops in charge of the attack was disabled within a minute of the start of the battle. More than half of the soldiers were killed within ten seconds of the start of the battle, and then the attacking troops were completely suppressed and could not advance at all.

There were also German soldiers who tried to fight back, but they were often accurately named by the precision shooters of the first battalion as soon as they emerged from the bunker.

In fact, even if they counterattacked, they couldn’t find a target for the counterattack. Apart from the machine gun position, the first battalion had foxholes. Each precision shooter prepared at least two to three foxholes, and they would change places every time they fired a shot. The German soldiers will not be given a chance to fight back at all.

As for the machine gun that poses the greatest threat to German soldiers, because of the setting of the position, it will not be directly attacked by German soldiers. Every time a German soldier takes a step forward, he will be shot by machine guns from both sides and sporadic attacks from frontal precision shooters. The unique fighting style made the German troops at a loss.

I have never fought such an aggrieved battle, let alone in Africa, even in the Franco-Prussian War, the German army has never encountered such a situation when facing the French army known as the "world's first army".

Even in this situation, August Dorn was still unwilling to order the troops to withdraw from the battle. On the contrary, he was still urging the troops to move forward, trying to get more information.

At this time, we can see the advantage of general-purpose machine guns over Maxim. The battle has already started for a long time, but the Maxim equipped by Tanganyika Second Division has not yet completed the preparations, and the gap is very obvious.

You must know that the machine gun shooters of the Second Division of Tanganyika are also whites, and this technique is not good for Africans.

"Order the troops to move on, otherwise the military law team will enforce the law on the spot, and we will get more information about the enemy!" August Dorn was ruthless, even if he used a pile of people, he wanted to break through the enemy's defense line.

"General, the situation is not good—" Marshall Thomas, the deputy division commander, had a solemn expression. He had been observing the defensive positions of the "rebels" at Fort Helmut just now. To be honest, the "rebels" at Fort Helmut Ability astonished Marshall Thomas.

The Nyasaland Arsenal is now able to produce tracer ammunition, so when soldiers prepare ammunition boxes in advance, in order to give the shooter enough hints, a tracer ammo will be loaded every five bullets on the ammunition belt.

In this way, during the battle, the shooter can adjust in time according to the trajectory of the tracer bullet, causing greater damage to the enemy.

One or two machine gun positions, this situation is not obvious, but dozens of machine gun positions fired at the same time, and what was presented to Marshall Thomas was an impenetrable firepower net.

A web of fire woven with tracers and death.

"The Honor Hold rebels don't have such capabilities, absolutely not, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to defeat them before—" Marshall Thomas said to the point.

"Then who is the enemy on the opposite side of us?" August Dorn roared furiously, and then his face turned pale as if realizing something.

"Impossible, the Nyasalandians dare not—" Marshall Thomas muttered to himself, although it was unbelievable, but this seemed to be the only reasonable explanation.

"Now is the time to protect the glory. No matter what, we will know when we win the position." August Dorn cheered up and finally really paid attention to his opponent.

So the second attack of the German army was launched under the cover of the Maxim heavy machine guns. Although the second division of Tanganyika was equipped with a little Maxim, all the Maxim heavy machine guns added up to only six.

In the past, six Maxim heavy machine guns were enough to deal with African natives.

In 1893, a mere 50 mercenaries under Cecil Rhodes, relying on four Maxim heavy machine guns, easily repelled the siege of as many as 5000 Zulu warriors and killed 3000 of them.

In 1898, during the Battle of Omdurman in Sudan, 2 monks were attacking, and as many as 15000 fell in front of the Maxim machine gun position.

The Second Division of Tanganyika originally wanted to use Maxim to once again create a myth in military history, but it is a pity that the Germans will not be able to do so this time.

As soon as the heavy roar of the Maxim heavy machine gun sounded, it was hit by mortar fire.

The artillery position of the first battalion is composed of six [-]mm caliber mortars and twelve [-]mm caliber mortars. Eighteen mortars only fired a three-shot surprise attack. The machine gun position of the Second Division was shrouded in gunpowder smoke and flames, followed by the explosion of ammunition. The scene still looked spectacular.

But in the eyes of August Dorn and Marshall Thomas, this scene was like a bolt from the blue.

The battle was over, and the ambition that had just been stirred up in August Dorn and Marshall Thomas disappeared with the machine gun positions.

"We must retreat. This is not an enemy we can defeat." Marshall Thomas is now very sure that there must be "unknown forces" directly intervening in the civil strife in Tanganyika.

Considering the situation in Tanganyika, it is self-evident who this "unknown force" is.

"I can't do it now!" August Dorn was very unwilling, but he had no choice but to order the troops to retreat.

The "rebels" in Fort Helmut even have artillery, and it seems that there are quite a lot of them. This battle is impossible to fight. August Dorn now has sufficient reasons to retreat, and he must immediately put this situation to rest. Report to Governors Erich von Falkenhain and Leutwein.

However, it is not easy to withdraw if you want to withdraw. Just as August Dorn ordered the retreat, a large number of cavalry appeared on the flanks of the Tanganyika Second Division. Honor Hold rebels.

"Retreat, retreat immediately!" August Dorn did not dare to hesitate, the Germans and the Tatera people now have blood feuds, if August Dorn is captured by Nyasaland troops, then maybe August Sturd Dorn can also get treatment commensurate with his status.

But if he was captured by the Honor Hold rebels, then August Dorn's fate might be very tragic.

(End of this chapter)

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