Chapter 582 Cannon Fodder

Erich von Falkenhayn came to Rock, the main purpose was to hope that Rock would stop supporting the Honor Hold troops. As long as the Honor Hold troops could continue to receive supplies from Nyasaland, then Tanganyika would be Calm can never be restored.

It's a pity that Erich von Falkenhayn will probably be disappointed. The Honor Hold army has grown to its current scale, and Mumu has formally put forward his own political demands. It is impossible for Rock and Mumu to give up their easy-to-get victory.

For the sake of William II and the German government, it is impossible for Honor Hold to become independent from Tanganyika, so the bottom line Roque can accept is that the territory controlled by the Honor Hold troops can still recognize Tanganyika in name. Colonization, but not actually subject to the leadership of Tanganyika, just like southern Africa to the British Empire, to achieve de facto self-government.

This result was unacceptable to Erich von Falkenhayn. After all, Germany did not have as much experience in colonial management as Britain, and Germany's colonies were pitifully small compared with Britain. Jin Han estimates that it will take some time to digest before he can accept this reality.

In order to urge Erich von Falkenhayn to face reality, Honor Hold troops launched an attack on Dodoma, a transportation hub in central Tanganyika, on June NO.15.

Unlike Nyasaland, which has developed transportation, there is only one railway in Tanganyika connecting Ping An Port and Usumbula. Dodoma is located at the center of this railway and is the most important transportation hub in Tanganyika. If the glory If the Fort forces capture Dodoma, then the connection between Ping An and Usumbra can be cut off, and the German colony in Tanganyika can be cut into two parts.

The Tanganyika colonial government also knew the importance of Dodoma, so Dodoma stationed the 89th Infantry Regiment for local reinforcements. At the same time, through the railway, the troops stationed in Ping An Port and Usumbula could also be quickly reinforced.

After the outbreak of the Honor Fort Rebellion, many public facilities in Tanganyika were destroyed by Honor Fort troops, and the railway between Ping An Port and Usumbula was also bombed many times. This also forced the Tanganyika colonial government to Upgrading public facilities. While continuing to repair the railway, the Tanganyika colonial government is also considering upgrading the gravel road between Dodoma and Ping An Port to an asphalt road, but because Tanganyika is unstable, this The plan has never been implemented.

The main forces in charge of attacking Dodoma are the [-]th and [-]th Divisions of Fort Honor.

It sounds like there are a lot of troops, but in fact the total strength of the two divisions is only about 1.

With the help of "volunteers", the Honor Fort troops are also gradually becoming regularized. Now there are nine divisions in the Honor Fort troops. Except for the first division which has more troops, the strength of the other five divisions is 5000. Left and right, the reason why such an organization is adopted is also for bluffing.

This is also a common practice. For the army, 1000 troops can blow up mountains and plains. A 1-man army is a sea of ​​people. Although the size of 5000 people is not suitable for the "division" level, it can be used to attack a lot Horses are still enough, after all, there is only one regiment of the Dodoma German army.

In fact, when formulating the plan, most of the staff hoped that the Lions would be the main attacker, so that they could fully demonstrate the combat effectiveness of the Fort Honor troops and intimidate Erich von Falkenhayn to the greatest extent.

This proposal was resolutely rejected by Wu Ben. The lion group composed entirely of Gorkha mercenaries is the most powerful force in the Honor Hold. Wu Ben is reluctant to use the troops in the battle with the most casualties. Now there are nine soldiers in the Honor Hold. A division, the total strength of the whole army is nearly 7. These cannon fodder are just used to attack Dodoma. The Lions should still play their biggest role in the sniper battle.

Therefore, the fourth and fifth divisions, the lion regiment and the better-trained second division were responsible for the main attack tasks. They were responsible for the German reinforcements from the direction of Ping An Harbor after the sniper battle began.

As for Usumbula, there is no need to worry about this direction. Once the battle starts, the Fort Honor troops will destroy the railway and gravel road between Usumbula and Dodoma. Let's talk about repairing the road.

Moreover, we have to be prepared to do multiple repairs and repeated repairs.

From the perspective of the early twentieth century, the German army can indeed be called "the world's number one army."

Although the German army did not perform well in the previous counter-insurgency, the performance of the German army in defensive operations was still very good. On the first day of the attack on Dodoma, the Fort Honor troops lost nearly 3000 people. Is there any result? —

Probably just consumed some bullets from the defenders of Dodoma.

So that night, Wu Ben transferred the artillery of the Lion Regiment to Dodoma to participate in the battle, and the Dodoma defenders finally felt tremendous pressure.

The artillery equipped by the lion group is also a mortar. Although the caliber of the mortar is only [-] mm, the threat posed by the mortar is large enough for the defenders of Dodoma who are not equipped with artillery.

