Chapter 593 The Engineer

Withdrawing from the Education Committee is not withdrawing from the federal government, and this withdrawal is not a real withdrawal. It is a gesture that shows how much the Southern African Federal Government attaches importance to Nyasaland University. Then they know what to do.

Sure enough, it is said that the British Education Council has started the evaluation of Nyasaland University in the past few days. orchid.

So Douglas is in a very good mood, and everyone is particularly pleasing to the eye at the moment.

"Students in this period have not actually received a full university education. Eighteen months is too short. In fact, many of these students are of good quality. If the time is longer, they should have Greater achievements." Douglas still regrets that Nyasaland University only started mass enrollment last year, and the current graduates are actually short-term training courses and surprise training, and have not received a complete university education.

From this point of view, there is indeed a reason for the British Council of Education not to recognize Nyasaland University’s qualifications. However, the British Council of Education made a mistake in not considering the specific conditions in southern Africa. Ade’s scolding is indeed correct. A group of old pedants.

"It doesn't matter. Even if these graduates enter the workplace, they can continue to study as long as they want. The state government's talent gap is too big, and this problem is imminent." Anton also has no choice. If possible, Anton is not willing to adopt This kind of counterproductive way.

"It is true that the cultural atmosphere in Nyasaland is still very good, and the state government has done a great job!" Douglas sighed sincerely.

"It's not the state government's credit. This is what the Lord has always insisted on." Anton didn't dare to take credit, and it was indeed because Roque valued it that the cultural atmosphere in Nyasaland was so good.

For a long time, Rock has always attached great importance to the cultural undertakings of Nyasaland. Now all towns in Nyasaland have libraries. Little Rock has a population of only 7, but it has four libraries. The largest state library has a collection of books. Nearly 30 volumes, which is second to none in the whole of southern Africa.

30 volumes sounds like a lot, but it is still far from Roque's request. However, this question cannot be rushed, it is a process of accumulation. Now everyone around Roque knows that Roque attaches great importance to the library, so they go to the library There are a lot of people who donate books. Old professors like Abu and Douglas donate thousands of books. If Ada and Christian have the opportunity to go to Europe, they will often purchase a lot of books and bring them back. Therefore, the development of the library Still very fast.

In addition to the library, there are also many museums in Nyasaland. There are too many cultural relics left over from the Qing Dynasty in recent years. Britain and France are the culprits. Most of the British and French I don't know how to appreciate traditional oriental culture and art, so the cultural relics from the east can't be sold at a high price, and there is almost no market. As a result, Rock took the opportunity to pick up a lot of leaks, which also greatly enriched the collection of the Nyasaland Museum. Level.

In fact, it’s not just oriental cultural relics. There is a saying in the collection circle called golden antiques and troubled times. This sentence is also applicable in Europe. In the case of an arms race, many people know that the arms race is likely to end in a big war in the future. , so the European cultural relics market has been very sluggish in recent years, and Stoudemire also picked up a lot of mistakes.

Stoudemire is now following Rock closely. Whatever Rock does, Stoudemire will follow. So there is now a Cecil Rhodes Museum in Little Rock, which is dedicated to collecting European cultural relics.

When Sidney Milner came to Anton, Anton and Douglas had already begun to discuss whether it was necessary to establish a medical school to further expand the scale of Nyasaland University.

The main problem is that there is already a medical school in Johannesburg. If another medical school is established, it will definitely have an impact on the Johannesburg medical school, which may even affect the relationship between Nyasaland and the Transvaal , then the gain outweighs the loss.

"It doesn't matter, I will coordinate this matter. There are only more than 2000 students in the medical school, and the speed of training doctors is far from meeting the needs of southern Africa. The Ministry of Health is referring to the model of Bignidae Hospital and is preparing to establish it in all major cities in southern Africa. For large general hospitals, there will be a huge shortage of medical talents in the future. Even if the scale of Johannesburg Medical School is quadrupled, it will be difficult to meet the needs of southern Africa.” Sidney Milner successfully found the entry point Well, it is indeed more convenient for him, the first secretary, to coordinate this matter.

In 1908, there were fewer doctors in Southern Africa than there were lions on the African savannah. Before the establishment of the Federal Government of Southern Africa, there were less than a hundred doctors in the entire Cape, and there was not even a single large-scale hospital. Rich people have family doctors at home. When they get sick, the doctor will come to serve them. Poor people can only bear it when they get sick.

