Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 724 Marginalization

Chapter 724 Marginalization

Unlike the British government and the federal government of Southern Africa, Nyasaland does not have an upper house or a lower house, but only a state assembly similar to a management committee.

There are a total of 23 members of the state assembly. The largest party is not the most powerful Liberal Party in southern Africa, but the largest Nyasaland Party in Nyasaland.

Yes, the Liberal Party is indeed the largest party in southern Africa, but in Nyasaland, the party with the largest number is not the Liberal Party, but the Nyasaland Party.

The Nyasaland Party is a party that was just established in 1908. Compared with the Liberal Party, the Nyasaland Party has been established for a short time, but its development speed is very fast. At Nyasaland University, more than 60.00% of the students are I have already joined the Nyasaland Party. This is because the Nyasaland University has issued repeated orders to prohibit parties from entering the university campus for propaganda. As for the professors and lecturers at Nyasaland University, more than 90.00% of them are members of the Nyasaland Party. .

Like the professors and lecturers at Nyasaland University, the Southern African Engineers Association, headquartered in Little Rock, also has more than 90.00% of its members joining the Nyasaland Party, and even more than half of the military members who claim to have no political affiliation Is a member of the Nyasaland Party.

Unlike the Liberal Party, which focuses on business and represents the interests of businessmen, the purpose of the Nyasaland Party is to benefit all Nyasaland people. It is not limited to a certain group. As long as you join the Nyasaland Party, you are a A member of the Saran family, the Nyasaland Party does not even refuse Africans to join, and Yaya is the first African-American member of the Nyasaland Party.

Of course, in order to join the Nyasaland Party, Yaya paid a high price, just donating 150 million rand in donations.

Of course, the Nyasaland Party also gave Yaya corresponding rewards. Although they are Africans, Yaya’s children can receive education in Nyasaland, and Yaya can also live in Nyasaland. Although Yaya Still no voting rights, but at least it's a pretty good start.

Roque actually didn't care too much about the development of the Nyasaland Party. As a member of the Liberal Party with the No. 0002 membership card, Roque was not even a member of the Nyasaland Party, but this did not hinder the development of the Nyasaland Party. In Nyasaland, almost all farmers, factory workers, and government employees have joined the Nyasaland Party. The large enterprises in Nyasaland are the Nyasaland Party’s funders. Rand Bank , Nyasaland Military Industry Group, and the thriving Nyasaland Aviation Group almost contracted the daily operating expenses of the Nyasaland Party.

With the absolute support of the Nyasaland Party, it was no surprise that the "Traffic Law" passed the third trial. Nyasaland is also the most politically informed and peaceful state in southern Africa, which made Owen, who came to investigate, very envious.

"Your Nyasaland is better. The Liberal Party and the Nyasaland Party have no grievances. The laws submitted by the state government are unimpeded. It takes almost six months for Congress to decide on a matter. Nyasaland only needs three days. I Now I can understand why Asquith has so little hair, look at mine, I also have a tendency to go bald now, but I'm only 30 years old." Owen complained, his baldness is indeed serious, and now With a Mediterranean trend.

"Nyasaland belongs to the federal government, not mine." Roque really has nothing to say. Roque and Owen are about the same age, but Roque has lush hair and a strong body. He looks the same as 20 years old. Not much difference.

Compared with Chinese, white people are indeed more prone to aging, but Phyllis and Ida are definitely different. They are still young and beautiful, and they are developing in different styles. Phyllis is a standard everyone Lady, aristocratic demeanor, Ada now has more and more royal sister demeanor, queen temperament.

"Now the party is not peaceful. I can't figure it out. Some people are getting closer to the People's Party. They will vote against it when Congress votes. Can the People's Party guarantee their interests?" Owen is getting more confused as he gets older. Many, the world of adults, even adults can't understand.

The "inside the party" that Owen refers to of course refers to the Liberal Party. As the leader of the Liberal Party, Owen is also the leader of the largest party in the Southern African Congress. Although the current situation in the Congress is a bit complicated, Owen can still control the situation, at least in a short time. question.

"We established the Liberal Party in 02, and it has been ten years now. The stunned young people ten years ago have now become old fritters. The problem is that we are still very young, so some people will definitely not be able to You are in the early stage, so it is normal for some people to be unwilling, and you can't expect everyone to be self-aware." It is also for this reason that Rock stays in Nyasaland more than Pretoria.

Time is a killer for everyone. The age of Rock and Owen is increasing, and the age of others in the Liberal Party is also increasing. Young people can still keep their own place and wait slowly for Rock and Owen. They have gradually retreated to the second line over the years , Now those who are older can't wait, they don't have more time, they will definitely not be able to consume Rock and Owen, so it is normal for some people to have thoughts, the people founded by Louis Botha and Jan Smother Although the party is not as powerful as the Liberal Party, it has the advantage of fewer people and fewer people, at least it is easier to climb up.

