Chapter 713 Cannibalism

Under normal circumstances, a gold mine with a scale of [-] to [-] miners should have an annual gold output of more than ten tons, so that the mine owner will not lose money.

The Ignati Woods Gold Mine operated by the Anglo-American Mining Company reports an annual output of only 2.5 tons. This is no longer a perfunctory act, but the federal government and the Johannesburg city government are playing fools. One can wonder where the hidden gold has gone. And know.

Not only Britain needs gold, but the United States needs it too, and all countries in the world need it.

According to the reason for the previous fine against Chesterton Gold Mine, Ignati Woods Gold Mine smuggled at least 11 ounces of gold, so it was fined [-].

This is only found out, how many have not been found out?

"Don't bother the Union of Mines, Anglo-American Mining Company will sell the Ignati Woods gold mine to raise this fine." Ernest Oppenheimer knew that this knife could not be avoided, even if, Ernest Oppen Haimer also had to choose a decent way to die.

"Very well, remember, pay the fine within a week." Aiden doesn't bother with this matter. If Ernest Oppenheimer wants to play tricks on this matter, then Ernest Oppenheimer · Oppenheimer will pay more.

Today’s Johannesburg is different from Johannesburg ten years ago. Ten years ago, the gold mines in Johannesburg could be changed hands freely, and the Johannesburg city government did not interfere at all. As long as it pays taxes according to the regulations, the Johannesburg city government welcomes more Multiple capital inflows.

Now if you want to sell the gold mines in Johannesburg, you must first sell them to the Johannesburg City Government, and then the Johannesburg City Government entrusts the Mining Union to organize a unified auction. Individuals who want to sell the gold mines privately cannot even find a buyer.

Of course, maybe Ernest Oppenheimer could actually find a buyer, but that's not Aiden's concern.

"The transfer of gold mines in Johannesburg must go through the Johannesburg City Government. This is also to prevent the loss of gold. In the past, the transaction price of a large gold mine was only a few thousand pounds, which is obviously unreasonable." Rock still took the initiative to talk to Sidney Mill Under the political structure of southern Africa, the federal government has limited influence on the state governments, and even the Transvaal state government has limited influence on the Johannesburg city government, so Sidney Milner does not know the Johannesburg city government. How to manage the gold mine is normal.

"Is there a benefit transfer?" Sidney Milner was not stupid, and immediately realized that there was a problem.

The city government of Johannesburg also collects taxes on gold mine transactions. The taxes and fees that need to be paid for thousands of pounds are definitely different from tens of thousands of pounds. This habit originated from the period of the Transvaal Republic, when most of the Rand mining area The gold mine was run by the British headed by Cecil Rhodes. In order to pay less tax, the owner of the mine at that time adopted this method to avoid tax.

Now the Transvaal Republic has become history, the Transvaal has become a part of Southern Africa, Cecil Rhodes has passed away, Stoudemire has become the head of the Rand mining area, and Ada is the head of the General Administration of Taxation. The method of years ago is outdated, and sooner or later you will have to pay back if you come out to mess around.

To put it bluntly, it is only necessary for the state officials to set fire, and the people are not allowed to light lamps.

Roque couldn't answer Sidney Milner's question, and he couldn't get to the bottom of this question. If you delve deeper, everything that Stoudemire owns now is illegal, and even Roque's acquisition of Nyasaland is not legal.

"These damn rats, they should all be put in jail." Sidney Milner didn't mean to settle old scores, but he looked a little colder at the mine owners in the conference room.

Think of Adelaide who is worrying about the federal government's finances, but these mine owners in Johannesburg are trying to evade taxes. As Adelaide's nephew, Sidney Milner wants to lock up these mine owners and torture them. Every penny in their pocket.

Rock also didn't want to answer this question, but Xiao Si quacked a few times and clapped his hands.

Sidney Milner's firm attitude now is because of the gold mines in Johannesburg, which has nothing to do with Sidney Milner.

After this rectification, Sidney Milner will also become the owner of the mine. Let's see if Sidney Milner will pay taxes in full at that time. Don't stand and talk without pain in your back.

If Sidney Milner does not use legal tax avoidance methods to pay taxes in full by then, Rock will respect Sidney Milner as a man.

While Roarke and Sidney Milner were talking, Aiden continued to read the list.

When Aiden finished reading, at least half of the people in the conference room were in mourning, and Anglo-American Mining Company suffered a particularly heavy loss.

The three gold mines operated by the Anglo-American Mining Company all engaged in varying degrees of smuggling, and the three companies were fined a total of 25 rand.

Surprisingly, Anglo-American Mining Company spent less than [-] rand in total to buy these three gold mines.

