Chapter 809

Getting the Katanga mining area did not satisfy Roque. After the signing of the peace agreement, the large rubber plantations that originally belonged to the Imbi Rubber Company and the Antwerp Company were successively taken over by the newly established Congo Rubber Company, Boma Rubber Company, and South African Trading Company. These companies are all subsidiaries of the Congo Company, and the list of shareholders is very long. In addition to the unshakable iron triangle Rock, Henry, and Stoudemire, they also include Anton, Martin, Ada, Winston, Neville, Owen, Sidney Milner, Christian, Yaya, Isaiah Chamberlain, Lu Taitai, and the underage Prince of Wales.

Just looking at the list of shareholders of the Congo Company, one can see how huge Roque’s network is now. This shareholder list includes the royal family and nobles, the president and the king, members of political families deeply rooted in the UK, and some who play an important role in southern Africa. Financial oligarchs, there are political stars with unlimited future prospects, and there are also big officials who hold great power in southern Africa.

Unlike other companies under Rock’s name that are determined not to go public, the Congo company operates in full accordance with the standards of British companies. It was listed in London shortly after its establishment, and the first 2 shares were sold out within two hours. , the stock price soared from the initial price of 25 pounds to 150 pounds. In the next week, [-] million shares flowed into the market. Almost all of these shares were divided up by the British aristocrats, which is rare for ordinary investors.

"You mean, the share price of that one percent of my shares has exceeded 100 million pounds?" Sidney Milner couldn't believe it. You must know that the Congo company has not made a penny of profit yet, but the stock market uses its feet to make a profit. vote, showing great confidence in Congolese companies.

Or the great confidence in Rock.

Rock is the largest shareholder of the Congo Company, holding only 20.00%20.00 of the shares, Henry and Stoudemire's combined shares are [-]%[-], and Ada, who holds the most shares next, is only [-]%.

"It should be more than that now. The stock price of Congo Company once reached 35 pounds yesterday, and it seems that it will continue to soar." Stoudemire smiled. The money is really easy to earn, just like picking up for nothing.

"How did you do it?" Sidney Milner really didn't understand how Rock and Stoudemire worked.

"This is the charm of finance. No one deliberately drives up the stock price, and it turns out that we don't need to operate it. There are more smart people than we imagined." Rock is also happy, but not to the point of getting carried away. Except for the Congo Company, Luo Ke Ke still has a lot of high-quality assets in his hands. Leaving aside a large number of military enterprises in Nyasaland, the listing of Umbrella and Adan alone can cause a sensation similar to the Congolese company.

To be sure, 35 pounds is not the limit of the stock price of the Congo company. Before the outbreak of the Congo Free State rebellion, the stock price of the Imbi Rubber Company, which only owned part of the rubber business, reached 35 pounds. Now the Congo company almost owns the Republic of Congo and the Kingdom of Congo. For all rubber plantations, the stock price should at least triple to meet the value of those rubber plantations.

If it triples, the Congolese company will also become one of the most valuable companies in the world.

"Great! Locke, even if you want to annex the Congo Free State now, there will be countless people who will help you speak up." Sidney Milner was convinced, it is really unreasonable for such a person not to get rich.

However, Roque has already surpassed the pursuit of wealth. In his previous life, Roque would be cynical when he heard about some small goals. Thinking about it now, [-] million is indeed a small goal for some people. Roque doesn’t care about the profits of the Congo Company. However, using the Congo Company to pull more and more people onto the big ship in southern Africa is Rock's real purpose.

"No, no, at least not yet. We still need to use the Congolese to rebuild the rubber plantation. Even if it is annexed, at least it will be after the rubber plantation is rebuilt." On the basis of Congolese people, this pot belongs to the Republic of Congo and the Kingdom of Congo, and Rock will not grab it.

"Our tasks are also very heavy. We need to dig mines, rebuild rubber plantations, build ports, and dredge canals. I thought it would cost tens of millions of dollars, but now it seems that there is no need for it. It is amazing that the company has not Make money, but we have already started to make money." Stoudemire was also under a lot of pressure before, but now the pressure has all turned into motivation.

The basic conditions of the Congo Free State are actually very good. Leopold II ruled the Congo Free State for 20 years, and the number of Africans in the Congo Free State has decreased by 500 million. Now Congo has a huge area of ​​rubber plantations, with southern Africa has the most complete railway system outside of Africa, and there are nearly 1000 million human resources. Only one port is needed, and the Congo Free State can complete a gorgeous turn.

This is why Roque tried to pull people into the car as much as possible. It is definitely faster to build a port than to directly grab the port of the Portuguese. Next to the Kingdom of Congo is Cabinda, and next to the Republic of Congo is Soyo. Before Leopold II did not dare Take action against the Portuguese. Now Isaiah Chamberlain and Lu Taitai are fearless. Although the Portuguese are increasing their troops, the Portuguese’s mobilization ability is also limited. Once the cost of defending Cabinda and Soyo exceeds that of Cabinda and Soyo. If the proceeds come, the Portuguese will be shaken.