With the help of mortars, the Fort Honor troops finally made a big improvement in their attack. By June NO.20, the Fort Honor troops had captured more than half of Dodoma, leaving only about one battalion of Dodoma defenders. Solid fortifications insist on fighting.

At this time, the reinforcements from Ping An Harbor finally arrived at the sniper position set up by the Lions Group ten kilometers east of Dodoma.

In order to attract reinforcements from Ping'an Port to take the initiative to attack, Wu Ben did not launch a surprise attack this time. After destroying the railway, the lion group directly raised a battle flag on the sniper position, openly provoking the German army in Ping'an Port.

The brutal offensive and defensive battle begins immediately.

The German army’s offensive in Ping An Harbor still used the traditional human sea tactics. Although many previous wars have shown that the mass use of automatic weapons, the human sea tactics are basically on the verge of being eliminated. Before the good way, the sea of ​​people tactic is still the most efficient tactic.

So for the first German attack, there was a regiment of troops invested, but this regiment was a colonial servant army. The main purpose was to test the firepower of the Lion regiment. This is the correct way to use cannon fodder.

It must be introduced here that in order to maximize the power of automatic weapons, the lion group chose a very clever position. One side of the position is a river, which is not conducive to the German army's outflanking. The other side is a cliff with a height of more than 20 meters. The German army wants to outflank. also face great difficulties.

The front of the Lions' position is a gentle slope. Before the German army arrived in Ping An Port, the auxiliary troops of the Lions cleared all the trees on the gentle slope, clearing the shooting range for the automatic weapons of the Lions, so that when the Germans attacked It is impossible to use the terrain cover to advance, which will cause maximum damage to the attacking troops.

The chief officer of the reinforcements at Safe Harbor is Alva Butler, commander of No.30 Sixth Division. Although Alva Butler is cruel and tyrannical, he is still very experienced. After observing the position of the Lions, Alva Butler Le ordered the colonial servants to launch an attack to test the firepower of the Lions.

The result of the battle surprised Alva Butler. Although Alva Butler knew that the combat power of the colonial servants was not strong, Alva Butler did not expect that the combat effectiveness of the colonial servants was so weak. The colonial servants who participated in the attack Soon after the army left the starting position, it was strafed by the heavy machine guns of the Lion Regiment. As a result, as soon as the heavy machine guns of the Lion Regiment opened fire, the colonial servant army participating in the attack collapsed. Almost all the soldiers turned around and ran away without any trace. will to fight.

Even without an order from Alva Butler, the front-line officers immediately made the most correct response.

"Law enforcement team!"


"Destroy all these cowards!"

Accompanied by roars, the heavy machine guns of the No.30 Sixth Division Law Enforcement Team began to roar. Almost instantly, the colonial servants who tried to escape suffered more than a hundred casualties.

"Attack, or die!" The officer of the law enforcement team forced the colonial servants to return to their positions.

"Return to your position, or enforce battlefield discipline!" The officers of the colonial servant army tried to reorganize their formation and launch an offensive again.

"We can't win at all—"

Some soldiers of the colonial servant army wanted to quibble, but the officers immediately drew their guns.

"Attack, you will be rewarded if you capture the position. If you run away, you will die now."

Under such circumstances, the colonial servants finally regrouped and launched another attack.

The Lion Regiment was still the same as before. Shortly after the attacking troops left the starting position, the heavy machine guns began to shoot, and they strictly followed the infantry drills in southern Africa, using crossfire.

What appeared in front of Alva Butler was a dense crossfire net made of tracer bullets, so dense that even Alva Butler felt palpitations.

A regiment of troops could not break through such a dense position without fire cover.

Including Alva Butler, all the officers of the No.30 Sixth Division lost their voices, and they were no longer as high-spirited as when they just left Safe Harbor.

In fact, when they learned that the Honor Fort troops took the initiative to attack Dodoma, the No.30 Sixth Division was very happy. They finally found the main force of the Honor Fort troops, but they did not expect the Honor Fort troops to show strong combat effectiveness. This made Alva Butler couldn't help but weigh how many troops No. 30 Sixth Division would need to invest in order to break through the Lions' position.

This is just a lion group, a sniper position, and no one can guarantee that even if this position is broken, there will be another one next.

Soon, all the servants of an attacking regiment fell in front of the lion regiment's position. Even if someone tried to escape, they would be shot on the spot by the law enforcement team.

"Continue, the next one—" Alva Butler showed no mercy, and ordered the troops to continue the attack. The troops in charge of the attack must still be the servant army. Before finding the weakness of the Lions' position, Alva Butler would definitely not Throw in an all-white regular army.

(End of this chapter)

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