Chapter 587 Debt

In 1806, Britain occupied Cape Town through the Anglo-Dutch War, and Cape Town became a British colony, which opened the prelude to British colonization in southern Africa.

For a long time after 1806, the British colonies in southern Africa hardly expanded. It was not until Cecil Rhodes became the prime minister of southern Africa that the Cape Colony began to expand. In fact, in recent years, Rhodes West Asia, Nyasaland, Natal, Swaziland, Bechuanaland and other places became British colonies one after another, and the subsequent Boer War finally formed the current scale of southern Africa.

Therefore, Cecil Rhodes is indeed a sinful thing for Africans, but for Britain, Cecil Rhodes' contribution is worthy of special mention.

In principle, Rock and Cecil Rhodes are the same kind of people. On the issue of colonial expansion, Rock and Cecil Rhodes are almost in the same line, so Rock and Cecil Rhodes Hit it off.

It's a pity that we met too late. If Rock and Cecil Rhodes were born in the same era, it is estimated that there will be no Germans in southern Africa, and there will be no messy Congo Free State, Portuguese East Africa, West Africa.

The British government is actually very harsh on Cecil Rhodes. With the credit of Cecil Rhodes, no earl is enough to thank Cecil Rhodes for his dedication.

Rock was "born" at a good time. When he came to southern Africa, it happened to catch up with the Boer War, so he won the title of knighthood by virtue of his military exploits and successfully became a nobleman. This is how Nyasaland is now.

Of course, if only relying on his achievements during the Boer War, Roque would be a baron at most. As for the current viscount, it is because the British government sees that the autonomy of southern Africa is irreversible, so it uses the title to win over these nobles in southern Africa Not only Rock, but Adelaide and Philip's titles may also be promoted this year, and even Stoudemire may appear on the knighthood list.

Rhodesia has now become a state of the Federal Government of Southern Africa, and it is meaningless to impose restrictions on South African companies. In order to win over Stoudemire, it is imperative to confer on Stoudemire, and the title may not be low. It is estimated that At least start as a Viscount.

This must include compensation to Cecil Rhodes, but whether Stoudemire will be grateful at that time is another matter.

One is the icing on the cake, and the other is a timely gift. There is a big difference here.

The current Nyasaland, on the surface, the gross national product is not high, and the finances of the Nyasaland state government have even been maintained by loans from the Rand Bank, but in fact Nyasaland’s economic situation is very good, only However, the factories and enterprises that really make money are controlled by the Nyasaland Agricultural Development Company, which is Rock's own private property, and he doesn't even need to pay taxes, which is why the finances of the Nyasaland State Government are so difficult.

During this period, Anton went to Pretoria quite frequently. Nyasaland's support to the Fort Honor troops was to cooperate with the arms race between the British mainland and Germany, so Anton was very confident and almost moved The bunks moved into the office of Treasury Secretary Bob Giles.

"The Ministry of Finance needs to conduct an inventory of the assets of all states in southern Africa. Nyasaland is part of southern Africa, and the property of the state capital must be clarified now. However, the situation in Nyasaland is a bit special. The barony of Nyasaland is Your private territory, but the Zambezi River Basin and the coast of the North Sea are not, what do you plan to do with this part?" Ada is Roque's best internal response in the federal government, and consideration must be based on Roque's actual needs.

Regardless of the large area of ​​Nyasaland now, the actual area of ​​the Barony of Nyasaland is the original 20 square kilometers, the Zambezi River Basin purchased from the Kingdom of Mozambique, and the North Sea coast obtained from the Congo Free State , are not Rock's private territory, strictly speaking, they should be regarded as the property of the Nyasaland State Government.

But Rock has a reason not to give up, not to mention anything else, just Port Edward, now not only is Nyasaland's only outlet to the sea, but also has a shipyard and a car factory invested by Rock, and Rock is building Port Edward Millions of pounds have been invested back and forth, and now the federal government wants to take away the management rights of Port Edward with a single document!

Just don't even think about it!

"It's nothing to do. If the federal government is willing to take over the debts of Port Edward, then it doesn't matter if Port Edward is handed over to the federal government." Rock has long been prepared for the current situation, and Port Edward is not what the federal government wants.

This is the benefit of having the Rand Bank. For a long time, all Rock's investments in Port Edward have been made through the Rand Bank.

In other words, Roque's investment is all in the form of loans from the Rand Bank to Port Edward, so the actual debt of Port Edward has exceeded 300 million pounds. If the federal government is willing to assume this debt, then Roque really doesn't care. With this 300 million, Rock can build another Port Edward.

