Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 793 There is nothing new under the sun

Chapter 793 There is nothing new under the sun

The main agricultural production areas of the Persian Empire are concentrated in the plains along the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf, and most areas are dry and water-deficient.

Last year, the Persian Empire was hit by a severe drought, and a large amount of land was seriously reduced or even completely lost. Since the beginning of summer, there has been a severe famine in the Persian Empire. Farmers in many areas couldn't bear it and rose up. In some cities, five pounds can buy a young female slave.

That's right, there are still a large number of slaves in the Persian Empire. Until the 21st century, this is one of the most frequently traded areas in the world.

Reza Khan needed food not for the disaster victims in the Persian Empire, but for the army led by Reza Khan. There would be no eggs under the nest, and even the army's rations could not be guaranteed. The Persian Empire was short of food. The situation is evident.

If the requirements are not high, there is still plenty of food in southern Africa. There are almost as many potatoes, mangoes, dried cassava and so on. The cannery under the name of Stoudemire is even richer, ranging from high-end whitebait to cheap canned fruits. But the most popular dish in the Persian Empire was luncheon meat.

"This is meat! No one eats such a delicious food in southern Africa? Has southern Africa already developed to this extent?" Reza Khan really couldn't figure it out. Luncheon meat is just like instant noodles. If you don't eat for a long time, you will miss this taste. If you eat two meals in a row, you would rather be hungry than eat.

"We used to like it too, but—" Li De really couldn't explain how much meat was in luncheon meat.

The main raw material of luncheon meat is starch extracted from potatoes, mixed with some animal offal and cooked together, and then it becomes luncheon meat.

Potatoes can be regarded as the cheapest agricultural product in southern Africa. In addition to being used to make wine, many farmers use potatoes to raise poultry and livestock.

As for the offal of those animals, before the Chinese came to southern Africa, almost all animal offal was discarded directly. Europeans did not have the habit of eating animal offal, so the dark dish recognized by the white people in southern Africa is pepper sausage.

"Well, I can understand, after all, you are British—" Reza Khan's words were a bit sour, which probably meant that our ancestors were also rich in those days.

The Persian Empire was indeed once glorious. This Persia is the one among the three hundred warriors of Sparta. However, the glory of the Persians was in ancient times, and the glorious time was very short. The three hundred warriors of Sparta appeared in 480 BC In the Battle of Thermopylae in [-].

"If there is no problem with you, all the expenses can be settled with this luncheon meat." Li De was still talking about business, although Li De also knew that the Chinese had to cling to the British thigh if they wanted to survive in southern Africa, but it was not All Chinese can accept this.

When he was in Nyasaland, Li De liked to go to the library to look up information about Chinese history. The more he knew about Chinese history, the more Li De was proud of his Chinese identity. The British saw Americans as nouveau riche, but According to Chinese standards, Britain is actually an upstart.

"Okay, now Ahvaz is yours, I hope you can fulfill your promise as soon as possible, the sooner the better, as you can see, our current situation is very bad." If possible, Reza Khan also Unwilling to transfer the interests of the Persian Empire privately, Reza Khan had no choice.

Ahvaz is the place where the Anglo-American Oil Company discovered oil fields. There are abundant oil reserves here, and it is the main oil and gas producing area of ​​the Persian Empire.

Ahvaz is also the capital of Khuzestan. It was the trading center of sugar, rice, and silk from the 12th to the 13th century. Later, it declined with the decline of Khuzestan’s agriculture. Because of the discovery of oil, Ahvaz will gradually prosper, but no one has noticed this yet.

A week later, [-] cans of luncheon meat were brought by two Nyasaland oceangoing ships, and this was only the first batch. The price of each can of luncheon meat was one shilling and fivepence for the Rhodesia Canning Company. , but in the Persian Empire, the price of a can of luncheon meat soared to six shillings.

Those who went to Ahvaz with the luncheon meat were mercenaries from the Umbrella Company. This time, Tang En personally led the team, escorting the goods and taking over Ahvaz's defense at the same time.

"Are you going to take over the defense of Ahvaz? Sorry, Reza Khan has no such right." Alex has a force of twenty British troops under him, and this force is the British garrison in Khuzestan.

In name, Khuzestan is still the territory of the Persian Empire. In fact, in the agreement with the Russians, Khuzestan is the sphere of influence of the United Kingdom.

In Persia, Britain has great rights. Not only can it form an army and set up a bank, but it can even form a government and train the army. The army led by Alex is the instructor of the Khuzestan Persian army.

