Chapter 785 Visual Effects

Compared with the powerful British Royal Navy, the southern African navy can only do small things. Large warships like aircraft carriers cannot afford the southern African navy even if it can be built by Edward Dockyard.

To put it bluntly, Rock doesn't like the current aircraft carrier either. The aircraft carrier developed by Edward Shipyard still has a wooden deck, and there are no equipment such as catapults or arresting cables on the deck. The steam turbine installed on the ship is still purchased from the UK. , It is said that it was developed by Edward Shipyard, but in fact Edward Shipyard just built a shell.

However, the value of an aircraft carrier is not reflected in the cost, but in the integration of existing technologies. The seaplane carrier transformed by the Royal Navy can only carry two seaplanes, while the aircraft carrier developed by Edward Shipyard can carry 80 improved aircraft. After the "Strength" fighter, this is the gap.

However, it was precisely because of these 80 "Strong Wind" fighter jets that dispelled Winston's desire to buy them.

"It's too expensive. A plane is 168 pounds, and an aircraft carrier is 250 million. If you add the plane, it's [-]—" Winston didn't know that this number had special meanings to the Chinese.

"248!" Rock emphasized.

"What's the difference?" Winston shook his head and sighed, the price of 168 million was already unacceptable to Winston.

"Of course there is a difference. I think you should know that both France and Japan are conducting research on aircraft carriers. The French are refitting the Blitzkrieg. The progress of the Japanese research is currently lacking information. I don't know. The price of the aircraft carrier developed by Edward Shipyard is indeed It’s a bit more expensive, but how much is it worth to allow the Royal Navy to conduct training in this area in advance, train more naval pilots, and continue to maintain a leading position in global waters?” Rock is not afraid that Winston will not buy it, the arms race It is independent of individual will.

"The French modified Bliksem is shit!" Winston looked down on the French from the bottom of his heart, which was very British.

"With all due respect, the God of Games modified by the Admiralty is also shit." Rock said bluntly. In terms of aircraft carriers, I'm sorry, everyone here is rubbish.

"Fuck off, I don't want to see you now." Winston became furious, and the Hermes was refitted at the behest of Winston, the Secretary of the Navy.

But it was annoying, Winston had to go to Rock the next day. Without Rock's company, Winston couldn't even enter the Edward Dockyard, let alone see the legendary four-engine bomber.

Rock is not angry. The budget for the fourth Tiger battlecruiser among the Lion-class battlecruisers that the British Royal Navy has just approved is only 210 million, but the final cost reached 260 million. Rock is quite honest about this, saying 250 is 250, and there will be no additional costs after the start of work.

The Tiger battlecruiser is the last large battleship of the British Royal Navy that uses coal as its main fuel. After completion, it will be the most powerful battleship of the British Royal Navy. It is also the Iron Duke battleship that has just passed the budget this year and will start construction next year. The cost is only 190 Ten thousand.

Here we can see the strong shipbuilding capabilities of the UK. The battleships that will start construction next year are not only the Tiger and the Iron Duke, but all four Iron Dukes will start construction next year. January No.12 is the Iron Duke, and January 25 To start the Marlborough, this Marlborough is the Marlborough of Winston's family. The Benbow started construction on May 30th, and the last Indian Emperor on May 31st.

Looking at it this way, adding an aircraft carrier does not seem to be a big problem. Money is like toothpaste, there will always be crowds.

Rock and Winston first went to the city of Milna in Rhodesia. The Nyasaland Aviation Research Institute now has many teams. On the basis of reconnaissance planes, fighter jets, bombers, and torpedo planes, transport planes and special supply planes have been added. There are more than a dozen various research institutes for various aircraft used by the Navy.

Winston could only be silent when he heard Roque's introduction. This is the biggest difference between the UK and southern Africa. The UK is indeed powerful, but its complex structure is bloated and inefficient. Winston, the Secretary of the Navy, is actually very suffocating. Bend.

Rock is like a fish in water in southern Africa. As a member of the Matilda family, Rock is also deeply trusted by Ade. The Nyasaland Aeronautical Research Institute and Edward Shipyard are even Rock's private property. What kind of research to conduct is a matter of one sentence, and countless resources can be mobilized by Rock at will.

Nyasaland Aeronautical Research Institute and Edward Shipyard have a lot of technicians dug from the UK with high salaries. Why these technicians are lost to Nyasaland is a question worth studying.

There is a fact that must be emphasized. In another time and space, the British aircraft carrier and tanks were actually successfully developed under the auspices of Winston. In this time and space, both aircraft carriers and tanks have become the patents of southern Africa. If Winston knows another How awesome he is in time and space, he will probably vomit blood with anger.

