Chapter 720 Penny

The eligibility here, of course, varies from person to person.

Rock didn't expect to train the troops composed of Africans into an invincible iron army. It would be a waste to throw such troops into the flesh and blood mills during the World Wars. The servant army is almost enough, this requirement is not high.

In terms of training troops, southern Africa has accumulated a lot of experience. The "Army Manual" compiled by the Army Academy is such a military work that draws on the strengths of others.

Lieutenant Colonel Derek Dodd is now Lieutenant General Derek Dodd. After he came to Nyasaland, Lieutenant General Derek Dodd began to come into contact with Eastern military thought, and then he wrote in the vast ancient classics. Among them, Derek Dodd's most respected is "The Art of War by Sun Tzu".

How great is "Sun Tzu's Art of War", I won't go into details here, just need to know a little bit, "Sun Tzu's Art of War" is 2300 years earlier than Clausewitz's "On War", but there are many experiences in "Sun Tzu's Art of War" , Even in the twentieth century, it still plays a huge role.

Combining "The Art of War" with Clausewitz and "On War" by Clausewitz, Derek Dodd presided over the compilation of the "Army Code of Practice" in southern Africa, which is now the bible of Nyasaland Army Academy. Many instructors can also train qualified soldiers in strict accordance with the requirements of the "Army Exercise Code".

In fact, it is a question of whether the standards are strict. In the past, the colonial servants almost never conducted shooting training. These days, defeating the enemy on the battlefield relies on queuing up and shooting. The most important thing is discipline and bravery. It is enough for the troops to dare to advance against the enemy's artillery fire, and the front line will not collapse during the advance.

The troops in southern Africa emphasize the configuration of firepower, and they have high requirements for the quality of individual soldiers. For Africans, physical fitness is not a problem, the main thing is attitude, and if the attitude is not good, there are countless ways of punishment in the army to make people change their past. No.

Shooting is impossible, it is the least technical way, there are many ways of punishment by the Southern African Ministry of National Defense, the most basic is washing socks, then cleaning the toilet, and then [-] kilometers of cross-country with heavy loads, and finally small black house.

It's not the kind of small dark room where people chat and talk, but the kind of small dark room that is completely closed. No matter how strong a man is, he will be locked in for three days and he will be a pile of mud when he comes out.

"Three months of basic training, and then three months of intensive training, an ordinary person can be trained into a strong and fearless soldier in half a year. There are now 400 million Africans in southern Africa, and it is easy to recruit [-] troops. If it’s not enough, you can practice again.” When Rock saw this number, he suddenly realized a fact.

When Southern Africa was self-governing, the population of Africa at that time was almost 400 million. In 1908, when the population of Southern Africa was counted, the total population of Africans was estimated to be 450 million. The total number of Africans in the territory has hardly increased.

Compared with the population growth rate of this era, this figure is very abnormal.

Under normal circumstances, in the case of southern Africa, the natural population growth rate should be maintained at more than 5.00%, but considering the continuous immigration of Rock and the federal government, the population growth rate of southern Africa should be even higher than this , such a comparison, the natural population growth rate of Africans is indeed a bit low.

"Lock, have you ever thought about the consequences of training these Africans into qualified soldiers?" Stoudemire is not worried about whether Rock can train Africans into soldiers, but whether he will be backlashed by Africans in the future .

"Of course I thought about it. These soldiers will be sent to Europe in the future. Even if they come back alive, I will send them overseas as mercenaries." Rock had no intention of letting these people return to southern Africa.

One thing must be confirmed first, the Africans of this era are really different from the Africans of the 21st century.

Africans in the 21st century are purely spoiled by populism and leftism, which is why they are lazy, unmotivated, and criminal.

Africans at the beginning of the twentieth century had no so-called "human rights" at all. The Congo Free State and Portuguese West Africa would cut off their hands at every turn. The United States is still implementing the apartheid policy. Countries, and it is estimated that Africans in the Johannesburg Police Department can enjoy some of their legitimate rights as human beings.

