Chapter 736 Scary

Implementing compulsory education sounds difficult, but it is actually not that difficult. The key is size. Implementing compulsory education in a country with a population of more than one billion is as difficult as skyrocketing. Implementing compulsory education in a country with a population of less than a few million It's much simpler, and the difficulty is not an order of magnitude at all.

Nyasaland has existing experience in this regard, and the situation in Orange is similar to that of Nyasaland. The native language of the students in the two places is not English. The difference is that the schools in Nyasaland set English as a compulsory subject. Orange is only an elective course, and it doesn't matter if you can speak English, anyway, Boer is also the official language of southern Africa.

For Orange, the biggest problem is that there are not enough teachers in the schools in Orange. At that time, Rock hired teachers from the UK to work in southern Africa to gradually solve this problem. Orange State also wanted to do the same. , then English must be taken as a compulsory course, and a language school must be established.

This is difficult to do. After all, Orange State is part of southern Africa. It is a bit ridiculous to go to a language school after being educated in its own country.

Added to this is the question of Boers' acceptance of education.

Different from the worship of knowledge by the Chinese, the attitude of the Boers to knowledge is not so positive. The Chinese have a saying that all things are inferior, but reading is high. Let’s not say whether this statement is correct or not. This statement fully reflects the attitude of the Chinese towards knowledge. .

The Boers do not have a similar tradition. The most popular way for the Boers to get rich these years is to get rich overnight. The first choice of many Boers who found mineral deposits in the farms was not to develop them by themselves, but to sell the farms to the British and keep the money themselves. Go to Europe to spend time and drink.

This can be regarded as the Boolean version of Homecoming.

Therefore, it will take a long time for the Boers to receive compulsory education. In this regard, the Orange State Government still has a lot of work to do.

How to draft the document is Carlos' business, and Luis Botha still needs to know more, so he started to investigate the school in Little Rock the next day.

"The best school is of course the Primary School attached to Nyasaland University. Arthur and Gavin also go to the attached primary school. Are you sure you want to visit the attached primary school?" Rock has evil intentions. If Louis Botha goes to the attached primary school, he will probably Battered.

The school that allowed Phyllis to give up the aristocratic family education is really not comparable to ordinary schools. There is no need to list all kinds of hardware facilities. The library of the attached elementary school is the largest library in Little Rock except for the state library. Nearly half of the teachers in the primary school affiliated to Saran University are graduates from the School of Education of Nyasaland University, and the other half are hired from the UK with high salaries, which can beat most of the noble schools nowadays.

The reason why it has such a strong strength is inseparable from the various donations from the parents of the students. Don’t forget that even Arthur and Gavin are in the affiliated primary school, so they want their children to be classmates with the future Viscount Nyasaland Parents are like Guo Jiangzhiqing. There are only 50 students in a class in the affiliated primary school.

In the year when Arthur and Gavin entered school, the affiliated primary school received more than 120 million rand in donations. It doesn’t matter if it’s not the same class, it doesn’t matter if it’s the same grade. There is another relationship in Chinese culture called the same year.

"No, you can just find one. The affiliated primary school certainly cannot represent the true level of public education in Nyasaland." Louis Botha is not stupid. With the strength of Orange State, he can also create a passable school. Primary school, but that doesn't make much sense, what Louis Botha wants is universal compulsory education, not an aristocratic school like Bigwig.

In fact, Bigwig Public School really does not represent the highest level of education nowadays, let alone the primary school affiliated to Nyasaland University, which is catching up from behind, even in the Transvaal, the strength of Bigwig Public School is comparable to that of the school for the children of miners. Unfortunately, it’s just that Bigwig Public School was established earlier, so it is widely sought after. In terms of strength, the miners’ children’s school is much better than Bigwig Public School. Only a few people know this situation. Schools for the children of miners accounted for a large proportion, and the classes with the best grades were simply the ones that were recruited ahead of time for interviews.

It didn't show off, and Rock didn't have much regrets. The public schools in Nyasaland are also very good. They beat the public education schools in Orange State in all aspects. Louis Botha randomly chose it from the fifteen elementary schools in Little Rock. One, Sunset Primary School.

"Why this?" Rock asked curiously.

"No reason, pleasing to the eye." Louis Botha said casually.

Luo Ke laughed. The reason why Sunset Elementary School uses this name has nothing to do with the fact that the sun never sets. Sunset means that the school is located on Sunset Avenue. There is really no insinuation.

Then go to Sunset Elementary School.

In fact, this choice is also wrong. If all the elementary schools in Little Rock are ranked in one ranking, then Sunset Elementary School will be in the top five even if it does not rank in the top three. After all, the surrounding area of ​​Sunset Avenue is the noble residential area of ​​Little Rock, which is the so-called wealthy area. , How could the schools in the rich district be poor.