"You are really far-sighted. No wonder Cecil Rhodes is willing to hand over Nyasaland to you. The Ministry of Finance has actually held many meetings on Nyasaland, but each time a final decision cannot be reached. Did you already know that this would happen?" Ada looked at Roque with admiration, and there were little stars twinkling in her eyes.

As the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ada is definitely qualified to participate in the internal meetings of the Ministry of Finance.

Every time this issue is discussed, Ada only needs to bring up the debt issue of Nyasaland, and Nyasaland, which seems to be full of flowers, immediately becomes a hot potato, and no one dares to express opinions on this issue.

This is not just a debt issue. Everyone knows how powerful Rock is in southern Africa. The Matilda family, including Baron Farwalt, is Rock's natural ally. Rock himself is Ade's favorite student. Germany is now cultivating Roque as his successor. Not only does Roque own the barony of Nyasaland, but there are also hundreds of thousands of Chinese in Nyasaland and the Transvaal who are his strong backing. Therefore, in southern Africa, no one dares to express opinions on issues related to Nyasaland.

Don't forget that Ada still maintains this personal relationship with Rock. Although Ada claims that both Arthur and Jessica were adopted by Ada, anyone who sees Arthur and Jessica's black hair , all know who Arthur and Jessica's father is.

But if you know it, you know it, but no one dares to discuss it openly. The Johannesburg "Star" once published Arthur's photo. As a result, the "Star" caught fire that night. The printing presses and ink used to print the newspaper, The papers were all burned and caused huge losses to nearby neighbors. The Star faces huge compensation of hundreds of thousands of pounds.

You must know that the boss of "The Star" is still Arnold, so the fire at the "Star" did not cause casualties. If it were replaced by someone else——

I guess it can only be hehe.

"Our ancestors warned us a long time ago that without long-term considerations, there must be short-term worries." Rock still attributed the credit to the extensive and profound traditional culture.

"Your ancestors are amazing—" Ada couldn't help but sigh, the most valuable thing left by the ancestors of the white people to future generations is probably the "Bible", so when the white people carried out colonial expansion, they all took advantage of it. A sword and a Bible in one hand.

"Thousands of years, so many ancient sages, no one left a word, enough for us younger generations to learn for a lifetime, but you don't have to envy, these life experiences now also belong to Arthur and Jessica." Rock generously Obviously, the traditional culture of the East is open and inclusive, and it is tolerant and tolerant. It is not just Arthur and Jessica. No matter who they are, as long as they want to learn, Rock has never cherished himself on this point.

Roque is also open-minded on this matter. Due to certain historical reasons, there are many interracial marriages in southern Africa. Many babies born in recent years are of mixed race. If Roque insists on the theory of blood , then it is very detrimental to the unity of the second generation of Chinese, so Rock asked Nyasaland University to translate Chinese classics into English, which is conducive to the spread of Chinese culture.

Of course, the translated text may not be able to accurately express the thoughts that the ancient sages wanted to convey, so if you want to truly understand traditional oriental culture, you still need to learn Chinese and read the original version, so that you can understand it accurately.

"Time is so fast, it seems that Arthur couldn't walk yesterday, but now he has reached the age where he can go to school." Ada's expression was very complicated, happy but also worried and lonely, which really made Luo Ke is very distressed.

Arthur, who was born in 03, is now five years old. According to the regulations in southern Africa, he will be the age to go to school next year.

However, in Arthur's situation, if Ada decides, even if it is to go to school, Ada probably will not let Arthur go to Bigwig Public School, but hire a tutor to teach Arthur at home. How the offspring are raised.

Compared with going to Bigwig Public School, hiring a tutor is indeed more conducive to Arthur's study, but it is not conducive to Arthur's growth. There are so many descendants of nobles in the UK. Why is it that one generation is not as good as the next? It is because of this closed so-called "elite education".

This method is indeed very beneficial for learning, but it is very unfavorable for interpersonal communication. Fortunately, many European nobles are aware of this problem. Even the British royal family will take the initiative to let princes and princesses enter public schools to study, giving princes and princesses more comprehensive cultivation.

This is also the reason why Rock insisted that Arthur go to Bigwig Public School. Not only Arthur, Gavin, Alvin, and Jessica should all go to Bigwig Public School if there is no accident in the future, especially It was Gavin. As the first successor to the next Viscount Nyasaland, Gavin definitely needed the help of his friends.

(End of this chapter)

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