Chapter 733 The real me

Both Portugal and Belgium are standard small countries. With a population of 200 million, they can occupy an overseas colony of 200 million square kilometers. This kind of miracle can only happen in the grotesque era of great navigation.

Although the Berlin Conference recognized the rights of Portugal and Belgium in East and West Africa and the Congo Free State respectively, this recognition needs to be guaranteed by strength. Portuguese East Africa is now a thing of the past. Except for a part that became independent as the Kingdom of Mozambique, most of it was merged into Southern Africa. , I did not see England, France and Germany taking the initiative to find a place for Portugal.

After all, it wasn’t that southern Africa was bullying others, but that Portuguese East Africa was not able to live up to it, and even the natives in the colonies couldn’t beat them. How could they have the face to cry out for grievances? European countries are kind enough to not take advantage of the opportunity to add insult to injury.

The same applies to the current East India. The Queen of the Netherlands went to George V to cry, and London just sent out a routine official document, asking the federal government of Southern Africa to restrict the commercial activities of domestic enterprises outside the country (this cannot be written , I'm really sorry, I dug a big hole).

Did you see that the governor of the Netherlands in the East India has already gone to the Lion City, and it is only a commercial activity. It can only be said that the nobles in the House of Lords are not old-eyed, but really blind.

Compared with Roque, who is everywhere fanning the flames, Stoudemire has more duties, and Stoudemire has no big ideals, as long as he can keep Rhodesia. In Stoudemire's hands, Rhodesia's territory will be further expanded, which has completely exceeded Cecil Rhodes expects Stoudemire, so Stoudemire and Roque are advancing and retreating together. Roque wants to conquer the city, and Stoudemire wants to make money.

Therefore, on the issue of Orange, Stoudemire and Rock have a tacit understanding: "The output of agricultural products on the Orange Farm is insufficient, and there is no basic condition for the establishment of a large-scale processing plant. The processing industry in Johannesburg is already very mature. Orange repeats construction."

The South African company under the name of Stoudemire is a giant in the agricultural product processing industry in southern Africa. Textiles, canned food, vodka, beef, mutton and even potatoes all belong to the business scope of the South African company.

Unfortunately for Louis Botha, Johannesburg next door to Orange has the largest wool spinning mill and vodka factory in southern Africa, and the largest canning factory is in Nyasaland. These enterprises are in principle southern African enterprises. But it has nothing to do with the Orange State government.

"Louis, to develop the economy, we must first improve the business environment. Our investment is to make money. We can't bear the humiliation while being scolded. We are not masochists." After all, Rock still couldn't bear to see Louis Botha Hitting the wall everywhere, after all, they are both senior officials, so it is indeed too miserable.

Louis Botha was speechless. Orange not only rejected the Chinese, but even the British. This was the real reason why Orange was isolated in southern Africa.

If this point does not change, Orange will always be ignored by everyone. When the Boer War just ended, in order to compensate the losses of the Boers in the war, the British government provided financial aid and interest-free loans back and forth. There are tens of millions, but no effect can be seen at all. Now Louis Botha wants to change, but he is powerless, unless Louis Botha can be ruthless to kill a batch and shut down a batch before driving away a batch, but in this way, Louis Botha will also lose the confidence of the Boers, so Louis Botha is in a real dilemma.

Rock and Stoudemire did not force Louis Botha. When Orange was lingering, Cape and Transvaal were developing rapidly. Now that even Bechuanaland has improved, the reality will force the Boers to do it sooner or later. No choice, if the Boers are obsessed with it, Rock doesn't mind a group of poor whites in southern Africa.

It's all self-inflicted.

"I heard that the umbrella attacked Muscat—" Stoudemire took the initiative to bring the topic to the Persian Gulf.

"It is not to the extent of attacking Muscat, and it is not an umbrella. It was done by desert robbers." Rock firmly denied.

Just a few days ago, an Anglo-American oil exploration team departing from Muscat was attacked by desert bandits near Muscat. All 65 people including technicians, guides and security personnel were killed.

This incident finally aroused a strong reaction from Anglo-American Petroleum Corporation. Anglo-American Petroleum Corporation believed that it was the leader behind the umbrella company and had filed a lawsuit against the umbrella company in London.

The Umbrella Company certainly does not admit that this kind of lawsuit can be filed slowly, and it will be fine for more than ten years. However, if the Anglo-American Petroleum Company dares to continue to send oil exploration teams to the peninsula, the desert bandits will definitely appear again.

"Desert bandits are really hateful!" Xiao Si laughed, obviously teasing.

Rock's face didn't even blush, and his psychological quality was very good, but Louis Botha also joked: "This is a commercial behavior!"

