Chapter 807

While the Portuguese was in trouble, Bukavu's Feng Xun also had a tricky problem.

Before the rebels attacked the Congo Free State, although Nyasaland picked up some people, some people fled to Tanganyika across the Luxi River before the rebels broke through Bukavu.

This created a huge problem. The reconstructed Bukavu was not on the original site of Bukavu. The land where Bukavu is now belonged to a man named Terry Bruce.

When Feng Xun chose to rebuild Bukavu on this land, he thought that Terry Bruce had died in the war, so this land would naturally become a land of no one. Unexpectedly, Terry Bruce not only did not die, but He actually waited until Bukavu was rebuilt before returning to Bukavu. It was obvious that he was here to pick the fruit.

"So do you have any other requests?" Feng Xun was patient, and Robert next to him was sinking, leaning on the back of the chair, squinting his eyes and looking up and down Terry Bruce with threatening eyes.

"Of course there is a request. In addition to cash compensation, you must also give me a larger farm, preferably a rubber plantation. In addition, the place where your military camp is located also has my previous house, so you have to compensate me. A new house, and more—" Terry Bruce was too demanding, and greed had gone to his head.

"Where were you when the rebels broke through Bukavu?" Robert interrupted Terry Bruce's eloquence, and if he continued, he would also be compensated for the newly built barracks.

"I went to Tanganyika. I can't stay here and be killed by the rebels." Terry Bruce didn't seem to realize that there was anything wrong with his behavior.

"You are so shameless!" Robert yelled, with his hand on the holster. If there were not many residents waiting for the results outside the door, Robert really wanted to shoot Terry Bruce to death.

"What can I do? There are so many rebels, Bukavu has been abandoned by the king, I can't be buried in Bukavu, I have the right to live!" Terry Bruce screamed, selfish people are like this , they will only consider their own interests.

"It's human nature, understandable, but what about your relatives?" Feng Xun's question was more acute. Terry Bruce returned to Bukavu alone, and according to what Feng Xun learned, Terry Bruce used to be Have family in Bukavu.

"You still have the face to mention my family? Why don't you take everyone away at once? This is your responsibility, you must help me find my family—" Terry Bruce probably couldn't do this request arrive.

The hope of finding it is indeed very slim. After the rebels broke through Bukavu, they killed all the men who resisted or surrendered, and looted all the women. Now no one knows their whereabouts.

"You just said that the king has abandoned you, and we have no responsibility to take you all away." Feng Xun didn't need to explain this issue to Terry Bruce.

In fact, when the Nyasaland water police returned to Bukavu again, Bukavu had already been breached by the rebels. people.

"It's all excuses, and it's all your fault!" Terry Bruce was hysterical. No matter what Feng Xun said, he was going to blame Nyasaland Marine Police for this responsibility.

"What's the deal with the bastard, we should get him out of the—" Robert hated Terry Bruce so much that "he" and "it" were pronounced differently in English.

"Two options, the first one we will help you build a house, you can continue to live here; the second one, how much do you want to get?" Feng Xun has a good attitude, although Terry Bruce is disgusting, But if this matter is not handled properly, it will cause serious adverse effects.

"At least five thousand pounds!" Terry Bruce offered a harsh price. After rebuilding Bukavu, each house plus the front and rear yards covers an area of ​​about one acre, and all the occupied land adds up to less than fifty acres, five thousand pounds In terms of pounds, it is one hundred pounds per acre, which is absolutely sky-high in the Congo Free State.

Let alone in the Congo Free State, land prices are even more expensive in Johannesburg.

"Hehe, are you crazy? Even Belgian farms are not so expensive." Before Feng Xun could speak, Robert laughed out loud.

"I have calculated that the price of the land plus the house must be more than one hundred pounds." It sounds like Terry Bruce had done some research on the current Bukavu before he came to find Feng Xun, otherwise he would not have offered the offer. this price.

If the price of the house is included, it is indeed more than one hundred pounds. Although the price of timber in southern Africa is very low, but including processing, transportation, and final construction, a house is actually not cheap, at least fifty pounds .

The reason why Nyasaland is willing to pay a huge price to rebuild Bukavu is to directly annex Bukavu one day. Now it seems that all this is indeed very effective. The residents of Bukavu are now willing to join Nyasaland. Rock considered international public opinion, so he didn't accept it.

