Chapter 729 Deserving it

It’s really not that the shop owner and the sheriff are colluding to deceive people. Carlos, a standard Chinese, doesn’t know the standards of “spicy” or “non-spicy” in Sichuan cuisine. After eating this meal, Louis Botha finally understood why Luo Ke and Stoudemire take a cook with them wherever they go.

Walking out of the restaurant, the magistrate followed Luis Botha lingeringly. He kept saying that he wanted to protect the minister's safety, but everyone knew the actual purpose.

Louis Botha didn't push people away, and at this moment, Louis Botha finally understood that it was almost impossible to visit privately in Nyasaland, and he would be treated as a criminal suspect in minutes.

Then simply go back to the hotel to sleep, and make up for it first.

Early the next morning, when Louis Botha came to the restaurant, he was not surprised to see Rock.

"Minister Botha, long time no see." Rock was indifferent to routine.

"Lord Locke, good morning—" Louis Botha's address was also nondescript.

Rock didn't care, and greeted the trembling shopkeeper to serve Louis Botha breakfast.

At this time, the owner of the store was very hospitable, which was in stark contrast to yesterday's evil, and the breakfast finally returned to normal, with fried eggs, bacon, deep-fried dough sticks, and soy milk combining Chinese and Western foods.

"Eat a light breakfast, be careful of your blood pressure and cholesterol, and you should control your stomach when you're old—" Rock couldn't help reminding when he saw Louis Botha's feasting.

It's not a sarcasm!

Louis Botta ignored Roque, bacon was fine, the meat was eaten yesterday, and the roasted duck eggs were not bad, the salty and moderate red oily, Louis Botta gave up after trying the fritters, but the soy milk was still attached I drank three bowls.

"Old Zhang, right? Let's see how you abused our minister—" Rock couldn't help teasing.

"Sun, Sun Monkey's grandson—" The shop owner was so happy that he could see the back molars. There were two ministers in a small shop with few customers on weekdays.

"My lord, you can't blame the old grandson, we don't know that the minister can't eat chili—" Old Liang bravely interjected.

Rock couldn't help laughing. Louis Botha is actually less than 50 now. Considering the average life expectancy these days, [-] is indeed considered an old man, but he is still a young man in the political field.

Fortunately, both Rock and Lao Liang spoke Chinese, which Louis Botha couldn't understand, but Louis Botha immediately looked at Carlos.

Carlos could only put down the fritters in his hand and start translating.

"Eat, eat, why do you feel like you are fleeing?" Rock was still sarcastic.

"Shut up, you Nyasarans are really unfriendly to strangers—" Louis Botha finally couldn't help but fight back.

"We in Nyasaland have always had good wine when friends come, and shotguns when enemies come." Rock was proud, but it was a pity that Louis Botha didn't understand this stalk, so he felt like a cow playing the piano.

"Did you prepare fine wine or a shotgun?" Louis Botha was so angry that he threw away his chopsticks, probably not knowing how to use them.

"That depends on your choice." Rock's attitude is very casual. In fact, Louis Botha is also a very good person, but it is a pity that Louis Botha and Rock have the same responsibilities that must be borne. Living space, Louis Botha is to expand the living space for the Boers.

Louis Botha is definitely not as free and easy as Roque on this issue. In the final analysis, everyone underestimated the advantages of the Chinese in immigration. At the end of the Boer War, the total population of the Boers was 40, the largest in southern Africa. The total population of the Chinese was less than 1908 at that time, but in the 71 census, the total population of the Boers was 83, while the total population of the Chinese had reached [-].

Leaving aside whether the figure of 83 is accurate or not, the number of Chinese in southern Africa must be far more than 83, and the number of Chinese in Nyasaland is more than 83, plus the Transvaal, Rhodesia and Bechuanaland There are estimated to be more than 200 million Chinese in the territory.

Now Nyasaland is still trying every means to immigrate madly, and even launched a war for this. The total number of Chinese in southern Africa is still increasing rapidly. Now white people have become a minority in southern Africa, but no one dares at this time Get Nyasaland to stop immigration.

The essence of democracy is that the minority obeys the majority.

Louis Botha suddenly felt that the roasted duck eggs in his hand were no longer fragrant.

Let's focus on Nyasaland's state farm.

At the State Farm, Luis Botha's heart was even heavier.

The mayor who went to pick up people in Little Rock came back. On paper, there were only two households, but each family had more than a dozen members, four or five underage children, plus two or three half-year-olds. The middle-aged couple in the middle-aged couple are still cautious when they first arrived in Guizhou, but their eyes exude longing for the future.

