Chapter 776

The world war was an unprecedented human catastrophe, and all countries involved in the war suffered heavy losses. As the victorious countries, Britain and France were also severely damaged. The binding force on the colonies will be further reduced. At that time, it will be the opportunity for southern Africa.

Before the outbreak of the World War, southern Africa still had to hold the thigh of the United Kingdom honestly.

Rock can't tell anyone about these things, including Henry.

So Henry didn't understand it very much. In Henry's view, Rock was raising Gu.

Rock is not worried, the Congo Free State can play a huge role now, especially in terms of human resources.

"What! You asked me to recruit rebels as workers?" Henry couldn't believe it, and Rock had risen to the point of attracting wolves into the house.

"The rebels also have to eat." Rock didn't care, if he hadn't been cornered, no one would have gone to Liangshan.

To be honest, Roque has long been coveting the human resources of the Congo Free State, but unfortunately, because of the bad relationship between Nyasaland and the Congo Free State, Roque has nothing to do.

Don’t worry about this problem now. Yaya has a human resources company under its name, which can hire a large number of Congolese Africans to work in southern Africa, and it’s also cheap and hardworking. Not only Henry’s steel factory needs it, Rock also needs a lot of Congolese workers .

The railway between Bechuanaland and Southwest Africa is progressing slowly due to a shortage of workers, and the railway has not yet been repaired to Southwest Africa. Seeing that 1914 is getting closer, Rock is also very anxious.

The world war in another time and space broke out in 1914. This time and space is not certain. The Italian-Turkish war in this time and space was nearly a year earlier than the other time and space, so the world war has a high probability of being earlier.

"Feed them enough to give them the energy to rebel?" Henry would rather die than give the Congolese any chance.

"Whatever you want—" Rock didn't force it, Henry could pick and choose, but Rock couldn't.

Unlike Fawalt, which only covers 1500 square kilometers under Henry's name, Rock's stalls are too large. There are more and more Chinese in southern Africa in Bechuanaland, Transvaal, Rhodesia, and Nyasaland. The distribution is getting wider and wider, and the requirements for infrastructure construction are getting higher and higher. Rock also has huge overseas assets, especially the peninsula, which requires more and more workers.

Just a month earlier, Umbrella Corp mercenaries had finally extended their control to the shores of the Arabian Sea, bypassing Muscat on the peninsula.

The desert bandits headed by Ali Rashid also successfully wiped out Hijaz, and the control area reached the coast of the Red Sea.

This also means that most of the peninsula has become the sphere of influence of the umbrella company, leaving only the narrow strip along the Mediterranean Sea under the jurisdiction of the Ottoman Empire, as well as the Aden Protectorate and the Muscat Sultanate at the top of the peninsula.

Originally, the Aden protectorate and the territory of the Muscat Sultanate were connected together, and these two areas became Yemen and Oman later.

Now because of the rapid expansion of the umbrella company, Yemen and Oman are separated by the control area of ​​the umbrella company, but the control is not strong enough now. If it wants to gain a foothold, it needs to invest huge sums of money in large-scale infrastructure construction.

At least a few city-scale permanent strongholds must be built, so that they can speak confidently.

What makes people speechless is that the expansion of the Umbrella Company and the Desert Bandits in the peninsula did not attract the attention of the United Kingdom. On the contrary, the lawsuit filed by the Anglo-American Petroleum Company against the Umbrella Company has attracted some attention in London.

The focus of attention is still the oil in the peninsula. Anglo American determined in the lawsuit that there are a large number of oil fields along the coast of the Persian Gulf. In order to keep this secret, the umbrella company will attack the oil exploration personnel of Anglo American.

This reason is untenable, because there is no evidence that the mercenaries of the umbrella company attacked the exploration personnel of the Anglo-American oil company. The investigation report of the local officials clearly stated that the desert bandits on the peninsula made the attack, and The protection delivery company has nothing to do.

Anglo American Petroleum is now a stinky boy who can't get candy, using the banner of oil to win the attention of the British government, trying to make a fool out of the fire.

Rock doesn't care about Anglo American's petty actions. This kind of lawsuit often drags on for several years. Even if the London Magistrates Court makes a ruling against Umbrella Company after a few years, Umbrella Company can still appeal. This drags on for several years. Maybe the Second World War broke out by the time the British Supreme Court tried it.

Yaya's efficiency is still very high. His subordinates are all Africans, and it is very convenient to contact the Africans in the Congo Free State.

What Rock never expected was that Yaya directly approached Banda to cooperate and asked Banda to help hire people from the Congo Free State.

