Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 704 Red Eye Circles

Chapter 704 Red Eye Circles

For a total of 1 people, ten pounds per person is 12 pounds. After deducting the handed-in part, as the head and deputy head of the group, Hicks and Middleton can each get [-] pounds.

This is the biggest source of income for mercenaries. No one thinks this kind of business is immoral. The captured East Indians secretly rejoiced because they escaped from death, and then accepted their fate with peace of mind.

"There are more than 3000 captives. Would it be dangerous to leave only one company to guard them?" Middleton worried that the remaining troops would not be enough. If the captives rioted, both Hicks and Middleton would be responsible.

"These people are finished. Even if we only leave a platoon of guards, these people will not dare to resist." Hicks looked at the trembling captives who gathered together with indifferent expressions. In fact, some of them were Chinese, those The Baba and Nyonya are no different from the East Indians, but here at Hicks, there is no care for these Baba and Nyonya, unless they are Chinese who can speak Chinese, they can be recorded separately, and they will be decided after the war fate.

The officers of the Medan army are basically mercenaries. These mercenaries must have no discipline at all, so the soldiers in charge of guarding are searching these prisoners one by one, and everything of slight value is taken away. One prisoner seems to be Swallowed something into his stomach and tried to hide it, but was discovered by a soldier. It is estimated that the prisoner's fate was a bit miserable.

Hicks didn't care about these nonsense, and immediately ordered the troops to move on after placing the prisoners. The East Indian servant army was defeated, and they had to run faster if they wanted to make money.

"Continue to set off, Batavia is ahead, and when Batavia is occupied, I will invite everyone to drink." Hicks stood in a car and gave the order, surrounded by teams of soldiers with high morale. In the province of East India, the traffic conditions are relatively good. Although the road surface is still not hardened, the road is wide and smooth, and there are lush trees on both sides of the road. There is no need for a guide here.

"We should be only five kilometers away from Batavia. We should bypass the mountain in front of us. Be careful of the counterattack of the East Indian troops. We should send troops to investigate that mountain first." Middleton put the map on the hood of the car Spread out, the Medan army does not have a staff, and Middleton is the chief of staff.

"William, take your company and set off immediately." Hicks was kind.

"Yes, sir." William responded.

"Come on man, let's go too." Hicks jumped out of the car, carrying a rifle on his back, looking like any other soldier.

Things like cars are indeed advanced, but you must not sit in a war zone, or you will die without knowing how to die. According to the requirements of the umbrella, you can't even ride horses in a war zone unless they are all cavalry.

Don't look at the poor performance of the East India servants, but if there are accurate shooters, then whoever rides in the car will be unlucky.

"Let's go, go, I hope to drink tea at the Governor's Mansion in the evening." Middleton rolled up the map and stuffed it into his backpack, and also picked up the rifle leaning on the wheel.

To the surprise of Hicks and Middleton, the troops did not encounter the defense of the East Indian servants again. At three o'clock in the afternoon, Hicks and Middleton arrived in Batavia smoothly.

As the ruling center of the Dutch in East India, Batavia is the largest, most populous, and most magnificent city in East India. Since the Dutch occupied East India, Batavia has gradually become the world's maritime trade contact center. The city covers an area of ​​about [-] square kilometers, and there are tens of thousands of people who know each other living in this huge city.

The troops led by Hicks and Middleton are less than 1000 people, which is nothing compared to the huge area and population of Batavia. If they go deep into it rashly, once they are besieged by the residents of Batavia, the consequences will be disastrous , so both Hicks and Middleton were a little hesitant.

"It's better to wait for the follow-up troops. We are not short of strength. There must be a broken East Indian servant army in the city. If we rush into the city—" Middleton smiled wryly. Batavia is like a huge golden mountain. will be crushed to death.

"It is true that there are broken soldiers, but they probably don't care about us—" Hicks said in a cold voice.

Middleton picked up the binoculars and looked in the direction Hicks was looking.

Like other cities in East India, Batavia is also divided into rich and poor areas. The river across the city divides the entire city into different areas. The rich and poor areas are clearly defined. Many rich areas The houses are all of masonry structure, the exterior walls are painted with paint, and the greening is also very good.

The slums are a typical example of the mess. The dense shacks are crowded on both sides of the river. The garbage piles on the bank are connected with the garbage floating in the river. advent.