So the mine owners looked at Ernest Oppenheimer with gloating eyes, mixed with some other emotions that were not clear.

Ernest Oppenheimer was quite calm and did not directly conflict with Aiden. As soon as Aiden finished announcing, Ernest Oppenheimer raised his hand to indicate that he would speak.

This is in line with the guarantee procedures of the Mining Union, and Aiden has no reason to refuse.

"Lord Nyasaland, I would like to ask, is this practice of the Johannesburg Mining Union legal?" Ernest Oppenheimer went directly to Rock.

"Mr. Oppenheimer, since the Johannesburg Mining Union exists, it is reasonable and necessary to exist. It is not the first day you know about the Johannesburg Mining Union. You only question it when your interests are damaged. It is a bit too ugly. I want to remind you The thing is, even in the United States, smuggling must be severely punished. Next, the Department of Justice will increase the punishment for smuggling. Everyone, I want to remind you now that the past is past, but if someone continues to commit crimes against the wind, then I'm sorry, but the result may be unacceptable to you." Rock's last words were not just for Ernest Oppenheimer, but for everyone.

The smuggling of gold mines in Johannesburg can be regarded as a tradition. It has continued from the time of the Transvaal Republic to the present. Although there are some reasons for the negligence of management, the main reason is the greed of the mine owners.

In Johannesburg, gold is taxed as a special commodity, and the purchase price of London and the federal government of Southern Africa is not based on the exchange rate between the British pound and rand for gold. Selling to London or the federal government of southern Africa will indeed cost a lot, which is the main reason why the gold trend in Johannesburg has been banned repeatedly.

Rock used to be a mine owner, so of course he would smuggle gold to evade taxes.

Now that Roque is the deputy minister of both the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Justice, he should resolutely crack down on gold smuggling based on emotion and reason. This does not conflict with Roque's identity as the mine owner.

Compared with Rock, Stoudemire has more gold mines under his name, and Stoudemire is not seen in a hurry to get angry.

Ernest Oppenheimer didn't bother with this issue either. After listening to Rock's explanation, he said goodbye to Rock politely, and then walked away.

It's just that when he left, he could clearly hear his footsteps were a little heavy.

The next day, Rock received a call from Viscount Gladstone.

Viscount Gladstone interceded with Ernest Oppenheimer, and it was unknown how many circles the call took to find Rock.

"Locke, is the Anglo-American Mining Company's problem serious?" Viscount Gladstone asked to understand the situation first.

"Yes, but this is not the decision of one individual, but the collective decision of the Johannesburg Mining Union. Sidney and I attended the entire meeting. Not only the gold mines operated by the Anglo-American Mining Company were punished, but all those involved in smuggling All the gold mines are severely punished, and the fines have to be handed over to the Johannesburg City Government." Rock will not admit that he is involved in this matter, Anglo-American Mining Company deserves it.

"Okay, my purpose of making this call is to remind you that on the premise of not affecting the interests of the federal government and London, if possible, you can consider taking proper care of capital from the United States." Viscount Gladstone said nothing, As a purely Englishman, Viscount Gladstone also hated such things.

So it can be clearly heard on the phone that Viscount Gladstone immediately stayed out of the matter after Roque explained.

What else can Roque say, hahaha on the phone.

Viscount Gladstone was also very smart. He chatted with Roque about the weather in Cape Town, and then hung up the phone.

I really don't have the mood to pay attention to the Anglo-American Mining Company. In the past two days, the tough measures taken by the southern African military against the Marcellus Gold Mine are fermenting. The newspapers in Orange immediately published the military atrocities, saying In the process of suppressing the Marcellus gold mine, at least [-] miners died innocently.

Immediately afterwards, newspapers in the United Kingdom and the United States reprinted the incident, and they exaggerated when reprinting. The British newspapers believed that at least 3000 people were killed in the incident, while the American newspapers believed that 5000 people were killed in the incident. killed.

For a time, the Ministry of National Defense of Southern Africa became the target of public criticism, and Roque was also defined as an "executor" by the Orange newspaper because of the atrocities committed by the army.

Rock is not angry. In fact, the outside world does not know the specific situation of the Marcellus Gold Mine. The fact is that there were no dead people at all that day. When the armored vehicle smashed into the gate of the Marcellus Gold Mine, the miners scattered. , did not organize any effective resistance at all.

Rock didn't want to bleed, so the first criminals including Moore were only "exiled" and did not kill. The newspaper in Orange was completely fabricated out of nothing.

Then the British and American newspapers are fueling the flames.

Don't expect journalists to be very ethical these days. The newspapers in the UK even directly say that the German Kaiser Wilhelm II cannibalize people.

(End of this chapter)

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