Chapter 591 Resignation

It has been almost seven years since the first group of Chinese police families arrived in Cape Town, and it has been six years since Roque started large-scale education for the second generation of Chinese in Oak Town.

In six years, the teenagers at that time had grown into youths, and almost all the children at that time were studying at Nyasaland University. In August this year, the first batch of graduates of Nyasaland University were about to leave the school. Rock persisted for so long The investment of time in education has finally come to fruition.

"It's a bad news. The Education Committee did not accept our Nyasaland University, so our Nyasaland University diploma was not recognized." Douglas didn't come to Roque until the end of July.

By "Education Board" Douglas was referring to the British Board of Education.

Unlike southern Africa, there are many various committees in the UK to manage the industry. For example, the education industry has an education committee, agriculture has an agricultural committee, and industry has an industrial committee. These committees have great power. In its own industry, its influence is not inferior to that of the British government.

It was the same in southern Africa before. Various committees were responsible for managing all aspects of society. Douglas was once the chairman of the Johannesburg Education Board.

The Education Committee does not recognize the graduation certificate of Nyasaland University, which means that students who graduate from Nyasaland University cannot obtain corresponding positions in the UK or in the entire Commonwealth of Nations, which is very important to Nyasaland University It still has an impact, but the impact is not great. After all, most of the graduates of Nyasaland University will choose to stay and work in southern Africa in the future. Therefore, whether the British Education Council recognizes the diploma of Nyasaland University has no effect. Nyasaland University's student employment has too much impact, but it has a serious impact on Nyasaland University's reputation.

In the past, there was a Cape of Good Hope University in Cape Town. This Cape of Good Hope University was actually a short-term training course. It was far from Nyasaland University in every respect, and did not even have a fixed school building.

But even the graduation certificate of Cape of Good Hope University can be recognized by the British Education Council, so now there is no reason for the British Education Council not to recognize the graduation certificate of Nyasaland University.

"Why is there no acceptance? Is there any responsibility on our side?" Rock always needs to understand the situation before he can think of a solution.

"We have no responsibilities here. We applied for acceptance by the Education Committee last year, and we also made public relations with the Education Committee, but the Education Committee has delayed again and again. Until now, we have not officially started the review of Nyasaland University. Yesterday, the Education Committee finally gave us a reply. The reason is that the discipline setting of Nyasaland University is not standardized enough, and there are multilingual teaching behaviors. Before these problems are resolved, the Education Committee will not start the review of Nyasaland University. "Douglas was very angry. He probably spent a lot of money on public relations, but now it seems that the money has been fed to dogs.

Regarding the subject setting, Nyasaland University is indeed different from British universities. At least Nyasaland University does not have a regular theology course in British universities.

At the same time, because the professors of Nyasaland University come from various European countries, there must be some people who are not good at English, and there are indeed multilingual teaching behaviors in the teaching process.

These problems are actually not serious, but I don’t know why, the British Education Council rejected Nyasaland University’s application for this reason, and did not even start the review of Nyasaland University, which is very abnormal.

"So, we have no responsibility at all." Rock trusted Douglas, but he didn't believe that Nyasaland University had no responsibility at all.

"No, absolutely not!" Douglas resolutely denied, but then he was a little embarrassed: "Some time ago, there were more people working at Nyasaland University—"

This is a euphemism. To put it bluntly, Nyasaland University has been digging a bit hard during this period of time. As a result, it has aroused public outrage in the British academic circles. That's why the British Education Council will not recognize Nyasaland University. Graduation Certificate.

Speaking of the system of Nyasaland University, it is still very attractive to those university lecturers who are depressed in the UK. Many lecturers work hard for a lifetime and may not even be able to be an associate professor. At least one started as an associate professor. After all, southern Africa is also a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, so there are more British lecturers willing to work at Nyasaland University than German lecturers.

At least there is no psychological barrier at all.

"What did Minister Smother say?" Rock didn't shirk his responsibility. Yang Smother is now the Minister of Education of the federal government, and Yang Smother is duty-bound to this issue.

