Chapter 573 Convenience

Although the relationship between Nyasaland and Tanganyika has dropped to a historical freezing point, there is still a communication mechanism that should exist, so Martin received a meeting request from Erich von Falkenhayn that day.

However, Martin didn't want to meet Erich von Falkenhayn, and he didn't even need to meet. Martin knew what Erich von Falkenhayn wanted to say, and he just hoped that Nyasaland would not support the Fort Honor troops, but yes It wasn't support and it wasn't decided by Martin. It doesn't count if Martin said it, so Martin didn't think it was necessary to meet Erich von Falkenhayn at all.

"I'll see you when we should see each other. After all, Southern Africa and Tanganyika have not really declared war. France and Germany are feuds. Recently, Morocco has been in trouble. When the foreign ministers of the two countries meet, they can still sit down and have a drink. If the problem cannot be solved, it is okay to test the possibility of a solution.” The chief of staff of the second division, Kyle Meg, suggested that Martin should meet, at least there would be no harm.

"Kyle, we are soldiers, not diplomats. The stage of soldiers is the battlefield. If Erich von Falkenhayn wants to meet me, then he has to go through the normal channels, first apply to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Southern Africa, and then If the Ministry of Foreign Affairs deems it necessary, it will communicate with the Ministry of Defense, and as long as the Ministry of Defense allows me to meet, of course I will meet." Martin couldn't imagine what the French foreign minister would say when they met the German foreign minister, and most of them would smile and scold their mothers in their native language.

This is actually self-deception. It is normal for a person who can become a foreign minister to know three to five languages. At least English, French, and German are the main languages. Only in this way can he correctly understand the meaning of the other party when conducting diplomatic activities , otherwise, if there is a mistake in translation, the impact caused may be irreparable.

For example, the sign language interpreter at Mandela's funeral. After this incident, the whole country became the laughing stock of the world, and the damage to the country's image was incalculable.

"General, it's not that serious—" Kyle Melo thought Martin was overkill.

After the establishment of Southern Africa, Martin's military rank was finally promoted to major general, and he was in the first rank in the southern African military system.

Including the previous generals, there are currently 25 generals in southern Africa, but there are very few generals with real power. Martin and Sochao, the commander of the First Cavalry Division, have authority in the Ministry of Defense second only to Roque.

As for Secretary Hopkins, he himself admits that he is the mascot of the Department of Defense.

"No, it's serious. As soldiers, we can't meet with German generals in private. It's unreasonable and illegal." Martin was still very vigilant, regardless of Erich von Falkenhayn's purpose of meeting Martin What is it, not seeing is the wisest choice.

Erich von Falkenhayn was not too surprised by Martin's reply. Now Erich von Falkenhayn's main task is to find the main force of the Fort Honor troops. Will Martin agree to cooperate with Erich von Falkenhayn? Meeting Falkenhayn will not change the grim situation that Erich von Falkenhayn will face.

Although the Honor Hold was successfully captured, Erich von Falkenhayn's heart was even heavier. The Honor Hold troops crossed Lake Rukwa and jumped out of the encirclement of the German army in Tanganyika. All of Erich von Falkenhayn's plans All failed. Now that the Honor Fort troops have abandoned the Honor Fort and are nowhere to be found, it will be more difficult for the Tanganyika German army to find the main force of the Honor Fort troops.

"We can now confirm that the main force of the Fort Honor rebels is the Tiger Regiment. This is a force composed entirely of Gurkhas. The captives confess that they are all from Nyasaland. I think we should declare war on southern Africa right now. , if Southern Africa does not stop supporting the Fort Honor rebels, then the eradication of the Fort Honor rebels will be far away." The commander of the 35th Division, Terry Dunlop, was emotional. The attack caused minimal losses, but the 36th Division was attacked continuously by the guerrillas along the way, so the losses were heavy. In such a comparison, it seems that Terry Dunlop is extremely incompetent.

"I also have a piece of information here. It is likely that the Nyasaland Assault Regiment participated in the Battle of Fort Helmut. This regiment has only 1800 troops. They wiped out the tanks with a total strength of nearly 4000 within an hour and a half. The Second Division of Gurnicha, and units like the Nyasaland Assault Regiment, now have 6000 people in Nyasaland." Sean Bell, the commander of the 36th Division, stated the facts and reasoned, and if he really wanted to declare war, he could It's not sure if you can't beat it.

"It is impossible to declare war on southern Africa. It would be tantamount to provoking a general war between Germany and England. This is not in line with our overall strategy. We are not ready yet." Erich von Fagin Han is also very helpless, fight, fight, talk, Tanganyika's situation does not allow, and now Erich von Falkenhain is in a dilemma.

