Chapter 612

Dylan Karami and Sidney Richards never imagined that the Portuguese colonial system, which has persisted for hundreds of years, is vulnerable to the active attacks of professionals.

Compared with Nyasaland's mercenaries, the servant army formed by Lorenzo Marquez's royalists is really a rabble. Louis Brod only paid some small favors, plus some illusory promises, so that the The servant army formed by the royalists turned against each other on the battlefield, which eventually led to the complete defeat of the royalists.

The brutality of the white colonists was clearly revealed at this time. After the Labor Party took control of Lorenzo Marques, hundreds of royalists who remained in Lorenzo Marques before they had time to escape were executed in the street. Robbed, their wives and daughters abused, when Dylan Karami and Sidney Richards returned to Lorenzo Marques, what they faced was the devastation of the entire city.

At this time, Dylan Karami and Sidney Richards really understood what peace and stability mean to a country.

As a result, Dylan Karami and Sidney Richards became more determined to join Nyasaland. On January 1, Dylan Karami, on behalf of the newly established interim government, submitted an application to the Federal Government of Southern Africa. Hoping to be accepted by the Federal Government of Southern Africa as part of Southern Africa.

This is of course what Rock meant.

Although Dylan Karami and Sidney Richards still hope to join Nyasaland, Roque cannot accept it. The statement claimed that the independence of Lorenzo Marques was absolutely unacceptable, and at the same time clamored to set up an expeditionary force to go to Lorenzo Marques to wipe out the rebels of Lorenzo Marques.

At the same time, the King of Portugal and the Portuguese government also called London, hoping that London would refrain from behavior in southern Africa and not interfere in the internal affairs of the Portuguese colony.

What really worries Rock is that the attitude of the British government towards the federal government of Southern Africa has changed at this time.

Before the self-government of southern Africa, southern Africa was a formal British territory, so the British government supported the expansion of southern Africa. In order to complete the "two C plan", London even set up a training base for secret service personnel in Nyasaland to realize the expansion of southern Africa. external expansion.

After the establishment of the federal government, although southern Africa is still part of the Commonwealth in name, after all, southern Africa has been separated from the direct jurisdiction of the British government, so the British government's attitude towards southern Africa has now undergone subtle changes.

Just after the King of Portugal sent a telegram to Edward VII, Edward VII issued an obscure statement. While condemning Lorenzo Marquez for his serious acts of violence, he especially emphasized that the existing colonial order should be maintained and the colony should be maintained. interests of the sovereign state.

It was Edward VII's statement that made Rock wary of London's attitude, so Dylan Karami and Sidney Richards would request to join Southern Africa instead of Nyasaland.

Like Rock, Ade did not make a decision right away. After receiving the application from the interim government of Lorenzo Marquez, Ade immediately called Rock to Pretoria.

"The matter of Lorenzo Marquez really has nothing to do with Nyasaland. It is entirely the death of the Portuguese government, coupled with the inherent contradictions in the Lorenzo Marquez area, that led to internal strife in Lorenzo Marquez. Ren Karami did go to Nyasaland, but it was for business, not a conspiracy—the Port Edward police captured Samson in another operation, and Samson is currently being held in Port Edward. Send Samson to Cape Town for trial?" Roque would definitely not admit that Lorenzo Marquez's chaos was related to Nyasaland, and he would throw out the news about Samson in due course.

After all, Samson still failed to hold up Brad's interrogation, and explained all the criminal facts clearly. This time, the Ministry of Justice had a big harvest again, digging out a large number of illegal officials, including the federal government. Independent prosecutor Mark Moore.

Mark Moore is of German origin. Before the establishment of the federal government, Mark Moore was a famous lawyer in Cape Town. After the establishment of the federal government, Mark Moore became one of the only three independent prosecutors in the federal government.

Mark Moore was not directly related to Samson's attack on the train, but after Samson's attack on the train, Mark Moore provided a degree of protection to Samson within his purview, which led to Samson's success Flee to German Southwest Africa.

Without this incident, Mark Moore, as an independent prosecutor of the federal government, would have enjoyed a detached status in southern Africa, and his future achievements would be limitless.

Now that Mark Moore's political career is over, the federal court will conduct a public trial against Mark Moore according to Mark Moore's crimes. Even if Mark Moore is not guilty of death, he also loses his position as an independent prosecutor The qualifications, even in southern Africa, can not gain a foothold. According to the current laws in southern Africa, Mark More will probably be exiled to India or Ceylon.

