Chapter 791

In the investigation report submitted to the British government after McMahon, the Muscat Sultanate died of internal division, and all members of the royal family were killed in the war. The murderer was the rebel leader Selim Ebad.

In the attack on the Muscat Sultanate after the Najd Sultanate, Selim Ebad was killed in battle, Muscat was also destroyed in the fighting, the population died in large numbers, and the cost of rebuilding the city required about Around £15.

What is embarrassing is that the British government can't even get 15 now.

In fact, it's not that it can't be taken out, but that it doesn't want to be used for rebuilding Muscat. After all, the Muscat Sultanate still needed British subsidies to maintain its rule, so even rebuilding Muscat would be a bottomless pit.

Only the umbrella company took the initiative to take over Muscat. Although the Najd Sultanate could also take over, the British government obviously did not trust Ali Rashid. After all, Ali Rashid was a desert robber before.

The reason why the British control these places along the peninsula is to ensure the safety of the waterway between India and Egypt. In the 18th century, this place was once the famous "pirate coast". Many tribal chiefs called themselves emirs, established independent regimes, and Skimming the passing ships, that's why Britain would rather pay to maintain the existence of the Muscat Sultanate. In fact, the cost of maintaining the Muscat Sultanate's royal family is the protection fee.

Compared with the Muscat Sultanate, the Umbrella Company can obviously guarantee the safety of the route between India and Egypt. With the advancement of modern shipping technology, ships between India and Egypt do not need to stop in Muscat , the importance of Muscat is also decreasing. For the British government, this is the best chance to get rid of the burden of the Muscat Sultanate.

"Where is next? Aden Protected Area?" Stoudemire is the one who knows Rock best.

"The Aden Protectorate cannot be moved." Rock also regrets that the Aden Protectorate controls the outlet of the Red Sea. The British government will not allow any other forces to intervene, and neither can the umbrella company.

In fact, it doesn't matter, the current Aden protectorate is the future Yemen. After thinking about it for a long time, Roque didn't think about what the economic pillars of Yemen are, like cotton and coffee.

It's amazing that as a peninsula country, it doesn't produce oil or cotton, which is obviously not doing business properly.

"Lock, you can consider the northern shore of the Persian Gulf—" Stoudemire gave a new direction.

On the northern shore of the Persian Gulf is the Persian Empire, which is the future Iran.

The current Persia is also a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society like the Qing Dynasty. The whole Persia is divided into two parts. The coast of the Persian Gulf in the south is the sphere of influence of Britain, and the coast of the Caspian Sea in the north is the sphere of influence of Russia.

Of course, this division has not been recognized by the Persian Empire, but Russia and the United Kingdom do not care whether the Persian Empire agrees. The Qajar dynasty that now rules the Persian Empire is dying like the Ottoman Empire. After the end of the World War, it was overthrown by Reza Khan , and then Reza Khan established the Pahlavi dynasty.

"It seems that in your eyes, I can do nothing but expand abroad." Rock is also very depressed. In Southwest Africa and Tangany Karok has a nickname called War Madman. Belgians and Portuguese also think so, but Belgium The Chinese and the Portuguese dared not discuss Roque openly.

"Isn't it?" Stoudemire insisted, not giving Rock a chance to refute.

Rock ignored Stoudemire. Before the World War, Rock probably had to be honest for a while, otherwise it would cause dissatisfaction in Britain.

The United Kingdom can accept moderate expansion in southern Africa, but it cannot over-expand. The expansion of the umbrella company in the Middle East is a bit fast now. Fortunately, the umbrella company occupies desert areas that the Ottoman Empire and the United Kingdom look down upon. Otherwise, the umbrella company will also Become a public enemy of the Middle East.

Rock did not dare to go to the north shore of the Persian Gulf, but it does not mean that others did not dare to go either. After the demise of the Muscat Sultanate, the Anglo-American oil company finally gave up looking for oil on the peninsula and went to the north shore of the Persian Gulf instead.

As a result, there was no way out, and there was no way out. Anglo-American Petroleum Company was also very lucky. It found oil in the first well, and then oil companies from all over the world flocked to it.

William Knox Darcy's first mouth in the Middle East was located in Persia, and even the name of William Knox Darcy's oil company was Persian Oil Company.

Then there is Adan Company. Although Adan Company is tight-lipped about the output of the Elizabeth Oilfield, there is an endless stream of tankers sailing from Port Elizabeth to southern Africa and the United Kingdom. Time is putting less emphasis on Romania's oil fields.

Now the Anglo-American Petroleum Company has also successfully found oil. It is acceptable to be lucky once or twice. If three companies in a row successfully find oil, it is not a matter of luck. All signs indicate that there may be a large amount of oil along the coast of the Persian Gulf.