Milna is still the base of Rhodesia's northern division. It is a standard military city. The only army academy in southern Africa is located in Milna, and the team responsible for researching engines and aviation weapons is also here.

When Rock woke up, the train had just passed Salisbury.

Winston didn't sleep, the bags under his eyes became more and more obvious, his eyes were bloodshot, and the ashtray by his hand was full of cigarette butts. He was famous for smoking cigars.

"It will be fine in a while. The Aeronautical Research Institute is conducting research on transport aircraft. Maybe we can go to Milna next year by plane." Rock is confident that with a four-engine bomber, it will not be too easy to modify a transport aircraft. .

The transport plane does not need to consider combat, so it does not need to install as many machine guns as the bomber, let alone bombs, so it can use more space for transportation, transporting people or things. In another time and space, the world's first transport plane is Invented by Russian Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky in 1914.

"I don't dare to sit." Winston understood the purpose of the transport plane after a little thought, but flight safety is a big problem. Many people in the world die every year due to various flight accidents, but this does not dissuade the hobby of flying. the enthusiasm of the readers.

"Take the current bomber as an example. If it is converted into a transport plane, it can easily send about two tons of materials thousands of miles away. You are the Minister of the Navy, and you should understand the value of this." Rock knew the plane's Prospects, so even if the investment is huge, I still enjoy it.

Now aircraft technology is still in a relatively primitive stage, and the gap between countries has not really widened. On the surface, it seems that southern Africa is temporarily ahead. That is because Rock can give full play to the advantages of the group and mobilize more resources to overcome each technology. Difficulties, when other countries also start to pay attention to the development of aircraft, it will not be difficult for them to catch up.

However, with the passage of time, sooner or later, southern Africa will widen the gap with other countries in the field of aircraft. As the development of technology becomes more and more mature, aircraft will also become an area that requires the full investment of the entire country to see results. Now Sooner or later, those private aircraft manufacturers in Europe will be eliminated.

In fact, it is already on the verge of being eliminated. The military aircraft sold in southern Africa are indeed expensive, but the civilian aircraft with simple structure and low cost are cheap. Those civilian aircraft do not even have a closed cockpit, and the technical content is not much higher than that of gliders. The price of civilian aircraft sold in southern Africa is very low, each costing less than one thousand pounds.

"Can a transport plane be used on an aircraft carrier?" Winston had a high level of comprehension, and his thinking was quite open, so he immediately connected the transport plane with the aircraft carrier.

"It doesn't work now, but it will definitely work in the future." Rock thought too, but couldn't.

"We need to step up research in this area—" Winston had a sense of urgency.

"Then why doesn't your Royal Navy conduct research in this area?" Rock revealed.

Winston stared and said nothing. It would be great if the Admiralty had such great autonomy as Roque. Winston spent money every day like water, but every penny needs the approval of Congress. It is easy to understand the value of transport aircraft to the military, but it is difficult to get them to approve the budget for research.

The current civil service system in the UK actually has a lot of drawbacks. The high-ranking members of Congress don’t care about sustainable and long-term development. They just want to save money as much as possible under the current conditions. Therefore, the UK and the United States, including the current southern Africa, contribute to the development of science and technology. There are really not many, private institutions like the Nyasaran Aeronautical Research Institute that really promote the development of technology.

This can also explain why the enthusiasm for the arms race in the UK remains high. Think about which factories built those battleships. The arms race is a waste of national resources, and it is the interest groups that benefit. Winston himself cannot change this reality. , can only go with the flow.

This is the real reason why Winston is coming to Southern Africa.

Instead of giving orders to local companies in the UK, it is better to give orders to southern Africa. The advanced technology of southern African companies is of course the main reason, and Winston can also benefit from it is the fundamental factor.

Like the aircraft carrier, the technology of the four-engine bomber is actually very primitive, but compared with those privately made wooden frames in Europe, it is still a lot taller. At the beginning, Viscount Gladstone was shocked by the size of the bomber. Ston was better than Viscount Gladstone, but not much better.

The finalized four-engine bomber is 28 meters high and has a wingspan of 120 meters. It uses four [-]-horsepower Nyasa Lake engines produced by Nyasaland Engine Company. Three tons, if some self-defense weapons are removed, the ammunition load can reach an astonishing [-] tons.

In order for Winston to have a more intuitive understanding, Rock had 38 [-]kg standard aerial bombs placed next to the bomber, and Winston was immediately dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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