It seems a bit abnormal, but even if Southern Africa is independent, Southern Africa is still eligible to exile criminals to other areas within the Commonwealth, and this qualification is not available to ordinary people, unless they have a certain status in the federal government Only people with high status are eligible to be exiled. Ordinary people who commit crimes can only serve their sentences in prison honestly.

"Just captured?" Ade was successfully led away by Rock.

"About a week ago, the Port Edward police discovered Samson's hiding place, and then arrested Samson. I just learned the news." Rock said boldly.

"Then what's the matter with the statement of the governor of German Southwest Africa?" Ade looked at Roque with disgust. This statement is too perfunctory. It has already reached this level. Can't we use snacks? This is appropriate Point of view?

"God knows what the Germans think. Maybe it's just a smoke bomb from the Germans, trying to interfere with our arrest of Samson. Fortunately, the Port Edward police have maintained sufficient vigilance." Rock is really too lazy to think of a reason, the Germans are still Newspapers claim that all British people are cannibals, and there are still a lot of people who believe it.

Ade didn't get entangled in this issue either. As for whether the one-month deadline Ade gave to Henry and Rock has been exceeded, it doesn't matter. Henry and Rock can't be punished because of this matter.

"Then what about Lorenzo Marquez? The Portuguese government was just guessing before, without any evidence. Now that the Lorenzo Marquez interim government has applied to join Southern Africa, how are you going to deal with Portugal's pressure?" Rock never expected Ade, such a pure Englishman, is actually so honest.

"Hehe, Lorenzo Marquez is willing to join Southern Africa, which shows that the attraction of our southern Africa to Lorenzo Marquez is far greater than the benefits of being a Portuguese colony, so shouldn't Portugal reflect? What qualifications do they have? Put pressure on us? It’s not that we take the initiative to annex Lorenzo Marques.” Rock will not care about the reaction of the Portuguese government, and will really send an expeditionary force if he has the ability. Rock has ordered the Port Edward Garrison to be ready. If the Portuguese government If he really dared to form an expeditionary force, then Rock would also dare to send troops to Lorenzo Marquez.

This possibility is very small. As far as the current situation in Portugal is concerned, the establishment of an expeditionary force is probably just talk. The telegram sent by the King of Portugal to Edward VII is likely to use the drastic changes of Lorenzo Marquez to divert domestic attention. Otherwise, It will not be announced in newspapers with great fanfare.

This kind of behavior is a self-exposed family scandal. If this kind of thing happened in the Commonwealth, it would be too late for the British government to hide its shame, and it would not let the outside world know about it.

"Impossible, we can't accept Lorenzo Marquez, at least not yet." Ade weighed it for a long time, but still didn't agree.

Compared with Lorenzo Marquez, the image of the country in southern Africa is still more important. Adelaide does not expand around like Rock unscrupulously, regardless of the image of the country, and he still has some concerns.

"Then we should at least send troops to Lorenzo Marques to maintain order in Lorenzo Marques, so as to ensure that Swaziland, Natal, and Rhodesia will not be affected by Lorenzo Marques , As for the future of Lorenzo Marquez, the people of Lorenzo Marquez can vote in a referendum, and let Lorenzo Marquez himself decide the fate of Lorenzo Marquez.” The melee of the party has burned most of Lorenzo Marques, and the reconstruction of Lorenzo Marques in the future will cost all the money of southern Africa.

"What's the difference between this and armed occupation?" Ade didn't expect Rock's attitude to be so radical.

"Of course, the armed occupation was imposed on Lorenzo Marquez by us in southern Africa, and now Lorenzo Marquez is actively asking for help in southern Africa. These are two different things." Rock is indeed radical, but Not to be arrogant, Southern Africa has this strength.

"Lorenzo Marquez applied for it on his own initiative?" Ade was still at a loss, because there was no similar text in Lorenzo Marquez's application to the federal government.

"Hehe, if necessary, Lorenzo Marquez can make up for it at any time." Rock finally confessed.

Ade simply hated him. Just now, Roque said that Lorenzo Marquez's current chaos has nothing to do with Nyasaland.

Rock sat opposite Ade's desk, accepting Ade's gaze calmly.

Ade stared at Rock for a long time before waving his hand to let Rock go out.

Then he solemnly signed his name on Lorenzo Marquez's application form.

After all, he is the prime minister, so he still has his due responsibilities, and he will not blame Rock for everything.

(End of this chapter)

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