Chapter 707 Rectification

Of the 37 gold mines in Johannesburg, eleven belong to the Rhodes family's De Beers Consolidated Mining Company, five belong to the Matilda family (including the Rock Gold Mine), and three belong to the Anglo-American mining companies that have emerged in the past two years , and others belonged to the dignitaries of different European countries.

Sidney Milner, who has a high status, wants to own a gold mine in Johannesburg but also looks for opportunities. Without the help of big men like Rock and Stoudemire, it is basically impossible.

Now that he came to Johannesburg, Rock was not in a hurry to go to the gold mine where the accident happened, and went to the Nyasaland Mansion in Bigwig City with Stoudemire.

The current Ziwei City has finally got rid of the name "Ziwei Town". There are not many cities in southern Africa with a permanent population of more than [-] people. It is really unreasonable to use the level of "town".

Compared with Johannesburg, the scale of Ziwei City is not large, but its status is very important. To be honest, its status is comparable to that of Johannesburg.

The reason why Johannesburg has attracted the attention of all parties is mainly because of the gold in Johannesburg, and the city of Bigwig is famous because of Bigwig Public School, Bigwig Hospital, Johannesburg Medical College, and Johannesburg Pharmaceutical Company. Now the headquarters of Rand Bank is still in Ziwei City However, the vault in Lagerstroemia City is still the largest vault in southern Africa, and the "Rand" issued in Southern Africa is also printed and cast in Lagerstroemia City.

With so many important institutions, the financial situation of Ziwei City is very good, and there are enough funds for urban construction, so although the scale of Ziwei City is constantly expanding, the urban construction can still keep up. The road conditions are in the middle of southern Africa. It is second to none, the streets are still full of Bignonia trees, the business district around Church Square stays up all night, and the elegant residential area is quiet and peaceful. Lagerstroemia City has been rated as the most livable city in Johannesburg for five consecutive years.

Although Rock Felice stays in Nyasaland all year round, the Nyasaland mansion is taken care of by Anna, and the inside and outside are still clean and tidy. This time, Rock came back alone, and Phyllis and the children stayed in Nyasaland. Come back, so Roque is not demanding, so he went to the study with Xiao Si after he ate something casually.

"Anglo-American mining companies have been very restless for the past two years. Their ambitions are not only gold in Johannesburg, but also iron mines in Fawalt and copper mines in Saran, Rhodesia. A few months ago Huge reserves of manganese ore have been discovered around Kuruman, Anglo-American Mining Company has bid high and is very hopeful to obtain the mining rights of manganese ore.” The situation explained by Stoudemire is shocking.

Manganese plays a huge role in modern steel. Manganese can increase the hardness of iron without reducing the ductility and toughness of iron. It also has super high wear resistance, so high manganese steel has become the most important since its birth. One of the types of steel.

Southern Africa's manganese reserves are 1.5 million tons, accounting for a quarter of the world's total reserves.

"They have no hope. Henry has been in Cape Town some time ago, just for Kuruman's manganese mine." Rock knew about this, but he didn't know that there was still a shadow of Anglo-American Mining Company.

"It's hard to say. Anglo-American Mining Company also has background and strength. As long as the bid is high enough, everything is possible." Stoudemire is not optimistic. Anglo-American Mining Company must have a background behind the development of such a mine.

This is normal. Anglo-American Petroleum, which is looking for opportunities in the peninsula, also has a background behind it. However, if you want to get involved in the peninsula, you also need to look at the faces of the umbrella company and Adan. Rock disagrees, and the oil exploration team of Anglo-American Petroleum dare not set foot peninsula.

The main problem is that customers bully stores and stores bully customers. The situation in southern Africa is different from that of the peninsula. The peninsula is now an uninhabited area, while southern Africa is part of the Commonwealth. Rock can't go too far in southern Africa. After all, Anglo-American mining Behind the company is the British royal family and aristocratic platforms.

"It's impossible. Even if they get the mining rights, they don't want to take away even a kilogram of ore." Rock is not in a hurry. If Anglo-American mining companies are willing to spend money, they can do it casually. In southern Africa, Rock thought It is not too simple to find trouble with Anglo-American Mining Company.

"Okay, you're the boss!" Stoudemire was really convinced, which was why Cecil Rhodes and Rock hit it off.

"Anglo-American Mining Company has three gold mines in Johannesburg, right? Ask them to give up one to Sidney." Rock was blunt, there were too many, and Rock himself only had three. Of course, the one with the largest reserves and the best benefits Or Rock Gold Mine.

"It is estimated that Anglo-American Mining Company will not agree—" Stoudemire laughed loudly.

Rock was speechless, and Anglo-American Mining Company was not stupid, and would definitely not agree.

However, it is up to the Anglo-American Mining Company to agree or disagree. As the chairman of the Johannesburg Mining Union, Stoudemire actually has many ways to deal with the Anglo-American Mining Company, but Stoudemire is not as dark as Rock and will not be so direct, so the Anglo-American Mining Company can Stand up in Johannesburg.

