Chapter 755

Southern Africa implements the same civil service system as the United Kingdom, and the officials of the Ministry of National Defense are also civilian military officers. There is no iron rice bowl that can be guaranteed forever.

This is not an abandonment of the pawn to protect the commander in chief, and there is a limit to the accountability. If Roque is to be held accountable, then Ade, who appointed Roque as the deputy minister of defense, is also responsible.

What's more, there is no one in southern Africa who can replace Roque's position, and he can't go to the ward to pull Hopkins out.

The death of Bright from his injuries was a huge blow to Hopkins. Now Hopkins can actually be discharged from the hospital, but his health is not as good as before, and he is unwilling to continue to serve as the Secretary of Defense. Three days ago, Hopkins Thinking that Ade submitted his resignation, this time no matter how Ade persuaded him to stay, Hopkins would not be nostalgic.

"What else is there to miss? I'm tired of working. It's time to go back to the farm. I'm going back to my farm in the Cape, planting flowers, raising grass, and taking my old Harney to hunt, old Harney I'm old too, I don't know if I can still run—" Hopkins was determined, and old Harney was Hopkins' hound, lying beside Hopkins' hospital bed.

Hearing Hopkins call its name, old Hani wagged his tail, looked up at Hopkins, his eyes were full of trust.

Rock's mood is a bit complicated. Hopkins and his generation will leave sooner or later, including Ad and Philip. Although Hopkins is relatively conservative in thinking and has flaws in ability, Hopkins and Rock cooperate tacitly. We have been working together for three years, and there has never been a problem. Hopkins has played the role of the big housekeeper very well, giving Roque the greatest degree of freedom, which Roque will never forget.

"Sidney, thank Prime Minister Milner for me, I will always remember working with him as some of my fondest memories - and as for the Ministry of Defence, Locke, I can't think of anyone better suited to the position than you , I will recommend you to Prime Minister Milner, and you are the only candidate." Hopkins explained the funeral, and he retreated cleanly.

"I will be the Marshal—" Sidney Milner didn't feel much sadness, but was a little joyful.

After Hopkins retires, Roque will definitely take over as the Minister of Defense. With the relationship between Adelaide and Roque, Adelaide's position will be more stable, and Sidney Milner's interests will also be guaranteed. Everyone is happy to see the situation.

"Is there anything I can do?" Rock said sincerely, no matter what Hopkins asked at this time, as long as Rock could do it, Rock would agree.

Hopkins didn't answer directly, but glanced at Henry who was leaning on the window sill.

Henry understood, and left the ward with Sidney Milner, and called Lacey away, leaving Rock alone.

"Actually, I really want to stay for a few more years to see how far we can go in southern Africa." Hopkins waited for everyone to leave before saying: "When I came to southern Africa 30 years ago, I just had Lacey. , there was no Brett—”

Hopkins put on a posture for a long talk, Rock adjusted his sitting posture to be more comfortable, picked up an apple and peeled it slowly.

"At that time, there was only Cape in southern Africa, and the Republic of Transvaal had just been established. It has been 30 years in a blink of an eye. Locke, what is your ideal southern Africa like?" Hopkins was not as free and easy as he appeared , after all, it is the country he has served all his life.

"Large population, prosperous economy, strong strength—" Rock cut the apple into small pieces, put on a small fork and handed it to Hopkins.

"I mean the Chinese. Now the Chinese in southern Africa have surpassed the whites. How will you treat the whites in southern Africa in the future?" Hopkins pointed to the core of the problem, which is also an issue that many whites are increasingly concerned about.

"Hopkins, the Chinese are not a threat to southern Africa. They never have been." Rock is also very helpless. Back then, Britain opened the door to the Qing Dynasty with strong ships and guns. Now many white people worry that after the Chinese become the mainstream population, white people will be suppressed. Settle accounts after autumn.

In fact, it is unnecessary to worry. The Chinese have always persuaded people with reason. Even if the Chinese become the mainstream population in southern Africa in the future, as long as the white people abide by the law and do not take the initiative to find trouble, everyone can coexist peacefully and build a harmonious and beautiful new South Africa.

"In Nyasaland, the number of Chinese far exceeds that of white people, but the white people in Nyasaland still live happily, even more happily than in other states, because they have the best neighbors and colleagues in the world, There are also many Chinese communities in Pretoria, and those Chinese communities have the best law and order situation, as does the Bigveda Town where the Bigveda Hospital is located. Isn’t this enough to prove the friendship of the Chinese? The Chinese didn’t want to monopolize southern Africa , I just don’t want to be enslaved, oppressed, or discriminated against. We Chinese have a saying that do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and we understood this truth more than 2000 years ago.” Rock began to cut oranges, these fruits are Bignonia It is grown locally in the town and tastes very good.

