Chapter 637 Abundance

For new immigrants, getting a farm is only the first step. Whether they can run it well or not depends on whether they work hard and whether God gives them face.

When the colonial team first entered Area 1065, Yoo Jin’s family had just arrived at Yoo Jin’s farm in Johannesburg, 900 kilometers away.

Liu Zhen, a native of Suining, Shaanxi, Gansu, came to Johannesburg five years ago as a miner, and then bought a 150-acre farm in the Crocodile Bay Reservoir through the Locke Gold Mine.

After buying the farm, Liu Zhen sent a telegram to his family members who were still in Qing Dynasty, hoping that they could come to southern Africa to run the farm together.

But for some unknown reason, Liu Zhen’s family did not hear back for a long time. Until the beginning of this year, Liu Zhen remitted ten pounds to his family who was still in the Qing Dynasty through the Rand Bank, and Liu Zhen’s family boarded the ship smoothly.

Even when he came to Johannesburg and saw Liu Zhen's farm with his own eyes, Liu Zhen's father still couldn't believe it.

"It's the real father, the 900 acres of land are all mine—" Liu Zhen emphasized again, and the Boer wife next to him brought a glass of milk to Liu Zhen's father, and brought the two children who had just left to give it to Liu Zhen His father kowtowed.

Liu Zhen's father was immediately dumbfounded.

"Hello, grandpa, hello grandma, hello uncle, hello uncle, hello third uncle, hello third aunt, hello fifth uncle--" They kowtowed their heads in a circle, and the two children didn't get any greetings, but their eyes that had been smashed into eight petals did Not a lot.

"This—" A large group of people took a deep breath, and then waited for Liu Zhen to explain.

"Father, this is my mother-in-law—" Liu Zhen took the initiative to introduce, although his expression was frank, his heart was still uneasy.

"Father, my name is Zora—" Liu Zhen's wife was finally able to greet her father-in-law in Chinese when they met for the first time.

Before Liu Zhen's father had time to speak, Liu Zhen's mother pulled the two children to her side, and then her eyes were tearful, and she kept yelling "heart, baby".

The two children are more like Liu Zhen, their hair is still black, their eyes are also black, and their skin is fairer than Liu Zhen's skin, but this is not a shortcoming in Liu Zhen's mother's opinion, but an advantage. Cover up the three ugliness.

"Father, the hot water is ready, you can take a bath first, and then change your clothes—" Liu Zhen's wife was very thoughtful in preparing, the journey was so long, and Liu Zhen's family members were exhausted both physically and mentally.

Compared with the mental state, the health of Liu Zhen's family is more worrying. There are thirteen people, including six children, all of them are sallow and emaciated, and their clothes are ragged. This is in stark contrast to Liu Zhen, who is healthy and neat control.

When he first arrived in Johannesburg, a foreign land, facing Zora, a foreign daughter-in-law, Liu Zhen's father obviously needed a buffer stage.

But this is no problem for Liu Zhen's brothers. Liu Zhen's father and mother take a bath at home, so Liu Zhen simply took a few brothers to the fish pond not far from the house, and then the brothers went to the fish pond. Start chattering.

"Second brother, do you really have 900 acres of land?"

"Second brother, where did you get so much money?"

"Second brother, didn't you rob the rich man—"

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly—" Liu Zhen simply explained his experiences over the years.

Then there are more questions.

"Is that Rand Bank really that kind?"

"The boss of the Rand Bank is our lord. Of course, there is interest in borrowing money, but only we Chinese can borrow money from the Rand Bank. It is very difficult for white people to borrow money, and Africans can't borrow money at all. This is the lord. The Lord gave us Chinese-specific benefits—"

"How high is your lordship?"

"The Viscount of the British Empire, the Minister of Defense of the Federal Government, and the Minister of Justice, if placed in the Qing Dynasty, it is the standard that one person is under one person and above ten thousand people."

"Officials are not good things, and our hometown has suffered enough from those officials—"

"Fifth, you can't say that. We are at home. If you dare to say that when you go out, be careful not to be beaten to death—"

"Second brother, then tell me, Sir, what are you trying to do with us by giving us so many benefits?" The boss was thoughtful.

"What do we have to gain, there is no Sir, we are just miserable, another day I will take you to the gold mine to see those African miners, you will know, it is true that people are not as good as dogs, even our dogs live like dogs How about—" When Liu Zhen was speaking, two strong South African mastiffs were also swimming in the fish pond, and there were a few South African mastiffs on the river bank that looked like they were just full moon and dared not go into the water, wagging their tails desperately while using immature The voice expresses its displeasure.

"You dogs are really fat, I made a stew to eat at night—" Lao Wu, who was not yet an adult, obviously salivated a little.

"I don't eat dogs. We have sheep. We kill a sheep to eat at night—" Liu Zhen didn't correct me. When people are very hungry, they even eat people. What's the point of eating a dog? All the dogs in my hometown have been eaten. .

"Sheep can't be killed, keep it and sell it for money—" The boss immediately corrected Liu Zhen's prodigal behavior.

"Brother, our family has more than 160 sheep—" Liu Zhen's words immediately startled the boss.

