Chapter 780

Entering the Oak Bar, Sidney Milner, who was tense and stiff just now, immediately relaxed.

Ade doesn't know the background of the Oak Bar, Sidney Milner must know that the two top bars in the southern African bar industry, the Oak Bar and the Table Mountain Bar, are inextricably linked to Rock, and wandering casually on the street Compared with it, the relatively closed environment of the bar can better guarantee Ade's safety.

The Oak Bar is still as lively as ever, with handsome bartenders who are quick and thoughtful in service, and beautiful bar girls who can wear butterflies with ease. Those who get up are all in the booths, and they are the loyal customers of the bar.

On the contrary, the usual K2 is no longer visible, which fully shows that the security situation in Bigwig City is indeed good.

The British bar culture has a long history. Ade is obviously no stranger to bars, but he is still surprised by the rich variety of cocktails in the Oak Bar. Rock recommends the beer brewed by the Oak Bar. The cocktails are fine, and he is worried about Ade’s body. no.

"When I was young, I could drink a barrel of this kind of beer!" Ade refused to accept his old age, and now he smelled the taste and he was the best in the world.

Rock and Sidney Milner just looked at each other in silence, the hero didn't mention the bravery back then, anyway, no one knows how much Adelaide could drink when he was young.

The bartender in the bar must know Rock. When he saw Rock, he didn't know that the beer was overflowing. Rock knocked on the bar very dissatisfied. Then the bartender returned to normal. The manager not far away looked at the situation here. He didn't dare to come closer, and then there were many kind-hearted, shirtless men who laughed at everyone in the corner.

Either shirtless, or the one with only the arms exposed, and sometimes deliberately unbuttoned to reveal chest hair or tattoos, all of them have criminal faces.

Ade didn't notice the changes in the bar. He took a sip of beer and then casually praised that the beer is really good.

It's really good. The beer in Oak Bar is made of high-quality malt and completely hand-brewed. It has become the feature of Oak Bar like various cocktails.

Ade sat directly on the round stool in front of the bar, and Rock sat next to Ade. Sidney Milner originally wanted to sit on the other side of Ade, but Ade forced him to retreat with his eyes. He was quickly robbed by someone, and it turned out to be Frank, who had been promoted to archbishop.

"Paul, give me a Cape Town—" Frank was actually a regular at the bar.

"Can't the archbishop be a little more reserved in public?" Ade knew Frank, and the status of religion in southern Africa is still very important.

"It's off-duty time now, the prime minister can come to the bar for a drink, and of course the archbishop can—" Frank guessed that he saw Ad and Roque just now, and it's not easy to bear it until now.

Ade did not welcome Frank, and it was rare for him to come out for a private visit, and was destroyed by Frank just like that.

But looking back, Jerome, the mayor of Ziwei City, and Gothe, the police chief, were both sitting in the booth next to them eagerly, and Ade suddenly lost interest.

"Let's go—" Ade rang the bell beside the bar counter as a prank before leaving, which meant that the audience was invited to drink, and everyone had a share, so there were cheers in the bar immediately.

Although it was Adela who rang the bell, it was paid by Roque, and Adela was still unsatisfied when he walked out of the bar.

"When I was young, I went to school in London. At that time, I would often go to bars. What I look forward to most is that someone rings the bell, so that I can have another drink for free-" Old man Ade talked about being a teenager, and he couldn't do it when he was young I still can't do the things I want to do now. When I have time, I don't have money, but when I have money, I don't have interest.

"You could still go to school when you were young, but I didn't even go to school when I was young. I could only serve God." This is where Frank and Ade can talk about this topic.

"Rock, what about when you were young?" Ade didn't let Rock go.

Rock is speechless, now Rock is not old, right?

But Rock replied honestly: "I also went to school when I was young. It was not the traditional private school of the Qing Dynasty, but a new school opened by a priest to attract believers. I learned English in school."

Rock received a standard nine-year compulsory education when he was a child, but there is no way to explain this, so Rock can only make it up.

Now that Rock's making up nonsense has greatly improved his skills, he also explained how to learn English.

"Lock, then you should thank that priest." Frank answered everyone.

"That priest died when the Eight-Power Allied Forces of the Qing Dynasty invaded China—" Rock said angrily.

"Damn heretics!" Frank was in a bad mood.

Walking out of the bar, the street in front of the bar was full of cars. Ade was not in a good mood, so he got into the car and returned to the hospital.

"Did we screw up—" Sidney Milner was also in a bad mood.

