Chapter 753 Eye-catching

Rock did not arrest people because he was waiting for the investigation results of the Ministry of Defense. Compared with Brad, the efficiency of the Ministry of Defense is indeed a bit slow, but it is understandable that Brad is personally responsible to Rock, while the Ministry of Defense is responsible for the entire Southern Africa is responsible, with different responsibilities and different investigation procedures.

The main issue is the position. The Johannesburg Textile Company is a company under the name of Phyllis. Rock believes that the textile company is fine, so Brad directly targets the military's internal supply chain.

The special investigation team of the Ministry of National Defense took the Johannesburg textile company as the primary target, and did not dare to make a big show of it. If there is a real problem with the textile company, it will take courage to uncover the cover.

The leader of the special investigation team is Lieutenant Colonel Joey, the deputy director of the intelligence service of the Fourth Division, and he is on his way to Johannesburg.

The special investigation team was just established, and all members were drawn from various departments of the Ministry of National Defense. The special investigation team just got the relevant information of the Johannesburg Textile Company last night. heavy.

The deputy leader of the special investigation team is Klaus, the chief of the first section of the intelligence department. He sat beside Joey and watched Joey hesitate to speak.

"Speak up if you have something to say." Joey was flipping through the information about the Johannesburg Textile Company.

From the data, the Johannesburg Textile Company has a good reputation. Long before the establishment of the federal government, the Johannesburg Textile Company undertook all the textile-related business of the Northern Rhodesia Division, the New Cavalry Division and the Johannesburg Police Department.

Military tents, all kinds of clothing, blankets, sleeping bags, and even rifle slings were provided by Johannesburg Textiles.

After the establishment of the federal government, the Johannesburg Textile Company became a designated procurement unit of the federal government. Now the Johannesburg Textile Company not only undertakes orders from the Ministry of Defense and produces military supplies for the Ministry of Defense, but also undertakes orders from other departments, including the staff of the Prime Minister’s Office. The uniforms are sourced from the Johannesburg textile company.

Just from the data, the prices that the Johannesburg Textile Company gives to various departments of the federal government are not high, and are about the same as the market price. This is a normal thing, but it is very abnormal in the field of government procurement. Joey has The background of serving in the British War Department has a certain understanding of the material procurement of the British War Department. Generally speaking, the price of military supplies should be about 50.00% higher than the market price to be normal, otherwise the company cannot guarantee normal profits.

Johannesburg Textile Company is the largest textile company in southern Africa. The company has six factories in Transvaal, Nyasaland, Cape and other places, with nearly 4000 employees. According to the data, Johannesburg Textile Company has given The salaries paid by employees are very high, which is about the same as the annual salary of ordinary federal government employees, which makes Joey very puzzled. If the situation of Johannesburg Textile Company is the same as what is stated in the information, then unless Johannesburg Textile Company plays tricks on product quality , otherwise the due profit cannot be guaranteed.

"Head, we're in big trouble this time." Klaus lamented, this matter is a hot potato in the Ministry of Defense, and no one wants to take over, that's why the establishment of the special investigation team is so difficult. Joey is directly named by Rock, And Klaus is Joey's old subordinate. If he could choose, Klaus would definitely not want to join the investigation team.

"Why?" Joey asked knowingly, while flipping through the information, he used his pen to draw key points.

"Don't tell me you don't know. The owner of the Johannesburg Textile Company is our minister's wife. How do we investigate this?" Klaus was almost on the verge of collapse. Mrs. Nyasaland is a nobleman herself, and she is also a member of the Matilda family. Her father is Lord Matilda, her elder brother is Lord Fawalt, who is also the Minister of Justice of the Federal Government, and the other brother is the leader of the largest party in southern Africa and the leader of the largest party in Congress, If any one of these identities is taken out, it is enough to restrain the special investigation team.

"How to check, how to check, the lord bypassed the director and directly appointed me as the leader of the special investigation team, what do you think the lord wants me to do?" Joey finally raised his head, with a calm expression.

"You're not serious, are you?" Klaus almost jumped out of his seat in fright.

"Be open-minded, Klaus, do you think Mrs. Nyasaland will play tricks on the military supplies? Money is very important to us, but to the Lord and Mrs. Nyasaland, it doesn't make sense to have more money than less money. "Joy shook his head speechlessly, and his mood was a bit complicated after reading the information.

"Who would think too much money--" Klaus still didn't turn the corner.