Note that this is only part of it.

Therefore, Africans in this era have no lazy capital at all. If they don’t work hard, they will be tortured and killed at will. They don’t even think about crimes. Even if white people evade taxes in southern Africa, they may only be fined. Spit, will be thrown into the mines for labor reform.

That's why Roque dared to form an army composed entirely of Africans. Of course, the officers must be white or Chinese, which is irrefutable.

"Are you so sure that a war will break out in Europe?" Stoudemire questioned at this time, but also belatedly.

"So what do you think will be the end of the arms race? Even to prove the necessity of the arms race, a war is needed." Rock signed the report casually, then raised his hand and handed it to Zach.

The Ministry of Defense of Southern Africa, or the Ministry of War in Southern Africa, these matters can really be settled by Roque, and there is no need to ask Hopkins for instructions. Now Hopkins is the only Marshal in Southern Africa, and Roque is only an admiral That's all.

"Whatever, we are a group of people who have been forgotten by the whole world!" Stoudemire is also very helpless. As a British, even if Stoudemire is dissatisfied with the British government, he also hopes that the British Empire will live forever, but Stoudemire can only watch helplessly. The British Empire slipped into the abyss, but there was nothing to do.

The day after Roque signed the order, the Ministry of Defense sprang into action.

The first African soldiers recruited were all from Umbrella, and it was only then that Rock noticed that the total number of African-American mercenaries in Umbrella Company was nearly 6000.

It's just a pity that all the 6000 people can't be recruited. Jonathan weighed up and down. In the end, he could only give the Ministry of Defense [-] places, and the rest had to be recruited by the Ministry of Defense from the private sector.

"Two thousand mercenaries are enough, just two divisions. At least we can guarantee the basic combat effectiveness of the two divisions, and the officers are easy to handle. These two thousand mercenaries are enough to fill the officers of the two divisions." Martin was overjoyed when he knew the situation. After the Beinar military exercise, Martin's current position is the director of the War Department under the Ministry of National Defense of Southern Africa, and his rank is one level lower than Rock's.

The Ministry of War where Martin works has only four reorganized divisions composed of professional soldiers in southern Africa. These four divisions are mainly responsible for overseas operations and national defense tasks, and are not responsible for other aspects.

In addition to these four regular divisions, there are sixteen conscript engineers in Southern Africa, which are not under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of War.

The infantry divisions composed of two Africans are the first echelon in the battle order of the Southern African Ministry of Defense, collectively known as the African Legion.

The officers of the African Legion must be drawn from the four divisions under the Ministry of War, plus a group of top students who graduated from the Nyasaland Army Academy. Martin does not agree with this arrangement, but this is Rock's decision, Martin Not qualified to question.

"Officers still have to be drawn from the existing troops and train these two divisions as professional soldiers." Rock will not easily lower the standard, and the troops composed of Africans will not have combat effectiveness?uncertain.

In Rock's impression, Africans have no concept of discipline.

Don’t worry about this. In fact, Africans who have been trained strictly are also qualified soldiers. In the 21st century, there are studies saying that Africans have low IQs. In fact, this is not a shortcoming. Low IQs may not give high scores in exams, and scientific research may No, but it is not necessarily impossible to engage in other occupations.

Such as joining the army.

Soldiers don’t need to think, it’s the same all over the world. The greatest duty of soldiers is to obey orders. What this profession needs is dedication, what it needs is not to be afraid of death, what it needs is the righteousness of the country, and thinking too much may cause other problems.

Then there's the African loose.

When social welfare is good, food and clothing are comfortable, and people will not starve to death if they do nothing, no matter what race they are, there will be some people who do not want to make progress.

Institutional factors account for the vast majority of the reasons here, and have nothing to do with temperament. If we really want to firmly implement that those who do not work will not get food, and those who do not pay will not gain, can Africans still be sloppy?


