Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 815 The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie

Chapter 815 The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie

The Chinese culture is extensive and profound, "If you have a warehouse, you know etiquette, and you know honor and disgrace if you have enough food and clothing", it is also meaningful in the early [-]th century.

Hank Wesley from Texas had just stepped off the gangway of the Princess Mary as Jeffrey Kipling and Rex Lasko chatted.

Hank Wesley is an employee of Standard Oil Company. He just came to Port Elizabeth from New York. He is a veteran cowboy who can shoot six shots in two seconds and hit six targets. That's why he was hired by Standard Oil to Port Elizabeth with a high salary. , as a senior employee of Standard Oil responsible for security.

Under normal circumstances, senior employees of oil companies are well-mannered in suits and leather shoes, and they are completely different from violent elements from the bottom.

Hank Wesley was different. He was born in a poor family in Ireland. He was forced to immigrate to the United States by his life. Then he shined in the westward movement of the United States, and finally became an employee of Standard Oil and came to the Middle East.

"Weak chickens (Chinese), British, Slavs, Persians, this is a land polluted by the devil, exuding a disgusting smell from head to toe, I have regretted it now, I should not have accepted Standard Oil Hire, people here should fend for themselves.” Hank Wesley had a big opinion on Port Elizabeth.

"Don't be like this, Hank, we are also here for work—" Randall Lindbergh of Standard Oil was helpless. Almost all white people could not accept the status quo of Port Elizabeth when they arrived in Port Elizabeth, but the Chinese in Port Elizabeth Strength is irrefutable, and personal objections mean nothing.

"Randall, I don't mean to offend, but is this Port Elizabeth still the Port Elizabeth of the British Empire?" Hank Wesley insisted, almost all the staff at the Port Elizabeth dock were Chinese, and they were talking to all the passengers who disembarked Check one by one, if someone's documents have problems, they can't go ashore, the mercenaries of the umbrella company are watching, all the fat and strong military dogs are South African mastiffs, they seem harmless to humans and animals now, but as long as an order is given, they will Become a bloodthirsty maniac.

"I don't intend to offend Hanks. If you really can't accept everything in Port Elizabeth, then you can go back to Texas. No one will force you—" Randall Lindbergh was very irritable. Along the way, Hank Wesley has been chattering about the service of the "Princess Mary". In fact, the service of the "Princess Mary" is very good. Hank Wesley is out of prejudice, so he picks faults everywhere.

"Ha ha ha, British people! You are always as lenient as you can with British companies. Wait and see, the umbrella company will become your biggest trouble sooner or later." Once the monopoly is confirmed, Standard Oil is likely to face a spin-off, so the situation of Standard Oil is not good.

"I heard strong jealousy, Mr. Hank, I'm afraid you will be disappointed, Port Elizabeth is still a British territory, not the United States." Randall Lindbergh laughed, the GDP of the United States has surpassed that of the United Kingdom to become the world's No. One, the British cannot be innocent.

But when he disembarked, Randall Lindbergh immediately felt what the Port Elizabeth standard was.




"Why Port Elizabeth?"

A barrage of questions from the immigration officer left Randall Lindbergh in a temper tantrum.

"Make it clear, sir, I'm Irish, a standard British nationality, and I have the right to move freely in British territory!" Randall Lindbergh was speechless, and Hank Wesley had passed the inspection and was hugging him outside the checkpoint. Arms smiled mockingly at Randall Lindbergh.

What about the British?

In Port Elizabeth, it is also subject to inspection, and the procedures are even more cumbersome.

"No one denies your rights, sir, but Port Elizabeth is not a British territory, but the private domain of Lord Nyasaland. Therefore, you must truthfully state your purpose of coming to Port Elizabeth, and then you can pass through the customs smoothly." Poker, an immigration official face, not even looking at Randall Lindbergh's work ID.

"Asshole, even if your lord is here, he wouldn't dare to talk to me like this." Randall Lindbergh was furious. In fact, a nobleman like Rock wouldn't talk to a company like Randall Lindbergh at all. Employee, Randall Lindbergh just feels too good about himself.

So the immigration officials were very rude, and immediately blew the police whistle at hand.

Soon, five or six heavily armed policemen ran over, leading several military dogs, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"I'm British, I have my rights, I haven't violated the law, I demand fair treatment—" Randall Lindbergh is very smart, and now he is like a complete victim.

