Chapter 614 Command Power

In this accident, the royalists in Lorenzo Marques suffered heavy losses. Most of the royalists were either killed or forced to go into exile overseas. There were very few royalists who remained in Lorenzo Marques .

Prior to this, most of Lorenzo Marquez's farms were under the control of the Royalist Party, and the Labor Party was more concerned with emerging industries and commerce, and was not very interested in traditional plantations.

This gave Rock and Stoudemire a chance to attack.

Just before the start of the referendum, when Lorenzo Marquez was still under martial law, Roque and Stoudemire's men frantically bought land in Lorenzo Marquez. Most of the farms around Renzo Marques.

Some farms are even owned by members of the Labor Party, not owned by the Royalists. Before everything is settled, the Labor Party is not sure whether its interests will be violated, so some people are willing to temporarily exchange the land that cannot be taken away with In cash, in Nyasaland and Rhodesia, the price of an acre of farms has reached more than one pound, but in Lorenzo Marques, an acre of farms cost only ten pence at the cheapest time.

So after the referendum, most of Lorenzo Marquez’s plantations have quietly belonged to Roque and Stoudemire. Roque only bought 10,000+ acres, and Stoudemire bought more than 200 million acres in one go. Lorenzo Somages is currently the largest landowner.

With so many plantations, a lot of manpower is definitely needed.

So next, Rock and Stoudemire will organize people to go to Lorenzo Marquez.

There is no doubt that it is the Chinese who have the ability and spare energy to go to Lorenzo Marques. Although the immigration intensity in southern Africa is much lower than before, there will always be three or five boats every month, five 6000 There must be people.

Rock doesn't even need to place too many people in Lorenzo Marques, just ten or twenty thousand, and the white people in Lorenzo Marques will become a minority.

If the Chinese are helpless in Africa, this numerical advantage will have no effect, just like the current Africans. Although generally speaking, the largest ethnic group in southern Africa is still Africans, Africans have no Political rights can only live at the bottom of the entire society, and they can't play any role.

The Chinese in Lorenzo Marques are different. With Roque’s support, once the total number of Chinese in Lorenzo Marques exceeds a hundred, quantitative changes can lead to qualitative changes. Lorenzo Marques joined Southern Africa through a referendum. , then if something unexpected happens in the future, it will be a matter of course for another referendum.

At that time, it will be the moment that will truly determine the fate of Lorenzo Marquez.

Sidney Milner was not surprised by Rock's arrangement. If Sidney Milner had not fully understood the value of population before, then through the referendum of Lorenzo Marquez, Sidney Milner It is now fully understood why Rock insisted on emigrating to Southern Africa.

Even if some Chinese don't seem to be worthy of Roque.

Although most Chinese are hardworking and capable, there are always some black apples.

The immigrant boats traveling between southern Africa and the Qing Dynasty, when returning, not only brought farm products to be sold to the Qing Dynasty, but also those Chinese who were repatriated to the Qing Dynasty because of illegal crimes in southern Africa.

Some Chinese who remained in southern Africa gradually fell to the bottom of society because of poor farm management or other reasons.

That is to say, there is a great demand for labor force in southern Africa. These Chinese who have lost their farms can also find jobs to make a living, but it is absolutely impossible to live a comfortable life.

What really terrifies Sidney Milner is that even these Chinese who have been reduced to the bottom of society have the right to vote according to the current laws in southern Africa. Considering that the total number of Chinese in southern Africa has exceeded that of British and Boers, Sidney Milner really shudders when he thinks about Lorenzo Marquez's referendum.

Fortunately, Roque has no dissatisfaction with southern Africa, so the referendum of Lorenzo Marquez will probably not happen in southern Africa in a short time.

But what about the future?

Now Roque will still respect the federal government because of Adelaide and Philip, but in the future if Adelaide steps down and Philip gets old, who in southern Africa can form a check and balance against Roque?

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Ade will train Rock as his successor.

Since it is no longer possible to check and balance, then simply let Roque become the prime minister of southern Africa. At that time, whether it is Nyasaland, Transvaal, or Orange, it will be Roque's territory, and Roque will favor one over the other. .

Knowing this, when Sidney Milner returned to Pretoria, he would rather make a big detour, and meet Rock through Nyasaland.

It doesn't matter what to talk about, the key is to deepen the relationship, and extend the relationship between Rock and Ade to Rock and Sidney Milner through another relationship. Both are good.