If Rock was still in the Transvaal, it is estimated that Anglo-American Mining Company would have no chance at all.

"Tell me about the strike this time. Does it have anything to do with the Boers?" Rock is still concerned about the strike, and the issue of the gold mine is left to Stoudemire. I believe Stoudemire can solve it.

"Probably not. This time it's purely the French's own brain damage. Anyway, this is not the first time they have lost their brains." Stoudemire's mouth was also very poisonous.

Rock didn't speak, this question should not be asked to Stoudemire, but to Sam or Lu Si, they are the person in charge of intelligence work in the Transvaal.

The next morning, Rock started to work, and it was rare to go back to Ziwei City. There were many people who wanted to report to Rock or contact him, and even Marcus Beaufort came to join in the fun.

"The mayor's job is so idle—" Rock still gave face. When he was in Johannesburg, Rock and Marcus Beaufort cooperated very well.

"Your Minister of Defense and Minister of Justice are very free, and of course the mayor is even more free." Marcus Beaufort took the initiative to hug Roque, calling him the essence of Chinese.

"I'm a deputy, of course I'm free——" Rock corrected, and then I was disgusted: "——I'm not here for vacation, okay, I took the train for two days, and I just got up to work, where is the free time?"

"Okay, okay, I'm also for work. You mobilized the army this morning, didn't you want to suppress it by force?" Marcus Beaufort was also for work.

In fact, Roque had already ordered the garrison to block the rioting gold mine last night. Before that, the gold mine was managed by the Umbrella Company in cooperation with the Johannesburg Police Department. Roque was not dissatisfied with the work of the Umbrella and the police station, but that there were some things that could not be done with great fanfare. Be low-key.

"It hasn't reached the level of violent suppression yet. I want to prevent the spread of violence, and the production of gold cannot be affected." Rock has asked the miners to send representatives to negotiate. Of course, this negotiation will not be held in the mines that have been controlled by the miners. , but at the City of Johannesburg.

Roque will also participate at that time.

"That's good. I said, can you think of a way to drive away all those annoying guys? The French and Americans only make trouble. They dare to smuggle gold secretly, and they don't care about us." Ma Cus Beaufort was outraged, and it was amazing that Rock didn't know about it.

"Smuggling gold?" Rock was surprised, he really didn't know.

"You don't know?" Marcus Beaufort was even more surprised. The police department is an agency under the Ministry of Justice, and Deputy Minister Roque didn't know it. It's amazing!

Rock doesn't blush. The Ministry of Justice has many things to do every day. It's impossible for Rock to handle everything. The Johannesburg Police Department must have reported this matter, but it hasn't reached the level where Rock handles it himself.

In the past, Roque would probably not have personally handled it. After all, gold smuggling is not uncommon in Johannesburg. Stoudemire’s gold mine also has smuggling, Henry’s gold mine is the same, and Roque’s own gold mine It will also be smuggled.

It's just that the smuggling of Rock, Stoudemire, and Henry is aboveboard, and they are sent directly to the underground vault of the Rand Bank. It doesn't matter if they are discovered. With the cooperation of the Rand Bank, they just need to complete the procedures when they are discovered.

I didn't care about it before, but it doesn't mean I don't care about it now, so Rock called Gothe over immediately.

"It is true. This year, the Johannesburg Police Station has seized many cases of gold smuggling. The police station has dealt with the gold mines and individuals involved in accordance with relevant regulations, and the results have been reported to the Ministry of Justice." Gao De is not afraid to ask, the whole process Reasonable and legal, no one is afraid to ask.

Rock nodded, and exchanged a knowing glance with Sidney Milner next to him.

"The gold in Johannesburg is extremely important to the federal government and the British Empire. All smuggling must be strictly prohibited. Lord, it is best to increase the punishment for all gold mines involved. Smuggling will bring serious consequences to the federal government and the British Empire." Loss." The first secretary was filled with righteous indignation.

"If their illegal income is confiscated and their gold mining licenses are revoked, the mining industry needs to be rectified, and how much tax revenue will be lost every year." The former tax bureau chief also has a common language on this issue.

The word "rectification" is very flexible. The next notice that is not painful or itchy is called rectification. Subverting industry rules and killing others is also rectification. Marcus Beaufort obviously wants the latter.

As mayor of Johannesburg, Marcus Beaufort also has a chance to compete if the ownership of a gold mine is transferred.

"Agreed, some gold mines are really too much. Four to five thousand workers work in shifts, and the annual gold mining is only one or two tons. Under normal circumstances, there is no need to mine such gold mines in Johannesburg." Stoudemire also Agree to rectify, anyway, no matter how it is rectified, it has nothing to do with the gold mine of De Beers Unified Mining Company.

Then rectify.

(End of this chapter)

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