He said "hire", but in fact, as long as Banda handed him over to Yaya, Yaya would not ask how he got here.

"Three days ago, the first batch of workers sent to the peninsula boarded the ship in Bukavu. They first went to Port Edward, and then changed ships from Port Edward to the peninsula. This batch of workers totaled [-]. We have to pay Banda two Wan rand, but Banda hopes to exchange it for weapons and ammunition worth [-] rand." Christian was cautious, wondering if Rock could accept such an exchange.

Three thousand workers, according to the salary level of the Chinese, at least [-] rand per month, even for Africans in southern Africa, the monthly cost is at least [-] rand.

Now the total for Banda is only [-]. This is a one-time payment, which is equivalent to Banda selling those workers to Rock as slaves.

Rock was also very speechless, thinking that as victims of the slave trade, Africans were firmly opposed to the slave trade.

Now it seems that Africans not only don't object, but they are actually enthusiastic about participating as long as they have the opportunity, so the faint sense of guilt in Rock's heart immediately disappeared without a trace.

"Yes, but we have to tell Banda according to the sales price in the European market that we will take a huge risk in exchanging the money for weapons. If Banda disagrees, he can try it." Rock is not afraid that Banda will find him Others, the whole world estimates that Nyasaland dared to sell weapons to Banda.

After the rebellion of the Congo Free State, Leopold II and the Belgian government repeatedly emphasized that they firmly opposed any country or force to conduct any form of transactions with Congolese Africans.

Although the "emphasis" of Leopold II and the Belgian government is not very meaningful because of the weak national power, but for Britain, France and Germany, there is a problem that has to be considered. If Africans have weapons, then the colonies of Britain, France and Germany in Africa Can it remain stable.

That is to say, Rock doesn't care about this issue.

"Banda will definitely agree, he wanted to buy weapons from us in Nyasaland last month-" Christian and Isaiah Chamberlain cooperated very well. Ma, so it is necessary to control the supply of Banda a little bit, and create conditions for Isaiah Chamberlain as much as possible.

"Very good, remember only adult males." Roque has high requirements, women and children are not excellent labor force, and Roque also needs to control costs.

"I know, all I ask are adult males between 15 and 25." Christian's doing things really suit Rock's wishes, and he feels relieved to hand things over to Christian Rock.

Some things go well, and some things are bound to happen frequently. On July 15, the well-known columnist Simon Kennan was killed in a car accident in Pretoria. Before that, Simon Kennan was a columnist for The Times. The column Sidney Milner wanted was for Simon Kennan.

Rock went to Owen as soon as he knew about it.

"Simon Kennan is dead? He deserves it!" Owen laughed, and then realized why Rock came to him: "Don't you think I killed Simon Kennan? I'm not that shameless, Pa Elmer wouldn't let me do that either."

Palmer is a columnist who advocates for Philip. This kind of thing has always been your first day and my fifteenth. If Owen really murdered Simon Kennan, then Palmer is in great danger. Don't think that Ade is a soft persimmon.

Although Alfred Milner is a recognized gentleman, there is no simple role at the level of the colonial governor. If Philip competes with Adelaide in the normal way, Adelaide will welcome it. Even if Philip wins, Adelaide will not Would heartily congratulate.

But if Philip uses those out-of-the-box tricks that are not on the table, then don't blame Adelaide for being merciless. At that time, Adelaide's counterattack will definitely be dripping and fatal.

"Really?" Rock confirmed, if so, then there is still time to find a solution.

If he doesn't admit it now, but is found out by Ade in the future, Owen will be in big trouble.

"Really not!" Owen was serious, this question cannot be joked: "How did Simon Kennan die?"

"It's okay not to say now." Rock couldn't disclose more information, and the autopsy report hasn't come out yet.

Before Rock went to work the next day, Sidney Milner contacted Rock that night.

"I just got a report from the police station. It should be an accident." Rock is going to report to Ade face-to-face. This matter should not be handled by Rock. After all, Rock is no longer in the Ministry of Justice, but Henry is also Philip's son. , so Ade still trusts Rock more.

"It's such a coincidence?" Sidney Milner's face was full of disbelief.

"It's really such a coincidence that Simon Kennan drank wine at lunch, ran into a startled horse on the way home, and was hit by a horse to death. This was not a deliberate accident." Rock's news was very timely. Otherwise, I really don't know how to report to Adelaide.

"I believe in you, but I don't trust that guy Owen." Sidney Milner made no secret of his hostility towards Owen.

Rock was speechless, not knowing whether to be honored or angry.

(End of this chapter)

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