Chapter 767 Small fights

The main business of the Upper Katanga Mining Company is copper mines like the North Sea United Mining Company, but the scale is much worse than that of the North Sea United Mining Company, and the Upper Katanga Mining Company only mines ore and does not refine ore. factory, so Roque really doesn't have much interest in the Upper Katanga Mining Joint Company.

Taking a step back, even if Roque is interested, there is no need to worry now, because the rebellion in the Congo Free State has also greatly affected the Upper Katanga Mining Company. Whether or not the mine can be kept in the future is another matter. You can wait.

"Upper Katanga Mining Company has not been affected by the rebellion. Our mines are still operating normally, and the output has not decreased. It is only limited by the current rebellion. The ore cannot be shipped out of the Congo Free State, but the rebellion will always end. , everything will return to normal by then.” Isaiah Chamberlain’s mood is still relatively optimistic, but his words are not very credible, and no one knows the specific situation of the Upper Katanga Mining Joint Company.

A mine is different from a plantation. Because a large number of miners are used, the general mine employs supervisors and thugs. These supervisors and thugs are equipped with weapons, and their nature is similar to that of the army. The gold mine in Johannesburg used to be like this. Later, the umbrella company was established. This situation has only gradually changed.

The Upper Katanga Mining Joint Company can barely maintain its existence thanks to the security team formed by the company. These security teams are well-equipped, not only equipped with light and heavy machine guns, but also equipped with armored vehicles. Breach the mine.

"Do you think the Belgian government is capable of countering the rebellion?" Henry was blunt, and Isaiah Chamberlain was also British.

"Who knows, maybe they can, maybe they can't, but it doesn't matter, even if the rebels win in the end, the mine will always continue to operate." Isaiah Chamberlain didn't care, this is the tragedy of the colony, even if If the invaders are driven away, there is a high probability that they will not be able to govern the country well.

Governing a country is a technical task. It has always been easier to destroy than to build. At present, only Ethiopia, a country in Africa, still maintains its independence. Unfortunately, two years ago, Menelik II, who unified the country, suffered a stroke and was paralyzed. Therefore, Ethiopia The future is also unclear.

The current situation in the Congo Free State is worse than that of Ethiopia. Before Menelik II unified the country, Ethiopia still maintained its independence and did not become a colony. The foundation of its rule is still good.

The Congo Free State has been brutally ruled by Leopold II for decades. Not only has the population decreased significantly, but also the economic structure is single and heavily dependent on foreign trade. Without a strong government, the entire society will be destroyed in a short period of time. Complete breakdown.

It has to be emphasized here that companies during this period were indeed more efficient than the government in many cases, and the few large companies in the Congo Free State performed better than the Belgian government.

At least in the face of the rebellion, the big companies in the Congo Free State tried their best to save themselves immediately. No matter what the result was, the reaction speed was indeed very fast.

Just over a month after the rebellion broke out in the Free State, the Belgian government did nothing other than issue a mobilization order. It is said that Congress is discussing whether to send troops to counter the rebellion every day. The focus of the dispute is who should pay for the formation of the army Responsible, the Belgian government believes that the cost of forming the army should be borne by the large companies in the Congo Free State. The bosses of several large companies in the Congo Free State believe that the Belgian government should be responsible, and some people suggest that Leopold II should be responsible , This proposal was responded by most people, but Leopold II rejected the proposal on the grounds that the Congo Free State has nothing to do with him now.

Just kidding, it was the Belgian government that forced Leopold II to hand over the management rights of the Congo Free State. Although Leopold II made some small moves, what was handed over to the Belgian government was a complete Congo Free State. Now that a rebellion broke out in the Congo Free State under the management of the Belgian government, the Belgian government actually wants Leopold II to pay for the formation of the army, which is simply ridiculous.

"Then what else do you want to invest in? Just wait for the rebellion to subside in Pretoria—" Henry sneered. The most valuable part of an enterprise like the Katanga Mining Joint Company is the mine, with technical content Basically none, all rely on squeezing miners for profit, just like the gold mines in Johannesburg.

In the past, Fawalt Steel Company also relied on squeezing miners to make profits. Now, with the development of Fawalt Steel Company's laboratory and the cooperation with British local steel companies, the technical level of Fawalt Steel Company is also thriving. Nyasaland Military Industry The gun steel used by the group and the marine steel used by the Edward Shipyard are all produced by Fawalt Steel.