"More than 160—"

"What a big group that is!"

"Where did they come from?" The three new brothers are 30 why.

"Where else can it come from? I raise it myself. I don't steal or grab it. It's not our family. Any farm in Johannesburg has a hundred or ten sheep. Those big farms can have thousands of sheep. They can earn money every year just by selling wool. Tens of thousands of rand." What Liu Zhen said was the truth, the three new brothers doubted it.

"Not all of them are rich—"

If you don’t believe it, Liu Zhen’s farm is right here, but if you believe it——

It's unbelievable!

"According to our hometown, everyone in Johannesburg is indeed a rich man. When my farm is busy with farming, I have to hire more than a dozen Africans to help, otherwise the work will never be finished." Liu Zhen is still proud , Do not steal or grab such a large family business in a few years, anyone will be proud of it.

"Damn Liu Laocai, when you sent a telegram, Liu Laocai insisted that you were cheated by Nanyang people. This is to deceive our whole family to go to Nanyang to work as long-term workers. If you didn't send a hundred oceans, father and mother Don’t dare to come yet, his bastard Liu Laocai wants us to be long-term workers for a lifetime—” Boss Liu yelled, if it wasn’t for money, the Liu family would not have believed it.

Even if the scammers set up a trap, they would not spend such a large amount of money. In the current Qing Dynasty, the Liu family counts as one, and if they really want to sell, they really can't sell for less than a hundred oceans.

"How about Tie Dan and Gou Sheng?" Liu Zhen only remembered his childhood playmates at this time.

"Tie Danniang died of starvation the year before last, so Tie Dan went to the city to carry labor, and now who knows where it is, Gou Sheng is still carrying labor for Liu Laocai in the village, and married the daughter of Liu Si's family in the east of the village, and gave birth to four years old Only one of the four children is kept, the daughter-in-law is crazy all day long, and the hair of the man in his 20s is all white. Before we left, I asked him if he wanted to come with him. His mother and father are still alive, so I dare not—" Liu Boss The expression is sad, and there may be no chance to meet in this life.

"It's okay. I'll go back next year and bring out all the people in the village, so that Liu Laocai can farm the land by himself." Liu Zhen's eyes were flushed. Newspapers in Johannesburg often reported news about the Qing Dynasty. Liu Zhen knew that the situation in the Qing Dynasty was very bad, but Didn't expect it to be this bad.

"There are not many people in the village now. When you left, there were more than 200 people in the village. Now there are only a hundred and ten people left. Liu Laocai's life is not easy. These years are either drought or flood. The harvest was not good, Liu Laocai’s family was robbed by bandits during the Chinese New Year, his wife and daughter were taken away by bandits, and when he came back, he had a big belly, and he didn’t know it was that bandit—” Mr. Liu smiled wryly, his forehead The wrinkles on his face are half a finger deep, but in fact he is not yet 30 years old, so old is simply outrageous.

Still alive at last, which is not bad.

After taking a shower, they put on clean clothes. Although the clothes were a bit worn out, the Liu family was still very happy. In the words of Boss Liu, it was the first time they had worn unpatched clothes after living most of their lives.

When I got home, Zora had prepared dinner. Liu Zhen's mother and Liu's wife were very embarrassed, because there were a lot of things in the kitchen that two women who had cooked all their lives could not use, so they couldn't help. , basically the meal was arranged by Zora alone.

However, this also effectively shortened the distance between Zora and her mother-in-law and sister-in-law. When Brother Liu Zhen came back, the women were already chatting and laughing, only old man Liu was nowhere to be seen.

"Over there in the cowshed, I've planted it all my life, but I haven't even raised a cow, so I can't afford it—" Liu Zhen's mother's eyes were red again as she spoke.

When they came to the cowshed, old man Liu was wiping away his tears.

There are more than 20 Angus cattle in the cowshed, and there are four draft horses and two mixed-breed horses in the stable next to it. One horse is still pregnant, and there are more than 100 sheep in the sheepfold next to it. All the animals I've seen in my life don't add up to so many.

Now this is all his own. Liu Laocai has been a landlord all his life, and he has never saved so much.

"Father, our family will have more and more land and more and more livestock, and you will not be able to count them by then—" Liu Zhen is full of confidence in the future.

"Okay, okay——" Old man Liu could only cry, he had never seen such a scene in his dreams.

In the eyes of the Liu family, the standard of dinner was never so sumptuous even during the New Year's Eve.

Zora really wanted to kill the sheep, but was firmly stopped by Liu Zhen's mother and sister-in-law. Then Zora killed two chickens and stewed a pot full of potatoes and corn.

In addition to chicken, there are fish and various eggs on the table, as well as beef that the Liu family has only heard of but never eaten, and a large pot of freshly boiled milk, which makes the children salivate.

Although the meals are rich, they are not eaten casually. In this regard, the Johannesburg City Government has repeatedly reminded that people who have been malnourished for a long time should not indulge in fish and meat as soon as they come up, otherwise tragedy will happen.

There have been many such tragedies in Johannesburg, and these are lessons learned through blood and tears.

(End of this chapter)

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