Chapter 596 Shut Up

During the Boer War, Jan Smolts became a Boer hero with his string of victories.

Yang Smozi's highlight moment was during the Boer battle, leading the Boer guerrillas to attack Cape Town, and annihilated the Cape 17th Spear Cavalry Regiment on the way. A victory.

At one time, Louis Botha placed great hopes on Jan Smother, and after the signing of the Peace Agreement, Jan Smother played a huge role in fighting for the interests of Orange, even the self-government of southern Africa. It was Yang Smother himself who went to London to lobby, which prompted London to make this decision.

When the federal government was established, the Department of Justice was what Yang Smolzy wanted to join the most. Unfortunately, the Ministry of Justice was controlled by Henry and Rock, so Yang Smolzy had to go to the Ministry of Education.

In the Ministry of Education, Yang Smozi's shortcomings are infinitely magnified. He is actually a bit narrow-minded and never considers the overall interests of southern Africa. As the Minister of Education of the Federal Government, Yang Smozi does not have enough Looking at the overall situation, giving people a handle everywhere, which led to the reduction to where it is today.

In fact, Louis Botha knew that the main reason why Yang Smother became like this was Rock.

In southern Africa, Roque's performance was so outstanding that other people would be overshadowed by Roque, but Yang Smother was a proud person, so he always wanted to be with Roque. However, Yang Smozi did not have the resources that Rock had, so he was passive everywhere, which eventually led to Yang Smozi's psychological imbalance.

To put it bluntly, it is envy, jealousy and hatred.

But Louis Botha couldn't say it too bluntly, that would seriously hurt Yang Smolzy's self-esteem, and might prompt Yang Smolzy to make even crazier moves.

Therefore, Louis Botha could only gently remind him that Yang Smozi's emotions must always be taken into consideration.

In fact, the current situation is very bad. The concentrated reports of newspapers and magazines in southern Africa have still had a huge impact on ordinary people. Now there are more and more voices demanding the resignation of Yang Smozi, and some people even want to investigate Yang Smozi. Even the Ministry of Agriculture, where Louis Botha worked, will inevitably be affected by whether the capital has committed malfeasance during his tenure as the Minister of Education.

Unlike Jan Smoltz, Louis Botha actually wanted to join the Ministry of Defense the most.

But the Ministry of Defense is also controlled by Rock and Hopkins, and there is no room for Louis Botha at all, so Louis Botha went around and finally went to the Ministry of Agriculture.

If it is replaced by other countries, the position of the Ministry of Agriculture is still very important, after all, agriculture is the foundation of everything.

It's a pity that this is southern Africa. Everyone knows that the pillar industry in southern Africa is the mining industry, and agriculture is really dispensable.

At least on the surface it seems so.

Like Jan Smoltz, Louis Botha certainly helped Orange more during his tenure as Minister of Agriculture. For example, the Ministry of Agriculture recently decided that to help Orange farmers develop their farms, at least the Orange The farms in Lange reached a similar level to the farms in the Transvaal.

That is to say, the public opinion in southern Africa has not yet paid attention to the Ministry of Agriculture where Louis Botha works, otherwise, it is estimated that Louis Botha's life will be difficult.

"Louis, there must be someone instigated behind all this, otherwise it would not have caused such a big disturbance. This is the persecution of our Boer officials. The federal government should take effective measures to end the current situation." Yang Smozi is also now Finally realized that the federal government is really different from the previous Orange.

In the past, Orange, no matter how Yang Smozi struggled, at least he would not face the current situation of criticism.

The current concentrated report on the Ministry of Education was launched with the "Times" Southern Africa as the core. The owner of the "Times" is Rock. There is no way.

The key problem is that there is not a newspaper with enough influence in southern Africa to defend Yang Smoltz. Although there are newspapers founded by Boers in Orange, they are not influential in terms of scale or influence. There is no comparison with The Times, so Yang Smolts can only be beaten passively, and there is no channel to actively speak out.

As for Yang Smother's hope that the federal government will take action, that is probably an extravagant hope.

In Southern Africa, the Ministry of Justice is controlled by Henry and Roque, the police system is the headquarters of Henry and Roque, and Roque is also the Deputy Minister of Defense. It can be said that all the violent institutions of the Southern African Federal Government are directly controlled by Roque and Henry. Or indirect control, so it is unrealistic to expect the federal government to stand up for Yang Smolts.

"Gianni, the current situation is like this. Even if we know that there are people behind all this, there is nothing we can do, because their actions are all within the limits allowed by the rules." Louis Botha repeatedly emphasized the rules of the game, hoping that Yang Shi Mozi can suddenly wake up.