Speaking of cooperation with local British steel companies, I would also like to thank Neville for his help. Before entering politics, Neville was also engaged in the steel smelting industry. He is very familiar with the British steel smelting industry. It was Neville who made the match, Favar Special Iron and Steel Company can obtain related technology so smoothly.

Compared with simply mining and selling money, upgrading technology is indeed more difficult, but after the technology reaches a certain level, the profit of the enterprise will be higher. Henry has now tasted the sweetness.

Henry's emphasis on technology is also inseparable from Rock's strict requirements. The importance of steel to industry is self-evident. If southern Africa wants to develop industry, steel has not only output but also quality.

I would also like to thank the rich mineral deposits in southern Africa. When Rock used to go to school, he often read the word "big land and abundant resources" in textbooks. Only when he arrived in southern Africa did he know what a large land and abundant resources are. Apart from oil, there is almost everything needed for industrial development. Any raw material, and there are as many reserves as you want, the key is not only easy to mine, but also the ore grade is particularly high.

To put it bluntly, if Southern Africa can't do a good job in industry, I will be sorry for the underground mineral deposits in Southern Africa.

"When the rebellion subsides, it may not be possible for the Upper Katanga Mining Company to exist—" Isaiah Chamberlain smiled wryly. He is a professional manager, not a boss, so he cannot decide the fate of the company.

Because of the rebellion, the stocks of several large companies in the Congo Free State plummeted. British stocks have no limit, and they can lose all their money within a day. After the rebellion, the face value of the shares of the Upper Katanga Mining United Company It is less than [-]% of the peak period. The shareholders of several companies want to find someone to take over, but everyone is not stupid. The current Congo Free State is a fire pit, and they will only jump into it when they are tired of work.

"Aren't you still very confident just now?" Henry didn't show mercy. The general managers and bosses of these mining companies in Africa counted as one, and they were full of blood and debts, even if they went bankrupt, they would be self-inflicted.

"I'm definitely confident, but investors don't have confidence, and I don't want to lose this job." Isaiah Chamberlain finally has another advantage, but it's a pity that "honesty" is the most meaningless thing for a businessman.

The quality of "honesty" is only useful when educating children. Honest people are often unpopular in the adult world. It's not that honesty is bad, but that in many cases, we have to face this absurdity in a smarter way. world.

Don't get me wrong, "smarter" here doesn't mean lying.

"Aha, you're right. Locke and I are both unconfident investors." Henry didn't let go. The copper mines in the Congo Free State are of little significance to southern Africa, and the reserves in Nyasaland and Rhodesia More than in the Congo Free State, so Henry is very relaxed.

"Mr. Chamberlain, I will give you 2 minutes to convince me that if you can show your worth, then even if I will not invest in the Katanga Mining Consolidated Company, I will give you a job with similar status and income. "Rock is still willing to give Isaiah Chamberlain a chance. No matter what era it is, being able to get into the upper class must have something special, either because of resources or ability.

"I am happy to help you, Lord Nyasaland, but I need a quiet place." Isaiah Chamberlain's eyes flickered, obviously disliked the crowd here.

This problem is easy to solve. There is nothing else in the Rhodesia Hotel. There are many rooms. Roque has long-term private rooms in the Rhodesia Hotel. Roque can book a room at any Rhodesia hotel in the world.

Henry did not leave with Rock and Isaiah Chamberlain, and Henry was not interested in Rock's plots. About half an hour later, Rock returned to the banquet hall, but Isaiah Chamberlain did not come back with him.

"Where's Isaiah Chamberlain?" Henry asked casually.

"Going back to the Congo Free State." Rock replied casually.

"Did you work for him?" Henry was curious.

"Going back to the Congo Free State is the job I gave him." Rock held grudges. Forts were often breached from the inside. For the situation in the Congo Free State, Isaiah Chamberlain knew better than Rock.

The point is that people like Isaiah Chamberlain have no bottom line. Just like Christian, they are willing to do any dirty work, and they have no moral and cleanliness. If used correctly, this kind of person is still very useful.

A week later, the miners of the Upper Katanga Mining Union rioted. Angry miners broke through the line of defense set up by supervisors and thugs, rushed into the arsenal of the mine and snatched a large number of weapons. Another week later, the rebels in the Congo Free State From the previous 20 to 50.

Those who can work as miners are all strong young men, because most of the physical laborers are physically strong all the year round. These people are the main force of the rebel army when they are armed. The previous rebellion can only be described as small troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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