Chapter 716 Unprepared

In Johannesburg, some things must be clarified, otherwise you will die without knowing how.

This time it seems that the Mining Alliance put up seven gold mines for auction, but in fact there are not many gold mines that can really increase the price. After Hawley raised his cards, everyone still had a tacit understanding not to raise their cards. The Al Gold Mine was sold at a reserve price of [-] rand.

No matter how good the relationship between Sidney Milner and Roque is, at this time, he can't help all kinds of envy and hatred. Just now, the Marcellus Gold Mine sold an unprecedented 45 rand. The Coverdale Gold Mine, which is not much smaller than the Marcellus Gold Mine, only paid [-] yuan. Although Rock is now in Nyasaland all the year round, his influence in Johannesburg is not lacking at all.

"Let's go—" Aiden had just announced the deal when Rock got up and left.

"Look again—" Sidney Milner wanted to continue watching the fun.

"Let's go, the auction can only go on normally after we leave." Rock still explained that the eating should not be too ugly, others will save face for Rock and Stoudemire, and Rock and Stoudemire will also meet Just accept it.

Sidney Milner noticed at this time that Stoudemire had left the field early at some point.

Then go, when he left his seat, Sidney Milner could even hear a small cheer from the heart in the venue.

It seems that the shadow created by Rock and Stoudemire is indeed a bit big.

After leaving the city hall, I realized that Owen was actually there, waiting for Rock and Sidney Milner in the car with Stoudemire.

Then go to the Cecil family's manor to have dinner together. Rock only found out at the dinner table that the Ignati Woods gold mine bought by Stoudemire has been sold to Owen at the price of [-]. rand.

This operation left Sidney Milner really speechless.

"De Beers Unified Mining Company already owns more than half of the Rand mining area. It doesn't matter if there is one more or one less. What we have to be wary of is foreign capital, whether it's Americans, French, or Russians. I want them all to get out. Southern Africa." If Stoudemire's words spread, it might affect the internal relations of the Allies.

Although Stoudemire's status is high, he is actually a businessman after all, so it doesn't matter what he says. Rock and Sidney Milner are both senior officials in southern Africa, so such things cannot be discussed casually, so Rock and Sidney Milner As if he didn't hear it, Milner concentrated on the steak on the plate in front of him.

"Ernest Oppenheimer seems to have gone to London to prevent this guy from causing trouble." Owen was in a very good mood. He bought a rich ore that was being mined for [-] rand, which was like picking up for nothing.

"It's not here yet—" Rock said softly, and several people immediately laughed wickedly.

It takes half a month to travel from Cape Town to London by boat, and now Ernest Oppenheimer is still floating on the sea. When Ernest Oppenheimer arrives in London, everything has been settled, even if Ernest Oppenheimer had finally found someone willing to stand up for him, and the distance between southern Africa and London was daunting.

"How many workers are there in the Marcellus Gold Mine?" Sidney Milner was still concerned about the Marcellus Gold Mine that had not yet been acquired.

According to the custom of Johannesburg, the Marcellus Gold Mine can now be renamed the Milner Gold Mine.

However, considering Sidney Milner's identity, this name may not be easy to change.

"Workers don't have to worry. The workers who took the lead in making trouble have been sent to Ceylon, and the remaining workers can still be employed. However, these workers have to be replaced in batches. Dogs that have eaten meat are no longer willing to eat potatoes." Xiao Xiao Adams has experience with this sort of thing.

"Ceylon—" Sidney Milner worried about trouble.

"Don't worry—" Rock understands Stoudemire's consistent style of doing things. The so-called "exile" is just a rhetoric, and no one can tell where the person has gone.

During the Boer War, the expeditionary force exiled at least 8000 people. Now that the war has ended for many years, few people have come back to look for relatives.

"Isn't it too simple and rude for us to do this?" Sidney Milner was not used to the unscrupulous methods of Rock and Stoudemire.

"The way the French manage the Marcellus gold mine is because they are too civilized, so the workers will go on strike." Stoudemire said to the point.

"I'm going back to Nyasaland tomorrow, do you want to go together?" Rock didn't want to stay in Johannesburg, and he wanted to return home.

"You go first, I still have things to deal with." Stoudemire can't leave yet, and even Sidney Milner feels that the way the Mining Union handles these gold mines is too hasty, so Stoudemire still has some things to deal with.

Haste also has the benefits of haste. Seven gold mines were auctioned for a total of 203 million rand, an average of 29 for each gold mine.

This is still under the premise that the Ignati Woods Gold Mine and the Coverdale Gold Mine were only sold for 39 and [-] respectively. If these two are removed, the average price of each gold mine will reach more than [-]. The real price of the gold mines in Johannesburg.

