Chapter 710

The reason why the gold mines in Johannesburg like to use African-American miners so much is because African-American miners are cheap enough.

The daily salary is one penny, and the monthly salary is just over two shillings.

In fact, Moore’s statement is not accurate. One penny is the minimum salary for a miner. An adult miner can earn at least two pennies a day, which is the normal salary level of a miner in Johannesburg.

And if it is a miner of Chinese descent or a miner of Boer descent, then the monthly salary is at least three to five pounds, which is at least ten times that of an African-American miner.

Here I want to explain that the current calculation of salaries in southern Africa is generally in rand, and only the mines that employ the most Africans still use pounds to calculate salaries.

This is because a rand is equal to a hundred cents, and a pound is equal to 240 pence, so—

"Your request is too much. You work for the mine, the mine pays you, and you are also responsible for your three meals a day, providing your accommodation, protecting your safety, and treating you when you are sick. These expenses Don't you guys have calculated?" Stoudemire's attitude became more intense.

"We do have three meals a day, but what we eat is not as good as the manager's pet dog. We have to live in a tent with at least ten people. There are no beds, no bedding, and the tent leaks when it rains. When it's sick, only a few people are sick. There are indeed doctors in the mine, but we have to pay to see a doctor, and the salary paid by the mine is not enough for us to pay for medical expenses.” Moore argues, regarding the issue of doctors, It was only after repeated orders from the Johannesburg City Government that the mine was barely equipped.

Of course, in this case, the doctor's ability can't be too demanding. If the management really gets sick, most of them will still go to the Bigwig Hospital for treatment, and those miners, they can't even leave the mine.

In Johannesburg, Africans did not have the right to move freely.

The Federal Government of Southern Africa just doesn't recognize Africans in Southern Africa, when they don't exist, various statistics have nothing to do with them.

The Transvaal has gone a step further on this basis. Africans cannot even enter the Transvaal at will. If the police find Africans in the Transvaal, they will definitely take the initiative to interrogate them. If there is no legitimate reason, they will be sent to prison. , or the iron mines of Fawart, or the gold mines of Johannesburg, before long.

"So what else do you want? The owner of the mine bought the gold mine for you to work, not to enjoy. If you think it's unfair, you can resign and leave. No one forces you to accept it. "Stoudemire is really angry. It's not that Stoudemire is rich and unkind. Stoudemire really thinks so and thinks it's reasonable.

Capitalists these days, don’t ask them to have too much consciousness, think about how the plantation owners in the Congo Free State treat plantation slaves, compared with those plantation owners, the mine owners in Johannesburg are simply philanthropists, at least The mine owner will not cut off the hands of the miners at will.

"The question is where can we go after we leave? We are not Johannesburgers, we cannot live in Johannesburg, and we don't even have the right to build houses in the suburbs of Johannesburg." Moore was also emotional.

This is indeed a fact. The Johannesburg city government strictly prohibits citizens from building illegal buildings in the city. Africans are not even citizens, let alone have this right.

The "strict prohibition" here does not mean that you cannot build any house, but that you must apply in advance to build a house. Even if it is a dog kennel, it cannot affect the residents of the surrounding cities, let alone affect the appearance of the city.

"Is that what you call building a house? Just build it with a few sticks, and then cover it with thatch, it's like a scar on the city." Stoudemire mocked. When Rock didn't rebuild Johannesburg, Johannesburg was full of slums , and no one realized there was anything wrong with it.

After Rock rebuilt Johannesburg, the slums disappeared from Johannesburg, replaced by well-planned commercial areas and residential areas. Over the years, the Johannesburg municipal government has never stopped urban construction, and has built Johannesburg into a garden city that is rare in the world.

At this time, if someone wanted to build a shack casually, he would be strongly opposed by everyone in the city.

"We don't want to either. We are also southern Africans, and we should enjoy everything in southern Africa. This used to be our home." Moore yelled in pain. He was right. Africa was originally Africa for Africans. African whites are invaders.

But this question is obviously not viewed in this way, or in other words, it cannot be stated so bluntly.

After Moore finished speaking, Stoudemire and Sidney Milner exchanged meaningful glances, and then looked a little coldly at Moore.