Now every family settled in Nyasaland can only lease ten acres of land from the state farm.

This number seemed very unreasonable to Louis Botha. Ten acres was indeed a bit short, and it was not enough for the Boers.

"Less? If there are more, I'm afraid these people will be exhausted to death. Even if people can't be exhausted, animals can also be exhausted." Rock didn't explain that the way the Chinese used the land was completely different from that of the Boers.

Specifically, the Chinese are really "planting" the land, and the Boers are completely free-ranging. These two methods can't be said to be better. Farming is indeed tiring, and stocking is very easy, but the final result is huge. .

What impresses Louis Botha is the vegetable fields around Fenghuang Town. These vegetable fields are the private land of the residents of Fenghuang Town. Every household has them. No matter what kind of farm you plant, they all become vegetable fields.

"Why set up a national farm? It's not necessary at all." Rock also really didn't understand why Louis Botha insisted on establishing a national farm. There was no enthusiasm for Chinese farming.

"It's not necessary for you." Louis Botha didn't want to discuss this issue.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. If you don't know how the Chinese farm the land, Louis Botha doesn't think there is a problem with the way the Boers ran the farm in the past.

But when compared with farms run by Chinese, the problem immediately came out.

A farm of the same size cannot even feed a cow in Orange, but it can support a family in Nyasaland. Considering the size of Nyasaland and Orange——

This gap simply made Louis Botha desperate.

"Lock, Orange needs your help." If possible, Louis Botha really didn't want to say this.

"How to help? Help Orange get a loan from the Rand Bank?" Rock was not polite. The whole of southern Africa, even Bechuanaland, can now achieve financial balance, but Orange still needs the federal government's finances. support.

The federal government is also very dissatisfied with this, but the financial situation of Orange State is indeed very difficult. The Cape has Kimberley diamonds, the Transvaal has the gold mines of Johannesburg, and even Bechuanaland has the Rand Bank. financial support, but Orange has nothing.

The largest source of income for the Orange State government is the federal government's financial assistance. Taxes are almost negligible in Orange. It is difficult for farmers to support themselves with the little income from selling cattle and sheep. The capitalists do not invest in Orange State. The farms bought by Bechuanaland Agricultural Company would rather not be developed. There is not even a decent enterprise in Orange, and the Rand Bank will not lend money to the Rand Bank.

"Loans can't solve the problem. Farmers in Orange need to learn how you Chinese run their farms." Louis Botha finally admitted that in terms of agriculture, the Boers are indeed inferior to the Chinese.

"Louis, it's hard. The Chinese way of running a farm is very hard. Are you sure the farmers in Orange are willing to learn?" Rock really didn't mean to laugh. "On this issue, people's understanding is different.

The diligence of the Chinese refers to the kind of work that is done around the clock all year round, so there are endless vegetables and eggs, so they have spare money to buy motorcycles.

The diligence of the Boers probably refers to opening the door of the barn every morning, letting the sheepdogs drive the cattle and sheep to the grass, and then the day's work is done.

These are basically two completely different ways of life, so Orange State's finances will always be difficult.

"There will always be someone who is willing to learn—" Louis Botha admits that most Boers have a problem with their attitude towards work, but this matter can be guided, and not all Chinese are open all year round. There are also progressive ones.

"Louis, the farm in Johannesburg has been growing alfalfa ten years ago, and I haven't seen the farm in Orange learn how to grow alfalfa." Rock is blunt. There are also Chinese-run farms that are bankrupt or poorly run, but with Compared with the Boers, most of the farms run by the Chinese are running well, but the farms run by the Boers have too many problems.

About ten years ago, Rock bought a large amount of land in Johannesburg and sold it to Chinese miners in Johannesburg, thus starting the immigration of Chinese to southern Africa.

Now the first batch of miners who bought farms basically called their family members, relatives and even neighbors to southern Africa. Most of the current students of Nyasaland University are from the Transvaal, and most of them are The children of farmers who were the first beneficiaries of immigration.

The Transvaal is just next to Orange, and there is only a river between Kronstad and Wilkham. It can be said that the Boers are watching how the Chinese farmers on the other side of the river manage their farms step by step. Get up, if you really want to, you don’t need to take the initiative to guide. What the Chinese farmers on the other side of the river do, Boolean farmers just follow suit.

The river between Kronstad and Wilkham now has two different worlds on both sides. On one side of the river, there are criss-crossing paths, while on the other side, the poor and poor people's livelihood is dying.

This really made Louis Botha unacceptable.

(End of this chapter)

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