Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 599 Collective Opposition

Chapter 599 Collective Opposition

One thing to clarify is that the Ministry of Justice is really not targeting the Ministry of Education.

Combating crime is the job of the Ministry of Justice. Whether it is a senior official of the federal government or an African without political rights, as long as it violates the laws of the federal government, the Ministry of Justice will resolutely crack down on it.

As for the news media headed by the Southern African branch of The Times, it is also their responsibility to expose the dark side of society, so the Ministry of Education is to blame. If the Ministry of Education had no problems, it would not have caused so much trouble.

Of course, other departments that have no troubles do not mean that there are no problems. For example, the Ministry of Defense. The base that the Ministry of Defense is building for the Rhodesian Northern Division and the First Cavalry Division in Rhodesia has also caused controversy.

Rhodesia is responsible for the construction of the base in Rhodesia. The Ministry of Defense is responsible for part of the cost, and Rhodesia is responsible for part of the cost. After the base is completed, it will be used free of charge by the Rhodesian Northern Division and the First Cavalry Division.

Putting the base in Rhodesia can not only ensure the security of the border, but also promote the prosperity of Rhodesia. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone, so Rhodesia will agree to bear part of the cost.

The problem lies in the construction standards of the base.

The Rhodesian Northern Division and the First Cavalry Division are Roque's heart and soul, and they are also the core of the armed forces of the Southern African Federal Government. These two divisions were formed by Roque alone, so Roque is of course also high in determining the base construction. The standards are strict, but in this way, the construction cost of the base will remain high.

In fact, after Rhodesia borne part of the cost, the cost was not too high. After all, most of the construction workers were almost free Africans, and the construction materials were also locally sourced, which could be purchased locally in Rhodesia. It will never be imported. Rock is still very pragmatic about this.

However, the base of the two divisions is close to 4 people, plus the families of officers and soldiers. The total population is already more than 10 people, so overall, the scale of the base is quite large, and the construction cost that needs to be borne by the Ministry of National Defense has reached 350 million. Huge pound.

Of course, the Ministry of Defense couldn't afford this money, so the Ministry of Defense still borrowed from the Rand Bank so that the base could start construction smoothly.

350 million may seem like a lot, but considering the construction cost of the permanent base and the benefits it will bring to the national defense of Southern Africa and Rhodesia after the base is put into use, the cost is still worth it.

But not everyone thinks so, after all, the cost of the just completed federal government parliament building is only 150 million.

The federal government parliament building is a three-story building nearly 30 meters high. The parliament hall can accommodate 150 people at the same time. There are nearly 120 rooms in the building. It is the most magnificent building in Pretoria.

The cost of the federal government parliament building is only 150 million, and the bases of the Rhodesian Northern Division and the First Cavalry Division actually cost 700 million. Then some people criticized the Ministry of National Defense for investing too much in the construction of the base, although 350 million is not necessary on the surface The federal government bears it, but in the long run, the federal government will still be responsible for this part of the debt.

"Actually not. The base will be built in Lusape, 130 kilometers away from Salisbury. After the base is completed, a brand new city will be formed with the living quarters for the families of officers and soldiers. The name of this city is Milner. , in the agreement between our Ministry of National Defense and Rand Bank, Milna City will be handed over to Rand Bank for management, and Rand Bank will also invest in the construction of supporting facilities such as banks, hospitals, schools, markets, etc. in Milna City, and these supporting facilities The taxes generated by the facility will be used to repay Rhodesia’s investment, so Rhodesia will agree to bear part of the cost—” Rock rarely went to Pretoria in person to explain this to Ade in person.

Adelaide can't help but laugh. Since the establishment of the federal government, many towns in southern Africa have been named after Adelaide. In southern Africa, the place name "Milna" has gradually surpassed the name "Edward". trend.

Of course, there are many place names called "Rod", and there is also a place name called "Rock". Southern Africans seem to like to express their respect in this way.

"Sounds good, that is to say, the Ministry of Defense got a permanent base without spending a penny, Rhodesia got a prosperous city, and Rand Bank's investment will have continuous returns, So why do people still question it?" Ade was also very helpless, because of the personal relationship between Rock and Stoudemire, and the relationship between Nyasaland and Rhodesia is very good.

It's so good that even the federal government is afraid.

With the size of Nyasaland and Rhodesia, if the federal government really imposes too many restrictions on Nyasaland and Rhodesia, then the combination of Rock and Stoudemire can indeed change the status quo in southern Africa.