"The whole of Nyasaland is the territory of the lord. The lord owns the largest arsenal in southern Africa, an aircraft factory, a shipyard, and the ubiquitous Rand Bank. Each of these enterprises is a gold mine—— Oh, I forgot, there is indeed a gold mine in the name of the lord—so you see, if the lord wants to make money, he doesn't need to rely on this method at all." Joey was actually very lucky at this time that the Ministry of Defense had someone like Rock Minister, if this is replaced by a greedy minister, his face will be ugly.

Whether it is honest or not has nothing to do with how much money there is. Some people can live alone even if they are poor, and some people are still greedy even if they have a lot of money.

It is undeniable that there are indeed more ways for capitalists to make money than for poor people. Rabbits don’t eat grass on the edge of their nests, so it’s normal for Rock not to make money from government orders. But the minister who wants to make a fortune, how can he earn money if he does not earn money from military purchase orders?

"That's why you have no money." Joey didn't explain, because family backgrounds, education levels, and experiences in growing up are different, so they look at the problem from different angles, and this issue cannot be forced.

To put it bluntly, at the level of the federal government minister, there are many ways to make money. Johannesburg Textile Company undertakes orders from the federal government, and the product price is similar to the retail price in the market. This in itself guarantees the profit of Johannesburg Textile Company. So if you tamper with the quality, it is purely a brain disorder.

"In case there's a problem with Johannesburg Textiles—" Klaus shuddered at the possibility.

"Don't worry, the Johannesburg Textile Company is definitely fine, otherwise the lord would not be where he is today." Joey is really not worried. There are also some rumors about senior officials of the federal government in southern Africa. The officials in the rumors even include The staff of government departments are all heinous. In fact, the situation is really not that serious. Some officials are indeed heinous, but not all. Just like in the face of war, some people will choose to flee abroad, but there will also be people who defend their homeland.

The situation in southern Africa is even more special. Roque is not only the Deputy Minister of Defense, but also the Deputy Minister of Justice. Hold on to the Ministry of Education's matter, and pursue it so hard that everyone in the Ministry of Education is at risk, but Yang Smother can't catch Rock's sore foot. If there is a problem with the Johannesburg Textile Company, believe it It was already broad daylight.

Don't forget that the relatives of the leader are high-risk areas.

The road between Johannesburg and Pretoria has been built several years ago, and the military vehicles of the Ministry of National Defense are unimpeded, and they arrived in Johannesburg in less than an hour.

"Hello, Lieutenant Colonel Joey, I am Johannesburg Police Chief Gold, and welcome to Johannesburg." Gold and Joey met at the entrance of downtown Johannesburg. The Johannesburg Police Department will cooperate with the investigation of the special investigation team. gram order.

Order in the capacity of Deputy Attorney General.

"Hello, Mr. Director—" Joey shook hands with Gothe, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Rock's arrangement.

Under normal circumstances, such an arrangement is indeed normal. After all, the special investigation team formed by the Ministry of National Defense does not have the right to directly investigate companies in southern Africa. There are many places that need the cooperation of the police station. There is no power to take coercive measures.

But in this matter, there will be many problems in the eyes of people with dark psychology. Johannesburg is the stronghold of the Roque and Matilda families. He once served as the chief of the Johannesburg Police Department and was deeply involved in the post-war reconstruction of Johannesburg. Even though Rock is no longer working in Johannesburg, he still has a huge influence on Johannesburg. It can be said that Philip and Rock created Johannesburg now.

"Should we eat first, or go to the Johannesburg Textile Company first?" Gothe did cooperate unconditionally, and the special investigation team could go wherever they wanted.

"Let's eat first, we didn't even have breakfast—" Joey was not in a hurry, no matter whether there was a problem with the Johannesburg Textile Company, it didn't make much difference if it passed sooner or later, and he had to fill his stomach first before he could work energetically.

Then go to eat, Gao De gave several options, you can go to the cafeteria of the Johannesburg Police Station, or you can go to the Rhodesia Hotel, and all the expenses will be borne by the Johannesburg Police Station.

"That goes without saying, it must be the Rhodesia Hotel." Joey laughed. Among all the regions in southern Africa, Johannesburg's economic development is the best. He has long heard that the Johannesburg Police Department is rich, and Joey took it for granted. Eat big.

The Johannesburg Police Department is indeed rich. The official vehicles purchased by the Ministry of Defense are only basic models, but the cars purchased by the Johannesburg Police Department are specially customized for the Johannesburg Police Department by Nyasaland Automobile Factory.

The South African mastiff logo on the car is really eye-catching.

(End of this chapter)

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