"This issue is beyond the scope of our discussion, Mr. Moore, please continue to say your request." Marcus Beaufort is in control of the situation. If this goes on, it will become the complaint of the aborigines against the colonists. Tomorrow's newspaper It was fun to watch.

"We also demand a better working and living environment. Our working environment is too bad. The mines are cold and humid, the workers lack protection, and mining accidents often occur. I think this is what you don't want to see. After all, the miners are yours. Property—and our living environment, the rainy season is coming soon, we still live in a tent without even a bed, our requirements are not high, we have a place that can keep out the wind and rain, we don’t need to sleep directly on the ground After all, it is your loss if we are sick—" Moore's request is indeed not high. In fact, there are many gold mines in Johannesburg that do better in this regard, such as the Rock Gold Mine.

Sometimes Rock is really helpless. Everyone knows that gold mines are profitable and improve the living standards of workers. In fact, it will not increase much cost expenditure, and many cost expenditures are one-off, such as building a house. On the surface, building a house The cost is indeed higher than that of a tent, but a house can be used for many years, but a tent can only be used for one or two years. In this case, it is actually more cost-effective to build a house.

Another benefit that cannot be seen is that the improvement of living standards has an incentive effect on the enthusiasm of workers, but this is of little significance to African workers. Most African workers do not seem to care about how much money they earn. So no matter how well they eat and how well they live, they will always look lazy.

"We also hope that we can get the same paid holidays as skilled workers. If there is a mining accident, we also hope that our family members can get pensions. These requirements are not too much. What we dug out is gold, and we only need to take out a negligible part. We will be very satisfied." Moore's reasoning is correct, but there is a big problem with the process of discussion.

The key is that people are not willing to swallow elephants. Now they only ask for a little insignificant part. Then in the future, as time goes by, when the current concessions of the management have become a habit, will they continue to ask for more?

No one can guarantee.

Rock didn't dare either.

"We will consider your request as appropriate. Now we are entering the second part. It is very good that you are willing to negotiate today. We have made a good start to peacefully resolve this matter. Now we need you to show more sincerity. First of all, you To free Mr. Aiden Owen and Mr. Black—" Marcus Beaufort tried to get people first.

"No, we will never release Mr. Aiden Owen and Mr. Black until we agree to our request." Moore was decisive this time. Aiden Owen and Black are Moore's biggest cards now: "And you We must also ensure our safety and not retaliate against us afterwards."

"Mr. Moore, all promises can be overturned." Marcus Beaufort was patient. All the negotiations were actually a cover, and Marcus Beaufort wanted to buy more time.

Just as the negotiation was going on, Lulu brought a doctor in a white coat to the closed gate of the Marcellus Gold Mine.

"What are you doing here?" The miner guarding the gate was full of vigilance.

"This doctor is here to examine the bodies of Mr. Aiden Owen and Mr. Black to ensure their health." Lulu was impatient, with his face slightly raised, still looking domineering.

"No, as long as you don't agree to our request, I won't let you in." The miner's eyes were all attracted by the doctor, and it was really rare that she was a woman.

"The negotiation is over. Your lord has agreed to your request. Otherwise, why do you think Moore agreed to our coming?" Lulu's expression and voice were very unwilling.


"Yes, agreed."

Immediately there was a lot of cheers inside the door, and some idiot threw the machete in his hand into the sky, which immediately attracted another round of cursing.

All in all it was fun.

"Then why didn't Moore come back?" Finally, there were still people who were vigilant.

"After the negotiation is over, there must be a meal. Nuo, food is also here for you." Lulu Nunu gestured with his mouth. Sure enough, a few mercenaries in uniforms but without weapons in the distance rushed a few A cart came with barrels full of goulash, and several barrels were wine barrels.

"No, none of you can come in until Moore comes back." The gatekeeper is still insisting, but even through a door, the obvious swallowing sound can be heard.

"Let them bring the things in first." Some people couldn't wait.

"No, Moore said when he left that no one can come in unless he comes back."

"Are you stupid? The negotiations are over, Moore is enjoying the food in the city hall, and we are still hungry."

"We're going to wait for Moll—"

The sound of insistence was already very weak.

"Forget it, it's just a pity that these vodkas are sent to the armored vehicles, they will definitely welcome them—" a mercenary was about to leave.

The door opened instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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