This is on the premise that the Transvaal did not join, but considering the relationship between Philip and Roque, if Nyasaland breaks with the federal government, it is almost impossible for the Transvaal to be consistent with the federal government.

"No matter how well we do, there will always be people who will question it. The economic development of the nine southern African states is seriously unbalanced. This is also related to the governance level of government agencies. Some states will take out funds and invest in basic In terms of construction, more hospitals and schools will be built, but some states invest limited funds in the construction of government office buildings. For a parliament with thirty or fifty people, the cost of building a parliament building will cost millions. The Nyasaland State Government Office The cost of the building is less than 50, and I think it is necessary for the Ministry of Justice to investigate." Rock was blunt, referring to Orange.

The parliamentary seats in southern Africa are generated through the total population. For example, in the Transvaal with a total population of 45, the state parliament has about 40 seats.

The situation in Orange is a bit special. Although Orange has a population of less than 20, the number of seats in the Orange State Assembly is also [-]. Therefore, the size of the Orange State Assembly building is a bit large, which is similar to that of the federal government. The State Capitol is about the size of it.

"We still need to be cautious about this issue—" Ade was vague at this time. When the water is clear, there will be no fish. The federal government has just been established, so don't have too many problems in all aspects. Just like Yang Smother said, the judiciary In fact, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of National Defense also have problems. If they really want to investigate, it is estimated that many people will have accidents.

"The reason why the base is located in Rhodesia is also to consider the needs of national defense. All the defense pressure of the federal government comes from the direction of Tanganyika and Southwest Africa. Rhodesia can take care of both aspects. With the convenient railway Support can be provided in these two directions at the fastest speed, and some states do not need to garrison troops at all, but that does not mean that they do not need to bear defense costs.” Rock was talking about Orange, which is located in southern Africa The central location has no national defense pressure at all, so there is no garrison in Orange, and even because of Orange State's disregard for the police system, the number of police in Orange State is very small.

During the previous plague outbreak, serious conflicts occurred between the police and civilians in Orange State. Although the responsible persons have been punished afterwards, the rift between the police and civilians has been formed. Therefore, the relationship between the police and the public in Orange State It was a little nervous, which caused the Orange State government to criticize the police system.

However, after the establishment of the federal government, this situation has improved. After all, before the establishment of the federal government, the police system in Orange State was established by the Governor's Palace, and the police department was responsible for the Governor's Palace. Accountable to the Orange State government, so things are improving in Orange State.

Since there is no army stationed in the territory, the Orange State government has a lot of opinions on the military expenditure that the Orange State has to bear. Objectively speaking, during the period when the federal government was just established, the military expenditure was indeed a bit large. After all, the southern African London is responsible for the military expenditure, but now it is up to the federal government to raise its own money. States with looser finances, such as the Transvaal and the Cape, can still handle this. States with lesser finances, such as Orange and In Nyasaland, the pressure on military spending is relatively high.

The main difference is that the government of Orange State is really poor, while the government of Nyasaland needs to keep borrowing from the Rand Bank because of its huge infrastructure investment. Saran has no financial problems. On the contrary, in the long run, the financial situation of the state capital of Nyasaland may be the healthiest of all the states in southern Africa.

At present, among the nine southern African states, Cape and Transvaal have the best financial situation. Cape has a solid foundation and has been colonized and developed for hundreds of years, so it has a solid foundation; In the German mining area, as long as the gold in Johannesburg is not exhausted, the financial situation of the Transvaal state capital will be fine.

"You can find a way to solve the Ministry of National Defense issue by yourself—" Ade knew that Roque had a solution. As early as in Johannesburg, Roque was famous for being good at making money: "—the national tax issue is really urgent. The next vote, you Nyasaland Must vote yes."

Just last week, the federal government Congress voted on a new tax law.

The result is not surprising. The "Tax Law", which the Legislative Association worked so hard to draft, was opposed by all members of Congress, and the vote was not passed as a matter of course.

The new "Tax Law" added national tax on the basis of the previous state tax, so it was collectively opposed by members of Congress. Ade also knew that it was impossible to pass the new "Tax Law" without using some unconventional means , that's why he directly asked Rock.

"My lord, as long as the members of other states agree, the members of Nyasaland will definitely agree—" Roque dared not refuse directly. Taxes are directly related to the income of the federal government. If the new "Tax Law" cannot be passed, the federal government will also have no Let the rice cook.

(End of this chapter)

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