The money is divided into three parts. One part of the mining union will be distributed to other mine owners, based on the losses caused by the Marcellus Gold Mine strike to other mine owners. The other two parts will be handed over to the Johannesburg City Government and the Transit Wa state government, the other part turned over to the federal government.

In this way, there are benefits from the top to the bottom. Even if there are problems in the follow-up, the federal government, the state government, and the municipal government must stand on the same front as the Mining Union.

Rock returned directly to Nyasaland early the next morning and did not stop when passing through Pretoria.

Nyasaland is still changing with each passing day. Only a few days after leaving Little Rock, there are several construction sites starting at the same time on King Street near Cecil Rhodes Square, and the scale is not small.

In the past, the business district of Little Rock was concentrated around Cecil Rhodes Square, Nyasaland State Government, Little Rock City Government, Nyasaland Council and other institutions, as well as Rand Bank, De Beers Unified Mining Company, Nyasaland The headquarters of large companies such as Saran Agricultural Development Company and Fawalt Steel Company in Nyasaland are in this area.

In addition to these government agencies and corporate headquarters, Cecil Rhodes Square is surrounded by the largest state library in Nyasaland, the Nyasaland Museum donated by Stoudemire, and the newly built Nyasaland Song Theatre, and the Capet department store under Ada's name, etc.

More and more companies have settled in, causing the land around Cecil Rhodes Square to be extremely expensive. The houses around the square have all been expropriated by the Nyasaland City Government, or have been acquired by large companies. Those that have just been built are actually In just a few years, houses were demolished one after another, and then permanent buildings with masonry and concrete structures were erected one after another.

As more and more buildings were built around the square, companies that entered Nyasaland later, or companies that were established later, began to concentrate on King's Street, where various scientific research institutions originally gathered.

Now the headquarters of Nyasaland Aircraft Factory, Nyasaland Automobile Company, and Nyasaland Military Industry Group are all on King Street, between King Street and Sunset Avenue on the shore of Lake Nyasa, and become the most prosperous area in Little Rock. , Nyasaland Army Academy and Nyasaland Flying Academy, as well as two schools that have just been upgraded to "academy" this year are located in this area.

The two schools are the newly established Nyasaland School of Mechanical Engineering and Nyasaland School of Economics.

Long before the establishment of Nyasaland University, in order to meet the shortage of human resources in Nyasaland, Rock tried to train technical personnel with short-term training courses, one of which was a mechanical training course led by Rudolf Diesel, and one It is an accounting training course run by the Rand Bank.

These two training schools have provided a large number of basic talents for Nyasaland's economic take-off. After the establishment of Nyasaland University, these two training schools have not suspended classes, and continue to train more talents for Nyasaland .

About half a year ago, the Nyasaland State Government decided to upgrade these two training schools. The upgraded School of Mechanical Engineering and School of Economics can issue diplomas to students.

Of course, the gold content of the diplomas of these two schools is definitely weaker than that of Nyasaland University.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the Nyasaland state government admits it, the federal government doesn't care if it admits Rock or not.

Most of them still have to admit that after moving to the new campus, at least in terms of hardware facilities, the School of Mechanical Engineering and the School of Economics are no worse than the University of Good Hope in Cape Town, and even better in terms of soft power. The government has reasons not to recognize it.

However, Rock may not be able to catch up with the establishment ceremony of the two colleges. On September [-]rd, Italy finally declared war on the Ottoman Empire, and the Italian-Turkish war broke out.

In Rock's impression, the Italian-Turkish war in another time and space seemed to not break out until September 1911, 9. Now it is only 28, which is a full year earlier than the outbreak of the Italian-Turkish war in another time and space. It caught Rock a little off guard.

It’s probably normal when you think about it. A butterfly flapping its wings in the Amazon rainforest can cause a hurricane in Texas. Rock has been in this era for a full ten years, and there is no "Strong Wind" fighter jet in another time and space. Without the "Albatross" bombers, Italy and the Ottoman Empire obtained these advanced weapons so long in advance, and it is very bearable to endure until now to declare war.

In fact, the calculation time is about the same. Although Italy and the Ottoman Empire have planes, they have no pilots. It is easy to buy planes, but it is very difficult to train pilots. That's why Italy and the Ottoman Empire have been delayed until now.

The Italian-Turkish war was a charge for Nyasaland's military industrial enterprises. From the moment the Italian-Turkish war broke out, Nyasaland's military industrial enterprises would start full production.

Now Nyasaland's military industry is still very scary. It doesn't matter if the Italians and the Ottoman Empire can't run out of weapons produced, they can be sold back to the British mainland in a few years.

The Italian-Turkish war broke out ahead of time. Could the First World War be far behind——

(End of this chapter)

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