It is a pity that the border police did not listen to Randall Lindbergh's statement, and must first communicate with the immigration staff.

Then a dozen police officers all turned their guns on Randall Lindbergh.

"I didn't do anything—" Randall Lindbergh only now understood the truth that the disaster came from the mouth.

"Put your hands up where I can see them, stop all unnecessary movement, and now follow my instructions, kneel down, get down on the ground, put your hands behind your head, let me see your hands, Otherwise, I will take further measures." The border police don't know how many such situations they have experienced, so they are very strict about the details.

"Fuck, your father, I will sue you—" Randall Lindbergh had just shouted a few words before he was hit hard on the neck by the butt of a gun.

The brutality of the military and police in southern Africa is notorious. There are batons and tear gas bombs at every turn. The batons in the UK are made of natural rubber. It is the kind of steel bar wrapped with a layer of cloth, so that no scars can be seen on the human body, but it may hurt the bones.

"Shut your mouth now, you can only speak unless I tell you to speak, or be honest with me." The military police at the port have a rough attitude. Few immigrants in this period have received higher education, so don't expect high quality , Port Elizabeth is now a popular destination for immigrants because of oil. Many people don't know much about oil. They think that looking for oil is similar to looking for gold. If you find it, you can make a fortune.

So many people who came to Port Elizabeth were gold diggers called "adventurers". Anyone who knows the situation of "adventurers" knows what's going on. Those who make a fortune are adventurers, and more People are poor, they have nothing to earn, and the crime rate is really high just to make ends meet.

Many adventurers themselves are criminals, and they cannot be judged by too high a moral standard. That's why Port Elizabeth strictly controls new immigrants.

Facing immigration officials, Randall Lindbergh was still able to argue.

But in the face of the border police, Randall Lindbergh had no power to resist.

Like those beggars, vagabonds, thieves and robbers, Randall Lindbergh was imprisoned in the temporary prison of the Port Police Department. Each room is about fifteen square meters, but fifteen people have to live in it. Individual rights are Not guaranteed.

Like those notorious prisons, Randall Lindbergh had three conflicts with his inmates within half an hour of entering the cell.

With his strong personal strength, Randall Lindbergh got the best bed in the cell, neither inside nor outside. If the inside is too close to the toilet, if the outside is too close to the corridor, he will rest all night not good.

"Fatty, why are you here?" Randall Lindbergh was interested in his fellow inmates.

"I made a mistake. I didn't obey the police's arrangement, and then I was still sent to prison—" The former boss of the prison regretted it too much. Sometimes a small mistake would cause irreparable serious consequences.

"Big Beard, what about you?" Randall Lindbergh understood everyone's situation as much as possible, which was a rare experience.

"I beat up the tax official—" Beard looked embarrassed, and his words caused a burst of laughter. This crime is very serious, and he may spend several years in prison, which means that the judge still has time to hear the case of Beard, so Beards are here.

Now the bearded man already knew what crime it was to beat the tax official, but it was of no avail. There was no crime in Port Elizabeth, and he must be punished if he made a mistake.

There was a sudden sound of footsteps in the corridor. The soles of the prison guards’ shoes needed to be spiked, and the sound of the steel soles touching the stone floor was extremely crisp.

"Randall, come out—" the expressionless prison guard was unusually indifferent.

"Sir, I'm Randall—" Randall Lindbergh was very obedient at this time.

"You're lucky, someone is here to protect you, you can go now." The prison guard's expression was a bit regretful, which made Randall Lindbergh shudder.

The person who came to guarantee Randall Lindbergh was Jeffrey Kipling's secretary, Christopher Arnold. The bond in Port Elizabeth starts at £[-]. This is a very expensive person worth a thousand pounds. , the profit created for the employer must be more than one thousand pounds.

"Mr. Randall, you are very lucky, but even if someone is willing to guarantee you, you cannot leave Port Elizabeth within half a month. Before twelve o'clock in the morning every day, you must report to the Port District Police Station, explaining that you are coming The trajectory of a day's actions is what you do, who you meet, what you say, can you do it?" The port authority officials are serious, and they will not bend the law when they receive money.

"Of course, I can do it." Randall Lindbergh was very honest, and he didn't dare to prick at all.

That's right, those who know current affairs are heroes.

(End of this chapter)

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