"What does Southern Africa look like in your imagination? As before, it is just a local source of raw materials? Or is it relying on the exploitation of Africans to achieve short-term development, but leaving behind huge hidden dangers? Don't forget that we are all foreigners. Those." Rock smiled, and Churchill said that Italians have a good appetite but full of rotten teeth, so why not the British.

Essentially speaking, Britain, like those countries that are weak in national strength but occupy huge colonies by virtue of the dividends of the times, is also overwhelmed.

The cleverness of the British lies in knowing how to advance and retreat. Since the independence of the United States, the United Kingdom has gradually adjusted its colonial policy, which is why Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and southern Africa have successively self-governed. Portugal and Belgium are stubborn and conservative, so Portugal lost Portugal. In East Africa, the Congo Free State is in chaos.

As for Italy, the Italian-Turkish war is still going on, and there is no winner in a short period of time. Even if Italy wins the Italian-Turkish war, it will suffer heavy losses and completely miss the upcoming world war.

"Of course not. I also hope to see a southern Africa with a large population, a prosperous economy and a strong strength in my lifetime. It would be even better if I can have some international voice." Hopkins is very happy, and now the development of southern Africa Getting better and better, with Rock's promise, Hopkins really let go of all regrets.

Rock and Hopkins chatted for more than an hour, and Rock didn't leave until Hopkins' attending doctor reminded the time.

Back at the Viscount's Mansion in Bigwig Town, Henry was very curious.

"What did you talk to Hopkins? I have nothing to talk to Hopkins, I feel like you are his son." Henry and Hopkins really have nothing to talk about, son-in-law and mother-in-law I can still chat a few words, let's forget about my father-in-law.

Rock is an outlier in this era, and has a good relationship with Philip.

"Many, from southern Africa to London, now and in the future, and various insights about life, do you want to hear?" Rock is in a good mood, and his words are good when he is about to die. Hopkins' life is about to die. Towards the end, Hopkins at this time is undoubtedly open-minded.

"No, that's a topic among you old people." Henry refused to participate, worried about whether his life would be as easy as it is now: "If you take over as the Minister of Defense, what will the Department of Justice do?"

Now Henry is really relaxed, and the work of the Ministry of Justice is on the right track. Roque, the deputy minister, has contributed a lot. Henry is still the same as before, and he is free every day, fishing, hunting, traveling, etc. The vacation time is definitely more than work. long time.

"Find another capable deputy minister—" Rock doesn't care, it's okay to be the deputy minister of two ministries, but it's not appropriate to be the minister of the Ministry of Defense and the deputy minister of the Ministry of Justice at the same time.

"Is there any suitable candidate?" Henry didn't look outside.

"Find it myself, I have to find a suitable deputy minister—" Rock was upset. When Rock was the deputy minister before, with Hopkins at the front, Rock saved a lot of trouble.

Now without Hopkins, Rock will be forced to stand in front of the stage. At this time, the disadvantages of monopolizing power are reflected. Rock doesn't even have a suitable deputy minister candidate.

"You still need to look for it? Isn't Derek very suitable—" Henry closed his eyes and searched casually. There are more talents in the Ministry of Defense than in the Ministry of Justice.

Rock's eyes lit up immediately, and Derek Dodd was indeed a good fit.

Derek Dodd's current position is the director of the Southern African Army Academy. Over the years, the graduates of the Army Academy are Derek Dodd's students. The influence on the army, in a way, Derek Dodd Although Germany is incomparable to Roque, it is definitely no less than Hopkins.

To put it bluntly, Roque is the founder of the Southern African National Defense Force, and his influence on the National Defense Force is unmatched. In this regard, Adelaide is not as good as Rock.

In other words, if Roque wanted to launch a coup now, it would be a matter of one sentence, and the vast majority of soldiers in southern Africa would support Roque to take power.

"Angie, send a telegram to General Dodd and ask him to come to Pretoria immediately." Rock was decisive. Derek Dodd has been doing very well since he came to southern Africa. The Army Academy is Derek Dodd It was built by one hand. Now Derek Dodd is preparing for the Naval Academy. After Hopkins leaves office, there will be a large-scale personnel change in the Ministry of Defense. Derek Dodd will be a good helper for Rock.

"Yes, my lord." Angie said loudly.

Henry looked at Angie's tall and straight back and sighed: "This is Anton's son? How time flies!"

It’s really fast. By accident, Rock and Henry are already in their 30s, and young people are growing vigorously. In a few decades, Rock and Henry will gradually grow old. By then, Southern Africa will not know what is going on What's it like.

(End of this chapter)

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