Chapter 618 Good luck

Rock's biggest advantage is that he will not be restricted by Congress when mobilizing various resources.

Although Nyasaland has joined the Federation of Southern Africa, in name Nyasaland is Rock's private territory after all, so Rock still has various privileges in Nyasaland.

Even from a commercial point of view, the umbrella company is Rock's private property. No matter what Rock wants to do, he doesn't need to ask anyone for instructions. At most, paying taxes is enough.

And the director of the Southern African Federal Tax Administration is Ada. On all issues related to Roque, Ada will not only not cause trouble for Roque, but will actively cooperate with Roque's work, so Roque can easily Mobilize all kinds of materials and send them to Kuwait, no one makes irresponsible remarks on this issue.

On the freighter starting from Port Edward, in addition to various materials urgently needed to transform Kuwait City, there are more than 1000 African construction workers, nearly [-] technicians, and five armored vehicles produced by the Nyasaran Automobile Factory.

This is only the first batch. Next, each batch of supplies sent to Kuwait will include five armored vehicles. Rock even plans to send the "Scout" tanks to Kuwait for duty, and conduct desert environment tests by the way.

In short, Rock's purchase of Kuwait was not a whim, but intended to permanently own Kuwait.

Although the current Kuwait has not yet shown its true value, Rock has successfully bought Kuwait. During this time, he is still very happy. He can't help laughing when eating, which makes Felice very curious. Rarely do you lose your temper like this.

Of course, Roque will not explain, just like Roque insisted on spending huge sums of money to immigrate to Nyasaland at first, when quantitative changes did not lead to qualitative changes, Roque's behavior was always questioned, but facts would always prove that Roque Ke is so far-sighted.

Of course, even if Kuwait discovers oil, as long as Kuwait's oil reserves are not leaked, no one will care. After all, oil was discovered in Iran last year.

In another time and space, Kuwait discovered oil in 1938, which did not affect Kuwait's independence in 1961. Later, with the advancement of technology, Kuwait's oil reserves were determined, and the British government at that time regretted it too late .

So even now that Kuwait has discovered oil, including the British government and the Ottoman Empire, at most they think that Rock is lucky.

Rock's luck has always been good.

In mid-February, Carl Fox's drilling crew found oil in the first well in Kuwait.

And it's the best kind of gushing well.

The quality of the oil is still very good, and it can be used directly without any treatment.

Carl Fox was ecstatic, and he was about to announce it to the public as soon as possible.

But it was opposed by David.

"There are two ways, one is that you announce the discovery of oil in Kuwait now, and because of the oil, a war between southern Africa and the Ottoman Empire may break out, and London will be envious, and the ownership of Kuwait may not There is controversy, and we will all become sinners in southern Africa - the other way, we make a fortune silently, the oil should be mined, and it will be sent back to Nyasaland, no one can leak this news, I think The Lord will definitely award us a ton of medals—made of gold!" David is very sober, and the self-flowing well and its excellent quality will drive many people in this world into madness.

"Wait, David, our drilling team employs a lot of local aborigines, even if we don't leak the news, they will leak the news--" Carl Fox didn't have a full understanding of imperialism.

"Hehe, leave this question to me—" David sneered sullenly. This kind of thing does not have any psychological pressure on the mercenary.

"You won't kill them all, will you?" Carl Fox suddenly realized why these mercenaries always had their guns on them.

"Hehe, what do you think, only the dead can keep secrets—" David didn't think there was anything wrong with this. In fact, David had already received a secret order from Rock. For southern Africa, Kuwait was still too small. Next, the umbrella company will start to expand. The Persian Gulf, the Euphrates River, and even the entire Middle East peninsula are all the targets of the umbrella company.

Come on, if the umbrella company's sphere of influence in the Middle East is only limited to Kuwait, it would be too sorry for this era.

So after the first oil well came out, the umbrella company's sphere of influence in the Middle East began to expand rapidly.

In fact, it is really easy to expand the terrain of the Middle East. The most critical stronghold in the desert is the oasis. Kuwait City is actually an oasis, but Kuwait is located on the coast of the Persian Gulf, so it forms a port.

At this point in time, Kuwait City has actually become a huge construction site, with barracks for mercenaries, logistics camps for drilling teams, temporary barracks for construction workers, and huge warehouses around the port. Kuwait City, the entire Kuwait City has no previous indigenous residents. They were either sent to Nepal or hired by an umbrella company. The former chief suffered a shipwreck on his way to settle in the UK. As a result, his family died. no deposit.

