Chapter 804 Appeasement

Philip is a traditional British aristocrat, and his interests have long been firmly tied to the British Empire. Although Philip will increasingly consider the interests of the Matilda family after the southern African self-government, Philip is still concerned about the issue of Germany. Tough, after all, the UK is the suzerain of southern Africa, in Philip's view, a strong UK can better protect the interests of southern Africa.

Unlike Philip, Rock has long seen through the paper tiger nature of imperialism. The World War is the best opportunity for southern Africa to completely get rid of the British grip. If you miss this time, you don’t know when the next time will be. Africa cannot satisfy Roque. A completely independent southern Africa with great influence in Africa and a certain right to speak in the world is Roque's goal.

That's why Roque won't be serious about this issue. Don't look at Britain fighting Germany during the war. After the war, Britain began to secretly support Germany in order to contain France. Therefore, there will be no eternal enemies between countries, and there will be no Eternal friends, only eternal interests.

After confirming this point, Rock was very frank with Philip: "Of course, whoever pays will sell it to whoever—"

"And the Germans too?" Philip asked.

"Philip, local companies have not completely interrupted their cooperation with German companies." Rock did not answer directly, but just stated a fact.

Continental balance policy and glorious isolation are no jokes. Britain has always been like this. It will never do anything completely.

Britain's policy has always been adjusted in time according to the strength comparison of countries in the European continent. When France dominated the European continent, Britain organized seven anti-French alliances in a row in order to break France's hegemony in the European continent. Finally, it completely defeated Napoleon and shattered France. Rising last hope.

In the first half of the nineteenth century, Russia’s ambitions gradually increased, and its ambitions towards the Balkans increased. At that time, the Ottoman Empire was unable to resist Russia’s expansion. Britain pulled France to help the Ottoman Empire fight against Russia, and Russia was firmly trapped in the Black Sea. .

After the Franco-Prussian War, in order to get revenge, France put aside its previous suspicions and formed an alliance against the German-Austrian alliance. Britain was still gloriously isolated and did not join any party, trying to profit from it.

As a result, Germany began to challenge Britain's maritime hegemony, and Britain quickly formed an alliance with France and Russia to form the Triple Entente.

This is the essence of Britain's shit-stirring stick. Even if the arms race is in full swing, British domestic companies still have not completely cut off their ties with German companies. The reason cannot be humane. Free trade must not be used as a reason. It is to support Germany and contain France in the future. the truth.

If you offend people badly now, what if Germany and France form an alliance to isolate Britain in the future?

Don't think it's impossible, think about the European Community, and then think about the Brexit drama in the 21st century. It would not be surprising if the UK decides to reshuffle its government and become a socialist country one day.

Even domestic companies in the UK are colluding with Germany secretly. Of course, it is understandable for Rock to do so. Don't the Germans know that the construction of railways in southern Africa has evil intentions?I must know, but the Germans have no choice. This is just like Liu Bei's defeat in Baidi City, and then he has to pinch his nose and join forces with Wu to fight against Cao.

"Locke, you always have to think about the children—" Philip's expression was complicated. In fact, what Rocke did was beyond reproach. Rocke didn't directly sell strategic materials to the Germans, but to the Americans. As for Roark has no control over who the Americans sell to.

So Philip can only say something from the moral point of view, but it is far-fetched to say so.

"I just think about it for the children. I hope that when they grow up, southern Africa will be stronger, and the international environment they will face will be easier, and they will be able to face the world more easily." Roque said along Philip's topic. As for the British title ,who cares.

To put it bluntly, if Roque hadn't shown enough value, Britain would never have made Roque a viscount at all.

It is precisely because Roque's value is getting bigger and bigger, and it is becoming more and more important to the British Empire and southern Africa, so the British government will spare no effort to win over Roque. will get higher and higher.

This is the most economical way to win over.

It is estimated that Henry and Owen really did not want to see Philip's stinky face, so Henry and Owen came together before the meal.

Both Henry and Owen came with their children, and when they got together, they immediately started yelling, and the aristocratic demeanor that Phyllis, Lacey, and Karina emphasized was immediately thrown out of the sky and left alone The atmosphere inside and outside the manor is full of joy. The pony horses sent by Christian are the most popular among children, and even girls want to try them.

When meeting Rock, Henry was still concerned about the mines in Katanga, and enthusiastically asked about the latest situation in the Congo Free State.