It might even be good for a future federal government.

Rock knew this, of course, so he held a grand welcome dinner at Eagle Castle that night to welcome Sidney Milner.

"Lorenzo Marquez's conditions are indeed unique. In the past, the Portuguese were engaged in the slave trade and sold Africans all over the world. After that, the slave trade was gradually banned by various countries. The Portuguese still made a lot of money relying on the plantations, cashew nuts, Cotton, sugar and sisal have been successfully sold to Europe, and fishery resources also have great potential—” Sidney Milner is still very optimistic about Lorenzo Marquez, that is, the Portuguese killed themselves, so Lorenzo Marquez Guess has only reached this point today.

Most of the people who attended the banquet were officials from all levels of Nyasaland. They didn't know much about Lorenzo Marques, so when they heard Sidney Milner's introduction, they were amazed from time to time.

In fact, they did not envy Lorenzo Marquez much. Although Lorenzo Marquez is rich in products, Nyasaland is not bad at all. In terms of agricultural scale and unit efficiency, Nyasaland is even better. Renzo Marquez.

The most outstanding industry in Nyasaland. Before Nyasaland, southern Africa was an industrial desert. There was not even a primary processing enterprise in the whole of southern Africa. All kinds of minerals mined in southern Africa were sold locally to European businessmen. , and then those merchants shipped it to Europe for processing and sale, so the mines in southern Africa could only earn some leftovers, and more profits were made by middlemen.

Rock's appearance changed all that.

To be precise, it should start from Henry's Fawalt Iron Works, and southern Africa finally began to develop its own industry.

Up to now, motorcycles produced in Johannesburg, automobiles and agricultural machinery produced in Nyasaland have been exported to all over the world, and they are very popular in Europe and the United States. In order to seize the market, Rock even set up factories in Europe and the United States , local production to meet local needs, so now even Phyllis doesn't know how much assets under Rock's name, I'm afraid only the Rand Bank knows.

Under the leadership of Ada, the core business of Rand Bank is to serve Nyasaland's industry wholeheartedly. Rand Bank will open branches wherever Rock opens factories. Nyasaland's products are very popular. , which in turn strongly supported the expansion of the Rand Bank.

All business activities with Nyasaland enterprises, if they involve fund transfers, must be conducted through Rand Bank, so the business volume of Rand Bank is not a problem, but the problem is that the speed of training talents cannot fully meet the expansion of Rand Bank need.

"Locke, when will you get Southwest Africa, Southern Africa will completely become our Southern Africa—" Sidney looked around, and gained more benefits than Rocke from the change of Lorenzo Marquez this time. , so there is great interest in colonial expansion.

"Don't even think about it now, just wait—" Rock is not in a hurry. It is already 1909, and the world war is imminent. One division, and then eight reserve divisions. Once a war breaks out, these reserves can be reorganized into regular troops at any time.

The implementation of the "New Tax Law" has brought huge changes to southern Africa. Don't underestimate the mere three percent. Considering the whole country, that is the net income of millions of rands every year. In the end, this part of the money will have Nearly half of them have been put into the Ministry of Defense by Adelaide, so the pressure on the Ministry of Defense is also very high now.

At the end of last year, the third and fourth divisions stationed in Cape and Nantal had just been reorganized. The size of these two divisions is slightly smaller than that of the northern Rhodesian division and the first cavalry division. The number is around 5000.

But the amazing thing is that because of the implementation of the compulsory military service system, although the size of the army is expanding, the financial pressure brought about is not great. There is still a decrease, so Adelaide is determined to expand his army and prepare for war.

Of course, this is probably also related to the requirements of the British government. After all, through the conflict in Tanganyika, the southern African troops have fully demonstrated their strong combat effectiveness, and the British government cannot turn a blind eye.

This also brought a new problem for Rock.

If the army in southern Africa is expanded, then when the world war breaks out, the British government will definitely send troops from southern Africa to Europe to participate in the war, and Rock will probably be very embarrassed by then.

If you agree to the request of the British government and send troops to Europe to fight, it is tantamount to letting the Chinese in southern Africa work for the British.

This in itself is not a problem, but considering the command system of the British army, Rock immediately completely rejected this idea.

So command authority is the main issue. If those British generals are allowed to command the southern African troops, then the southern African troops will definitely be used as cannon fodder.

So at that time, it may be said that Rock will also go to Europe to personally participate in the world war that will determine the fate of all mankind.

(End of this chapter)

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