Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 800 The Curtain Has Been Opened

Chapter 800 The Curtain Has Been Opened

When handing over this batch of weapons to Barry, Yaya reminded Barry not to rush to launch an attack on the Republic of Congo, but to plan another plan after the training of the troops is completed and they have a certain combat effectiveness.

Barry obviously didn't listen, and he didn't know whether he was in a hurry to avenge Banda, or to prove himself. The war between countries is not a fight between two tribes. It is infinitely more complicated than a fight with weapons. With the current strength of the Kingdom of Congo, It is difficult to organize a successful campaign.

Looking back, Barry, like some prodigal sons who thought they were safe and secure, still asked Yaya for help.

This time, asking for assistance is no longer begging, but a threat. The reason is naturally very simple. If Yaya interrupts the assistance to the Kingdom of Congo, then once the Kingdom of Congo fails, Yaya's previous investment will be in vain.

It's better to throw money into the water, at least you can hear it.

Yaya would definitely not be threatened by this. If it was Rock, Barry would at least be given a chance to save himself, but Yaya didn't even give it a chance. Three days after the defeat at the Battle of Leopoldville, Barry drank too much He fell into the river after drinking wine and disappeared, but his body was never found. It is estimated that he was buried in the belly of a fish.

Losing their leader twice within a month, the rebel army finally fell apart, and Lu Taitai, a chieftain of the Taitera ethnic group from Tanganyika, stood out as the third leader of the rebel army.

Lu Taitai was from Tanganyika. During the last counter-insurgency in 1901, the rebel army led by Lu Taitai persisted until 1908 before retreating to Tanganyika. Therefore, Lu Taitai himself had a great reputation among Africans in the Congo Free State.

Prestige alone cannot become the leader of the rebel army. The reason why Lu Taitai has suddenly emerged is mainly because Lu Taitai has an elite army of about 1000 people. This army has received a certain degree of military training in Tanganyika. The military literacy is relatively high. Although the number is not large, it is already rare among the rebels in the Congo Free State.

After the rebellion in the Congo Free State, Lu Taitai returned to the Congo Free State for the first time, but he was squeezed out by Banda and Barry. Banda was assigned to guard the borders of the Congo Free State and Tanganyika.

The successive deaths of Banda and Barry finally gave Lu Taitai a chance. In just ten days, Lu Taitai's men gathered more than [-] rebels, the strongest among all the rebels.

Lu Taitai was naturally selected by Yaya to become the spokesperson for the interests of southern Africa in the Congo Free State.

"Lu Taitai and Mumu have a good relationship. They fought side by side in Tanganyika and established a deep friendship. Lu Taitai's army was rebuilt with the help of Mumu. Lu Taitai is also willing to bear the debts left by Banda and Barry— —" Yaya is going to go shirtless, he is responsible for Rock's investment, if Rock's investment loses all his money, then Yaya will also be unlucky.

Under Yaya's coercion and lure, both Banda and Bari signed an agreement with Yaya on the transfer of land. If the Kingdom of Congo becomes independent, according to the agreement between Yaya, Banda and Bari, the Lualaba River will be the boundary in the Congo After independence, the kingdom will be transferred to the newly established Congo Company, which covers an area of ​​more than 50 square kilometers, accounting for almost a quarter of the Congo Free State.

It looks quite big, right? It’s actually not that big. Before Leopold II transferred the management of the Congo Free State to the Belgian government, he leased most of the land in the Congo Free State to five companies in which he owned shares. Each of these five companies has hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land. Reality is more magical than fiction. The absurdity of the 21st century is a living reality at the beginning of the [-]th century.

"Send a telegram to Isaiah, they can negotiate now, tell Isaiah that no more accidents are allowed." Rock emphasized that the first Balkan War is almost over, and the Congo Free State has not yet As a result, Rock's patience became less and less.

The Italian-Turkish war had just ended, and the Balkan war broke out immediately, and the seamless connection was completed. The Ottoman Empire did not even have a chance to breathe. It had just escaped from the embarrassment of North Africa and was about to plunge into the surging national independence war in the Balkan Peninsula.

If during the Italian-Turkish War, the position of the European powers was not clear enough, then in the Balkan War, the attitude of the European powers was very clear. Not only Britain, France and Russia hoped that the Ottoman Empire would be defeated, but even the German Austro-Hungarian Empire hoped that the Ottoman Empire would be defeated. Just throw in the towel.

Therefore, it is really a tradition for the Turks to make enemies on all sides, and it is also a skill to offend all the powerful countries at the time at the same time, which ordinary countries cannot learn.