Now it seems that the importance of Cabinda and Soyo is constantly decreasing. For Portugal, Cabinda and Soyo are not the core territories that must be defended. For example, Cabinda, the main income in the past came from the customs clearance of products from the Congo Free State Now the friction between the Kingdom of Congo and Portugal due to Cabinda is gradually escalating, and products will definitely not be sent to Europe via Cabinda. In this case, the determination of the Portuguese to defend Cabinda is also declining.

The crux of the problem is that even if you pay a huge price, you may not be able to keep it. Portuguese East Africa is a lesson from the past. In order to suppress the rebellion of the Yao people, Portugal not only mobilized the Portuguese in Portuguese East Africa, but also dispatched people from the country. As a result, the rebellion not only did not subside, but intensified, eventually causing Portugal to lose control of Portuguese East Africa, and the consequences of Portuguese West Africa would be the same as Portuguese East Africa, and the Portuguese would be sadly reminded.

The Portuguese are now seeking talks with the Kingdom of Congo through southern Africa, with Roque and Stoudemire and Sidney Milner now on their way to the Rhodesian Hotel.

The Portuguese who is waiting at the Rhodesia Hotel is called Bianca Carolina. This is a Portuguese-born businessman doing business in Cape Town. He has now joined the southern African nationality. This choice of Portugal is also very interesting, even if it cannot be negotiated , It will not affect the reputation and image of Portugal.

"How do we talk to him?" Sidney Milner sat on the sofa in a good mood, and the compartment of the armored command vehicle was really comfortable and spacious.

"What are you talking about? The Portuguese think well." Stoudemire was not happy. The Portuguese asked too much. They hoped to exchange Cabinda and Soyo for Kalonda occupied by Rhodesia, and then the Kingdom of Congo and the Republic of Congo would separate. Give Rhodesia compensation, so that the Portuguese can exit decently. Although the benefits have been lost, they can be compensated in Calonda.

Calonda is a salient part of Portuguese West Africa, surrounded on three sides by Rhodesia except for the part connecting with Portuguese West Africa.

Speaking of which, the Portuguese are also playing snakes and elephants again. Portugal has a land area of ​​less than 124 square kilometers, Portuguese West Africa has an area of ​​more than 80 million square kilometers, and Portuguese East Africa has an area of ​​about [-] square kilometers. In addition, there is India Goa in China, Macau in the Qing Dynasty, East Timor in East India, etc., are all Portuguese colonies.

With so many colonies, Portugal's own population alone cannot control it, so Portugal has to use the natives of the colonies to complete the actual occupation of the colonies.

In another time and space, Portuguese West Africa was classified as a Portuguese colony after the Berlin Conference, but it was not until 1922 that the Portuguese army completed the actual control of Portuguese West Africa.

Because of the independence of Portuguese East Africa in this time and space, Portugal’s control over Portuguese West Africa was accelerated. As a result, inspired by Nyasaland, Rhodesia, which vigorously expanded its colonies, took the lead in occupying Calonda. The Portuguese repeatedly fought with the Southern African Federation The government and the Rhodesian state government have negotiated, but have not received a response.

The area of ​​the Kalonda area is about [-] square kilometers. It is an inland area with high mountains and dense forests, and is rich in wood. Although the value cannot be compared with Cabinda and Soyo, which are natural ports, it is better than nothing. After losing Portugal After belonging to East Africa, Portugal is unwilling to lose even a small colony.

Although the Portuguese's wishful thinking is good, Stoudemire is not stupid. The reason why the Portuguese are willing to talk is because they are forced to do so. The current Republic of Congo and the Kingdom of Congo are different from the former Congo Free State. The Kingdom of Congo has huge human resources. , will make Portugal continue to bleed until the Portuguese are unable to bear it.

The Republic of Congo, which is backed by southern Africa, is even more destructive. If the situation gets out of control, the Republic of Congo may incite Africans in Portuguese West Africa to rebel. By then, let alone Cabinda and Soyo, can the entire Portuguese West Africa was a problem.

Portugal has now lost Portuguese East Africa. If it loses Portuguese West Africa, then Portugal will be completely reduced to a third-rate country in Europe.

A hairless phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken. At that time, Portugal will not even be as good as the Balkan countries that have just separated from the Ottoman Empire. At least the Balkan countries can work hard from scratch. That’s right, I’m used to delicacies from mountains and seas, and eating Wowotou once in a while is just a taste of newcomers, and no one can stand eating it every day.

(End of this chapter)

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