Rock's original intention of establishing Bigwig Hospital was to serve more and more pregnant women in Johannesburg.

Now Bigwig Hospital has developed into a large general hospital, with more than 200 medical staff and nearly [-] beds, but this scale is still not enough for Johannesburg, so there is also a huge shortage of medical talents in southern Africa, and the situation is even worse than that of Johannesburg. Government agencies are more serious.

The Minister of Health of the federal government is Derek Gibson, the former Minister of Health of Cape Town. After inspecting the model of Bigwig Hospital, Derek Gibson highly respects the model of Bigwig Hospital, and plans to set up large-scale comprehensive hospitals in all major cities in southern Africa. Sexual hospitals to provide better medical services for residents.

This is also a big project, which requires not only a huge amount of funds, but also enough medical staff. With the current scale of the Bigwei Hospital, a hospital needs more than 200 medical staff. Dozens of cities in southern Africa, with the current The Johannesburg School of Medicine is producing talent at a rate that will not meet the needs of Southern Africa for a decade.

And this is just one hospital, and it is impossible for a city to have only one hospital. Johannesburg and Pretoria have already booked the graduates of the Johannesburg Medical School within five years in advance, so it is imperative to establish more medical schools Row.

In fact, many places have already started to take action. For example, Stoudemire established the Rhodes Medical School and Rhodes University in Salisbury. Cape State is also planning to expand the scale of the University of Good Hope so that the University of Good Hope can reach Nyasaland University level, even Louis Botha and Jan Smoltz are planning to establish a similar institution of higher learning in Bloemfontein.

It is a good thing to want to invest in education, but compared with Nyasaland University, the only ones that are making good progress are the Rhodes Medical School and Rhodes University established by Stoudemire. Staying on paper, there is no ability to put it into practice. Even the Rhodes Medical School and Rhodes University established by Stoudemire need the support of Nyasaland University to barely maintain their operations.

A university and a private high school are two different things. Rock also dared to prepare for Nyasaland University in Nyasaland only on the premise of the great success of Bigwig Public School.

In order to prepare for Nyasaland University, Roque has invested millions of pounds one after another. Not to mention whether Cape State and Orange State can come up with this money, even if they can be squeezed out of tight finances, There are many problems to face.

One of the biggest problems is undoubtedly the teaching staff.

Universities and middle schools are two different things. Those who can teach in universities must at least graduate from a university with excellent grades.

As far as the current situation in southern Africa is concerned, there are very few people who have gone to university, and there are not so many experts and professors at all.

The reason why Nyasaland University has a strong faculty is mainly due to the demonstration effect of Abramovich and Douglas' tireless poaching. By the way, the economic downturn in Europe in recent years has attracted some people who are willing to come to Nigeria. Work at the University of Asalam.

In other words, those lecturers in European universities who are willing to work in southern Africa have been poached by Nyasaland University in advance, so it is not easy to copy the model of Nyasaland University now. Money was spent in exchange for support from Nyasaland University.

Otherwise, Stoudemire would not have established the Rhodes Scholarship at Nyasaland University.

With such a shortage of talents, Sidney Milner just expressed to Anton that he hoped to get more graduates, and Anton immediately kicked him to Douglas.

"You should ask Principal Douglas for this question. It doesn't count if I say it—" Regardless of Sidney Milner's performance just now, when it was time to turn his face, Anton turned his face immediately.

"It's not worth mentioning. You also know that many students are entrusted with training, and they all have to return to their original units to work. Therefore, I, the principal, have no say in the issue of graduate employment." Douglas pushed further simply.

"I don't care what you do, anyway, at least 50 people must be squeezed out for me, otherwise you will never get the support of Pretoria from Nyasaland University in the future." Sidney Milner said harshly, the first If the secretary doesn't show off his power, he really is just a follower when he is a secretary.

"Don't be like this Sidney, go find Mr. Rudolph Diesel, this time the graduates, the car factory has the most people, he will definitely be able to squeeze out there—" Anton suggested.

"Automobile factory! Hehe, are you asking me to lead a group of engineers to the secretariat to draw up drawings?" Sidney Milner quit. The automobile factory must train engineers, and let engineers handle the writing work——

Thanks to Anton for remembering.

(End of this chapter)

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