"Hehe, Minister Smoltz wants Nyasaland University to move to Bloemfontein—" Douglas sneered at Jan Smoltz.This is also very understandable. From the standpoint of Bloemfontein, Rock can actually understand the behavior of Jan Smolts, but Rock cannot accept it. Nyasaland University is Rock’s heart and soul. Millions of pounds have been invested back and forth, and now Yang Smolzy wants Nyasaland University to move to Bloemfontein with a single word. It is estimated that Yang Smolzy really regarded himself as a green onion and made this request Didn't you consider Roque's reaction when

"Forget it, the gold content of the diploma of Nyasaland University is not decided by the Education Committee. At least in the past ten years, graduates of Nyasaland University have not needed to go to the UK to find a job. They don't recognize it. Don’t admit it—” Rock will not compromise, if the group of old pedants of the British Education Council think that this can force Nyasaland University to admit defeat, then they don’t know Rock too well.

August NO.15, the first batch of graduates of Nyasaland University successfully completed their graduation. Rock was invited to attend the graduation ceremony of Nyasaland University and personally awarded graduation certificates to outstanding graduates.

In fact, there were a lot of people invited to the ceremony, not just Rock, Yang Smotz, as the Minister of Education, also received an invitation to the graduation ceremony, but Minister Yang Smotz has been in a bit of trouble recently, so he is not in the mood Come to Nyasaland University's Graduation Ceremony.

On the second day after Douglas approached Roque to file a complaint, newspapers and magazines in southern Africa began to criticize the British Education Commission at length, and even the federal government’s Ministry of Education, which had not acted, was pulled out to the public, so many injustices of the Ministry of Education Exposed to the public, so it was a bit difficult for Yang Smolts during this time.

It is really too much for the Ministry of Education. As the competent authority of the federal government's education department, the Ministry of Education should treat all states of the federal government equally. It should not only help areas such as Nyasaland and Transvaal with relatively developed education, but also support education. Natal, Swaziland and other places are lagging behind. As a result, the Ministry of Education does not seem to pay attention to other areas other than Orange. More than 40.00% of the funds of the entire Ministry of Education are spent on Orange. Don’t forget the Southern African Federation There are nine states in the government, so the other states must be very dissatisfied.

As a result, newspapers and magazines in southern Africa just started to build momentum, and many educators took the initiative to stand up for media interviews and complain about the unfair treatment of the federal government's Ministry of Education.

On the surface, it is indeed too unfair. For example, since the establishment of the federal government in Bechuanaland, the funding it has received is only [-] pounds, which is not enough to pay the salaries of the staff of the education department in Bechuanaland. Blatant discrimination against Bechuanaland.

In fact, it is no wonder that the Ministry of Education, if Roque is the Minister of Education, may not even give the six thousand pounds.

According to the latest statistics of the federal government, there are only more than 900 federal government citizens in Bechuanaland, not even 1000 people, and there are only more than 600 educated people. The Ministry of Education gave [-] pounds, an average of It's about ten pounds per person, which is not bad for the current federal government, after all, the federal government is not rich.

The latest statistics here only count the whites in Bechuanaland, and the local African natives in Bechuanaland are not eligible to be counted.

And in this way, Bechuanaland's financial statements are very good-looking. Bechuanaland, with a mere 900 people, has a gross national product of 150 million pounds, an average of nearly [-] pounds per person. , located at the head of the nine states of the Federal Government of Southern Africa.

No wonder the Ministry of Education doesn't give money. The economy is so developed and the income of the residents is so high. It is already very good to be able to give [-] pounds.

However, newspapers and magazines in southern Africa will definitely not mention these things in their reports. The focus of all reports is on the inaction of the Ministry of Education. The Board of Education ignored the fact that Nyasaland University’s diploma was not recognized. This was a dead body meal, and the voices demanding Yang Smozi’s resignation were one after another.

The last point is really not inspired by Rock. As for why someone asked Yang Smozi to resign, it is also very understandable. Yang Smozi is a minister, and there are too many monks in southern Africa. When the Ministry of National Defense is envious and jealous, there are many people who are jealous of Yang Smother's position.

Although Yang Smozi did not attend the graduation ceremony of Nyasaland University, the federal government also attached great importance to this matter. Adelaide was busy with work and could not attend the scene in person. The first secretary of the federal government, Sidney Milner, represented Adelaide. attend graduation ceremony.

The reason why Sidney Milner came here in person was that he had another important task, hoping to hire a group of Nyasaland University graduates to work for the federal government.

This kind of good thing, Rock is of course happy to hear it.

(End of this chapter)

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