"This is the consequence of being in a high position." Rock is not surprised. Frank is purely joining in the fun, while Jerome and Gothe cannot bear the responsibility. People like Ade have to be placed in the Palace of Justice. It sounds a bit disrespectful, but the truth is, don't even think about private visits on Weibo.

Back at the hospital, Ade finally adjusted, he was very satisfied to be able to steal half a day of leisure, at least Ade saw the residents of Bigwig City live and work in peace and contentment under the rule of the federal government, this is the most Ade has worked hard these years The greatest comfort of work.

Adelaide then asked to return to Pretoria.

Of course, Rock and Sidney Milner tried their best to dissuade them. It is rare to be hospitalized due to illness, so they must take a good rest.

"Don't worry about work when you arrive at the hospital. This is actually a serious mistrust of other officials. We ministers don't just take a salary and don't work. Louis, Henry, and Douglas are also working hard, and we must give them some opportunities to perform. "Rock took a different approach. Anyone who can become a minister is not an idiot. There is really no need to do everything by himself. The prime minister does not need to deal with specific tasks. It is Adelaide's task to grasp the general direction of southern Africa's development.

The work of each department is under the responsibility of the ministers of each department. Specifically, when it comes to the Ministry of National Defense, in addition to the minister Rock, there are Martin and Derek Dodd. If Rock needs to handle everything in the Ministry of Defense, Martin and Derek must be returned Dodd and the others, what are the two deputy ministers doing?

Of course, if you reason like this, in fact, the deputy minister does not need to be responsible for specific work. There are directors under the departments of the Ministry of National Defense, and there are deputy directors under the director.

It depends on the management level of the leader. Of course, everyone can do nothing. As long as there is no problem with the national defense and security in southern Africa, everything will be fine, but if there is a problem, it will be Rock's responsibility.

"Come on, I just gave you too much power, that's why you've caused so much trouble." Ade didn't listen to Rock's fallacy. None of the ministers in southern Africa are fuel-efficient lamps. If Ade doesn't Staring is really worrying.

Many people often like to say "I am responsible", which itself is irresponsible.

"Then, has southern Africa been expanding? Is the security of southern Africa guaranteed? Is the interior of southern Africa very stable?" Rock's series of questions left Ade speechless. But every troublemaking brings real benefits to southern Africa, which is much better than Louis Botha who is just messing around all day.

It can't be said that Louis Botha is incapable, but it seems that Louis Botha is just dawdling in the Ministry of Agriculture and can't achieve any results, even worse than Douglas who just took over the Ministry of Education.

"Locke, you still need to have a more comprehensive vision. Southern Africa is too aggressive now, and London doesn't want to see a country in Africa similar to the United States in the Americas." Ke is being cultivated as a successor.

"For London, southern Africa is the end of the world——" Rock doesn't think so, southern Africa is really not big, look at the Americas, the entire North America consists of the United States and Canada, the territory of Russia is more than 2000 million square kilometers, and the continent of Australia is Australia is just one country, so Southern Africa is really not that big.

There are some things that Rock can't tell Ade. Of course, Rock knows that the expansion of southern Africa will arouse London's vigilance.

But the problem is that southern Africa is still part of the United Kingdom and is not completely independent, so even if London is vigilant, it will acquiesce in the expansion of southern Africa, because it also means the expansion of the Commonwealth of Nations.

And this expansion does not require the UK to spend money. The British government spent more than 2 million in the Boer War. The result was to conquer the two countries established by the Boers. However, the British government was also overwhelmed, which objectively led to the failure of the British colonial policy. Change.

Now Britain didn't spend a penny, and Southern Africa directly annexed most of Portuguese East Africa. The British government is definitely happy to see this result.

"You don't feel the pressure of London because the Prime Minister is carrying it for you." Sidney Milner couldn't help but say something fair, and Ade really didn't say anything to Rock.

"So, I need the Prime Minister to continue to help me carry it." It is impossible to say that Rock is not moved, but Rock's expression is different from ordinary people.

This sounds like I hope Ade will live a long life.

"Actually, it's not impossible to work in Bigwig Hospital. You just need to treat the ward as an office. Now it's not the last century. There are telegraphs and telephones. Communication is so developed. It doesn't mean that you have to be in Pretoria." Rock can think about it, so Rock spends most of his time in Nyasaland.

However, Roque also overlooked a problem. In the past, Roque spent most of his time in Nyasaland because Roque was the deputy minister, and Hopkins still stayed in Pretoria.

(End of this chapter)

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