Louis Botha and Jan Smoltz also participated in the establishment of various rules by the federal government.

In other words, the current rules of the game were formulated by Louis Botha and Jan Smudge. Rock was busy dealing with the conflicts between Nyasaland and Tanganyika at the time, but did not participate too much.

As a result, now Rock is using the rules formulated by Louis Botha and Yang Smother to deal with Yang Smother. This reality really makes Louis Botha feel very aggrieved, as if he had worked so hard. The son who was brought up turned out to be not his own.

"Then let's revise the rules—" It was obvious that Yang Smother didn't listen.

Once the rules of the game are established, if they want to be amended, they must first agree with two-thirds of the members of Congress.

In the current Federal Congress of Southern Africa, the Boers only account for less than one-third of the seats, and the rest of the seats are held by the British. Therefore, it is unrealistic for Yang Smotz to modify the rules. It will definitely be revised according to Yang Smozi's intention.

After all, there is still a vote to be made after the revision. The House of Lords composed of the British aristocrats is often so disgusting as the House of Commons composed of the emerging bourgeoisie. Many times the House of Commons worked hard to pass a proposal, but it was collectively rejected when the House of Lords voted. Therefore, the British Parliament also Infighting continued.

Before Louis Botha could speak, there was a hasty knock on the door, and Hilton Becky walked quickly to Yang Smother's side, and whispered in Yang Smother's ear: "The police from the Ministry of the Interior Here we come to take Chief Hudgens—”

"It's so deceiving!" Yang Shi Mozi yelled at the case.

"Wait, what's going on?" Louis Botha asked.

Daniel Huggins is the director of the Department of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education. Many of the Ministry of Education's allocations to Orange were implemented by Yang Smotz through Daniel Huggins, so Yang Smotz knew Daniel Hudgens being taken away by someone from the Home Office would have had such a big reaction.

"I don't know, just now the police from the Ministry of the Interior went directly to Director Huggins' office to take away Director Huggins and the documents signed by Director Huggins—" Hilton Becky said Follow Yang Smozi out, explaining softly.

Daniel Huggins is also a director, so it is impossible to just take him away. Although the police from the Ministry of the Interior have legal official documents, they are still stopped by the staff of the Ministry of Education.

"I'm sorry to the two ministers. We also acted on orders. We don't know what laws Director Huggins violated. If the two ministers have any questions, please contact our superiors." The inspector who led the team was polite, even if he knew something, Not to Louis Botha and Jan Smoltz either.

"Very well, you can take away Director Huggins, but I ask you to give Director Huggins the treatment he deserves, if possible, first remove the handcuffs of Director Huggins, I can guarantee that Huggins The chief will not escape." Luis Botha still attaches great importance to the dignity of Daniel Hudgens, and of course he respects the work of the police of the Ministry of the Interior.

"Daniel, what the hell did you do?" Yang Smozi couldn't hold back, and asked Daniel Hudgens in public.

Daniel Huggins raised his head, opened his tightly shut mouth, and finally said nothing, and was honestly taken away by the police of the Ministry of the Interior.

Later, Louis Botha and Jan Smudges learned why Daniel Hudgens had been arrested.

The reason is a bit complicated. Daniel Hudgens not only embezzled part of the Ministry of Education's appropriation, but also accepted a bribe from a businessman and handed over several school projects in Orange and the territory to the businessman.

This is the standard benefit delivery.

"This is definitely framed. I believe in Daniel Hudgens. He is definitely not such a person." Yang Smozi could only choose to trust Daniel Hudgens at this time.

"It's not up to you or me to decide what kind of person he is. How much did Hudgens charge that businessman? Why can't he keep a low profile!" Louis Botha also hated iron.

"I don't know. It is said that there is only one thousand pounds. This amount of money is not money at all. This is deliberately targeted by some people." Yang Smozi said it lightly, but even in the UK, a well-to-do family , the annual cost is only about one hundred pounds, and one thousand pounds is enough for a well-off family to live on for ten years.

"Don't be stupid, Gianni, you know the result of illegally accepting bribes. A thousand pounds is money. Daniel Hudgens, the director of the Department of Basic Education, earns only a thousand pounds a year." Louis Botha finally had a headache. Da, I don't know how to help Yang Smozi get rid of the current situation.

"It's only a thousand pounds. Go to the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Defense, and the Ministry of Justice. We can guarantee that each of them has problems—" Yang Smozi said without hesitation.

"Hush! Shut up!" Louis Botha immediately stopped Yang Smother from complaining, and it was better not to say such things without real evidence.

(End of this chapter)

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