Before arriving at the Sunset Primary School, Luis Botta had a better understanding of the Sunset Primary School in the car.

"Please, if you didn't want to see it, I didn't even know there was Sunset Elementary School. How would you like me to introduce it? I just found out that there are fifteen elementary schools in Little Rock." Rock was speechless, and the work of the two departments It's still very busy, Rock even doesn't have time for Nyasaland to manage, Anton is the governor.

Due to the limited space in the car, Zach is sitting in the co-pilot, so don't expect Zach to introduce it, even if Zach knows, he can't tell.

"You are really incompetent as a lord." Louis Botha complained habitually. As a minister, he didn't think he was too busy. It was ironic that the Minister of Agriculture couldn't manage the farm.

"The Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Justice are not like your idle Ministry of Agriculture—" Rock also vomited, this is the reality in southern Africa, busy to death, idle to death.

"Why is our Ministry of Agriculture doing nothing?" Luis Botha turned black and expressed his dissatisfaction with Rock's attitude.

"What about the grades?" Rock hit the nail on the head.

"You capitalists have bought more than half of the farms in southern Africa. How can I get results?" Louis Botha was angry. The Ministry of Agriculture failed because of unscrupulous capitalists like Rock Stoudemire and Henry.

"There's a little more—" Rock wasn't angry, he couldn't blame the capitalists for being unscrupulous, he could only blame the Ministry of Agriculture for being slow-witted, for having no money, and for not having the right to speak.

"The remaining half are mountains, hills and swamps, what can I do?" Louis Botha said confidently.

Rock didn't refute, despising that this nineteenth-century bumpkin had never seen terraced fields and didn't know about the Great Northern Wilderness.

Still, there are too few people and too much noise, and the good plains can’t be used up. It is clear that the wasteland is the best good land. For thousands of years, only long grass will be left uncultivated. No one bothers to make any terraced fields.

"South Africa now covers more than 300 million square kilometers, more than half of which is private land. The annual funding of the Ministry of Agriculture is pitifully small, and the salary is not enough. If it were you, what would you do—" Louis Botha thought Luo Ke had nothing to say.

The more than 300 million square kilometers is not the data measured by the Ministry of Agriculture, but the data quoted from the official documents of Nyasaland. In the era without remote sensing satellites, it is basically impossible to measure the land. The maps published by the federal government of southern Africa are crooked. , and the map in Rock's impression is very different, and the maps published by different states are different.

Don't ask how Nyasaland measured it, it's leaking the secret.

"The positioning of your Ministry of Agriculture is wrong. The government department is a service organization, not a management organization." Rock's concept is ahead of his time.

"Your Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Justice are also service agencies?" Luis Botha snorted.

"The Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Justice are different from your Ministry of Agriculture. Both the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Justice are organs of state violence." It was only at this time that Rock realized the true meaning of the sentence that the barrel of a gun is the last word.

Sunset Primary School is not far from Rhodesia Hotel, so when the convoy arrived at Sunset Primary School, the primary school principal who greeted him at the door saw such a scene.

The two ministers seemed to be very happy chatting, one was bitter and bitter, and the other was triumphant, just like Yang Bailao and Huang Shiren's acquaintance.

Well, Yang Bailao and Huang Shiren didn't actually exist at this time.

Like other schools in Little Rock City, Sunset Elementary School also implemented closed management. Through the school gate, one could not directly see the teaching area. One had to go around the screen wall behind the gate and then pass through the playground to reach the teaching area.

"Sunset Primary School has a total of 49 classes, with an average of 52 students in each class. There are 117 faculty members in the school. There are only two graduates from the School of Education of Nyasaland University. We are so pitiful—" the principal finally found an opportunity to Roque complained in front of him.

But this cry was unsuccessful. The two graduates from the School of Education of Nyasaland University are pretty good, and some schools don't have any.

The Faculty of Education of Nyasaland University is the largest department of Nyasaland University, which can produce nearly a thousand graduates every year.

This scale is estimated to be second to none in the world, but it still cannot meet the needs of southern Africa. There is no way, the gap is too big. Nyasaland University has tried its best, but the supply is still in short supply.

"Persevere, and go to Brant early next year. If he doesn't give you, he will live in his office." Rock is slanderous, and Brant is the head of the education department of Nyasala State.

Rock has always been very patient with the staff in the education industry. The [-]-year-old plan for education is not just talking about it. To provide the best education for the next generation, we must increase investment in the education industry. Only with money can we have a future. No money, no matter how nice it sounds, it is a castle in the air.

Luis Botha didn't pay attention to the exchange between Rock and the principal, only two numbers echoed in his mind, 49, 52——

If I remember correctly, it seems that Rock said just now that there are 15 elementary schools in Little Rock.

And that's just Little Rock.

(End of this chapter)

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