"We will never be able to prepare well. Now all the resources are tilted towards the navy. For every dreadnought we build, the British have to build two, so the gap in our naval power has not narrowed, but We are gradually expanding, we should not compete with England on the ocean at all, but should consolidate our advantages on land, no matter how many British dreadnoughts, it is impossible to drive to land!" Terry Dunlop also has his own Thinking, as a front-line soldier, I feel more deeply than those civilian officers of the General Staff.

"This is not a question we should discuss!" Erich von Falkenhain snapped, and the General Staff cannot always be right. What's more, it was not the decision of the General Staff to initiate an arms race, but from Kaiser Wilhelm. II.

"From Tanganyika's point of view, we should indeed declare war with England, but Tanganyika must also obey the overall interests of Germany. What we can do now is to give full play to our strengths under the existing conditions." Only in this way can we make due contributions to the empire.” Sean Bell, the commander of the 36th Division, was eccentric, obviously satirizing the 35th Division’s excessive losses.

"Damn bastard, what do you want to say? You should be grateful, because you didn't encounter such troubles as the 35th Division!" Terry Dunlop was furious. If the 36th Division faced the same situation as the 35th Division, then the performance of the 36th Division , it is impossible to be better than 35 divisions.

"The reason why the 36th Division is going smoothly is not because of the choice of the Honor Hold rebels, but because the 36th Division has not made any mistakes, and the Honor Hold rebels have no chance at all!" Sean Bell retorted, whether the facts are not important, the key is the final result , The result now is that the 35th Division suffered heavy losses, but the 36th Division was unscathed.

Terry Dunlop still wanted to distinguish, and Erich von Falkenhayn finally couldn't bear it anymore: "Enough! Remember your identities, we are one whole, if we can't wipe out the Honor Hold rebels, then all of us will die." It's the responsibility, not a single person, or a certain force."

The current situation in Tanganyika is definitely not the responsibility of a single person. Governor Leutwein is certainly to blame, and the former commander-in-chief Von Trotta also contributed. Even Erich von Falkenhayn , if the rebellion in Tanganyika cannot be quelled smoothly, then Erich von Falkenhayn may be used as a scapegoat.

Within the German army, there are still strict barriers between ranks. Sean Bell and Terry Dunlop can attack each other, but if the General Staff is involved, Erich von Falkenhain still has a clear understanding. The decision of the General Staff , is not something that a few colonial generals can discuss.

But Erich von Falkenhayn's words obviously couldn't make Sean Bell and Terry Dunlop agree. Sean Bell was still sensible, and he smiled and didn't speak.

Terry Dunlop couldn't bear it. The three thousand abandoned sons of the Honor Fort troops caused nearly 30 casualties to the No. 800 Fifth Division, which was a shame for Terry Dunlop.

If the equipment level of Fort Honor troops is on the same level as No.30 Fifth Division, then maybe Terry Dunlop has an excuse.

The reality is that the equipment of the Honor Fort troops is extremely simple. The 3000-strong army has no machine guns at all, and it is impossible to have a rifle. However, even with the simple weapons, the Honor Fort troops have achieved such a record. Terry Dunlop is indeed unacceptable.

So Terry Dunlop's attitude was very fierce: "I don't want to shirk responsibility, but the biggest responsibility now is not with me, but that there is a problem with the general staff when making decisions. As a German soldier, I have reasons. Put forward my suggestion, regardless of whether the General Staff adopts it or not—" Terry Dunlop argued that Erich von Falkenhain is not yet the chief of the German General Staff, and his prestige in the army is just that, so Terry Dunlop dared to ignore Erich von Falkenhayn's stop.

"Shut up! General Terry Dunlop, you need to take a break. You can't take on the mission for the time being. Go to Safe Harbor and let your chief of staff replace you." Erich von Falkenhayn was decisive, and for Terry A thorny head like Dunlop must be dealt with decisively.

Terry Dunlop gritted his teeth, and finally swallowed this breath: "Yes, sir, obey your will."

Confinement is confinement, and if it wakes up the General Staff, Terry Dunlop thinks it will all be worth it.

It is a pity that Terry Dunlop's suggestion will never be submitted to the German General Staff. Even if it is passed, the General Staff will probably ignore Terry Dunlop's suggestion.

At the end of March, the Tanganyika German army also broke up and scattered to the indigenous tribes around Honor Fort, trying to find news related to the Fort Honor rebels.

In this case, of course, the Honor Hold troops were given the greatest convenience.

(End of this chapter)

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