Rock and Stoudemire both laughed, and the stone man finally got the hang of it. How could there be any purely commercial behavior? Merchants in the Age of Discovery were also pirates. When encountering other commercial ships at sea, as long as they were powerful, they would take the initiative to attack, even Even the country's merchant ships can also be snatched, and the United Kingdom made a fortune on this basis. The "commercial behavior" of the peninsula is just a continuation of the era of great navigation.

If you were an ordinary person, you might have to mourn the innocent victims. The few people present were obviously hard-hearted. They would never have such a heart of the Virgin. There will definitely be victims under the pressure of power. Little people are so insignificant. Not even a name.

"Do you want to get Muscat next?" Stoudemire really knows Rock well, and Rock will never allow other people to get involved in the peninsula.

"No, let's talk slowly—" Rock really didn't think about Muscat. Muscat is also a British protectorate now, but it is dispensable in the British colonial territory, and its status is not comparable to that of southern Africa. Compare.

Therefore, if the British and American Petroleum Corporation did not come forward, it is estimated that the British government would not talk to Muscat. At most, the Governor of Egypt came forward to mediate and finally reached a peace agreement that is not very binding.

The current Muscat is not the future Oman. Many tribes around Muscat do not submit to the rule of Muscat. The future Oman will gradually take shape after 1970, so the umbrella company still has a chance , it depends on who conquers those primitive nomadic tribes first.

Therefore, the attitude of the British government is also very ambiguous. Rock has communicated with the Earl of Selborne early on, and he does not expect the British government to completely favor the umbrella. As long as the British government remains neutral, anyway, no matter whether it is Muscat or Port Elizabeth. In the British sphere of influence, if the meat is rotten, it will be in the pot. Umbrella and Adan are purely British companies, and Anglo-American Petroleum has American capital involved.

In other words, as long as the UK still wants the oil in Port Elizabeth, it must guarantee the interests of the umbrella company. This multiple-choice question is not difficult to answer. Anglo-American Petroleum is now an empty shell, and even the prospectors cannot go deep into the peninsula, and the prospects are not good. can be expected.

"Port Elizabeth, is it considered the territory of Southern Africa now?" Louis Botha also had expectations on this issue.

"Forget it——" Louis Botta's ancient well is not broken, and it would be strange for Rock to be so eloquent: "——it doesn't count, Port Elizabeth is my private territory, and I spent a lot of money."

This issue must be killed. If Port Elizabeth is a territory in southern Africa, it is also a British territory. There will definitely be corresponding interest demands in the future. Will Roque agree or not?

It's better to just blur it like this, and whoever wants to get involved should be careful of desert robbers.

"Then why does the Ministry of Defense send the navy to Port Elizabeth?" Louis Botha was a little disappointed. If the peninsula is also the territory of southern Africa, then the Ministry of Agriculture can also try to develop agriculture on the peninsula.

Success is one thing, people always have ideals.

"The destroyer in Port Elizabeth was bought by the Umbrella Company. The Ministry of Defense has no control over who the Port Edward Shipyard wants to sell the ship to." Rock is indifferent, and there is no such thing as harming the public and private interests. Next, the Umbrella Company will buy cruisers. Are you wearing it?

It was only then that Louis Botha remembered that the Edward Shipyard was also Rock's industry, and even Port Edward was Rock's private territory.

"Your operation—" Luis Botha was really unable to comment. He was both a referee and an athlete, and he talked back and forth, and he took all the good things.

"This is the power of capital." Stoudemire was busy eating foie gras, and raised his head in his busy schedule. The South African company is also a referee and an athlete, the right granted by the old European grandmother.

The dinner for Louis Botta, the menu must be extremely rich. The French chef at the Rhodesia Hotel cooks exquisitely. .

Of course, if you think a certain dish is delicious, you can still order it if you are not afraid of embarrassment. The chef will definitely not refuse, but will be honored.

Luis Botha didn't care about these things at all, and he was full of praise for the foie gras.

"One more, no, two—" Xiao Si is a local tyrant, there is no such thing as table manners, poor people will be laughed at if they wear a glass bead ring, and Xiao Si wearing a glass bead ring is the real me, Louis Botha just now He also unabashedly sucked his teeth. In the eyes of some people, this is more disgusting than picking his feet in public.

Before the foie gras came, Carlos came first, and there were marks on his face from being beaten.

Rock and Stoudemire didn't ask, as if they didn't see it.

Carlos came directly to Luis Botha and bit his ear.

What Rock was worried about really happened. Swift had a conflict with several officers of the Northern Rhodesia Division in the bar. Now he was detained in the bar, and Carlos was accidentally injured when Carlos tried to persuade him to fight.

If it weren't for the officers of the Northern Rhodesian Division who were also Chinese, it is estimated that Carlos would also be detained together.

"Why?" Louis Botha was still able to hold back his anger.

"Swift touched a woman's ass, an officer's companion—" Carlos was really having a hard time saying it.

What a shame.

(End of this chapter)

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