"You didn't build the house, so why do you ask for money?" Feng Xun was really surprised, and he didn't know where Terry Bruce's confidence came from.

"But you didn't get my consent when you occupied my farm, so now you have to compensate me for the loss. Regardless of the value of the farm, in my opinion, my farm is worth five thousand pounds!" Terry Bruce insisted that since he thought he got Feng Xun's sore foot, the actual price of the land is not important now. It is against Terry Bruce to directly rebuild Bukavu on Terry Bruce's land without Terry Bruce's consent. • Gross violation of Bruce's rights.

On the surface, this is indeed the case, but no one knew Terry Bruce's life and death at the time. When the rebels set fire to Bukavu, many of the bodies were charred and unrecognizable. Everyone believed that Terry Bruce had died. Died when breaking the city, so naturally no one has considered this issue.

"Sorry, we can't accept your request." Feng Xun's patience has finally run out. If Terry Bruce's asking price is lower, then Feng Xun can still think about it. Let's forget it now. Such a blatant blackmail, I really think Ni Yasaran will help the residents of Bukavu rebuild Bukavu is a philanthropist.

"No, you have to accept!" Terry Bruce probably didn't expect Feng Xun to refuse so directly, and was a little at a loss for a while.

"Why is it necessary?" Feng Xun was curious.

"What are you going to do if we don't accept it?" Robert was also curious, and then he and Feng Xun looked at each other, both of them were staggering with smiles.

"I, I will sue you to the king!" Terry Bruce was dumbfounded, and it took a while to think of a way.

"Do you want to find your king or our king? Go ahead. I hope you still have money to buy a boat ticket." Robert was overjoyed. If he wanted to find King George V, Bukavu was a colony of Belgium, and King George V had nothing to do with it.

If you are looking for Leopold II, even if Leopold II wants to help Terry Bruce justice, it is estimated that Leopold II will not be able to do it.

"You bastards, don't think we don't know, those rebels are supported by you, and now you have robbed my farm, wait and see, I will make you pay the price!" Terry Bruce said without hesitation , It is estimated that they don't understand the truth that disaster comes from mouth.

"Be careful what you say—" Feng Xun's face immediately turned cold.

Robert didn't speak, and looked at Terry Bruce with gloomy eyes, probably thinking about how to make Terry Bruce suffer so much pain and die.

Terry Bruce also finally felt the danger, and then he remembered that this is Bukavu under the control of Nyasaland, and the current Congo Free State is no longer the former Congo Free State where white people were superior. Countless white people were killed, and it was really easy for Feng Xun and Robert to kill someone in this troubled world.

"So how much can you give me?" Terry Bruce didn't leave in a hurry. Robert's words just now had an effect. It is estimated that he really can't afford the ticket now.

During this period, the biggest problem restricting immigration may be the boat ticket. The situation in southern Africa is quite special, so the boat ticket will be reimbursed for immigrants. Other regions, including the United States, will not reimburse boat tickets for new immigrants. After the new immigrants come to the colony, they can indeed get the land allocated for free, but before that, the new immigrants must have money to board the ship.

"Fifty pounds, let's count it as fifty acres. One pound per acre is a very reasonable price." Fifty pounds was Feng Xun's initial psychological price. It's hard to say now, even if Terry Bruce insisted on five thousand, Feng Xun Hoon would agree, of course, whether Terry Bruce can take the money away is a question.

"The price is too low, don't even think about it!" Terry Bruce felt greatly offended, fifty pounds is just sending a beggar.

In the past in Bukavu, one pound per acre was indeed very appropriate, and even the price was relatively high.

But now in Bukavu, with the arrival of the Rhodesian Northern Division and the improvement of infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, and docks, the price of land has naturally risen. The South African company has decided to build a new food processing plant in Bukavu. The Nyasaland Agricultural Development Company is also preparing to set up collective farms in Bukavu, so the land in Bukavu will soar further in the future.

"Then you go back and think about it first, let's talk tomorrow." Feng Xun is not in a hurry, the price difference between the two parties is too big, it might be better for them to calm down.

"Where to go?" Terry Bruce was angry. His house had been burned down by the rebels, and the farm had been occupied by the current residents of Bukavu. He was indeed homeless.

But who can blame this?

If Terry Bruce had come back when the Rebels had just left, he wouldn't have faced the current situation.

Do it yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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