Just across the river in the wealthy area, through the telescope, it is obvious that several houses are burning. A disheveled East Indian servant soldier is walking out of a house, holding a It was a big burden, and there were obvious bloodstains on the burden.

"Fuck, I want to kill again—" Middleton muttered to himself. Although mercenaries also love money, they are still very restrained in some aspects. People can't be inferior to animals.

"Then what are you waiting for? Go ahead, go ahead, and kill all the enemies—" Hicks ordered decisively. Although 1000 people is a little less, 1000 people are enough to deal with these wandering soldiers.

The soldiers who are ready to go will immediately advance in an orderly manner under the command of the officer. Those violent East Indian servants are indeed hateful, but no matter what the situation is, the troops must first pay attention to possible accidents. The chaos in front of them may be the end of the end. The madness may also be a deliberate trap, so be careful not to make a big mistake.

Hicks and Middleton would not advance aggressively, and waited for at least four companies to break into the city of Batavia separately before Hicks and Middleton continued to advance.

Like the rich areas of other cities, the rich areas of Batavia also have wide streets and good greening. The people who are eligible to live in the rich area are at least the middle class. The houses on both sides of the road are basically grasslands in front of the houses. The structure of the garden behind the house, of course, most of the houses now have closed doors and windows, and occasionally one or two houses with broken doors and windows, the fate of the owner is estimated to be worrying.

Hicks and Middleton randomly picked a family and walked in. The living room was a crime scene, which was horrible. Hicks and Middleton only took one look and then exited.

"Take no prisoners!" Hicks closed his eyes slightly. He really couldn't connect the naked body lying on the floor with a dagger stuck in his chest with the gentle smiling hostess in the painting on the wall. Together.

"It's better to kill all such beasts, they don't deserve to live." Middleton's eyes were spitting fire. The murderer didn't even spare the baby, which was beyond Middleton's bottom line.


"Don't move, or shoot immediately!"

"Kneel down and put your head in your hands!"

Suddenly, there was a mix of Chinese and Javanese yelling from the nearby street.

Hicks and Middleton pass right away.

Two shivering teenagers were kneeling in front of the gate of a house, surrounded by five or six soldiers aiming guns. The two teenagers seemed to be fifteen or sixteen years old at most, or a little younger. There were a lot of things thrown around, silver tableware, blood-stained jewelry, a large group of clothes with no discernible texture, and some scattered cash.

Hicks glanced at the half-closed door and winked at a soldier.

The soldier immediately kicked the door in to check, and then came out immediately. When passing by two teenagers, he suddenly raised his rifle and slammed the butt of the gun on a teenager's face.

The boy's face was filled with blood, and he fell to the ground and rolled on the ground with a wailing sound.

The soldier still didn't speak, stepped forward and stepped on the boy, turned the rifle upside down, and the sharp bayonet gave off a faint cold light.




Hicks and Middleton didn't stop them, these soldiers are all veterans now, the scene that can make veterans lose their minds, these two teenagers——

Not a boy, but a devil at all.

When the soldier was stabbed for the first time, there was still a wailing sound, and then there was only panting, and after the third stabbing, the panting sound gradually stopped.

Each knife was done with all its strength, and the nearly [-]-centimeter-long bayonet directly pierced the human body and nailed it to the ground. The one on the ground was lifeless, and the soldiers focused their ferocious eyes on the other.

"We didn't do it, they were dead when we came—" Another guy slumped on the ground, his crotch was soaked, and the stench was overflowing.

"Look at your knife, it's still covered with blood!" The soldier roared, and stabbed him fiercely: "Four!"

Hicks and Middleton still didn't speak, the originally closed curtains of a nearby house suddenly moved, followed by a panicked yell from a woman.

"Is there any problem? Do you need our help?" Hicks was not in a hurry.

After a long time, a trembling man replied in Chinese.

"Open the door, we want to make sure you are safe." Hicks' voice softened immediately.

"No, no, we're safe—"

"Not open?" Hicks' voice turned cold.

"No, no, start now—" The man's voice was mixed with the woman's crying.

Hicks and Middleton passed together. The man was probably in his 40s, and in the corner behind him was a panicked woman holding four children. Although the man's body and voice were trembling, he still stood with open arms. in front of them.

"Gentlemen, whatever you need, please take it, cash and gold are in the cupboard upstairs in the bedroom, please take it, please don't hurt us, I fully cooperate-"

For some unknown reason, Hicks' eyes suddenly turned red.

(End of this chapter)

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