The United Kingdom and France supported the Balkan countries to launch a war in order to establish a pro-British Balkan alliance, thereby creating a threat to the Austro-Hungarian Empire behind the Austro-Hungarian Empire and involving the energy of Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Russia supports the countries of the Balkan Peninsula because it wants access to the Mediterranean Sea, and the main ethnic group on the Balkan Peninsula is also the Slavs. Russia is the East Slavs, and the Balkans are mainly the Yugoslavs. This is Russia’s natural position.

Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire originally hoped that the Ottoman Empire would remain stable, but they had to accept the reality under the revolutionary enthusiasm for national independence. Divide into several weaker countries, so that it will be easier for the Austro-Hungarian Empire to exert influence on the Balkan Peninsula.

To sum up, except for the United States, which insists on "isolationism" and only does business and does not grab territory, all current powers hope that the Ottoman Empire will be defeated.

As a result, the Ottoman Empire did lose quickly. The "Treaty of Cairo" was signed in August, the Italian-Turkish War ended, and the Balkan War broke out in early September. Now that November is not over, the Ottoman Empire has almost lost control of the entire Balkan Peninsula. , had to beg for an explanation from the European powers.

The latest development is that thanks to British intervention, the Balkan League and the Ottoman Empire have achieved a ceasefire and are ready to start negotiations in London.

Unlike the Cairo negotiations a few months ago, the core interests of the Balkan Peninsula and the Ottoman Empire are closely related, so the preparation time for this negotiation is relatively long, and it will definitely not start within this year. It is uncertain when it will start next year. I am afraid that the whole negotiation will be completed. It will be the next year.

If Rock remembers correctly, after the Balkan War, the crown prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire would be assassinated, which would lead to the outbreak of World War I.

In Roque's plan, the world war is the opportunity for Roque and southern Africa, so Roque is not in the mood to torment the Belgians now, to prepare for the world war, and hurry up to train the army and prepare supplies is the serious business.

Because Germany's strength in Africa is not strong, there will be no large-scale wars in Africa during the World War. The main battles are concentrated on the European battlefield, especially the Western Front dominated by Britain and France, which is the main battlefield of the World War.

The scale of the world war is unprecedented. At that time, the main energies of Britain and France will be firmly involved. This is the opportunity for Rock and southern Africa. Rock also took a fancy to the fat of the Ottoman Empire. Since the Ottoman Empire directly If you die, then you can take a bite when you die. After passing this village, there will be no such shop.

Compared with Britain and France, which are going all out to prepare for the war in Europe, the Umbrella Company has already taken the lead in the peninsula. Over the past few months, Rock has been adding troops to the peninsula. The mercenaries were all sent to Port Elizabeth, and the Najd Sultanate was also making every effort to prepare for the war. Ali Rashid had unified more than half of the peninsula, and his army numbered more than [-]. Once the war broke out, the Najd Sultanate’s army would Will be a minion of the Southern African army.

Since the outbreak of the Italian-Turkish war two years ago, Nyasaland's military industrial enterprises have been going all out to produce. Now the combat readiness warehouses in southern Africa are full of weapons and ammunition, and the food processing factories under the South African company have expanded to twenty. The Johannesburg Textile Company is also working hard to produce all kinds of cold-proof clothing that are not used at all in southern Africa.

In southern Africa, only some areas occasionally snow in winter. Most areas have no snow all year round and the climate is warm. There is no need for cold-proof clothing. Nyasaland has no obvious seasonal differences throughout the year. Sweaters are not available in Nyasaland at all. There is no market.

Compared with southern Africa, which has a pleasant climate, France is simply hell. Not only is the temperature in the eastern region low in winter, but also the sunshine time is less dry and less rainy. If the troops in southern Africa go to France, they will face serious climate problems. Don't expect the British and French to provide extra warm clothing, so you're still on your own.

As for the United States, this country is so shameless that the troops sent to Europe are not even worthy of weapons. All of them, including cold-proof clothing, have to be provided by Britain and France. It is a private enterprise, and the products it produces are sold for money. The U.S. government does not pay for it, and they are not obligated to provide it.

These weapons and equipment were sold to Britain and France, and then Britain and France were used to arm the US troops. This is also a mysterious operation.

Unlike the shameless Americans, a shameless person like Rock can't do such dirty things. At least the army sent to Europe must be equipped with weapons and equipment. Rock has already formed an infantry composed of six Africans. The division was prepared to be sent to Europe to participate in the war after the outbreak of the World War. These are all bargaining chips for fighting for interests after the end of the World War. Every effort is reaped, and it is also for Tanganyika and Southwest Africa.

(End of this chapter)

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