The current Kuwait City is no longer called by this name, but Port Elizabeth. Although the name is a bit vulgar, and the Ottoman Empire probably does not recognize it, but in the official documents of Nyasaland, Elizabeth has replaced Kuwait City as the A new name for this brand new city.

According to the usual practice, Port Elizabeth is still divided into two parts: the port area and the living area. The port area includes barracks, warehouses, and office areas. The living area is still the traditional two-story wooden building in Nyasaland. Now Kuwait City has already There are about 5000 people living here, which is much larger than before.

Among them, nearly 4000 people are mercenaries of the umbrella company.

What I want to emphasize here is that the newly discovered oil field is a bit far away from Port Elizabeth, so the Umbrella Company immediately sent people to occupy several oases around the new oil field, announcing that this area is completely owned by the Umbrella Company.

This may seem ridiculous, but no one has raised any protests against the actions of the umbrella company. Even the indigenous tribes who originally lived in the oasis are gradually thinking about moving further away as the umbrella company expands its power.

This gave David greater confidence. By the end of March, the umbrella company's sphere of influence in Port Elizabeth had expanded to 15 square kilometers, almost ten times larger than the previous Kuwaiti territory.

This behavior of the Umbrella Company finally attracted the attention of the Ottoman Empire and the Kaija Kingdom.

But what makes people speechless is that although the Ottoman Empire and the Kaija Kingdom noticed the actions of the umbrella company, they were unable to restrict the umbrella company.

The Qajar Dynasty is actually Iran. Two years ago, Britain and Russia divided the sphere of influence in the Qajar Kingdom through negotiations. The northern part of the Qajar Kingdom belongs to the Russian Empire, the south belongs to the United Kingdom, and the central part is a buffer zone.

Afterwards, France, Austria, and the United States successively forced the Kingdom of Kaiga to sign unequal treaties. So by 1909, although the Kingdom of Kaiga was still an "independent" country in name, it was actually in a semi-feudal and semi-colonial state.

In this case, although the Kingdom of Kaija noticed that the sphere of influence of the umbrella company was expanding, but because there were deserts around Port Elizabeth, the Kingdom of Kaija really didn't pay much attention.

As for the Ottoman Empire, they just issued a non-painful statement, emphasizing that Port Elizabeth is still the territory of the Ottoman Empire.

It is speechless to say that even the current official documents of the Ottoman Empire have begun to use the name Port Elizabeth.

Rock is of course happy to hear about this situation, and he didn't pay much attention to the statement of the Ottoman Empire. He simply instructed Christian to go to the Ottoman Empire for activities. If the pound can't be dealt with, then add rand, anyway, the Ottoman Empire can't exist. How long, another time and space In 1922, the Ottoman Empire finally fell.

Oil from Kuwait has brought new vitality to Nyasaland's economy. Before that, the price of oil in southern Africa soared to one pound a barrel, almost double the price in Europe.

Relatively speaking, the oil price in Kuwait is very low. The cost of each barrel is only one shilling, and most of it is transportation costs. However, the oil price in southern Africa will not drop rapidly in a short period of time. After all, Kuwait’s oil costs Reaching a certain scale also requires a process.

In fact, Kuwait's oil production is not small now. If calculated according to the standards of the 21st century, the daily output of the first oil well will reach 2.5 tons. Enough to meet the needs of the whole of Southern Africa.

Therefore, Rock has no plans to expand production at all. Anyway, Rock does not rely on this to make money. The daily oil output of Port Elizabeth depends entirely on the demand for oil in southern Africa.

This behavior, of course, led to the opposition of Rudolf Diesel.

Rudolf Diesel's reason is very simple, if the price of gasoline falls, it will be more conducive to the development of Nyasaland Automobile Factory, and the increase of automobiles will in turn increase the demand for oil, so these two aspects are Complement each other.

Roque has indeed considered this issue, but before the outbreak of the First World War, Roque did not plan to expand the oil production in Port Elizabeth, which would cause unnecessary trouble, and Roque would not even take the initiative until the Ottoman Empire fell. Exposure of oil reserves in Port Elizabeth.

Caution is the boat.

(End of this chapter)

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