The United Kingdom still attaches great importance to the oil of the Persian Empire. At the time, it was accidentally bought by the umbrella company and easily bought Port Elizabeth. Now it attaches great importance to Khuzestan. McMahon not only sent Alex to manage the Ahvaz oil field, but also While Khuzestan built an army to defend against the Persian government, there was also a reason for umbrella companies.

"Alex, this time we are not going to monopolize Khuzestan, but we are going to develop together with other oil companies. Only by being competitive can we make progress." Tang En pretended not to care about the future, and first got the mercenaries into Huzestan. Zistan, other oil companies can take their time.

"Development together?" Alex didn't believe the crap of the mercenary leader Tang En at all.

"Yes, let's develop it together, but we need to drive away the Germans and Americans first, and brothers fight against the wall to defend against their insults!" Tang En still knows this allusion, it's not easy.

Brothers fight against the wall and defend against their insults from outside comes from "The Book of Songs Xiaoya Tangdi", which is used to describe that although there are differences within, they must unite to deal with foreign aggression.

Used in the Persian Empire, this metaphor is still very appropriate. Although the Umbrella Company and Royal Shell have differences, they are all British companies after all.

That's right, for the British, the Germans are of course the enemy, and the traitor of the United States is also uneasy.

The arms race in Europe also has a lot to do with the Americans. Like southern Africa, the United States also made a fortune in the arms race. Before the outbreak of the world war, the United States still owed the United Kingdom 1.5 million pounds. The heart is that the money is about to be repaid. It's clear, and the UK still has a tendency to borrow to survive.

"You wait—" Alex didn't talk nonsense, and directly sent someone to call Rex Rusk from Royal Shell (the previous text was wrong).

After knowing Tang En's identity, Rex Rusk's expression was complicated.

Just a few days ago, Rex Rusk still couldn't hold back his hands with Ivanovic.

As a result, Royal Shell suffered a great loss. Although no one was killed, more than a dozen workers were injured by the workers of the umbrella company. The injuries were serious, either with broken arms or short legs.

Broken arms and legs in this era don’t just need to be reattached, they might end up dying. Although there are doctors in Port Elizabeth, Royal Shell has no intention of treating those Persian workers. In an era when human lives are like nothing, we can only ask ourselves. Good luck.

However, if the umbrella company is really willing to share oil fields with Royal Shell, this must be a good thing for Royal Shell.

"Sorry, I'm only referring to the Khuzestan oil field, not the Elizabeth oil field." Dunn emphasized that the Elizabeth oil field must not be shared, and this needs to be clarified.

"Would you be so kind?" Rex Rusk was a little disappointed, but not too disappointed. The umbrella company's willingness to share Khuzestan's oil fields is already a rare goodwill.

"You don't have to believe it!" Dunn was patient with Alex, but his attitude was much worse when he faced Rex Rusk.

"Tell me about how you plan to drive the Germans and Americans away." Alex did not doubt the ability of the company to act. The key is to act in a secret way so that the Germans and Americans cannot get caught.

Germany doesn't matter, the United States still cannot offend for the time being, and Britain also needs the support of the United States to continue the arms race.

On the surface, it seems that Britain, France and Germany are all American customers now, but it goes without saying that the customer is God. Now the supplier is the boss, and you may not be able to buy things with money.

"This is too simple. Ahvaz is 150 kilometers away from the Persian Gulf. This is a famous pirate coast, and desert robbers are also rampant. The Persian Empire is too busy to take care of itself, unable to control the place, and it is normal for rebels to appear." Tang En is familiar with it. , obviously not the first time to do this kind of thing.

"Our oil wells are all mixed together. How can we ensure that we won't accidentally injure them?" Rex Rusk thought a lot. Skilled workers also need to be trained for a long time. If there is a shortage of manpower, it is really difficult to replenish in the Persian Empire.

"Necessary sacrifices are unavoidable, but we will try our best to avoid them, such as withdrawing technicians and skilled workers in advance, and hiring some cheap Persians to make up the difference." Dunn wanted to play a trick, but the price was a bit high. Moreover, the disregard for life revealed intentionally or unintentionally in the words is really chilling.

It is not a joke that one will be successful and the bones will be ruined. It is also a rule of thumb that kindness does not command soldiers. Those who achieve great things do not care about small details, and we should not expect too much from the people of this era.

Think about those people in the Qing Dynasty who waited for human blood to be soaked in steamed buns to cure diseases, and those insensitive spectators who watched Ling Chi's execution, they were actually ordinary people.

"In case the country finds out—" Rex Rusk was worried. It would be fine if it was in the wilderness. Ahvaz has thousands of residents, so it's too risky to be seen by everyone.

"Dead people can't talk." Tang En didn't plan to keep alive. The so-called car and boat shop should be killed if they are innocent. The same is true for these oil companies. There is no good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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