"Hmph, Louis Botha and Yang Smolts can't protect themselves now—" Owen sneered. Compared with another time and space, this time and space of Louis Botha and Yang Smudge is indeed a bit miserable.

Another time and space, Louis Botha was successfully elected as the Prime Minister of Southern Africa by virtue of the population base of the Boers after the self-government of Southern Africa. Yang Smozi even held three positions, serving as the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Mining, and the Minister of National Defense minister.

In this time and space, Louis Botha and Jan Smotz have been basically marginalized in the federal government of Southern Africa. Louis Botha is better, serving as the Minister of Agriculture, the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, and the Governor of Orange State.

Yang Smozi only got one Minister of Education, and he was still being watched by the agents of the Ministry of Justice all day long. Now he is indeed in danger.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, Louis Botha and Jan Smolts are still very beautiful. In Orange State, these two are indeed overshadowing the sky, and the Minister of Agriculture seems to have a high position, but this kind of private ownership is prevalent in southern Africa Most of the farms are privately owned, and there are no state-owned farms. The Ministry of Agriculture actually has little power.

As for the Minister of Education, the federal government only has so little funding every year, and how many people are starved for food. Yang Smozi has no ability to get a loan from the Rand Bank, and the Ministry of Finance and the General Administration of Taxation are still watching the Ministry of Education to review the use of funds every day. In addition to the special care of the agents of the Ministry of Justice, the life of the Ministry of Education is also very difficult. The department that graduates of Nyasaland University do not want to go to is the Ministry of Education.

However, the situation of Louis Botha and Jan Smolts does not affect some people's willingness to flatter them. There are always some people who do not take the usual path and try to make a big fortune with a small amount. Such people often have to lose everything before they wake up.

It's a pity that they won't have a chance to make a comeback by then.

The adult world is still cruel.

"What are these two busy with now?" Rock was actually a bit regretful, probably because he was frightened by Rock's thunderous handling of the strike. Orange has been very quiet these days, and Rock can't find anyone to start with. reason.

"What else can we do? The Ministry of Agriculture wants to increase taxes, but the Congress disagrees. The Ministry of Education wants to increase funding, but compulsory education is in a mess. Congress is now looking for accountability. It is estimated that someone from the Ministry of Education will resign." Owen also looked down on Louis Botha And Yang Smother, he didn't know how strong Louis Botha and Yang Smother were in another time and space.

Considering the current situation in southern Africa, the Ministry of Agriculture can only really make a difference by raising taxes.

However, whether to increase taxes or not is the decision of the Congress. Even if taxes are raised, how much to increase is the final decision of the State Administration of Taxation, which has nothing to do with the Ministry of Agriculture, so the Ministry of Agriculture's request is to increase the sense of presence.

The Ministry of Education is even more speechless. There are so many departments in the federal government. Except for the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Education has the most funds. The money spent by the Ministry of Defense now seems worthwhile. At least Southern Africa has never suffered from foreign conflicts. In fact, the German army known as the "World's No. [-] Army" must exercise restraint in front of the southern African army, so the work of the Ministry of Defense makes it impossible to find fault.

The Ministry of Education is no good. With the second most funds of all departments, the work is in a mess. The two states with the best compulsory education are Nyasaland and Transvaal, but the education systems of these two states are very poor. It has nothing to do with the Ministry of Education. Nyasaland’s compulsory education is well done because of Roque’s strong support. Transvaal’s compulsory education is well funded because the Transvaal is not short of money. These two states are also invested by the Ministry of Education. least two states.

Then the problem arises. In southern Africa, the Ministry of Education gives Orange the most funds every year, but the compulsory education in Orange is also a mess. The biggest problem is that the schools in Orange still use Afrikaans for teaching. This has made the Southern African Congress very dissatisfied, and has issued several documents reprimanding the Ministry of Education and the Orange State government.

Last year, there was a classroom collapse scandal in Orange, which led to the resignation of a director and two directors of the Ministry of Education. After the Ministry of Justice intervened, Yang Smother was not responsible. It's amazing!

"That's it for these two people, don't pay attention to them." Louis Botha is better, Rock has never looked at Yang Smother.

No matter how great the ability is, once it is marginalized, the hero is useless.

In the Southern African Congress, the People's Party has only [-] seats left. Seeing that the general election of members of Congress is coming soon, after this general election, I don't know how many seats the People's Party will have left. At this time, my brain was kicked by a donkey Only to the People's Party.

(End of this chapter)

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