So during this period of time the Persian Gulf was very lively, and the umbrella company was still extremely strong. Now everyone knew that without the permission of the umbrella company, any oil company going to the peninsula would be looking for a dead end, so no one asked the umbrella company for trouble.

Anglo-American Petroleum Corporation was more unlucky. Adan Company was protected by an umbrella company. No one dared to trouble Adan Company. The southern part of the Persian Empire was the sphere of influence of the United Kingdom. As long as it was a British company, it was free to come and go, so countless drilling teams swarmed However, it is hoped that oil will also be found on the northern shore of the Persian Gulf.

It's not hope, it's definitely there.

Oil exploration in this era is different from that in the 21st century. In the 21st century, oil fields are all monopolized, and large companies monopolize their operations, and others cannot intervene.

The oil companies in this era are very chaotic. Anglo-American Petroleum Company does not have such a heaven-defying relationship with Adan Company. Next to the Anglo-American oil company's derrick, in just a few short days, the Anglo-American oil company's derrick was surrounded by derricks, so dense that it could be crossed with one step.

This situation makes Anglo American Petroleum's managing director Richard Bloom very anxious.

However, companies capable of drilling oil in Persia have backgrounds, such as Royal Shell of the United Kingdom, and Steva Romania, which is controlled by Deutsche Bank. These large companies, Anglo-American Petroleum Corporation, cannot afford to offend.

In particular, what Richard Bloom could not accept was that even the Adan Company, which monopolizes Port Elizabeth, came to join in the fun, and they were so rich that they drilled three wells around the derrick of Anglo-American Petroleum Company. The rhythm of never giving up.

The person in charge of Adan Company is called Ivanovic. His name looks like a Russian, but he is not. There are also many Slavs in the Ottoman Empire. Their names are either Go or Driver.

"Ivan, can you show some face to your umbrellas!" Richard Bloom was quite smart, knowing that he would drag several managers from other big companies to find Ivanovic.

"None of your business! Get out of here, don't mess with me!" Ivanovic was grumpy, and the scolding hadn't stopped yet. Several workers around him had picked up wrenches and shovels.

Don't be surprised, many oil wells in this period had to be dug raw with shovels. Machine drilling technology has just appeared and is expensive.

"You already have the Elizabeth oil field, so you shouldn't come to the Persian Empire." Rex Rusk of Royal Shell was also dissatisfied. Royal Shell also wanted to cooperate with the umbrella company before, and it was of course rejected.

"Bah! Your Royal Shell also has oil fields in Romania. Why did you come to the Persian Gulf?" Ivanovic was not afraid of being besieged, with a height of 1.9 meters and a weight of [-], he would not suffer in a fight.

With such a dense drilling platform, it is normal to fight. There have been fights every day these days. Today it is Royal Shell and Stilva, tomorrow it is Umbrella and Stilva, and the day after tomorrow it will be Royal Shell and Umbrella. His status in the arena is all determined by fists.

"The Persian Gulf is not yours. I can come here whenever I want!" Rex Rusk is also generous. The umbrella company not only monopolizes Port Elizabeth, but other oil companies want to bypass Port Elizabeth to find oil. The bandits don't touch the people under the umbrella at all, and the explorers of other oil companies just kill one at a time. This kind of behavior has long aroused the public outrage of all oil companies.

"You can come whenever you want, and I can come too!" Ivanovic jumped and scolded. Under normal circumstances, there should be a scuffle.

"Gentlemen, be sensible. If you still want to dig for oil, then be honest with me!" Finally, someone in charge came forward. The southern part of the Persian Empire is the British sphere of influence. These oil companies came to Persia to mine oil and paid for it. of.

"Alex, help me, I'm being besieged by these bitches—" Ivanovic howled at the top of his voice, and the Umbrella Company paid three wells in one go, and gave the most money.

Alex is McMahon's subordinate. The Umbrella Company has a good relationship with the Egyptian colonial government. Britain only has a few soldiers in Egypt. If anything happens, the Umbrella Company is still needed for help.

Umbrella’s huge annual public relations expenses are not in vain. An official of Alex’s level can’t get a lot of money, but there are many small favors. When the tankers go back and forth between Port Elizabeth and southern Africa, they are full of oil. Come here It was very loose when the bilge was filled with water and ballast, and it was normal operation to carry some things.

For example, motorcycles, although they are also available in Europe, but motorcycles in southern Africa are very popular in the peninsula and Europe due to their advanced performance and cool styling, and the prices of motorcycles in southern Africa are still very cheap, and you can make money by flipping hands in the middle Not a lot.

 It seems that there are two chapters today, and I push the book with confidence - "Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Faint Lord", the author is a girl -



(End of this chapter)

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