Southern Africa is a capitalist country, don’t even talk about Africans, even if whites or Chinese don’t work, or the work they do can’t meet the requirements, it’s normal to be hungry, and then talk about Africans——

To be honest, for Africans in southern Africa, serving as a soldier is a very good way out. At least during the service period, the Ministry of National Defense does not arbitrarily deduct their salaries. In case the family members who died in battle can still receive pensions, this is already very good. condition.

"Well, be determined to complete the task." Martin didn't talk nonsense. His trust in Rock for a long time made Martin too lazy to think about it.

This is not a bad thing. Soldiers really don’t need to think independently. If they think too much, accidents will happen. This is why there are so many mutinies and military governments in Africa in the 21st century.

If a society wants to develop harmoniously, it needs to be consistent in all aspects. The duty of soldiers is to defend the country, the duty of officials is to strengthen the country and enrich the people, and the duty of farmers is to have more children and plant trees. As for Rock’s accusation— —

Just don't drift too far away.

No way, in the environment of southern Africa, it doesn't float——

It really takes a lot of self-control.

The surrounding areas of southern Africa, Tanganyika and Southwest Africa are now younger brothers, and Portuguese West Africa and the Congo Free State are both grandchildren. If Rock is willing, he does not need to wait until the outbreak of the World War, and casually exclude some from the surrounding areas Military advisors can easily subvert surrounding areas.

This can only be thought about. Before the outbreak of World War II, Britain had the largest fleet in the world, and southern Africa was also part of Britain. After annexing Portuguese East Africa, the expansion of southern Africa has aroused the vigilance of London. Even if his heart is higher than the sky, Ke still has to follow the rules.

Beginning in October, Southern Africa officially recruited Africans to join the newly formed 101st and 102nd Divisions.

The status of these two divisions in the Southern African Ministry of Defense can be seen from the designation.

But this is not a problem. For Africans in southern Africa, they have no choice. This is their only chance to integrate into southern Africa. As long as some Africans successfully join the 101st Division or the 102nd Division, their families can live in The hometown gets a ten-acre piece of land, which does not need to pay taxes. Although compared with whites or Chinese, owning land does not mean getting the right to vote or other rights, but this still attracts many Africans.

In what is now southern Africa, Africans mainly live in Natal, Basutoland, Swaziland, and Lorenzo Marques.

The Africans in Natal are better. Although they have no political rights, they can barely maintain their lives. The vast majority of Africans in the territory exist in the form of tribes. Because of the previous Natal rebellion and the federal government’s Africa still maintains a certain degree of respect and is not overly persecuted.

The Africans in Basutoland, Swaziland, and Lorenzo Marquez are not good. The Africans in these three regions are basically submissive, without their own political views, without their own interests, and even Without their own survival instincts, they are completely at the mercy of others. A few decades ago, they were traded as slaves at will. How much resistance can they have now?

Not at all!

In just ten days, the 101st and 102nd divisions were fully staffed.

And because of the different speeds of information dissemination, groups of school-age youths came to Frankfurt on the border of the Transvaal and Natal to request enlistment after the staff was full.

"Yes, of course, as many as you want. We can screen first. If there are too many qualified soldiers and two divisions are not enough, then three divisions are not enough, and four divisions are fine." Rock opened his mouth and asked for as many as he came. .

"It's not so easy to expand the troops. To recruit them requires training, equipment, and salary. Our standards are still so high that we can't afford it—" Hopkins finally finished his vacation and came directly to Nyasaland Find Rock.

"It's not that difficult. As I said just now, we have to screen first, and remove all unqualified ones. Only qualified ones can stay for training. The federal government is responsible for the supply of troops. The last thing we need now is food, let alone equipment. Worry, London will be responsible for all the equipment." Roque is not worried, it is a good thing no matter what, this year London's funds are coming soon, Roque has already received Adelaide's promise, and the federal government will not deduct a cent of the funds given by London this year .

No, London pays in pounds, so no penny should be deducted.

(End of this chapter)

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