"The Republic of Congo and the Kingdom of Congo have signed the Bukavu Treaty, but the war is not over yet. The Belgian government is hurrying up to train the expeditionary force. Things may change." Rock is actually not very worried about this issue. The Belgian Expeditionary Force was definitely unable to set off.

"How many expeditionary troops did Belgium form? Ten thousand? Or twenty thousand?" Henry looked down on Belgium. Ten thousand or twenty thousand people had no effect on the current Congo Free State. Britain sent a total of 1 troops to southern Africa during the Second Boer War. At that time, the total number of Boers was only 45. In this way, Belgium must form an expeditionary force of at least 44 million people.

It's not enough to add up the armies of all the countries in Europe now.

So think about the 800 million regular troops that Chang Kaishen claimed at the end of World War II. Let alone the combat effectiveness, this number can scare Europeans crazy.

"Locke, your method is too rough." Lord Matilda, a former official of the Colonial Affairs Department, disliked it very much.

Rock laughed loudly. Although Rock's methods were rough, how could the tricks, deceptions, threats, and lures when Britain expanded its colonies be very subtle?

Considering the actual situation in the UK, it is indeed impossible to send troops directly to push for profit. The British army has only a few thousand people all year round, and it cannot even be called the "Royal". If the US Army It's a beggar, and the British army is a tramp, and no one is much better than anyone else.

In the United States, the current image of the U.S. Army is a beggar. Since the independence of the United States, the United States has maintained a small-scale army with serious shortage of funds. Even the uniforms cannot be replaced in time. Not as good as the guard.

The National Guard of the United States is the militia.

Later, because of the need to show its strength, the United States formed the Great White Fleet that can be used to sail around the world, but the army was still unpopular, so the troops sent by the United States to Europe to participate in the war did not even have weapons, and they had to rely on the support of Britain and France. This is really not true The United States sincerely pits Britain and France, and this is the actual situation.

"However, if you are so blatant, there will still be hidden dangers." Owen thinks a lot. If you use nice words to describe this, you will be thoughtful, but if you use bad words to describe it, you will be hesitant.

"There must be. The Belgian government is very unhappy, but they can't do much. If they have the ability to bite me." Rock is not afraid, Belgium is the Doudou in the story of eating, sleeping and beating Doudou in Europe. You can bully it if you come up. If it weren't for the British continental balance policy, Belgium would have been annexed by France long ago.

Before the Franco-Prussian War, one of the most important reasons why Britain sat back and watched France be defeated was that France wanted to annex Belgium. Of course, Britain did not want to see this happen. A France with territorial ambitions is intolerable to Britain. The Franco-Prussian War France acquired Savoy and Nice from the Kingdom of Sardinia before. One of these two places is a high-quality coal producing area, and the other is a natural good port.

Therefore, on the issue of the Congo Free State, Belgium can do very little, and the atmosphere in Europe is getting more and more tense. Belgium can't care about the Congo Free State now, because whether it is France becoming stronger or Germany annexing Belgium after defeating France It's all a matter of piggybacking. The international environment of a small country with few people is so sad.

"If you go on like this, it is estimated that there will be an anti-SAA alliance in Africa." Owen expressed deep concern that southern Africa is now showing too much aggressiveness, but London did not restrict the expansion of southern Africa, only guiding The suggestion that Southern Africa should reorient itself.

The British mainland does not want to see the endless tossing of Belgium or Portugal in southern Africa, but wants southern Africa to focus on Tanganyika and Southwest Africa.

Is this routine familiar? Think about appeasement before the outbreak of World War II. Britain could sit on Germany’s annexation of Austria, force Czechoslovakia to cede the Sudetenland to Germany in order to meet Germany’s demands, and then allow Germany to annex the entire country. Czechoslovakia, all this is for Germany to attack the Soviet Union, causing trouble.

The same is true for southern Africa. Britain has learned the lessons of the Second Boer War, and it is impossible to form an expeditionary force to go to Africa again. Therefore, southern Africa has become the most powerful weapon for Britain to attack Southwest Africa and Tanganyika.

"Europe is busy with the arms race now. Even countries like Belgium have begun to prepare for war. It doesn't matter even if there is an anti-South African Union." Rock is more optimistic. The purpose of Belgium's formation of the expeditionary force is actually very vague. In the propaganda, the establishment of the expeditionary force is to protect the national interests. The "national interests" here include not only the Congo Free State, but also Belgium itself.

(End of this chapter)

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